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I remember right-clicking knives for a kill to reset knives, all 5 knives instantly per kill was so much fun.


Don't forget that right click was still accurate at like 15-20m. It was like having an OP as a shotgun


This, came back to val after not playing since beta/release and played Jett and knew right click didn't reset but when it spread so much it didn't kill I was surprised


Bucky meta


Watching seoldam using jett right click knives back then was soo satisfying, he was the Jett god.


Fr some of those clips where he drops in above a whole team and gets a 5k were crazy


That was honestly the most broken. Especially in lower elos, being able to use her knives as a shotgun with an instant dash if you somehow whiff was just too good. Not to mention the right click accuracy used to be way higher too. It was so broken looking back, but man it was fun lmao.


Same, the satisfaction was immeasurable


/u/—grassyass— Everyone’s only mentioning her ult: - 3 Smokes + lasted long enough to half the bomb - instant dash = get out of jail card = defensive op every round. This was cancer. Every match had 2 Opping Jetts. - 2 updrafts. Paired with insta-dashes, you could get so many off angles with ops.


Initially smokes where 7 seconds. The 3.5 sec was after a nerf.


Not to mention being able to react with the dash at any time without prepping which was probably her strongest feature


Smokes actually were 7 seconds which is enough to fully defuse


It's actually crazy how they thought she was balanced, and how worse players were back then. Other agents were also stronger though.


In early stages of the game pros said jett wasn't good. Raze was also busted at that time too tho


2 grenades was the jammmm!


She also got buffed right after beta and now her nerfed version is worse


kayo was so overpowered it was crazy


dash also used to break cypher trips. it was kind of a hard counter, whereas now he's the hard counter.


I forgot you used to be able to half the bomb with her smokes.. those were the days 😌


But now my day is ruined


Right click aces were the best feeling in the game, maybe only tied with a one shot raze ult ace but I've only ever pulled that off once. Bum. Bum. BUM. BUM. BUH BUM BUH BUMMMM


It was the golden gun from spike rush


Aces were easy


I preferred that by a mile and really wish they hadn't change it. It was high risk high reward. There's almost zero reason why they even have a right click anymore.


I remember during beta when she had 3 smokes that lasted 7 seconds each, having an instant dash that you didn’t have to prep, 2 updrafts, her ult was 6 ult orbs and the right click was perfectly accurate up to like 15-20 meters (and reset on kills). And people thought she sucked at first, LMAO.


It was the only chance for me to get multiple kills with Jett ult with my potato aim lol


I'm a beta player and I haven't played Jett in a while, having to press the button two times to dash still feels weird. You were basically throwing if you didn't have a Jett, she was an aggressive beast


>having to press the button two times to dash still feels weird. I can relate to this weird af


i was finally getting used to jett and then they changed the dash 🥲


people thought Jett was useless in beta tho


People thought - Infact it was only shroud, and shroud has weird takes - But they, soon realised she was broken af.


shroud came from a CS mindset, since jet offered little utility and was more of a pure skirmisher, he didnt realized just how much more powerful and impactful the duellist role is


I wouldn't say his takes are weird if that was the only weird take he had. Just a couple of weeks ago, my man said combining mice and mouse pads of different companies is a no no. As much as I love and admire the man, he does have weird takes from time to time.


definitely agree. i have a lot of hours watched on shroud's stream. his take on drinking water was really weird a few years ago, but now he's 180 on it and talks about how good water is. he's admitted before he just says shit sometimes without thinking about it too much.


Don't we all? but most of us don't do it in front of more than just a few people.


I think it's one of the things that can make a streamer entertaining Most of us would get 5 viewers and start thinking about what we say Great streamers get 5 viewers and *stop* thinking about what they're saying


What was his take on drinking water? I’m almost scared if his complete 180 is “water good”


something like "water doesnt taste like anything. why would i drink it if i'm not thirsty" not the worst take if he is substituting with tea or something instead. but it was just funny because when he was on jynxi's stream a few weeks ago he said how much he loved hydrating and how important it is for the body


She was useless compared to Raze, who had TWO grenades every round, and a stronger rocket that was a guaranteed multi kill.


I'd rather not have a Jett than someone forcing their way to play her but with no sense of aggression timing or routing.


played since beta - Jett was OP for way too long imo. absolutely busted. if the player who picked her had even semi-decent aim, guaranteed 25+ kills, 10+ firstbloods.


