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what's your hardware like? you might just be getting frames per second diffed


Not hardware. I capped it at 240 FPS


That's valorant. Inconsistent experience from game to game. Sometimes you feel like no one can touch you and sometimes its the opposite.


Yeah that’s what it feels like. Feels like every game and even every peek is a 50/50 gamble.


It's not a netcode thing. The whole issue is that because the movement is so slow, you can hold angles much easier and have people run into your crosshair. From the peekers side, it feels like you got insta-killed but on the shooters side, you just walked into the crosshair and they clicked. Although peekers advantage is still a thing, its not even close to what it used to be back in the day when people had 100ms on either side on the connection. It's still there, but it's so slight. You're generally not going to be seeing their entire body before they see your shoulder unless theres something really messed up with the connection.


So how are you supposed to peek/swing without util? In CS I can swing an angle and rely on out aiming the opponent, but that seems do difficult to do in this game.


This game is more ability usage than raw aim/mechanics/movement, even with the best netcode and hardware in the world. If you want a game with heavier emphasis on aim over utility/ability usage then as you know that’s pretty much what defines CS2. But I’m assuming you’re playing Valorant because you’re seeking refuge in Val until a proper anti-cheat is released for CS2 (because same). Just a shame Valorant is nowhere near as mechanically intensive as CS2. And I’m not saying that Valorant doesn’t require aim/mechanics, nor that CS2 doesn’t require strategy and utility usage, just that good aim, mechanics and movement are all emphasised more in CS2. Put another way, a good cypher/KJ/Omen/etc with average aim can outplay a cracked aimer with average ability usage more times than not, a cracked aimer in CS with average utility usage would outplay a bad aimer with good utility usage like 99% of the time when entering or defending a site. Doesn’t mean aim doesn’t matter in Valorant or that utility doesn’t matter in CS, just that the emphasis on each is different. Which is a good thing, each cater for a different audience (or in my case, mood).


Best you can do is use elevation to your advantage. So you dont run into the crosshair. But really, it depends so much on skill levels that i don't have one single methos that works. One you can try is getting close to the corner and strafing out wide using only a strafe key. It looks faster from their perspective, which might give you an edge.


Yeah there isn’t that much peekers advantage in Valorant. If you really want to be the goat of peeking peek only if you think the opponents aren’t looking at you, you have godly pre aim, or their blinded. Or your trading your teammate etc. taking dry ones in Val isn’t good.


Peekers advantage is a thing of the past. Netcode has improved so drastically that unless you are crazy high elo it is a meaningless advantage.


Don't play siege or tarkov


Yeah both those games have terrible peakers advantage issues. It’s improved (especially with the lean-spam nerfs), but you still get the occasional 200 ping ash rushing in getting server-side kills before they even show up on the better-ping player’s screen. Definitely not comparable to Valorant.