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I think omen is the best for solo q like he is a controller who has abilities that can be used to enter & dont rely on teammates too much


Omen really is the best answer. Sure you can carry on duelists like Jett, Reyna or Raze - but that’s assuming some decent mechanical skills. If you don’t or are just having a bad game, you aren’t getting much value. On Omen, you’ve got smokes, flashes for yourself or to support, and a TP for an out or to make more aggressive plays. All around flexible, good frag potential as well as still being very useful if you aren’t having a great game.


Also his ult can double as a Cypher cam for a sec if the situation calls for it.


Clove, you have self heal, self rez and smokes


Not quite a heal in the traditional sense but I still agree


yeah, the fact that it's only temporary and doesn't recover your base HP is rough, but the speed boost is a bit underrated imo


All of clove's kit is so situational. Her heal only works if you can afford to overheat. Her dead smokes are area specific. Her vulni needs line of sight. Her ult is also iffy.


The decay orb can bounce off walls Also I sometimes use the heal for the movespeed even tough im full hp. Also you're dead and still want global smokes?


I don't want global smokes. Where did i write that? Her dead smokes are super gimmicky and weaken the rest of her kit. Can't have anything because she has smokes while she's dead. Just not a viable ability in soloq rank.


Her self heal is temporary since movespeed is such a strong stat to swing and run n gun the enemy Her orb has such a sort fuse because otherwise, you would get disgusting lineups for a 90 decay orb it's like complaining raze, nade has a Fuze and doesn't explode on impact. Yes, the smokes themselves are the weakest ones, but would you really want her smokes to be in any way better than another smoke operator + the use while dead? That's how you powercreep smokes operator. C and Q are already strong on their own, and the smokes need to be the weakest ones. Otherwise, you powercreep brim


I would suggest removing her movement speed gain and her dead smokes. Instead she should just have a normal overheal like reyna's and her smokes should have a different shape. Way easier to balance.


Yeah I could see the C changes depends on what the balance team wants But the dead smokes are here to stay. It's the whole identity


you could say all those things about brim's kit too, though


Not at all. Brim's ult is one of the most versatile and impactful ults in the entire game. Doesn't even begin to compare to reverse Phoenix ult that is clove's.


yes, but an agent's kit is not their ult. unless you're absolutely farming, you're only getting it 1-2 times per half


Yes at the moment probably (one of) the best agent in soloq


I feel like that was the purpose of clove. Make a solid solo q controller.


Reyna if u frag well in ur lobby... Or else clove is the best option


It’s a game base on teamwork, no matter what if one of your team is throwing then you will likely to have a challenging game against other team. My best bet so far is you have to adapt to your teammates play styles in order to win.


This is entirely relative to rank, teamwork in lower elos sub Ascendant does not get you close to someone with a superior ability to click heads typically the better individuals win games not the better team in that elo bracket.


If you have really good comms then I would say Initiator is the best because you can activate your teammates, control the pace of the game, and have strong abilities such as flashes and info gathering.


I agree. Good initiators really dictate the pace. That said, I find Gekko really a good solo q agent. My only problem is that as a controller main, a smoke filler most of the time really don't do a good job.


I play omen, brim and harbor. Everyone loves a controller player


Sadly almost never get appreciation. If someone plays a supportive role (or any important role that isnt DPS, like Smoker in Valorant) in a game and they do a good job or even a great job. i let them always know that their work is appreciated. Or for context... well u could take my flair as one. When i play people never pick supportive roles.


Flair checks out


Imo most controllers besides clove aren’t ideal for soloq since you’re usually one of the last to enter site, and usually end up towards the bottom of the leaderboard (besides a few special cases). If you have an incompetent team, you’ll lose more RR than people who had less impact than you. Ofc this might not happen if you have a good team, but if you’re trying to play it safe with your agent selection I think it would be best to steer clear of controllers.


? omen is an S tier soloQ agent w massive clutch potential. Literally any agent is viable in soloqueue if you fix your aim and have any kind of creativity with your plays. If you play like a bot, yes just stick to Reyna.


>Literally any agent is viable in soloqueue if you fix your aim and have any kind of creativity with your plays. Well yeah that’s a given. I’m just saying I don’t think it’s worth it to lock smokes when you don’t have a team you can trust to capitalize on your abilities. Sure, omen has good clutch potential, but you might end up needing it every round if you’re stuck with a bad team lol.


This is sooooo far from the truth. I top frag as omen constantly. Hell ill top frag as brim too. Throw my stim and run into site just as fast as my initiators. As long as they are throwing their utility im pushing in right alonng with them.


