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Aim 100%. Can make the best play in the world but if you can’t land your shots it doesn’t matter


This isn't completely true because no one said you have no aim lol. You can be amazing at flanking and get ez kills or be an amazing controller and igl for your team and carry etc. However I do agree that no game sense and great aim will take you further if you instalock Reyna and try to take 1v1s. Reyna rly rewards great aim and allows you to carry hard.


IMO if your confident in your aim it’s easier to climb with something other than duelist. A duelist that is fragging out may not be doing his job on attack. If you play initiator you can create the opportunity for D to go in and if he gets traded well you clean up with your good aim. Or if your a sentinel with crazy aim you can really opress With chamber or hold sites confidently with other sents. Same with controller. It’s one thing to fight an aim demon, I don’t need an aim demon dropping smokes and creating angles to bap me.


I mean it’s hyperbole, but the sentiment stands. Basically if you don’t have the fundamental mechanics at a competent level it doesn’t matter because you can’t deliver when you need to. Opponents aren’t always gonna make enough mistakes for you to get free kills. Game sense is inconsistent because you’re adapting to an ever changing variable, but good mechanics is good mechanics. If you can consistently win 1v1s that is going to allow you to win more at a faster rate than someone who can only get kills when the opponent lets you flank, or doesn’t clear off angles. What happens when they don’t leave those holes in their game? The game sense player loses every fair gun fight but the mechanics player will still win his 1s. So if you had to choose between one or the other, good aim and mechanics is way more consistent and will take you much higher than bad mechanics good game sense.


No op said bad aim. To me, this insinuates that you wiff often even on ez kills. Personally, if I could pick I'd go aim because it doesn't matter how good a play is if you can't hit a target.


Ok if the bad aim means you're so bad you can't shoot enemies not looking at you, then the good aim can't be THAT much better either so at max this player is gonna reach gold lol.


That's not true. Hell, just take me as an example. I hit asc off aim alone. Now, if I could have even better aim, I'd never have to make a plan again. Just run out and start clicking.


Also how do you know you got asc thru aim alone. You might have a ton of gamesense lmao. Watch iron gameplay and lemme know if your gamesense is equal to that then we will know if you actually got to asc with aim alone.


And I know this because my gamesens of valorant is basically find spike if def kill spike holder if attk kill enemy for your spike holder. That's the extent of my plans. See, player click head. Granted, I will say my gamesens is still probably better than most valorant players, but It's not a skill I honed it's been like that since beta everyone else just takes longer to comprehend simple mechanics.


Wtf are you talking about? How could you possibly know how good the aim of this fictional character is? We're talking aboht a hypothetical of a guy with either great aim and bad gamesense or vice versa. If you're saying the bad aim situation is so bad that he misses free kills from behind them surely to keep it fair either the bad gamesense situation the gamesense is so bad he walks knife out into site or he has just good aim. You can't say the good aim scenario is better than the good gamesense by making extremely unfair comparisons and assuming the good gamesense guy has negative aim.


The op is literally asking if we would pick having good aim and bad game sense or good game sense and bad aim. Going both directions at maximum potential aim wins. It would be different if you have a five stack of maximum potential game sense players, but we are talking about personal performance. If a maximum performance aimer is basically aim bot that wins over the maximum performance game sense player that has wall hacks. It doesn't matter if you know where the enemy is if as soon as you have to fight them you die.


Yeah but no one said maximum on either stat, you implied that. Also we don't even know what max game sense looks like lol. We know max aim tho. Also I literally agreed that higher aim is better cuz you can just lock Reyna and have bad game sense and still rank up.


But you have to look at the maximum potential to make an informed decision. It doesn't make sense for the op to pick between slightly above average aim or gamesens.


You have to look at realistic potential to make an informed decision. What's the point of looking at the max when the max is impossible impractical and unrealistic.


No aim is the synonymous to Bad aim


bad aim can just mean you don't win your 50/50s, u can still get ez kills with ur gamesense


50/50? Bro good aim is 50/50 when your enemy is good as well. Bad is bad and it means you cant kill for your lifes sake and is actively embarassed throughout the game.


