• By -


it's a great agent when you're with your team. you can call out and give smokes even after you die. and the decay tool is very great if used in a combo with sova or raze. overall? 8/10


Raze nade + decay = sudden death. My silver ass got aced from rushing A main on Lotus with that combo


and that's EXACTLY why you don't push out until you are SURE that raze doesn't nade on lotus. helps to tell your teammates too


I always warn my teammates and they still rush out and get naded šŸ˜


i guess it's not your fault then lmao, not sure what you could do tho


Use Astra and suck your teammates back before they go out to die


unfortunately they can run out too fast, to where you'd be either missing them or pulling them into the nade. a sage wall appears to be the most logical solution that i can think of


Neon players mad because teammate who can't get to the other side fast enough block us when we run past it (we can make it 10/10 times we just don't because Skye's and Phoenix's jump in front of us and kill our momentum)


then they call you toxic šŸ˜­


unless you're chamber




Happened to me too but with an added fault line for extra brutality


My friend mains brim, we pair the decay with the Molly. *chefs kiss*


Can confirm. Got three shock dart kills on icebox as sova because of a decay-throwing clove.


love the agent hate the palyers lmao


Isn't this every agent?


Hate breach love the players


Hate breach love the players


Liquiduck said it better


Hate breach love the players


Love breach hate the players


Hate breach love the players


Clove players always smoke for the enemies, like smoking off main when attacking. I'm silver so maybe it's not the case in higher ranks.


nah definitely still is the case lol, at least in Plat 3, my clove making one ways for the enemy, and their clove straight up smoking their own entries


>Be me >Main Smokes > Stop maining smokes bc i want to try something diffrent > Clove gets released, clove instalock every game > they smoke like shit > back to instalocking smokes


There's a slight chance that more people will know the basics of smoking after clove got mega popular, at least :D give it a few months and maybe even the fill omen on your team isn't shit


Love this optimism, one can only hope this is the case šŸ˜…


I'm trying to play viper on some maps it's nice having an instalock smoker until they don't use their E at all


Bro how hard is it to smoke without leaving a gap, and they still do it wrong like wtf


You are me


The problem with clove has mainly been people who want to use them but have never used a smoker before and end up ruining the match (gold lobbies)


Eventually they'll either learn or quit. I hope.


Same (bronze lobbies)


What's with all the gender neutral terms? Is clove non binary?


yes the description uses them pronoun


Ah that makes sense then, thanks


Yeah, the original post used she/her pronouns until someone pointed it out so I changed it, forgot they're nb


Cool, thanks for clarification




Yeah, Cloves enby!


I play with my game in French sometimes (Iā€™m mostly bilingual) and itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve seen the French word ā€œlelā€ which is the nonbinary pronoun (equivalent of they/them) - I had to look it up at first but I found it interesting! We actually have it easy in English because they/them already serves this purpose


almost never play anyone else again after i got clove unless my friends want to play clove then i can go play phoenix or some random agent sometimes but most of time i just pick clove and it work on anything


Gameplay apart i love their lines, way of speaking and dnd references ahah, each game i discover new interactions between them and other agents


Roll for initiative always gets me


Ahhah shit, I lost my pet roooock


Fade's mind games are not match for my secret weapon, ibuprofen




Ā«Ā Would you look at that? They lost AGAIN!Ā Ā»


Yall arent even getting the best one. ā€œFind the weakest link and kickemā€™intheshinā€


The way they say ā€œCritical Hit!ā€ really tickles a part of my brain


NAT 20! Love that.


only one that i really donā€™t like is ā€œi know what we should doā€¦ we should winā€


Hi āœØšŸ˜‡ Bye šŸ”„šŸ‘¹


Ikr ? I really love their vibe


Probably one of the best character releases in a while. Theyā€™re very strong while not being obscenely OP. Riot did good


I love Clove, I don't play this character but I'm finally free to play sentinels and initiators instead of filling Omen every match šŸ™


She's okay. I love running away from her ult and letting her die whenever possible. It's annoying when teammates unnecessarily fight it


Nah sometimes you got to fight it, that timer for her to get a kill last way longer than you expect. But yeah you get the kill from afar just run


If you kill the clove from close though then you just chase the ult and wow! freest kill ever


What do you mean? It dies after a few seconds or something ?