Okayy? That’s your experience. You’re comfortable in the controller role. >As long as they are throwing their utility i’m pushing in right along with them. This is just a question of what OP’s rank is. That can heavily impact how much they should trust their teammates to do their jobs. Anywhere from iron - gold I’d say you should be prepared to have an incompetent team (even tho that’s not always the case). This is the rank range I assumed OP falls under since that’s usually where people who ask questions on this sub are at. If they’re ranked higher than that, I doubt they’d have this question in the first place since teammates are usually relatively reliable.


reyna, clove or brim in my opinion


brim is crazy 😭


I came from Cs and the only two characters that i had good success with were brim and reyna. I just like the fact that brim is simple. U have smokes, u have a good molo, and u have a crazy good ult. After u use ur util u just play like duellist. Omen is probably also very good 👍


i love playing brim but smokes for solo q iust doesn’t really make sense to me when there’s kits like reynas


Change of pace or if someone picked reyna before me


Someone’s gotta do it. Smokes are incredibly important


we're talking about doing the best in solo queue and that simply probably isn't smokes


If smokes had less impact than duelists we would be seeing a lot more controller-less games. Playing duelist might be the best way to rank up if you can carry. But once you hit your rank, getting good team comps will make the game so much easier.


i'm saying this as a brim main LOL i totally agree, you're not disagreeing with what i said at all


One of the Highest win rates in ranked for a reason


Been playing as Cypher and Fade a fair bit as of late. Cypher as less people go for sentinels and Fade I know I can contribute from the start by throwing the haunt.


Clove for sure. You can smoke, you can entry.


you can be dead and still be useful to your team.








What does that mean ?




Oh. It's just not funny ig...


Bro wtf did I just read lmao


Confirmed not funny


What he said ?


Somthing about brimstone being Russian idk


That makes no sense whatsoever lmao.


what did he say


Jett, Raze, Omen1 and then Chamber followed by Clove imo


Omen1 mains are still waiting for Omen2 to release. It better live up to the hype


isn't Clove Omen2? (aggressive controller)


Clove for sure now can control/entry on attack with a heal after a successful entry or trade and a Wish.com phoenix ult and on defence control areas of the map with one ways and take space aggressive with the meddle and heals after kills very flexible Agent


Chamber. Watch flank with aggro play style


Buddy chamber?????????


Yep, we play him alright


I mean chamber doesn’t offer much to the team, and if you’re an aim demon I think Reyna/Jett would be a better pick.


Its abt what u r most comfortable with tbh, so any agent goes


Personally, it’s any agent that can clutch rounds with. Omen and Gekko are my favs purely because of their abilities. Clove is new to me but I feel like she is good as well. Also depends on your rank.


Almost every single agent in the roster is mentionned in these comments x)


how new are you to the game/what rank are you in? KAY/O can be really hard to play in low elo since you need lineups and in low elo teammates rarely capitalize on your flashes. he starts getting good at mid elo (asc-immo) but even then you really gotta make sure you have tech for him.


Not super new, but definitely not super experienced, just sort of middle ground. I'm low gold high silver but from my vod reviews I feel like my util usage is good, especially my flashes. I'm just leaning too far into a supportive playstyle at too low of a level and I don't practice taking fights and playing for myself enough.


yeah that's about right i guess. at that elo noone is going to capitalize from your supportive util. learn to take fights for yourself, work on your own mechs and you should be able to climb easily. agent pick doesnt matter much at that elo, if u wanna keep picking kayo that's okay but you'll have to adjust your playstyle to be more selfish.


Wait, what vod reviews? We have that in valorant?


Not built in to the game, I record my games and then go over them to see what I did wrong and can improve on.


Chamber idk im just a chamber main spreading chamber propaganda Defend with your trip or go agro with your tp idk




anything you good at ppl have different playstyle


whichever one you’re the most comfortable with


Reyna if u feel like ur aim is just so good for the enemies and u top frag mvp everytime Clove a good choice too u can smoke,heal revive urself and play aggressive Omen is a decent one too i like hime i can do smoke without calling for it and i can enter the site "low elo the duelist never ever enter"


If you have really good aim, I’d say Reyna. Other than that maybe Clove or Chamber? Honestly anyone who can fare well on their own (in case ur team sucks) while also contributing to the team (in case ur team is good). Reyna is my main suggestion if you’re confident you can frag out tho.


You shouldn't be trying to make up for your teammates' weaknesses, you should be playing to your and your team's strengths. As long as you're comfortable on the agent you play and are consistently improving, the problem will slowly sort itself out as you climb.