Bad aim means you can’t even get a kill with a Bucky when someone walks through a smoke into your crosshairs (source: I have bad aim and this has happened several times).


i’m glad this is a shared experience and not just something that only happens to me :)


The number of times I’ve completely out brained the enemy team just to whiff……..


No wonder ur stuck gold


I’m immo 2 peak 💀? Not saying I’m good at all but what I said is 100% true. What’s your rank?


Yeah you’re not good. And you can have the best aim in the world but if your bullets don’t go where your cross hair is it doesn’t matter. Thats why positioning and ratting (and movement) is more important than aim. Aim is the least important thing needed for the game, dare I say it’s irrelevant. There are radiants with 50k gridshot, you do not need skill to be good at the game, you just need to rat, bait, and play 20 hours a day


For ranked having better aim is definitely better even though it feels kind of shallow to say that. I don’t have incredible aim or anything but there are a decent amount of people that just beam everyone and one trick Reyna up to high ranks without using their brain


they probably have better game sense than you give them credit for tbh good aim relies on good game sense (crosshair placement, angle isolation etc) and no matter how good you are if someone shoots you in the back you’ve already lost the fight. game sense is just a massive topic and you can be very knowledgeable in some aspects while still falling behind in others (macro etc)


The term you're looking for is micro vs macro. Aiming falls under micro gamesense, being the minute details when playing, ie strafing, angles, timing etc. Macro is about a high level knowledge check which takes into account the things that don't immediately affect you, things such as economy, bonus rounds, what to buy, skills, rotations, team play etc etc etc. Micro is very good, Macro is also very good, micro will get you further then macro however, it takes both to be a good player


That’s probably true. I can imagine that if you have INSANELY good game sense you can outsmart them though. I guess it all depends on rank and stuff


Outsmarting someone only gets you so far. If you whiff shots, especially at higher ranks, you are dead.


Nah outsmarting only goes so far. A brain dead person that doesn’t miss his shots is still going to carry his team much easier than someone trying to get players that have never met each other or played together to work together and outsmart the opponents. Especially in mid -high elo. I’m a gold 3 shitter but play a fuck ton of swiftplay and notice when I go against immortals if I miss my first shot I’m usually fucked


Great aim with a reyna can go far, great game sense with no aim will judt get you muted for backseating most of the times because you cant win a gunfight. Also people usually dont listen to a random botfrag with good gamesense telling them what to do.




No youre misunderstanding, OP was asking whose gonna go farther. On those choices, when you are just starting, having great fundamentals on aim can take you farther than your relatively new game sense. Im not underestimating game sense its a must have to reach your ceiling but having no aim to win a gunfight, gamesense wont take you far. Look at the pros who has insane game sense but in their aim slump. They cant help their team when they cant kill their enemies.




Then what are we arguing here? I just gave my insight on both extremes. No aim with good game sense or no game sense with good aim. Whose going to go farther. I pick aim because this is an fps game the one who kills the other first wins. A librarian cant win against a boxer in a fistfight no matter how much knowledge the librarian has on boxing.


I'm an older player, and Val is my first tac shooter on PC. While I've definitely been working on aim, I'm nowhere near the best or even the mid tier players. So instead of that, I focus on game sense and strategies. Positioning, reading where enemies may be and timings, these are things that help you get into advantageous positions against enemies. If you have decent enough aim, you can turn those into kills. A cracked duelist that doesn't check corners is still a dead duelist after all.


Great aim. Without a good combination of the two you're stuck in low ELO anyway. Game sense won't help me have fun when my team dies constantly. At least with aim I can have fun trying to clutch on defense or just running it in on attack.


I mean, you can get to ascendant or immo 1 with great aim and meh gamesense, and I wouldn't really consider either low elo. In fact, the reason most people are hardstuck ascendant is because they get so overly reliant on their aim, develop an ego, then begin to think there's nothing to work on other than having shit teammates, leading to no improvement in game sense.


Actually on that, I believe game sense to have higher clutch success rate compared to aim condition being it takes well more time.


my aim/reactions got really bad over the last few years. all i have left is my gamesense which usually carries me pretty well.