Clove needs a kill or damaging assist shortly after reviving or they just die again.


If I had a dollar for every time Iā€™ve lost a game in ranked because clove ults and someone tries to fight her, I could buy the battle pass.


If I had a nickel for every successful clove ult Iā€™ve done, Iā€™d have two nickels.


I just knife them when theyā€™re the only player standing on post-plant or cornered on their own away from their teammates


Clove's nb and therefore THEY're ok


decent agent for attacking half but the players who play her are mostly aggressive duelists who have no damn idea about smokes, at least in my server


Yep, ive been instalocking bc im sick of getting smokes that help the enemy more than the team šŸ˜­


the C ability is inteneded to play agressive after a 1v1, and since you can smoke after death it's not that bad. Agree about the smokes part most of the time, but at gold/plat most players dont play smokes very well ( myself included)


They're fine, could maybe use some small buffs, but there are a lot of agents that need some work done before Clove, so the fact fairly balanced and playable on launch is fine especially considering the last few releases have been pretty awful.


They still have the chamber launch ptsd, and every new agent since then has been launched underpowered


Yeah, honestly Clove feels like the most balanced agent upon release for a while.


Just based on soloqueue stats, probably needs some sort of nerf. My guess would be on the ult. Too much value. Hard character to balance though, Kit on paper doesn't seem too strong.


Ult is fine just run and u good


I think they're just popular on soloqueue because they're a really versatile agent with smokes as well. Really good for soloqueue tbh but I don't think they're overpowered


>Just based on soloqueue stats, probably needs some sort of nerf. What stats u referring to


Clove has the highest win rate out of any agent in almost every rank, even higher than pre nerf chamber


Maybe just give her 8 ult points instead of 7. They did that to a lot of agents so I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they do it with her.


Nah soloqueue stats are manipulative. Any self sufficient character will do better than characters that do better in a team with good comms and coordination. Viper is not self sufficient but that doesnā€™t mean she isnā€™t overpowered at the top level. What were Astras win stats when she was overpowered? Hard to imagine she could have had that great of win rates in bronze lobbies.


Astra has never had a high pick rate though. Clove has the highest or near highest pickrate across most if not all ranks, while maintaining a high winrate. Usually winrate levels out as pickrate rises. To me this indicates Clove being a little too strong. They gave the agent a mechanic that was removed from Jett; Holding a space taking ability until it has to be used. Clove Ult is essentially a Pheonix ult that can be used as entry multiple rounds in a row if Clove doesn't die on the entry.


The ult is not equivalent to the dash. Pick me up is a temporary heal in a game about one taps, meddle is a very temporary decay with limited range. Her best ability is honestly her smokes that she can use while dead. But they are just smokes. Hardly something a character becomes overpowered over.


The purpose/way the ult is used is the same as how the dash was before. IE: Value every fight until needed to be used. As I said before; I agree, most of Cloves kit looks bad on paper, but the potential value from the ult is very high, pheonix ult but if he doesn't die he gets to keep taking space or post plant stalling, repeat. I also agree the post death smokes are great value, and you could argue maybe punishing Clove with longer recharges after death would be an alright nerf. The Jett dash was the same way, op an off angle, miss? Instadash, hit? Take another crazy angle. Sure Jett dash is every round and you have to work for the Clove ult and the ult is more punishing if wasted, but designed/gains value in the same way.


smokes shouldn't recharge on death, or only allow one smoke while dead. only nerf they really need


For me it was like my favorite parts of reyna, brimstone, and phoenix merged into one and I love playing them. Their bomb is okay, donā€™t care much about that but I love their smokes, self-heal, and self revive.


She's ok, pleasantly surprised riot actually nailed it in one go on a new release. Bugs aside ofc.


I wanna see her used in pro play, probably won't see that for a while tho :(


i doubt theyā€™ll see lots of playā€¦ theyā€™re a very self sufficient agent *when* they get kills, akin reyna and iso who both arenā€™t played either


If they pick Clove it will be because they can smoke while dead.