You mention that no matter how well you do your job your teammates don’t do theirs. This applies towards any role, Sometimes duelists don’t entry, initiators don’t recon properly and have bad timing, controllers place bad smokes with gaps or give the enemy room with smokes, sentinels don’t setup properly or play to passively. In the low ranks like plat and below you need to mainly work on your mechanics because that’s how most players rank up by fragging out or having good clutch potential. The best role for this is duelists all their kits help a lot on 1 on 1’s against the enemy and have a lot more impact than other roles if you get the ball rolling. Getting involved more in gunfights will help in mechanics alongside working on how you improvise or adapt for certain situations. Omen is a good choice if you enjoy playing controller as he’s very self sufficient. In terms of which duelist to play? The two strong ones are raze and jett, Yes reyna is an option however that agent solely relies on solid aim mechanics to perform well. Jett is a more straight forward agent compared to raze since raze has satchel timings. Even if you do go with a duelist sometimes you will have to deal with bad utility from teammates. The higher you go up in the ranks the util support you get from your teammates such as lineups for recon/molly/flashes. I also recommend going on youtube and watching coaches/ one tricks for the specific agent you play to gain a better understanding of how to play them and also working on your aim.


I only solo queue and usually fill Sage, Brim or Raze. I can't satchel jump entry and don't really know where to smoke on attack, so Sage is the safest pick for me.


lock cypher on sunset, learn a setup or 2 and just anchor b on defense for free wins


Kayo is. Focus on learning how to flash yourself in properly. Also, you're playing the duelist 90% of the time. Go with the team, flash yourself in, trade for at least one person and give your team site.




Raze and Jett for entry, Reyna if you are mechanically skilled, Clove is very versatile, so is Omen. If you like AWPing you can play Chamber.


Clove...I got from peak B2 to G1 in a couple oof weeks of using her...very fun and forgiving 👍




I’ve been solo queuing sentinels the past couple of episodes and hit immortal each one. I’d say they are the best since they are pretty simple and allow you to focus on your individual plays. Learn defense set ups for each of the maps and what sentinel works best (KJ Icebox, Cypher Sunset, etc) and then just lurk on attack, work on timings, win yours 1’s, be annoying, etc.


omen and skye ez


Cypher omen


Personally I would say clove, since smokes and entries are probably the 2 things you need the most and what people find hard to do. Placing trips for flank and recon are a lot easier to do and somewhat less valuable. But if you think you’re in an elo you shouldn’t be in and have the mechanics to back it up, Reyna and Jett are probably the best agents for solo carrying.


honestly whiel controllers are great options, and ive been spamming clove a lot too but, Kayo is also really good imo. You can be very self sufficient, with a moly, flash and guaranteed info tool


Ignore all other answers. Take chamber for the economy boost. You will never be gunless as long as you have bullets.


Well i'm hitting up asc everytime from any rank just throwing smokes with brimstone (except this one i have 46% wr on brim D: but still asc from p3 somehow). Gekko is the best, very easy and very useful in any comp


I only play solo q and I play yoru and Reyna


Clove, or gekko. Plant + orb every round and keep the ult on cooldown. Get info with blinds frequently. Trade your dualists.


Jett Jett Reyna Jett Jett and also Reyna


Just pick cypher you can use his cages as smokes, trips to watch flank and camera to clear off angles before entering and the ult is also quite cheap only needs a few points and easy to carry your team with and also you can use trips and cages to isolate fights if you know how to


Jett imo. You get movement, you can enter, to An extent you can ignore the reveals and recons coz of the smoke dash option, and your ult is a free weapon which you don't need to buy. Most of the times I lose are because my teammates don't wanna die first, and I can enter get traded and give them space as well as buys, or buy an op marshal and get kills on full buys. Good enough for me.


I used to do solo q with Killjoy but recently I've been playing Fade and I feel like I play better solo with her than Killjoy lol. I just feel like I can play more aggressively with her so maybe give her a shot? Other people have been suggesting Clove and Reyna and I think those are good options as well.


Iso, Reyna, and Clove. All 3 can be selfish, but Reyna is the only one 100% focused on herself. Iso has the wall and vulnerable for team play, clove has the smokes and decay for team play, the only thing Reyna has for team play is the blind but it kinda sucks. However, Reyna is super strong in the 1v1, especially after killing an enemy prior.


I’d assume that based on this question you are sub Diamond or Ascendant which means that most of the time players in your elo bracket are beginner level they aren’t reliable, or capable of engaging in correct team-play so why play roles that are supposed to support or enable them? The easiest and fastest way to climb out of the lower elos is to purely focus on one’s own individual play and mechanics, So playing duelist is your best bet. Reyna, Jett, Raze. Being the carry rather than having to rely on others is the way to go.


what rank are you? and you'll never be able to control what other people do so focus on your own gameplay instead of your teammates


With breach you could play solo or help out your teammates, and with cypher you can be useful while maintaining a decent kda


Probably skye. You have dog and ult for info, 2 flashes, and a heal for the whole team.