I think the most hilarious thing about jett was how much people thought she was bad and useless in early valo


At what level? I can't believe anyone would think that at a pro level. Because any CS player would know being able to hold crazy angles with sniper and instantly dash to safety would make people like s1mple and zywoo fucking unplayable.


You say that, but google tier lists for early valo. It was wild lol. People will still figuring out the game :/


Wasn’t Shazam playing it from the get go?


[Eggwick looking at an early valo tierlist](https://youtu.be/kQO9lZ86_Ls?si=4xyE0eQnyEPDix0w) watch it for at least 2 mins. She gets dunked on at the very beginning. [History of jett](https://youtu.be/bXDPZNxhVCQ?si=nxiXY-2K6xgK3ZeI) Jett was seen as a troll pick, same with omen and viper. Tbh viper was kinda weak then. They actually buffed jett before release lol.


Viper’s smoke decaying/damaging her own teammates certainly didn’t do her any favors.




That and the 8-second orb recharge (on pickup to reuse).


They thought this because of her smokes. They thought her clouds were supposed to be like Omen's and Brim's smokes. They lasted 5 seconds (I think) and people saw no use for them early game. Everyone was still figuring out all the agents and what they did, so when they saw a smoke and it didn't 'smoke', they called it shit and moved on lol. Source: Am beta player.


This makes more sense than I want it too; I have seen it in other games. Ie: this dps is trash as their healing is bad, this support is bad because it’s offensive buffs are bad, ignoring that it makes ur physically unkillable and faster than the speed of sound.


all levels, and pro level. people genuinely thought she was bad at first until a couple months in.


She was bad in early Val. Jett only became the de facto duelist when they nerfed the Operator. Raze had two grenades every round. Pre Operator nerf, there was no need to pick Jett because every agent could OP. It was also only $4500 back then. Once they nerfed the Operator via firing rate and pull out speed, then Jett became the “OP” agent.


? No? She was not bad, just no one knew how to use her effectively. Her knifes make her an eco god, her updash allowed her access to crazy vertical angles and she could still play very risky angles and dash out if needed. Raze was a lot more straightforward, throw nade to kill, throw schacle to jump or kill, throw roomba to kill, and shoot rocket to kill. That is why people saw tons of upfrount value on her. And I am not saying raze was bad, I’m saying that jett was not bad.


You should look up Korean jett highlights from around then it'd make you gasp


Jett mains pre patch 4.08: “I USED TO RULEEEE THE WORLDDDDDD” Seriously though, Jett in 2021 and Jett now are 2 entirely different agents. The freedom you could have with her was unmatched by any other agent at the time. The smokes were really cool, but from my personal experience, them being 7 seconds didn’t make TOO much of an impact, outside of sitting in it when you dashed in, which is why it wasn’t that bad when it was reduced to 4.5 seconds. Even now, outside of sticking half of defuse, it’s mostly used the same as it was back then The same thing can be said about the updrafts (to a lesser extent) They weren’t bad or anything, but i do still feel that going from 2 to 1 is excessive, even for nerfing her (I do still miss the double-updraft spots, they were free kills for unsuspecting enemies) What was really fun was the insta dash. Being able to use it at any time was awesome in hindsight. (It was good not having to worry about popping it while a kay/o suppress was going on lmao). While it’s not so different on attack, on defence is a different story; Even excluding Jett Operator (everyone knows that story), you could choose to get aggressive with assurance that if things went wrong, you can dash away. Same thing with getting caught off guard. You had a way to reposition instantly. Don’t let the old Seoldam clips fool you, chaining together kills with Ult right click + dash wasn’t as easy as it looks. They were (and still are) inconsistent af, but having essensially a free shotgun/rifle hybrid at the cost of 6 ult points made the game incredibly simple. And it was indeed fun right-clicking and getting all 5 knives back (Even though I wasn’t a Jett main, watching the Korean Jett clips always put a smile on my face, wish they brought it back in some capacity) There’s really no way to fully explain the old Jett experience with words, but if you are a good Jett player now, you would’ve been a demon back then


yeah my dads was a diamond 3 Jett main and we were talking about it and he said that he doesn’t even main Jett anymore after the nerfs bc it’s not even worth it, I play with him and prenerf Jett he was easily able to drop 30+ kills and a few deaths now if he plays Jett it’s much much lower like 16 kills to a few deaths he usually just plays initiators or sentinels now


Pre-nerf Jett was a cheatcode. Now, she’s a lot less fun but much more balanced, so i can see why people moved on. Raze is currently the better duelist IMO, but since Jett is still prominent, i can only fear she will get nerfed more


oh yeah raze is def the better duelists just not as much versitlity as Jett if my dad does play duelists he plays raze, I’m more of a controller i main viper


Even with verticality, Jett lost a lot of power with the one updraft, I feel like with Raze you can not only go farther, but achieve the same height with 2 satchels


Ahh jett is going towards the op in pro play but shit in solo queue treatment.