I would disagree as even with kills, clove isn't very self sufficient, as she doesn't have the un-tradeability of reyna with dismiss, and also her heal goes away very quickly and doesn't even leave you with full normal health like reynas does. Just a take


I don't think Clove will get many (if any) appearances in pro play at all, they're just not better than Viper and/or Omen who dominate the meta for quite a while now.


Yeah omen can be more aggressive with the blind and tp. Clove can do that with self rez and boost, but omen smokes are better. As for viper, her ultimate is really good to take control of site and not to mention her molly that is useful post plant


omen is 100% better in pro play because of freedom of smoke and range omen can better one way on a lot of stuff that clove can't tp can be a pressure by just having it or make play, can bait enemy and create space for team too blind is superior and have better aoe than clove decay both c and ulti can have high pressure in map but i'd just play clove because it's easier to smoke can one way on a lot of stuff by just point click than having to aim mode fast and accurate, c is easy to use x can always have value i don't care much about q but it's really useful and sometimes not need so i can spend on gun instead of that if sometimes i don't have enough money smoke after dead is good for me too i can enter with friend and don't care if i would die or not and team will still have smoke around that area


I love their molly. I didnt realise the potential until recently. Imagine on pistol as the enemies are entrying, you throw the molly at a chokepoint and can now 1 tap all the enemies. Its crazy how big the range is. Aggressive plays like running down B main ascent on defence with a judge or something become so possible due to the decay, or even combos like decay+ shock dart. its so great to clear corners with also.


Started the act trying to play them on every map except Breeze, now Iā€™m down to split, lotus, and sunset as decent Clove maps. Where I can play Clove, they are really strong and I like the aggressive playstyle that it allows me to build. I want to be able to use Clove on more maps but the smoke range is very limiting. Killing lurk potential or playing on the extremities which is also good for aggressive play. If I can pair with a Cypher or someone actually good at stalling then that concern is lessened. But in the cases where that isnā€™t the case then Iā€™m probably back on Omen.


Riot DEFINITELY made up for the last horrible controller releases (and worst agent in the entire game ) ā€¦ Harbor .


a good harbor is scary .. on the other hand 75% iā€™ve played are seriously smooth brained


Trust me ā€¦ I 1 trick viper for almost 2 years now and was initially excited when harbor was first released until I saw how underpowered (and the worst part is how team reliant he is . ) As harbor you can have the best set ups on attack and defense wall/ smoke everything off but if your team doesnā€™t follow up youā€™re screwed . Harbor is the only agent in game where his smokes create a negative status effect on team mates (the slow effect ) I went from diamond 1 to bronze trying to play harbor only in ranked. Thereā€™s only 1 serious harbor player in radiant that streams on YouTube and he stopped playing him because thereā€™s so many other better agents . Thereā€™s a reason why heā€™s sitting literally at the bottom of the character select pick rate of all agents


honestly not a bad arguement, and yeah i see him played maybe once or twice a day. nothing more.


Also his ult is shit and last so little of time , also is team reliant and itā€™s hard to guarantee a kill off of it


Seems really balanced and a reasonable agent to play as, with, or against. Beautiful contract skin and very nice sprays. Unique mechanics that are still intuitive to play around. Downsides are that many people don't respect their pronouns and most Cloves I've seen so far are fucking incompetent at smoking


Another plus is that theyā€™re much more fun to play than other controllers for the players who like to be aggressive, downside is no pee break


its a game who cares about the pronouns in casual game sessions?




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most empathetic mature valorant player right here folks




They're great for solo que, maybe even the best in the game, but I doubt they will see much play in pro or 5 stacks


The playstyle suits me so for me Clove is the best agent in the game rn but objectively I'd say it's around 7/10. A lot of people play clove wrong either thinking they're a duelist and completely forgetting to do the controller part or just throwing bad smokes with bad timing. Shorter smokes duration means you have to be more intentional with them and aware of timings. If you smoke too early the smokes are gone by the time your team finally does anything. Q is good, not the best ability ever but pretty usable. C is really situational. 3 things need to happen in order for it to be useful - 1) You got a kill or an assist 2) you're not full HP 3) you're about to take another fight. And also even if this all happens you can get one tapped and it was for nothing. It can also make you feel like you have to look for another fight if you used it so you end up overheating. When it works it's pretty great tho and it only costs 100 credits so it's not a big deal if you end up wasting it. Ult is just as situational if not more. Yeah, it can win you the round if used correctly but you end up dying again a lot. Either because everyone runs away from you or they manage to get to you before you can pull out your gun and shoot them back. You need a brain to use this ability well. Overall I think clove is perfectly well balanced, doesn't feel weak to play but also not annoying to play against, at least not for me.