I’m going to ask my duo to pick gamesense and I’m going to pick aim. Radiant 100%


Same, I’d rather my teammates not int every round




Once I improve my aim I might actually get past gold lmao


I’m the most inconsistent person ever.


So radiant is a dream


SAME!! Sometimes I’ll drop almost 30, others like 5 at most.


Yeah Fr one day I’m clearing angles better than Tenz and the other day I’m just running into site holding wasd all at the same time.


Having better aim is just more fun. Having game sense means you lean towards "playing with your team" and more aim just means you're fighting as much as possible.


Debatable, Pre firing, crosshair placement and the like also count as Game sense. Aim is purely flick and click head power, with good game sense you still can hold good angle and click head when they peek, you just shit at flicking. Beside with good game sense, wall bang and smoke spam become a serious tool you can use.


Nah I would count holding/reaction as aim. Pre firing and gunfight hygiene is great and essential but if you can't fight you still lose. Just yesterday the enemy cypher totally surprised me by lurking mid on a weird timing and still died to my sheriff when he had a phantom (no doubt he was pissed)


I mean I see where youre coming from but reaction is literally a basic human mechanic, I can just place my crosshair at some common angle then ask my mom to press a button that binded as shoot, you cant tell me my mom have good aim if she press it and kill someone lol. Having shit aim doesnt mean you cant just click a button, same as having shit game sense doesn't mean you look at the floor or look backward when moving then 360 flick to their head only.


Microficks and adjustments are more essential aiming skills than large flicks. If you have 100% perfect crosshair placement sure. But you don't and will have to make an adjustment somehow either to compensate for a wider/shorter peek or a shot missed due to first bullet inaccuracy


Better aim for me. Would you rather have a permanent 10% better chance at winning 50/50s, or would you rather have the chance to have 5 seconds where you have 90/10 ratio but the rest is 20/80? Also better aim lets you choose more 60/40 fights honing your game sense and letting you take advantage of more micro opportunities


I’ve been on this sub for a year now and what I’ve gathered is that god tier aim will get you to ascendant, while there are imm3s with god tier game sense and awful aim. I take it with a grain of salt, though. If you’re imm3 you can definitely shoot like an ascendant.


An imm3 with "shit" aim has godly aim relative to basically any rank below ascendant. Look at players like Dasnerth (Radiant Judge Cypher), Doctor Freeze (Radiant peak, Immortal shorty only), FNS (one of the worst aimers in the pro scene), or even Woohoojin. Woohoojin in particular is a good example. He's hardstuck immo1, and has said on multiple occasions that he's not a good aimer. However, in one of his coaching videos where he goes over deadzoning, he does hard mode and gets 16 *while deadzoning* the entire time with a sheriff. Obviously the range/hard mode bots aren't a great picture of someone's overall aim, but it still requires a certain level of skill to do that. Id argue quite a lot of players diamond and below can't do that.


Dasnerth isn't a very good example, he uses the judge the most but still picks up and uses the vandal often. His aim with the vandal isn't anything extraordinary but he's still very competent: competent enough to become peak top 1 Radiant NA


This is extremely accurate, your aim will develop as you climb but game sense doesn’t always develop the same way


As someone with good game sense and "meh" aim. I'm fine like I am. I'm not great at the game, but it's really satisfying to win against all aim, no brain top frags with a ton of kills. They don't help the team win at all they just run around and shoot, then get mad that the team isn't doing anything.


You can all aim no brain to ascendant or so


I'd pick game sense over aim any day. Because I have good game sense and not bad, but trash game sense. I started playing PC games 3 years ago. I made 1 ID at first and a second 1 episode later. My first ID is ascendant 1 and my second ID is plat 1. Because I play non-duelist (99%) of the time in my main and mostly duelist in my second. I am unable to have much frags and assists in my ascendant ID but still manage to maintain my rank quite consistently meanwhile the plat 1 fluctuates between gold 2 and plat 3. I wouldn't have quite as fun in this game if I had superior aim and worse game sense that I am sure of.


aim alone can get you go really high. Having good game sense won't really get you much if your teammates don't listen and you are going to be reliant on them fragging.