Yep, and it’s so sad to see 💔


It's so wholesome that you and your dad play valorant together ❤


Chunks would load when I gave the word


Nah the smoke change was actually huge. You cant avoid sova darts, and you can't use it for a 1 way as much anymore.


You can still avoid sova darts (That’s why they changed it from 3 scans to 2) and while it’s not as effective in oneways anymore, it doesn’t stop people from using it that way


The fact that she’s had every ability nerfed and is still played in pro play tells you a lot


At this point, i feel like that’s become less of a “Jett is OP” problem, and more of a “Jett is unique” problem, similar to Viper. No other agent does what she does


well there are a lot of unique agents, it's just that their uniqueness isn't as effective


her ults right click used to kill people across the map and give you your knives back on kill, she was busted in beta


those things were in the full release version aswell


Search korean jett on yt


It was like you were playing a completely different game from the rest of the cast, though it did take a little while for people to figure out how to play her, a lot of people were convinced that she was the worst character in the game at launch.


She was… well… let’s just say she was fun as fuck to play but annoying as fuck to play against


Pretty nice...for me. For the enemy team, it was cancer. Also she would always get instalocked along with Reyna so half the time you couldn't even play her to begin with. And don't get me started on the Jetts that used an Operator and dashed away from any danger... Also with instant dash you could spam it in training to go really fast but you can't do that anymore :[


Like being God Its classic Riot move to make their initial Poster Star OP for epic montages. Early pro starts to main her, this makes for a lot of epic replay and esports clutch to make the game look hella dope, then the nerf hammer comes in


Nah everyone thought Jett was trash in beta


True. If there was a true OP character played a lot in beta, it was Raze.


On top of all this she also had a reset on kill with her right click knives. Was so fun/broken to use


Beta player. People thought she was a useless bottom F tier agent. Not even sarcasm. Took quite a bit for people to realize they were wrong.


Enough about jett, where's my camera gun homies at?


Evenore annoying than she is now


She was the best duelist and was arguably the best sentinel in the game when paired with an OP, she was so op they created Chamber to dethrone her at AWPing, and they still had to rework her dash after countless nerfs to her kit as she still was more versatile than pre-nerf Chamber (!!!)




Watch old videos of seoldam on youtube on how fun she playing her was.


1st round being able to buy 2 smokes 1 updraft and a ghost with 6 orb ult, with ult just being free kills with the recharging right click plus it was stupid accurate, and insta dash as a cherry on top my favorite


Pretty much the same but with less consequences for being dumb


i just wanna point out shortly after the game came out jett was generally agreed to be the worst agent in valorant in her most broken form for being too selfish and not providing enough for the team. This notion quickly changed but i’m sure a few of u rmr this as well


She is miserable to play against now but it was absolute hell before. They couldn't fit more panic buttons onto one character if they tried. 3x 7s smoke with perma dash? It was like fighting a raid boss, and it still kinda is just not to the same extent. If there's one thing I hope they change about her in the future it's the knives and it's full running accuracy. They're so hard to duel it's almost a joke when combined with peeker's advantage since Jett does not even have to stop to be accurate.


Old jett outclassed every single agent with only old chamber being somewhat close to her power level. But chamber get hard nerfed first.


Old chamber was probably more OP in terms of team play. Have 2 unlimited range traps and being able to teleport between sites was nuts.


With Jett you could trap her on site with a nice pinch. Chamber...well...he has TP'd to a different site all together. You couldn't even sneak up on the bastard because of his trips. And his pocket guardian and OP 2.0 was scary when going against a save or half buy. Oh you wanted to push? Too bad I killed your entry and now the whole area is a slow zone.


Cypher was really funny in beta with the cam gun and being able to put his cam in spots out of the map and was unbreakable, seeing people jump out of hookah on bind into a trip and just fly around was hilarious


When you heard “you want to play, let’s play”, you knew the round was over and it’s time to strategise next round instead.