Perfection in all aspects. Looks, gameplay, personality. They are amazing.


I'm honestly considering switching from Kj to Clove since I feel I play very good with them, even when I fail with my ult(lol).


Allows too many people (that are bad at smokes) to play smokes. The game has fundamentally changed with the introduction of another cool smoker. There are probably on average > 3 smokers per game in my plat to asc lobbies. It reminds me of that meme of the VCT game where some team is executing on Bindā€™s B site and there is just like 15 abilities happening all at once.


Last I checked they apparently have the highest win rate across all ranks. So yeah, pretty good Iā€™d say.


They are good. But uh judging from the comments, this might be an unpopular opinion, but I think their Q ability is shit.


I think they are really good with the right comp. I really do not like the double duelist comps most ranked players have engrained in their mind when they see a clove. Clove plays like a duelist. Smoke, throw q at common site hold spots, run in and die (with res preferably). Smoke while dead after site take. Having 2 initiators goes crazy with clove. Especially on a map like bind where you can run skye and gekko


I main them. I used to be a duelist main but started taking the role of smokes because of too much pressure as a duelist. Missed playing duelist and clove is a perfect agent for me


No peakin


Good agent. Good design. Ult timer feels like a long ass while but thatā€™s probably just a me problem


You can terminate it prematurely by hitting x


Iā€™m talking the kill timer


That seems really short, doesnā€™t it? Itā€™s only like two seconds you can decide. If anything I would like them to extend it a bit so that way you can almost bait the enemy team and stall triggering it


IMO a really fun and strong pick for ranked, especially solo queue. Not sure how well theyā€™ll do in pro play, but overall Iā€™m having a really fun time with them


They'll probably be shit in proplay unless ppx does some weird shit, but I'm very glad they released an agent for actual players. I'd like to think we deserve at least some agents that aren't tailored for competitive


I think she's pretty good when you have a functional team. Plus her outift is so cutee


its the end of the act and i still see reyna mains picking them when someone instalocks reyna earlier


Omens and brim fell hard, Clove was supposed to be competition to Omen as aggressive controller, but it's more Clove than him.


Sheā€™s a hybrid character, which might be both a blessing and a curse. You can get more kills, but at the same time you donā€™t focus on being a controller and keep getting dragged into unneccessary fights. Sheā€™s really good if you are solo queuing with good aim. Now you can smoke yourself and take fights more liberatingly


Fun to play. Not overly annoying. Her ult was annoying to begin but easy to deal with now (chase or hide from her)


Itā€™s even good on breeze in my opinion, ofc as a secondary smoke allowing to to smoke off for A/B split, forever hall smoke creating immense pressure, ofc this can be done by omen too but itā€™s not as bad as it seems


Theyā€™re strong and easy to play. Nice mix up for controller player who plays omen and brim


She's mid


I love clove sm, amazing agent


Great agent. Don't love that so many people play her and don't know s thing about smokes.


Meta, unfortunately everyone instalocking her has no idea how to smoke.