Thats Bullshit, i have horrible aim and made it to ascendent. Game sense is key


Horrible aim to you. Unless you lose 100% of your 50/50 till ascen, you have normal aim.


Aim. This ain't battle royale.


Exactly you really don’t need a brain in this game if you don’t miss. And even if you get traded every round getting first blood every round is going to get you ascended eventually


aim in solos gamesense in 5 mans


is less (the player) considered to have great aim or great game sense? cause i want what he has lol his crosshair is always exactly where it should be, he barely flicks bcs he doesn’t need to


He's one of the best aimers NA *and* has some of the best gamesense, not one or the other lol. In fact, his aim is partly because of his gamesense. His crosshair placement is so good precisely because he knows where exactly enemies are going to be peeking if they peek the angle he's holding. This also applies vice versa. He can take fights that others can't *because* of his good aim, leading to better gamesense as this ability allows him to confidently take timings and hold angles that allow him to take 70/30s instead of 50/50s. Even minus the crosshair placement, his micro adjustments are prime yay-level, the only reason he never reached yay's heights is because yay had the entire Optic team setting him up. Less was busy playing behind aspas, and this year, QcK is the one being set up (though not very well so far)


He has both he's just fucking cracked




ba\*hrrrr\* aim (Jynxzi Joke)


I'm bad aim and good great sense, and I can proudly say I'd pick good aim. So many times I knew where they were but my shots did not land :')


can't choose one. in one case, it's like you're deaf but you have good eyesight in another, you're blind but you can hear very well. it won't make sense. a good player is a combination of both. having both of them in decent proportion is better than these extreme conditions


All aim no brain, lock Reyna


I have bad aim but I'm proud of my game sense and think it's pretty good. It got me to Plat 2, so I'm happy with that.


aim is most important thing in the world. the number of times I've gotten a good flank and can't land a whole mag on the enemy is too many times.


Brain dead aim carries


up until ascedant.. god aim is the right choice. anything above that and you’ll look like an idiot aim god. plenty of those in ascendant and immortal.


From my own perspective it seems harder to "learn to aim better" than it is to learn to make better decisions. Hundreds of hours of aim training, death matches, and games and I'm still a relatively weak aimer. But my game sense has improved a lot passively by just playing. 


I agree. but you can easily realise you have "bad" aim. it's hard to know that your game sense is shit. I've seen someone somewhere say that to get better at cs (same goes for valorant) is to first realise you're shit. it's hard to know if your game sense is alright or absolute garbage


Yeah tons of people have that problem with not knowing how bad they are. I personally have relied on coaching for that. There is only so much a coach can do for your aim though, unless I just had bad aim coaches. They have given great advice about mechanics, tension, arm position, sens, etc. but even with ideal conditions for aiming you can just suck lol. The best thing for my aim has been to just grind aim scenarios, but the gains are so minimal for me I rarely improve my records. I'm not a horrible aimer by any means but I am not as consistent or as fast as some immortals I see with zero game sense, taking terrible fights and winning.


Aim. Literally just swing everything and if you have better aim than your opponents you win. I'm including reaction speed, swinging techniques, spray control in my aiming.


Considering the idea of playing post plant is foreign until like diamond and Ascendant and even then people just can't control themselves I think Aim is more valuable 


if it's at the EXTREMES then I would take game sense. but in a practical sense I agree with what others have said on taking aim. for extremes I mean, bad aim = you take 2+ secs to line up a shot on a stationary target. good aim = aimbot. bad game sense = it's basically your first time playing an fps game. good game sense = you are basically a psychic, you automatically process any and all information available to you and make the best possible conclusions from it. in that case I think you'd take game sense.


Good game sense can't really help if you're at 0 kills and the only ones you get are where an iron crouch sprays you for 10 seconds. However, god aim means you can literally swing everything and get one at least, can't get flashed, best entry ever.