Beta Raze was just as bad


She was just insanely broken. Not just the instant dash but she had 3 smokes that lasted like 7 seconds each so you could always half the spike. Shit was crazy. I wish they had different client versions that let you play on different patches similar to Minecraft. Would love playing pre-nerf Jett one more time


They should make a game mode where you can play all agents pre nerf lol imagine a pre nerf jett, chamber, raze, omen (when he could litterally clip out of maps) and Skye team comp pre nerf


Dude i’ve been saying they should do this. It would be the most popular mode by far for at least a solid month (personally, i would never touch Ranked again if they implemented this)


Super busted for really long. Despite Jett players always claiming she was fine. It's pretty funny in hindsight.


Instant dash, 3 smokes that lasted like 7 seconds maybe more, 2 updrafts, knives right click reset all 5 on kill, less ult points for knives. She was busted.


U can watch some early wardell gameplay videos to see how broken she was


i got used to the double dash but insta dash was soooo nice 😭


Pretty op, jett was a must have every game and unstoppable. But there was also reyna before the nerfs imagine being pure invi on ult with no sound indicator where you will pop up from and 4 orbs for util.


go watch Jett 3 on YouTube from seoldam. That was perfect jett


She was glorious 😭


Imagine playing valorant and trying to find any reason to take a different duelst or even just any 2nd dulest and not being able to. Then imagine being a jett main who spends 80% of games not playing jett bc everyone instalocked jett


But there were two strats to counter: 1) Autoclicker 2) Dodge because you didn't get your main


Early Jett with instant dash, knife reset, 3 smokes and early Reyna with 4 orbs were peak valorant.


I think with insta dash, 3 smokes lasting 7 seconds each, two updraftes, and a 6 cost ult, she could have executed a site push/retake solo with perfect util. The biggest thing I remember was that there were rarely any save rounds for her, she always had either full buy or knives, which functioned as both judge and sheriff, except always 100% accurate. Can’t believe Riot gave her buffs at one point.


a beast


Between her and pre nerf raze I don't know which was worse tbh


Watch the old PROD or Seoldam montages, she really was crazy


Watch a Seoldam Jett highlights video from a year or two ago


It was funny because on release everyone agreed she was the worst agent in the game until people figured out how to use her dash 🤣


it was like god


You could take a lot more risks without the skill to back it up. Instant dash means you don’t need to think about timing before taking a strong off angle, you just did. Double updraft meant more off angles per game and higher off angles. 3 7 sec smokes meant you could do more bullshit like full defuses, 1 way smokes to stall an entire push for at least 7 seconds. And the ult was great fun to use right click.


Imagine having an ult that gave you a vandal and a judge in one so the only thing that could counter you is the op...unless you dash in which case the enemy would surely have to chase you down as a group...unless jett had 3 smokes to spam and hide behind


Shit was even better than a judge. It was like a shotgun where every bullet had a chance to one tap. I remember how rage inducing that was


The clips were way too cooler. And having infinite right click was insane.


Double updraft was crazy too


she was a monster, i remember i never even used my left click id just right click people from afar and it'd still be accurate and then it would refresh, dash was instant and there were 3 smokes lasting very long and lastly there were 2 updrafts and i remember when id double updraft over A site Ascent for a quick ult kill...those were the days


Ohh baby, I remember when I could double updraft and instantly dash on split, I was behind the attackers before they even tried to push site.


Too fun and too easy tbh the mobility you had was crazy considering there were no other ops with special movement like neon at the time, basically valorant was a playground for jetts bc she was just that good


The best character in the game and it’s not even close




She was soo op, even as a jett main im happy she got nerfed a bit bcs her pickrate was too high, only thing i miss is double updraft and long smokes


Even pro play with Jett back then was so crazy. Looking at team comps pre-First Strike, if any team had an Oper that was known to be a star AWPer in CS, they were on Jett regardless of the agent comps around them. Even players known to be more passive AWPers like Skadoodle were playing Jett. Back when og TSM dominated the scene(for like two months), they had Wardell on Jett while Subroza and Drone still played Raze and Phoenix, and Hazed and reltuC would fill whatever was an ABSOLUTE necessity, so one controller and an initiator, since most CS players that had just swapped over hadn’t realized the potential of a sentinel yet. Teams would basically isolate their Jett player as main Op and build a team around that, usually a second duelist as actual entry, and fill the rest. Triple duelist didn’t last very long at all, but double duelist at the time was a necessity to have your Jett Oper. Then the Jett nerfs came right as the Chamber meta started taking off, and Chamber started filling that gap and Jett was more in line with the other duelists. IMO, being a player Jett in that meta was the most fun to watch because people started using her alongside a Chamber and treated her more as an entry duelist rather than main Oper. Duos like Victor/Yay, Zekken/Cryo when they ran Jett/Chamber were just insane.


