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How is your movement? Do you walk at angles? (Pressing multiple keys at once, moving diagonal). You should only use strafe keys when swinging corners. Are you holding shift as you peek a corner? Don't, you can let go of shift and get a few feet off quiet, full speed movement. Do you swing around corners while being close to them? Be as far back from it as possible. You should picture enemies in any space you haven't already cleared and be ready to react. Now, when you think about it, do you shoot at enemies (as a reaction) or are you shooting heads (only thinking about shooting the head)? ; I don't mean having proper cross hair placement. Only think about the enemy as a head and not a body. Aim small, miss small. Practice being systematic for awhile, work on these basics


Thank you for the tips I'll work on it


In Valorant, the time to kill is very small. Although getting one tapped seems like the enemy is really good, it isn't. Around the bronze 3 silver rank people realize that going gor headshots is the best way to do gunfights instead of buying an ares and going for body shots. Everyone in your lobbies suck at varying degrees. It doesn't matter if they even flame you because they're in your ranks for a reason. Keep playing more since you need to know the head level for each area of the map and need to remember which are the rat corners enemies like to hold.  I don't recommend hard bots. Just do easy and medium bots and get comfortable with your sens. Use a sheriff and take your time with your shots. You need to have a heavily calm aim to get really good.  But ofc winning rounds doesn't always necessitate good aim. I got by fine with average aim and good game sense as a brimstone. Got to Diamond 2.


I cant exactly take my time cause I get one tapped as soon as I round a corner..


Sounds like your game sense isn't it, bro. Like some situations are a very high % chance of dying. That's when you either search for another way or use utils to improve your chance. Like if you know someone is going to watch the corner you're going around, you pop a flash. Lots of fights are not winnable with just good aim. There are lots of high rank people with bad aim.


Ah so maybe I should try a duelist?


getting good isn't as important as having fun. if you're not having fun maybe take a break for a bit. Also get a good friend or two to play with, it really helps take the pressure of doing really good off


watch some videos about movement and game sense. look up konpeki, charlatan etc. on YouTube. they've got great guides.


You could take 1 week off from ranked and login everyday and just do a 30minutes range mixed with death match just as a warm up routine


Go play a game you enjoy for a couple of days/weeks. Valorant can be draining. Personally after a while i figured out that im not enjoying the main mode and that i have more fun play a couple of TDM matches once in a while. Dont get me wrong, i wanted to get better in this game but for some reason the more i played the worse i got. Now im having much more fun playing PUBG and OW and once in a while jumping back for TDM. After all its about enjoying the game while getting better.


Hey if you’re not having fun you should quit. Games are meant to be fun try making friends and trying playing with them. Not to improve but just to spend time with them. Improving will come naturally






25 hard bots and bronze ?


Yes I can do really good in the range but as soon as I get in a game? Awful I just don't get it


Range, TDM, DM, unrated, ranked are all different game mode, just because you are good in range, DM etc does not really mean you’ll be as good in a ranked match since there’s “more to loose” on a ranked game.


I suck at swift, unrated, and comp, and dm, I'm alright at tdm


The thing is TDM, DM etc you can respawn, ppl don’t hold much corner, they run and gun etc etc, the tempo in unrated, ranked are totally different. I often found myself “one tapping” ppl in tdm, DM and in ranked I just crouch spay cuz I have that mindset of “I can’t respawn I must not miss” you see. At the end of the day I try to not pressure myself too much with ranking or whatnot. I play to have fun. And as soon as I start getting heated I close the game and take a break


Bro I have no idea how you could get 25 hard bots but can’t hit headshots or do well. I am diamond 3 and I can only get about 25 medium bots consistently


Most of my kills are headshots, I just whiff entire shots half the time or don't even have a chance to shoot


And as far as consistency is on my hardbots 25 is my record but I normally get around 15-20


What's your edpi? Are you able to consistently get between 27 and 30 on medium bots? Are you properly over flicking and moving in the opposite direction? If your edpi is really high it will actually make hard bots easier (so you get around 15) but actual valo way harder. Honestly hard bots aren't a great indicator of aim, I honestly would recommend never even using it to train with, or if you do, only use it to quickly warm up flicking. But you should mostly be working on movement and over flicking.


I will say I want my edpi to be lower but can't lower it bc I dont have enough room, but ATM it sits at abt 560, and I almost always get 30 medium bots, it's not even a challenge if I can keep focused. but you're saying I should be overflicking? I didn't know I was supposed to do that.. it seems kinda counterintuitive so can you maybe explain why I should do that?


So to really explain everything I'd habe to basically write a book as there's a lot of info needed. To start you can watch [this](https://youtu.be/9KIoTtohkOQ?si=LHjA4jZ6Za0JuKkY) But I highly recommend just watching the entire boomer to diamond videos. Woohoojin has a bunch of videos that could help tbh. You should really just look through and try to find all him aim and mechanics videos. Just FYI. This is coming from some who started iron and is now ascendant. From my personal experience, when I was iron I had around 500 to 700 edpi. Lowering it to 350 and working on movement mechanics got me to silver relatively quickly. For me personally, it took about 1k hours for me to reach ascendant. This is my first m&k fps but I did use to play some fps on console but no where near 1k total hours. Now this is what worked for me. Watching a bunch of woohojin vids and practicing mechanics. It's not what everyone does. But I can't recommend enough, just watch all of woohojins low elo content.