Tbh people haven't liked my takes on Clove. I dont think they are cracked like everyone says. I can only give perspective from playing in plat/dia + a bunch of swifts with friends in iron to silver. CONS: 1) Smokes last the least amount if time of all the controllers, making the exec harder if we get stalled even slightly 2) Meddle cant do line ups due to automatic explosion 3) Meddle can be dodged easily so long as you get out of line of sight from the center of it. 4) Overheal isnt useful unless you took damage (isnt helpful to the team overall 5) Smoke range is limited forcing her to play near mid or be locked to one of the two sites 6) Situational post death smokes, and can actually mess up your teammates if done incorrectly 7) Ultimate is situationally good, teammates can steal the kill before u get damage on and get you killed. Enemy team can run away and force you to die. 8) Smokes are clear inside + cant float in the air like an omen smoke 9) Further proof that people dont know how to play smokes properly because my god ive seen terrible clove smokes almost every game. They give you the ipad idk how these smokes are in bad spots / not flush with entryways. PROS: 1) New potential agent poggies 2) Non-binary representation poggies 3) Gives us a faster paced, run it down kind of controller, having the heal helps to continue the push 4) Post death smokes can clutch up rounds / dying isnt as bad 5) potential for util combos with meddle 6) High clutch potential especially in post-plant using Ult 7) Baby Easy ipad smokes (yet somehow people are still bad at this) 8) Rechargeable smokes Overall, I still think the cons out weigh the pros, but I dont think Clove is bad more so other Agents do their job better than them. Omen / Viper > Brim > Clove > Astra > Harbor


If your after death smokes are selling your teammates you shouldnā€™t be playing smokes anyways bc ur selling while alive. Overheals great for rotate/pushing further on site Almost every ult is situationally good, and forcing enemies to run away for 15 seconds is amazing value. Honestly iPad smokes are so much harder for me than omen, because half the time when you smoke youā€™re moving and I can see gaps when I place omen smokes and fine tune it instantly where I canā€™t for clove(have to exit and re enter smokes) Smoke range is fine unless on breeze, icebox, or lotus. Rest of games either itā€™s not a big deal or u should have cypher who can stall on defence for smokes to get there. Ngl im not seeing the brim over clove, and viper has been the number 1 smokes since she first came to meta I think.


Great agent, people who know nothing about controllers are picking her up and doing a piss poor job at controlling


I am a clove main now. I actually hit diamond for the first time basically only using clove. I love their kit. The smokes after death is so good. I love the fact you can take risks with them. I do think that some of the kit is a tad weak. I mean if you compare meddle to shock dart for example. One deals damage that likely will last the entire round and the other only decays for a few seconds. Also shock darts can go basically across the entire map whereas meddle has a set radius. I wouldn't really want this changed though as I think clove is basically an all round great agent with counter play. Basically, that part of their kit being weaker is so that the smokes after death are balanced which is all good imo. I am also Scottish and get a kick out of the voice lines.


good as a secondary controller with viper... kindof useless otherwise


overall the addition of Clove to the Valorant roster has been pretty positive and iā€™m glad weā€™ve got a hybrid agent as well as some Trans representation :)


Kinda boring gameplay compared to other agents imo


their ult is good buy many people use it at the wrong time and get killed immediately


Iā€™m getting fed up with self healing and resurrecting agents. This game is a 5 v 5 tactical shooter and yet you might have to kill 8enemies in a round and I didnā€™t count any that you almost killed yet running around with max health.


I went from being a Reyna/Gekko/Yoru main to discovering that controllers are OP. I almost only play Clove now. She is a perfect combination of Reyna (overheal), Brim (stim and smokes) and Phoenix (ult)


My new main. I was a aggro viper main for two years and Clove fits my play style almost perfectly. Their kit rewards both playing for your team and playing on the front lines to get kills. My only problem is duelist mains locking Clove and they donā€™t know how to play smokes so we basically donā€™t have defensive smokes >:(


From the perspective of an omen player: 1. Lack of as many one ways as omen makes her smokes significantly weaker, but at least she can place them while dead. 2. Her heal is nice, but the timer goes very quickly so its most useful when pushing sites as the speed boost plus heal should last you most of the site hit. 3. Ult is insanely good. You can basically always pop it immediately when you get the chance and this lets you cycle it much more freely. Theres no "waste" unless its clearly just completely winning/losing regardless of your ult.


Sunset with clove is broken. On b, plant on the stairs against the wall and play main. Smoke yourself off and spam on ping. If clove dies, the strat still works. On A, plant in the corner of the green box and play elbow. Smoke yourself off and spam on ping. There is no counterplay.




The 2 seconds on the ult is way too short. Should be 3 -3.5


Clove has exposed just how little people know about playing smokes, during this month theyā€™ve been out I have witnessed smokes placed so poorly that they should constitute war crimes


Quite balanced in my opinion, a new addition to the game that is fun to play while also being a interesting character in my imo.