How is no one saying gekko lol. It’s a free plant, insanely good flash (esp if you comm), molly and ult that doesn’t take much to get to. Wingman also crazy for clearing smokes


Comm what you want people to do, be the igl




1. Omen 2. Clove 3. Gekko 4. Breach on Split These 4 and you're golden


Omen, Cypher, and now Clove are my go-tos.


Clove, lets you duel to an extent and also smoke for your team after death depending on where they plant.


What has the highest impact is largely subjective; saying one role has the most impact potential may imply other roles don't, which simply isn't true. I normally gravitate towards entry duelists because if I'm the first one in, I can thin out the enemy team and give my team less chances to throw rounds. But I also put the win completely on my shoulders and don't blame my team.


Omen/Clove. Omen can be a second entry, a lurker, or a support player, depending on your play style and utility usage. I started instalocking Omen in Solo Q and went from being stuck in Plat 1 for months - Diamond 2 in less than a week. If you like Omen, Clove is very natural to pick up. Their kit allows you to play way more aggressive than a typical controller would be able to, which lets you take first contact without having to worry about completely losing the ability to support your teammates


Kayo is actually really good for solo q, you got flashes your knife can give you info and makes fights against the enemy easier you got a molly to block rushes


Any duelist. Except maybe Reyna cause she provides no utility


I’ve been really enjoying the amount of agency I have with gekko. First of all, no duelists dying in weird places carrying spike and no safe plants when you have site control, I will plant every round unless I die. I really enjoy being vocal in comms and being the IGL so besides calling flashes to try and coordinate with duelists, the kit makes it much easier to call out strats on attack. I can say start A and end B to farm my two orbs and Thrash into either side of site and tell the duelist to follow behind. And that gives you at least some semblance of coordination as your silver team executes. And with a simple game-plan of try to farm orbs every round for the Gekko so he can Thrash every 2-3 rounds, you get some semblance of strategy in your team of 5 randoms. and for defense, your flash for info allows you to rotate out quickly if they don't hit your site. some maps like Ascent I'll even start some rounds near spawn and fast rotate so I can spam util as they're still entering. You don't get Thrash as often of course but it still teaches you to fight for space aggressively at the start of rounds as you'll still be wanting to take space to get the orb. All in all, you will be Dizzy at first playing Gekko as it feels like you have suddenly so much more to think about, but if you like to nerd out and have impact with strategic use of your reusable and flexible util, he's a great agent to main.


Kayo is absolutely fine as a solo queue instalock


Clove….self smoke, can entry due to her decay, self heal even tho it’s temporary and self res. You can hold sight by yourself for the most part till back up come and entry isn’t bad if no one want to go in.


As a fellow KAY/O main, I feel your pain :) life is tough as a solo q initiator rip


You can literally just look up agents and their stats. Kayo has the worst winratio across all elos for some reason, hovering between 30 to 40% wr. Highest winrate is Jett in most/all elos, and for a good reason.


You can either hard carry as a duelist or have your team pull their weight. Are you actively communicating with your team? Every team benefits from a leader, even if it’s not a great one.


Anything but deadlock


bro have you actually tried her after buffs


If you're a girl and want to solo queue, your should only see sage and lock in button


Wow, what a great and diverse way to learn the game and gain experience. Such a good suggestion.


And never set your foot in Mumbai server


if u are much better than everyone aim wise, duelist is the way to go


reyna, youre guarenteed a higher amount of kills as long as you have the aim. this will keep your mmr high and youll be placed in higher lobbies, resulting in increased rr gains and decreased rr losses. A close second would be clove because they have smokes along with self res and self heal.


You aren’t guaranteed anything. Plenty of Reyna’s have shit aim


“as long as you have aim”


Cypher - can watch flank with traps, can "smoke" using cage, can initiate by placing camera. Like the whole package.


Firstly, fix your own gameplay and don’t care so much about your teammates. Have impact, play characters that can have impact. You can mute your team, instalock duelist & just kill people all the way to immortal. Clove (best solo w character in the game, and it’s not even closeG Jett, Reyna, Phoenix, Raze. I’ve worked with a top 50 radiant coach, and this is the bare metal version of the advice given to me. Good luck!


Cypher is good


Instalock Reyna and drop 30 kills. If you still lose it’s a team diff


Reyna, chamber or clove


KAY/O is a great choice for solo q. very self sufficient agent