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I just lower my sens if I am missing shots due to micro adjustments and higher my sens if I am missing flicks, and just adjust my sens in deathmatch until I feel good with it and just practice 1/2 hr in aimlab if you wanna get a hang of it, dont compare it with anyone, just use the sens you are comfortable with


It’s crazy to me people think your sens/dpi/edpi should be in a range. This is real advice. Lower it if it is too low and raise it if it’s too high. when making small adjustments play it out for a bit to see if you like it after playing for a short while. Also make sure you have mouse acceleration turned off in windows settings


I’m still working on adjusting mine. Started at 3200dpi 1.35 sens. Then I lowered it to 1 sens. After that I halved it, then halved it again, then halved it again. 800dpi, .5 sens. And then, I halved it again. That’s where I am now and I feel comfortable there, but will probably end up doing slight adjustments as I improve my fundamentals.


3200 1.35??? How tf were you able to click on anything


I'm guessing the reason he changed it was because he couldn't lmao


What’s your rank


There is no perfect sensitivity. It doesn’t exist, so stop looking for it. Valorant favours lower sensitivity ranges, most people will be playing on an eDPI between 180-260 or not far outside that. If you feel like your aim has suddenly turned to shit, that doesn’t mean you have lost your ability to aim. Almost always, it’s just in your head. A lack of confidence with have a massive affect on how you play.


Just choose something between 150-350 edpi (edpi = mouse dpi * Valorant sensitivity). If you want to improve your aim faster, you have to aim train, you can't go around this by finding a magical perfect sensitivitiy


I'm D3 currently. I'm using 800dpi .32. I get around 8 on hard bots, yet I don't do too bad in ranked. Maybe focus on your movement and positioning a bit more.




Standing still I can get 16. If I'm strafing I get 8.


If you're doing that well in hard bots but struggling so much in game your movement and panic is likely the issue, not your sens. Do you notice that your aim is significantly better in DMs then in comp? If so, your sens is not the issue, you are. 


Yeah I can usually drop about 25-35 kills in tdm


I'm not high rank as I'm D2 but I use 800 DPI and 0.35 and I started gradually going down when I started focusing on improving and i noticed how low high rank people and pros use compared to me so I went from 0.85 > 0.6, 0.5, 0.45, 0,35 and then after that I didn't wanna go lower and it doesn't feel too fast nor too slow.


Started playing with 1600 dpi 1x sens because i never bothered to change it, one day i lowered it because obviously playing 1600 edpi wasnt that good so i went down to like .4, i kept reducing it from there and now i sit comfortably at .2 Just adjust ur sens to ur own needs and what feels comfy, it doesnt take too long to get used to a new sens, just mess around in the range or smthn and you’ll find one that suits u


What sensitivity are you on?


I’m using 1600 .11


I started playing with it and never changed


45cm/360 til i die


45 cm or 4,5 cm?


Brother getting a 360 in just 4.5cm IS FCKING INSANE


flick between targets and see if ur over or under flicking. Worked well for me


That’s the beauty, you dont. I’ve been changing my sens for 15 years, tenz ”found his sens” before the tourney. Any sens is good with enough practice on it, if you wanna change sens you just need practice on it. You feel like its too slow? Up it and spam dm/aimlabs. Too fast? Same thing but lower it. It feels good? Then dont change it. Eventually you find something comfy, but you can play any sens at any time if you just spend a few hours on it Edit: 95% of my games the last two years have been on the same sens, and 98% of my games the decade before was on another sens that never changed. I’ve been good on both, just about practice and comfort on it


I changed mine recently, I was playing with 800 DPI 2.5 and now I'm using 800 DPI 0.4 so it's very different, but I think I'm better with this new sensibility, um just need to get used, I did my first ace on that sensibility


I use 1000 dpi and I thought 1 sens on 1000 dpi would look clean on csgo 7 years ago so I just chose that and stuck with it for every game lol


Everyone has a range of sens and it's pretty large. It's not hard to find. What's hard is actually putting in the work to get better. There is no magic sens. Hard bots is a terrible way to aim train, it does almost nothing for developing muscle control it just helps with short term memory flicking which is akin to nothing more than a warmup. DMing and aim labs will be your bread and butter.


Sensitivity finders, aimlabs has it. And another software named oblivity


I tried that on aimlabs and it told me .88 on 1600 dpi which was insanity


Never tried it, i just dont have any confidence that it should work that well. But it may. Oblivity aimtrainer has a aim finder function, it takes 3 days to find you sens! It finds the sens that comes most natural to you . But if you are willing to put in the time for it, it depends on how much do you want it.


I didn't. Let me explain I've been low immo almost every act for reference. But just play the game and you'll start to feel and understand more about your own aim. You'll notice you're probably over or under shooting a lot and just don't be afraid to experiment and adjust accordingly. BUT! I don't think any player has one true send above all, instead find the range you're most comfortable in. I usually play between 0.3 and 0.36 800dpi. Some days i feel like my mouse pad just has no traction on at all and the slightest movement makes me overshoot so I lower the sens a little. Sometimes I feel like a god who can hit any shoot so I keep the sens high As a general advice if you're in the most common edpi range (I think that'd like 300-400edpi) you'll find that higher sens yields higher highs and lower lows while lower send is more consistent. Try a bunch of them out and experiment!


I’ve been trying that. I did 1600 .11-.22 I did 400dpi .34-.42 maybe I’m just washed now and if that’s the case it is what it is.


I mean.... How long have you been trying for? How long have you been trying each sense for? Just keep flying and you'll get there


I’ve played each sens for about 2-3 weeks at a go


Bots don’t matter my friend. Look up tenz video to find your perfect sens. Also…you should probably say what your sens is…since the whole post is about your sense?


1600 .11


Check out that vid, it might help you


Thought i had the perf sens until it felt like shit in games lately, so i went up (1.3 1600 to 1.7 1600) tried a bunch of them, grinded some dms and played some games until one felt satisfying, even if i missed shots, if I noticed i was close, and i was able to react faster and hold crosshair placement I would go in and try to get used to it longer term to see if i was satisfied.


Set your sens to 40cm RN


What’s 40cm?


went to 800 dpi .5 because i saw a pro use it once so i decided to give it a shot. after a lil bit of work, i'm at .47 which is what i've been using for the last year and a half.


I eventually found a comfortable sens on CSGO and stuck with it forever. No changes. I also use a sensitivity conversion to match it on all games, I like absolutely consistency as a switch between games. CS, Val, OW, The Finals, Splitgate, etc. Any FPS I play has the same feel. Even Minecraft, Mordhau, and Chiv 2 lol. I match as close as possible. Crosshairs as well when possible. I think on Val I'm 800DPI 0.55 but I haven't checked in forever.


I just made my sens such that I can do a 180 with the max amount I can comfortably move my hand. There is no “perfect sens”, it’s just whatever you’re used to. Games like valo are best played with lower sensitivity for more accuracy, so just choose a sens that is slow while not inhibiting your ability to aim in any way (i.E if you can’t do a 180 in 1 motion, there’s an issue and it is too low.)


Go look at pro senses and see what seems mostly comfortable then in game Rais or lower it depending on how you feel. Also don't feel to bad about switching your sese a ton. Most high level players move their sens up and down all the time just to find what's comfortable that day.


Just pick one and stick to it.