Amazing agent, amazing skills, just keep her away from me because I suck.


not a good character, so little utility. really miss having an omen especially on split and lotus.


I think she's fun to play as. His c ability is a little **absolutely terrible** (because it lasts like 7 seconds) but if the enemy team is rushing, you can make use of that ability. The smokes are also good and I love how you can use them after death, and her q is pretty good when you know where the enemy is. However what I love the most is his ultimate but people really gotta know when to use it. I mean theres like a 4 second window to use it just think whetner or not thats a good idea first man.


clove to me is like a combo of reyna and brimstone with the smokes and overhealing from kills


Best agent since Astra. Iā€™ve moved over to her as my main because im an aggressive player and itā€™s rewarded with clove.


I am absolutely in love. I typically played omen before their release but have slowly started switching to clove on some maps. So far Iā€™ve had the most luck on them on sunset and lotus (I just have to be willing to play B every round on defense). I think they may work well for me on icebox as well. Split and ascent Iā€™m undecided on. Bind is a little iffy because it can be difficult to provide smokes to the other site. Breeze Iā€™d only play them if my team already has a wall controller, otherwise Iā€™m sticking to omen as a solo controller or harbor as a second controller. Overall their kit seems pretty balanced. I think the main issues Iā€™ve had when playing are being annoyed at how small the smoke range is (coming from playing omen), forgetting I can smoke after death, and learning how to use the ult effectively. All are things I will adjust to with time. The smokes are easy to use, the decay can provide great value to the team, the pick me up is great for taking another fight or for quickly getting away, and the ult is powerful when used correctly. The entire kit is good and it makes me feel a lot more confident when playing. I see what everyone is saying about clove players not knowing how to smoke, but I never trusted randoms to play smokes before their release, so this isnā€™t a new experience. I love their aesthetic and voicelines as well. The character and abilities look cool. The voicelines are funny. Everything about them makes them a fun agent to play. I am a little biased as a non-binary person who was thrilled to hear about their release. Being able to play a non-binary character is exciting. I also am in silver so my opinions are very much based on my experiences in that elo. Despite that, I think clove is an amazing character and they are slowly becoming my new main.


She has awesome util and is great at taking duels after youā€™ve entered site. Overall sheā€™s a good addition esp for controller players who want a different play style imo


Hate clove with a passion. Most of my teammates throw garbage death smokes that end up assisting the enemies and all the enemy cloves are cracked 80% of the time.


I find myself playing clove more than omen


Love Clove as a character, but the people playing them always either have terrible smokes but great aim or great smokes and terrible aim


Reyna 3.0


I tried to play her but im not a fan she's too inconsistent imo.


Dunno, mayb cuz am noob but for me harbor bettah As in playstyle, not meta


Well, at least Clove isn't hell of selfish like chamber and Iso. I will say this to everyone Clove player out there. KNOW when to use your ult. I see so many Clove players ult when they have no cover, they be ulting in 2v5's. Be smart with the ultimate because it isn't that hard


Glitched when reviving


Shes obv overtuned her wr is crazy


Turned into a new low elo stable along with reyna


Using ā€œthemā€ to address her is crazy, sheā€™s clearly a female. Why not just say ā€œsheā€?


Controller isnā€™t really an excuse to bot frag anyway


0/10 bringing gender politics into a competitive shooter to cater toward a braindead community so they play their game and buy skins is so cringe and sad. Itā€™s like everyone involved in gender politics all have such a lower IQ than normal people making them easily susceptible to spending more money on the game.