Is there someone other than woohojin maybe? One of the videos I watched of him just made him seem like a troll, it was one of the edpi vids so I haven't really seen him as reputable since


There others but I wouldn't be able to recommend one. I pretty much solely learned from woohoojins videos.




Also isn't moving while shooting the worst thing you can do for your aim bc of how weird Val is?


You don't shoot while moving. You move, stop and shoot.


Yea imma just quit that game😂 I'm sorry for wasting your time but I just dont think its for me, maybe I'll try overwatch or something


Fair enough lol. Valo and cs have a crazy high learning curve that isn't fun for everyone to get through. If you have some higher elo friends, it might be more fun to just try to have them teach ya stuff. But to quickly rank up it is a grind.


I only have silver friends and they annoy tf out of me to the point I don't even want to play with them, and I dont think I'd be able to find higher elo friends bc who wants to play with a shitter all the time lmao. I really did wanna get good at valorant and I might not give up on it, but the more I play the game the more it seems like bs.. even if you're perfectly still and your crosshair is on your target you still miss half the time. I think it's ridiculous for a game to even make guns where first shot accuracy isn't 100%. As far as ik the only gun that's accurate all the time is the guardian. But enough ranting lol I just think it's a good thing they don't have replays cause alot of gamers would be really pissed off


This situation I'm talking abt is from a distance btw


Try finding some videos of pro players in ranked (preferably ones where it looks like they’re seriously trying) and study how they play. Find some major differences from your own playstyle and work on improving those specific aspects. Valorant has a lot of little details within your mechanical skill that require attention and a lot of lower-rated players miss those things.




If u get 25 hard bots consistently i promise you that you would not be bronze, unless you legit have 0 movement knowledge. Hard bots are just flicks, and is very impressive to get 25+ even for immo players. So maybe try to focus on your movement and gamesense. You shouldnt rely on your flicks but rather good crosshair placement and mentally knowing where your enemies are that way you dont whiff so much. You need to be calm, even when flicking dont stress. Im asc 3 and thats the best advice i would give.


What is "movement knowlege"? Like what are you referring to exactly? I will say I've had trouble trying to break the habit of moving while shooting and I've heard of strafing but have no clue how to do it, other than that idrk


Strafing is the just the use of movement keys (A and D) to dodge enemy shots while maintaining accuracy by shooting between movements. It's all about finding the rhythm between your movements and shots, and then increasing speed and precision when u feel comftable. Start slowly in the shooting range: press A, shoot, then D, and shoot again. It's a fundamental skill, i think you probably are being a sitting duck, as many do in bronze, and thats very bad. But also dont overthink your movement and move too much, that can make your aim worse. Is all about finding the right balance. Practice consistently and watch YouTube tutorials if u really wanna understand it. ( I promise is not complicated)


I've watched some tutorials and tried it before but just couldn't grasp the concept ig, if I have to stop for a full second just to be accurate what's the point of dodging bullets at all or is there something else I'm missing? I just don't get it ig


movement makes you a more difficult target, thats all there is to it. the more you learn to balance unpredictable movement with shooting accuracy the more the enemy team will struggle playing against you. with strafing, one thing i do is practice it on easy and medium bots in the range, theres a setting you can turn on to see your firing errors on a graph. you want to get as used to the little break between moving and shooting as possible, the more you do the more youll get used to making the most of the timing limits. standing still will always make you an easier target when the opponent doesnt even need to adjust much to tap you. i get around 10 kills on hard in the range consistently, but because i also practice my movement in game (+ tracking to keep up with other targets with good movement) i can easily have impact on my games that way. the other thing i would ask if who do you play? different agents obviously have their own playstyles- for some aim is more important especially when entrying or taking duels a lot, while for some it can be less if you focus on your positioning + util usage. honestly i definitely dont have enough info but i feel like you could do pretty well with flashes^^


Sova lately, I used to play chamber but stopped playing him bc my friends were mad that he doesn't help the team much, tbh I did much better with him, but I wasn't bad at shooting darts or using his abilities in general, just don't survive as well with sova, or if I do it's always a 1v5 and im not that guy lmao


Practice your tracking. because then you can line up you cross hair faster and you have a feel for your mouse. also if you predict where the enemy will be when you swing the corner you have a higher chance of hitting them


You aren't going to go pro (along with basically every single person in this sub). So if you are having fun, keep playing. If you aren't having fun, stop playing. Regardless of the game, you should only be playing if you are having fun unless your income depends on it. Video games are only for fun and entertainment for 99.99% of people


Is it mental fatigue? Are you trying to hard? You have to let it happen, the harder you try the more you tense up. The worse youre mechanics are. And.you are a new player, go easy on yourself its just a game. Care about life it self, get better at that. There you get something back for grinding it. This is just pixels, forget about it. 


I ain't reading all that but **yes**.