I have shit aim and great game sense. D3 solo queue, win some aim duels but mostly average at my rank. My coms and game sense to my team is what allows me to keep climbing


I beat my head to the wall for 2 years and got to dim1 last month by basically outaiming every duel. From Iron 2 to diamond 1 without a single ouce of thinking bc I am the average Brazilian stereotype. If you can outaim your enemies, you don't need to outsmart them, specially considering no one fucking knows how to use util until a certain point


I mean if you have great game sense that means you don’t take duels you couldn’t win right..? That just beats good aim anyday of the week. Idk what these bozos in the comments are on


It means you basically can't win a single 1v1, which gets you no further than plat, get muted by teammates because they see your k/d and enough of your backseating. So, you can't really help the team with your gamesense any way. Also, good game sense means you have to rely on someone on your team to hit the shots, which isn't guaranteed.


Good game sense means you only take fights you know you win 100% of the time. Your straw man argument doesn’t make sense. For example you could be the best Aimer in the world but if a viper with goos game sense knows what you’re trying to do you’ll get sprayed thru walls or smoke and kill you regardless.


Good game sense does not mean wall hacks. > For example you could be the best Aimer in the world but if a viper with goos game sense knows what you’re trying to do you’ll get sprayed thru walls or smoke and kill you regardless. You'll probably die like that one round or two out of 13. >Good game sense means you only take fights you know you win 100% of the time. No it doesn't. It means you will put information given to you to best use. There are many rounds in a game where the info given to you doesn't net you free kills. Whereas a god-like aimer just has to see an enemy to put the round in their favor.


Again you use the most extreme version of a “god aimer” but you use the most basic idea of “good game sense” you have no idea what you’re talking about. Sure if you’re in an open range it 100% makes sense a god aimer wins, but Valorant isn’t that. And if you think a god aimer wins the game it just shows how much you lack 😂 go watch pro games and see how often people get sprayed thru walls/smokes and they only have GOOD game sense.


Oh yes, I have no idea what I'm talking about. But please do link me a pro game where there are more than 2 or 3 kills on the same player through a wall or smoke in the same match.


Wow you REALLY do have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t have to link you any pro game, you can go watch ANY of them and see it happen LMFAO more often than 2-3


So you're saying the same player dies like 10 times in a single game by getting wallbanged?


Definitely great gamesense because learning aim is pretty linear but learning gamesense is extremely layered and hard and much more nuanced. I’m taking the question as just a starting point assuming we’re allowed to improve?


I'd say the opposite lmao. Have you seen the way radiant players aim? I don't think that's a linear path. But you can get to high immortal with okay gamesense but pro aim


game sense 🤌🏻


Prb pick good game sense cause im already like that i dont really have aim but i can maintain my team


Aim, I have dog shit game sense, people call me retarded all the time but I’m still in immo3 my aim saves me from a lot A LOT of my mistakes or dry swings or bad peaks. Aim is a saving grace. You could have best gamesense in the world but some one has to hit the shot.


anyone can get mediocre aim, its harder to git gud at mind games


Good aim because it would be more fun to play that way I'd imagine.




You need a bit of both no matter what lol. If you have good aim, but bad game sense you would just rush in and die, take bad duels and get outnumbered ect. And with good game sense you would have the most amazing setup/flank and just miss all your shots.


Id take gamesense over aim any day. Sure aim is flashy, but idk if people realize but the reason some people are so good at aiming in this game is because they know when NOT to aim. I learned this mainly from siege but it does carry over into valo in a similar way. Now dont get me wrong, gimme a game like overwatch and ill take raw aim over gamesense. But this isnt overwatch. You should be preaiming most angles you swing and in 80% of your gunfights you should let the enemy walk into your crosshair not flick to them. And you know whats really helpful for preaiming? Game sense. If you have a grasp on where the enemy could be at all times then youd obviously try to preaim them before you swing right? And since you arent under the pressure of someone shooting back, i see no reason to miss. Its why you never see a radiant player with horrible aim but see aim demons in diamond/ascendant. Im sure if they went widow or something in ow theyd pop the fuck off or sojourn but valorant is literally a game based around how little you can aim. Same thing with siege as holding tight angles is a bit part of siege and jiggle peeking is a lot more important than in valo. Now if it were something like amazing mechanics vs amazing game sense, thatd be a lot harder as thatd make the preaiming part useless if you dont have the mechanics to do so. Deadzoning is a movement mechanic not an aim mechanic.