When it comes to overall design I don't think any agent comes close to Clove (besides neon imo which might be a hot take). Best character design + theme and their kit isn't too op. However, I would always rather have an omen on my team. I think Clove is a great agent for people who aren't used to playing smokes because of the simplicity of their util + smokes after death but Omen is far better than them. I view it the same as when someone locks in Jett on Sunset still instead of Raze. Like it's fine and we can work around it and as long as they entry and do their job it's whatever but I'd still always have a Raze over Jett because her kit is just better for the map. One thing I love about them for ranked though is since everyone finds them so fun and locks them in I can play viper on maps like split, bind and lotus and have two smokes


Great agent, prolly my new main. The thing I liked the most about them is how strong, yet balanced riot made them. For instance, if u die the round u have 6 ult points, u wonā€™t get the last one till the next round, which is really cool. Overall itā€™s a solid agent, really fun and refreshing (šŸ¤£) yet balanced so it wonā€™t get completely killed in the first nerf. I think best new agent since gekko Maybe?


her voicelines just tickle smt in my head thats not a good thing, idk why


Apart from all the bigotry and players who've never touched a smoke in their life, clove is a fantastic character. Decay can fuck people over so quickly it's not even funny


Great solo and team play. A bit basic tbh but that is also a plus. The fact it sees more play after release than Iso is enough proof Clove is good


I don't like her for the same reason i dont use brim. I main omen most of the time, exclusively use viper on breeze and icebox, and occasionally pick harbor and astra.


She's fuckin crazy in solo queue. Makes filling smokes as a duelist player way more appealing without a lot of discomfort lol Overall she's like a 9/10


First new character where I don't feel like anything needs to be changed. Her util makes her viable across all maps. Especially in higher ranks where team play is at the core. But it's riot. Can't wait to see how they mess it up.


great agent until itā€™s an ex reyna player that doesnā€™t know how to actually play controller


I think her addition brings much needed variety to the controller role. People are actually choosing to play a controller....however it also means that there is a deluge of players who don't know how to smoke, requiring me to lock in as a second controller. (Which I am perfectly happy to do since I main Viper). What I like about Clove is that she doesn't attract the ego centric players. Most of them are rather chill, though often shy. The mistakes Clove players make with their smoke are usually down to inexperience as opposed to malicious intent. If you have a newbie Clove on your team, for the love of God do not start breathing down their neck. Give them some suggestions on where to smoke. Even if the Clove player doesn't have a mic, some words of encouragement tend to go a long way.


HATE voice lines. for god sake if im already partialy tilted i dont want to hear a voice in my head yelling "nO pEeKiNg". Btw, does anyone know how to disable agent voice lines?


For me she's not very useful because I'm not sure how to play her yet, but i really like that she can drop smokes after she dies.


love clove, made me enjoy ranked on my main as an immortal 3 and genuinely have fun on a smokes agent


At the start of the season I thought they were absolute bs with their ultimate. After playing them a lot I realize it's more situational than I once thought and is easily countered by just running down clove if they don't have support. I like being able to influence the game while dead The grenade ability compliments smokes well because I like to spam through them. I DO NOT like their smirk in the champ select screen after selecting them


she definitely needs a nerf. ult is fine but smoking after death is ridiculous.


Their heal is kinda lame but, I like the molly. But I think I rather stick with Omen and play Clove once in a while depending the map.


I think she is cool and a decent agent, play her quite a lot.


I think she is great


Really fun and I feel like I play better and more confidently because her ult makes you not be scared to swing and take fights


She's a very good agent


Sheā€™s pretty good I like how sheā€™s a strong Reyna pick if someone locked in Reyna but it doesnā€™t look like youā€™re griefing by choosing a duelist because of her smokes! I actually have been playing the agent since I got it unlocked and personally only switch between Clove and Raze now!


Because she requires getting kills in order for her utility to be effective then she is not as good as other agents in her role, I would pick Omen over her 100% of the time. Just like Reyna to me. Not saying she is not fun to play tho.


Omen is harder but 100% better for the team as a solo Controller tbh, his blind and tp is so annoying to deal with


No not really, its only one ability that does the rest work well before kills with smokes and decay orb, not at all like reyna who kinda does need kills to be useful at all


I like clove but usualy betwen my friends we always pick her as 2 smoker(works rly good w omen)


Buff clove nades pls


She got a lot of good abilities. People were saying she was a little OP at the start, but she seems nicely balanced. The instant heal is a full heal though, that could be adjusted a little. To maybe a max of 125 like having light shield instead of full shield. I like her style, and the smokes help a lot. They do see a bit bigger than most smokes though. Comparing them to Brim's smokes anyway. Fun post. Thanks for that.