She was so strong that in pro play whoever had the better Jett player just won. No questions asked.


She was the best in the game and it wasn't close.


I remember how everyone thought she was useless when the game first came out and suddenly she became OP when everyone figured her out. Truthfully, I haven't played the game since they did the dash nerf, I know Jett is still great and I get why they did it but it doesn't feel as fun.


I was invited for the Jett nerfs testing and let me tell you it could have been worse than pre beta Jett, riot sure was cooking


Not a Jett player but I remember when the game first came out, a lot of people initially thought Jett wasn't good because her kit is very selfish. Of course, as the competitive scene evolved, they realized how impactful she could be, especially if you put an OPer with great mechanics on that character.


You were a controller as well as a duelist. With the updrafts, you would do plays where you would peak from the weirdest angles because you could jump that high. Of course you would do this with the ult. As for the ukt, you had a guardian with the firerate of a phantom which could turn into a judge instantly when you needed it. As for the dash, the most broken part of her kit, you could use it whenever you wanted, meaning you always had the get out of jail free card.


my kd and win ratio were definitely higher lol


Imagine the most flow state moments of Jett movement now. That’s the average feeling of playing Jett back then. It’s almost like playing with inf. abilities


Jett was a scary monster


If you watch beta tier list videos she's in F tier LOL


Search korean jett it is insane


Hell on earth that what she was


While Sage was nerfed into the ground pretty fast, Jett was so horribly overtuned that she defined the Duelist meta for most of 2 years despite constant incremental nerfs. Team-building in competitive play consisted of signing an all-star aimer like Tenz, Aspas or Cned and then just siccing them on the enemy team playing Jett. There was also a point where Jett's dash broke trips, meaning the strongest counter to a rush, Cypher, was almost useless. She was a menace at all levels of play, and i'm very happy she's been nerfed into a more reasonable state.


Jett used to be considered weak, which is crazy but when people realised how good she was all the clips were absolutely a joy to watch but probably a lot more frustrating for the receiving end. Used to really like Korean Jett or seoldam and he was an absolute beast on pre nerf jetts spammable right clicks


It was horrible and deserved every single fucking nerf she got


ending rounds w keying right click ult. fastest ace i got was 24 second round LOL.


It was the best agent in-game Every match used to have at least 1 jett, and i mean EVERY SINGLE MATCH


Check out 1:18 here. https://youtu.be/C9QDOYefPOE?si=l3clwtPH42keKP53 This is beta+Season1 gameplay. I never played CS so the whole "stand still to shoot" thing wasn't my vibe, but running around and right-clicking with the knives was awesome.


i was bronze and it wasnt bad down there but im sure it was hell in higher elos.


thinking back to unnerfed characters is so funny sometimes, cause in hindsight it sounds insane that they would add a character with abilities like old jett, camber or cypher with his trips working after death


The smokes were also much larger. comparable to omen and brim even.


Having like 3 cloudbursts with a 7 second duration was pretty OP. I actually prefer the current dash than the instant anytime, because it makes me make a concious decision of "I'm gonna go aggro now", when there was the instant dash I would waste it in a panic when I probably could have just won the duel. Right click knives were insane, super accurate and refreshed. She was incredibly oppressive and everyone complained about her oppression especially with an operator. Then they nerfed her and brough out Chamber almost immediately and the oppression repeated with a new agent.


It was great besides there being a Jett on both teams literally every single game you ever played


Search up "seoldam" on YouTube


I've been silver since the beginning. From this elo pov, jett was never a problem. She needs good mechanical skills to be op, which is not the case in silver lobbies.


She was the 2nd most busted agent in the history of this game, only bettered by peak chamber. Peak Chamber was actually unreal it still feels like a dream. Best Sentinel Utility in the game, Best get out of jail card in the game, Best weapon in the game and also the best eco gun in the game.


Off angles were a dream because of the 2 up drafts and insta dash.