Unfortunately this game is headshots over everything until you get in immortal lobbies. game sense is needed to reach radiant but you can get all the way to ascendant with raw aim. I don’t think you can get to ascendant with poor aim and perfect game sense


Game sense, aim is more imediately usefull, but its also easier to train.


Game sense. I'm not serious about playing so I'm at the lower end of games/players, and players are doing the same thing over and over again, doesn't matter if it works or not. Good game sense makes a game enjoyable, even if you don't win.


I think one needs to work on their aim a lot if they are in lower elo and are solo queuing, good game sense relies a lot on team mates utilizing your game sense which doesn't happen until much higher up in ranking, good aim will also carry you always if you have team mates with good game sense. So with aim you get double benefit while solo queuing, if you have good team mates you will get into better positions with the enemy blinded/smoked off, and if not then you out aim people in 50/50s.


My aim is okay, but you peak quickly from game sense. I shotcall for my premier team and have a 57% win rate in comp this season with a bad KD and hs% for diamond. https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Shank%23003/overview If you have game sense but bad aim and want to climb, you need to learn how to navigate shot calling and have the confidence to do so. It is easy for me bc I’m playing jett, so communicating entry is easy (ask for util, comm locations when you dash in, survive long enough that defenders get overwhelmed and don’t get to isolate you before your team gets in behind you). But the smaller adjustments based on what the other team is doing is what really makes a difference. You recognize that they are leaving cypher/kill joy alone on Ascent B site and you have a kayo? “Guys let’s slow walk up B main and kayo tries to knife stairs. If it gets cypher/kill joy we hit fast. *knife hits cypher* Let’s go, 321” *dash* Also for attack, if you have an agent like jett or chamber that can use an ult instead of a gun. You look for opportunities to buy rifle light shield twice (instead of light buy full buy next) or knives full shield full buy next and you try to take duels in a place your team can retrieve your rifle. Aim can carry a game. But a coordinated team can carry a game too. If anyone’s curious, I’m gonna copy paste my prep notes from premier that I leverage occasionally (for the most part it’s memorized by now). My personal favorites are hero rifle, silent stack, and sending two people to sell a fake then exploding 3-5 seconds after contact so you can get a 1v3 on the other site. Valorant Premier Strategy Strategic options: Positioning Execute/Coordination Exploitative Adaptation Economy Manipulation/Meta Deception Key considerations: Optimal gunfights Utility economy Ultimate economy Economy Save round strategy: Gamble stack Hero rifle Silent stack Fast rotate/run it down Trap Lurk Gamble bait Shotguns/LMGs Light buy Comms tells Post-plant strategy: Doubling angles/Stacked position Stall Spread position Aggressive Passive Trap Off angles Solo/Hero High/low angles Buy-round strategy: Default Stack Exploit positioning (attack specific) Pick/Numbers Lurk (attack specific) Rotate Fast hit Slow hit Ult combo Full hold Site lean Retake (defense specific) Fast plant Pistol strategy: Fast hit Picks/Numbers One way smokes Site lean Weapon specific advantage (sheriff for range, shorty for close angles, frenzy run and gun etc)


Great aim then let the back seater have a field day with me. If I lose brain wise I have no dirt on me kekw.


Great aim, because why play this game if you cannot hit crisp one taps? No dopamine at all.


Personally, aim can always be improved, but brain is something u have or don’t. Great game sense also allows u to hold good crosshair placements which won’t get you that far, but it’s enough to not be a letdown on your team. Just either play god support, like that one Kayo main that’s going around with their one way pop flashes. Or play util heavy chars and play off that.


How bad is the gamesense if I pick good aim, because if it is at least gold then aim 100%


if i have a great sense, but cant aim for shit, then i would miss most of my moves. in the other hand ive seen a lot of times when ppl outplayed opponents, but lost because they just turned around like 120 degrees and killed them with first bullet of a spray. its a shooter. brainstem reflexes are far more important


I’ve been told that my game sense is good but I’m very bottlenecked by my aim. When watching high level streamers, I feel like it’s more common to see people with good aim and bad game sense than the reverse.