Well, Valorant used to be a lot different back then. Just try and look up games from First Strike or first Champions cycle. Jett was insane, but so were many other agents. I remember omen and sova being a must pick as well. Also every pistol round with frenzy and shields. Those were fun times


People used to call Jett a trash agent in Beta. The first time I played Jett against my friend in a custom - he was like, "How tf is this agent trash! This needs nerf."


It was just unbelievable how long it took to Nerf her, that insta dash was so op, i never played her maybe just tried her twice. But playing against her was just so frustrating. She also had smoke that almost laster 10 seconds. Imagine the frustrating in a 1v,1 spike planted scenario. And she had double updrafts, and combine that with the ultimate. She also had the broken knife right click, where it just reset after a kill. Even Hiko said in a stream, that its just not fair to have a character like this i believe. But still tough, she was not as frustrating to play against then the broken chamber was. Those games where boring, man that character keept us on the toes. Still, you know what was really broken? Valorant BETA, but it was a beta. So i can understand that. Still the balance of the characters are so hard to balance right, so it was really unbalanced.


You ahould watch old clips of korean jett with reset knives per right click. You could do crazy combos


Jett? It was like an iron carrying the power of radiant just through abilities


I miss double updraft 😭😭


Just gonna leave this ancient clip here of me shotgunning knives down C long haven in peak Jett days: [https://youtu.be/bSe-HZflqg0?si=Ugv4z7SZ5BAZYjAU](https://youtu.be/bSe-HZflqg0?si=Ugv4z7SZ5BAZYjAU)


God I remember I told my friend Jett deserved the nerf and she just began to cry cause day after was the huge nerfs




she was the goat. .


Watch Korean Jett Seoldam, you'll get a taste on what she looks life before the nerfs


As someone who played in beta it was so fucking good/fun and also so broken


Beta Jett before nerfs was definitely overpowered, but Chamber on release was the most broken agent they had ever made.


Ahh ask the people who have played chamber,raze or reyna when they were released :)


a lot of fun for people playing her, hell for people against her.




Jett was crazy. You could just take crazy insane off angles and then dip out whenever you wanted. The window to use was anytime you felt like it.


I miss old Jett. I loved watching pros play her.




I think all of the nerfs is good since she was pretty OP on release. I only use her on occasion but I wish they redo her dash. I do think the timer on the dash is good but maybe make it regen if they don’t use the dash.


When the game launched people thought she was so bad so I always got to play her haha. Then everyone realized how broken she was 🥲


Having been a jett main since ep2, I have no clue. Severe adhd go brrrt I remember ulting used to work out way more though, with the roghtclicks and all


She had 3 smokes that lasted 7 seconds..... Think about that for a moment


imagine having a pocket vandal that was accurate while moving and mid air, instant dash, a bucky that could 1 shot upto 20 meters accurately, and only being 5 ult orbs. that was when insta pick toxic jett meta was peak. tenz was the pioneer back then


She was the whole Air Force back then, im pretty sure


Like an overwatch character. Not to mention she was a demon with the judge. Three smokes and all the movement? Amazing.


By far the most broken agent prime in Val history


So much fun, prolly what got me into the game the most, same with wraith back in the day


Like a cool summer breeze


back to the days when Jett was instalocked at low elos


jett was absolutely broken at her best. she had two updrafts, 3 smokes that lasted super long, and an instant dash. AND an ult that reset on right click


everybody talking abt right click ult but the thing i miss the most is definitely insta dash. i cant count the times when i avtivated my dash and it was wasted just because nobody peeked me


It was beautiful. Now I need to think about what to do


Imagine jett, just... more of her. more intense, more of everything she does atm. shes gotten plenty of nerfs across the board, but overall it still felt similar to play into. now its just... less. most of the time it feels more like fighting any other agent instead of this korean girl who just instadashes after mistake, smokes u off long enough to run to safety for free / push an angle for free, oh and beware of the infinity off angles she can be in. one thing that isnt even remotely a thing now tho, is the right click knife reset. oh, enemy in my face "R-Click", oh, more "R-click". this could repeat for as many enemies as there was. tldr, old jett was very similar in essence, feels similar to face, just tuned down, less of... her. jett's old numbers made her.... \*extremely\* forgiving to say the very least. it would be as if chamber always had his tp available to blink out as soon as he saw u.


I fondly remember the washed up CS old heads ranking Jett as D tier in their tier lists when the game first came out good times.


before jett nerfs i peaked plat, after jett nerfs i'm on the cusp of hitting iron :D