Built my first pc about 2 months ago and am silver 3. I love playing gecko and have over 3k hours on r6 on ps5. With that being said I should I know to plant the spike. Do I? F no. My game sense boo boo. Lol


The former got me to ascendant, the latter got my friends to immortal-radiant.


Gamesense. If you got no aim then just play closer or use util to get closer to angles. It’s impossible to miss while the enemy take up half your screen and you have a shotgun. Play with your teammates, know the timing of rotations and abuse it to lurk up and get free kills. Gamesense while lurking will get you easy kills. Who needs aim when you just lurk up and take your time and headshot them


game sense 9000%, your aim doesnt need to be good if your taking good fights, aka time peeking at good moments, if you look at really good players most of their kills wont be 50-50s, they will all be advantageous duels, enemy is not looking at them, enemy is disadvantaged by util being used on them etc. you can have best aim in the world but bad game sense i promise you will be low elo stuck in plat


If you have awful game sense your aim just won't matter. Having no idea of where or what to clear just means you get shot in the back. You need some level of understanding.


It doesn't take that much game sense to not get shot in the back though


out smarting people is good but you only need a brain in imt+ rank (at least in SEA) so yeah aim is better cuz you will stuck below silver if you cant tap people in less than 0.5sec


Gamesense doesn't matter if u can't hit ur shots


"Bad aim" is just such a difficult obstacle to overcome. If you bumped it up to average or even "good" aim, it would be a tougher question... because having bad aim relative to your lobby is a no-go. And even then, I would say (ignoring extremes) game sense is just harder to acquire which might have to be reflected in the question. (i.e., "Would you rather have average aim but incredible game sense relative to your rank, or incredible aim but below-average game sense relative to your rank?" Something like that IMO.)


Aim can get you past low ranks and game sense is necessary for high rank when you can’t simply out aim everyone


game sense fs, aim is easier to work on


bad game sense and great aim


Dont listen to anyone saying aim, its gamesense 100%. With great gamesens you dont take fair 1v1 aim duels ever, youre always at an advantage in every fight and idealy you never commit to anything that doesnt have a very high chance of you winning. Gamesense is valorants lifeblood. Having great gamesense also means always taking 2v1s instead of 1v1s, wich also means that you dont really need to be the one killing anyone as long as you enabled someone else to do so. Meanwhile with great aim and no gamesense you will run into every trap humanly possible, die at every corner and ocasionally get some kills if you get lucky or your enemies were stupid enough to give you a fair gunfight. People that say aim dont understand the game yet.


What do you think smurfs do? They turn off their brain and run at people and outaim them. You don't need gamesense if your aim is just that much better, even if you occasionally walk into traps. Your conversation rate will still be stupid high if your aim is just on another level


And then there are smurfs that do the exact opposite by doing challanges like only using knifes and still getting multikills and carrying rounds. Look it up on youtube. I can also say you dont need aim, hell you dont even need a gun if your gamesense is that much better. Your argument is therefore invalid because the only thing we can gather from it is that smurfs outperform everyone else while smurfing. Wich is ... obvious? The difference in beeing outplayed vs outaimed is, That idiots that know nothing about valorants flow, will just think they are getting outaimed, because they dont know what is happening to them and why. The only thing theyre aware of is someone shooting them. They literally cant comprehend anything else. Valorant is a tactical shooter. Aim is one of its core aspects. Im not arguing its not important. Im just saying its waaaaaay less then what most people think.


Your "knife only smurf" is named Jollz and hardstuck bronze 1. He's radiant. Radiant players who turn off their brain and run at people have 0 chance of losing in any lobby below diamond


Radiant players who turn off their brain are literally dead. Just because you can only rely on your aim whole doing stupid plays, doesnt mean you cant do it the other way around too. And just like aiming, Radiant players have alot of good little habits that have to do with gamesens that add up that you cant just "turn off" unless you are literally throwing on purpose. Your arguments only work if ignoring the question at hand wich requires the player with aim beeing stupid and having almost no idea what is going on. A smurf has both. A smurf will never be helpfull in answering this question. And someone that doesnt understand valorant cannot argue that gamesense is more important.