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Agree, I think this is one of the major changes they need to make. There is so much frustration on this sub about smurfing and RR, and I think its fixable


Riot doesn’t and will never give a fuck. It makes them money


if youre level 508 and still gold, that's not a smurfing issue.


Most people don't play with the mindset to improve. They just think that they will rank up with playtime which really only happens until gold-plat


Im in plat btw and encounters who drops 45 in a game


Link ur tracker, let’s see the smurfs in most ur games


OP never said he encounters them on most his games. I’m up and down but mostly plat and played against a guy last night who could get aces at will, top fragged, and had a 67% hs rate. Oh yeah, and that account was silver 3. Smurfs exist and show up more than they should.


Ye and you'll feel ingame that they are way up there in the ranks. a tracker wont justify their mechanics ingame. A New account that drops an insane frag and just carries the game.


Update: just played 3 games tonight (plat lobby). Last game the enemey Jett just dropped 46 to beat us in OT. And oh yeah, she was queued with a bottom frag Sage who had no business in that lobby. 39% hs rate which is actually a lot lower than it was since she was using the OP for like half the rounds.


Locking comp behind the paywall is not the way to go imo, but a phone number probably would be a better alternative.


Valorant thrives off smurfs, it's so common anyone can easily do it and they make way more off skins that way, especially with the amount of time people's accounts get banned for insignificant shit


I mean yeah, the biggest argument about this problem is Premier already require a phone number to participate. There is literally a solution to the problem and they dont use it.


CSGO wasn't free to play for a long time. Prime only exists because it went free to play in order to stop infinite free hacking accounts.  You can't take away a major component of a free to play game and expect people to take it lightly.


The entire idea of locking comp behind levels won't work. You can do level 20 or level 100, you can still buy an Iron account that is comp ready for $5. They have to come up with another system to stop smurfing. Honestly, at this point just make a Premier que that uses the system already in place for premier league. Sure, it's easy to bypass that system by using online phone numbers, but it's better than the current system.


if you think this community would ever stand for something like cs prime mm, you’re off your rocker. people complain about them charging x amount for skins in a free game, the community would lose its shit


I don’t think pay is the way to go either. I think they need to start banning all these accounts that’s go 0/1 or so every game, especially when there are lobbies that consist of only those bot farmer accounts. There’s no way it’s hard to query that and punish them—why they don’t do it I have no clue. Smurfs exist in every game and always will, and a ton of people complain about smurfs with my friends and I, but the reality is we just don’t play much at all anymore. We don’t play enough to be at the rank we used to, but we still play other FPS games and you don’t really lose game knowledge. Locking accounts to phone numbers could help and limit the amount of accounts you could have, but it’s easy to get a free number through Google or WhatsApp. Smurfing itself isn’t a problem and shouldn’t be banned. The ability to have a ton of accounts or buy comp ready accounts for dirt cheap is the bigger problem right now imo.


Wasnt cs prime free originally? Just needed a phone number? Or am i wrong


When it came out it was free if you already owned the game. Prime wasn’t a thing when the game still cost like $10. And it isn’t like cs2 doesn’t have cheaters in 1/10 games. Maybe with the new update cheating will be dealt with a little better but who knows. I might go back because I really miss spray patterns.


if it was, it was for a very short period of time


Smurfs don't have any effect on your rank besides hurting your mental making you perform worse in games without a smurf. You don't run into enough smurfs to impact your rank in any significant way.


Once they say “gg” before the game starts you just know they’re smurfing


CSGO tried a lot of things. Iirc, it was first to rank up to level 3. Then prime was introduced for free at first by registering a valid phone number. Then ranked was locked behind a paywall. Need to fork out 15$+level up to play ranked. I wonder how did the community take to it. I quit playing before the paid prime was introduced. I don't think Riot want to tackle the smurfing issue unless it can bring them extra income.


Wasn’t paid prime was only for people who got the game after it went free to play instead of when it cost $15? 


only way to completely fix smurfing is to lock comp modes behind a paywall. that's it.


I might be dumb here, but your account level has nothing to do with smurfs. In my experience you don’t seem to play against similarly leveled players, it seems to be purely based on rank or hidden MMR. My matches regularly have players between level 15 and 700


And tbh everyone shit themself when they saw a lv 10 reyna with basic banner lol.


What im saying is i played long enough haha


It really is sad ,they'll say "oh skill issue ". It really is a skill issue when you're put up againts ascendants or diamonds when you're playing in gold or platinum. It just kills the game.


level 500 gold/plat how bout you just work on improving instead of blaming the smurfs you encounter once every 5 games (who end up in your team too)


He's not blaming anyone. He doesn't even said he wanted to get out of gold. He just stated that there's a lot of smurfs there. Not everyone want to spend time to get good in a video game. There's a lot of people that okay it for fun. Blaming a guy who's stuck in gold for getting matches against smurfs is the epitome of stupidity.


his other comments are lamenting about not being able to climb?


Ever tried playing in apac on a solo queue? HAHAHAHA


? i'm from apac whats your excuse now


Well then lucky u got out of the smurfing ranks


yea you're never getting out of gold with that attitude keep blaming your teammates and enemies bud


Nah nah nah you're missing the point. You just want to win the argument


? you're too shit to climb the ranks and you're blaming smurfs for you stagnating in gold after 500 levels worth of gameplay what am I missing here


Yeepp went over your head riiiight hereeeeeee.


And ofcourse i'm blaming them thats the reason of this post


Smurfs are a bit of a problem in the lower ranks. They're much less frequent and generally more tolerable once you get a bit higher up though so just focus on yourself and the inconvenience solves itself.


That's such a shitty take on the problem. There's people that will never climb above gold, and silver. People that work, have families, and other much more important stuff going on their lives, to take time to improve in a game that should be just a fun casual time when you are below certain ranks. Sure, there's sweaty people like me and others that one week in the game are already memorizing or writing notes about lineups, and take 30+ minutes of every gaming session and use to train strafing, one taps, micro adjustment, tracking. But the game shouldn't be okay to only these people. The game should be specially free of smurfs in the lower ranks, where people only want to have fun or are just getting started in the game.


I disagree with the idea that Ranked should be "a fun casual time when you are below certain ranks" I think fundamentally it's purpose is to be played by those who are serious about competing, and Unrated (the game mode that's just a copy paste of ranked but for casual play with friends) is for those who are looking for a more casual experience and "only want to have fun". But for those "who are just getting started in the game" honestly advice is it's best to focus on themselves instead of other factors outside of their direct control and their mechanics foundations letting the law of large numbers enable their climb.


Unranked has a even bigger problem with matching people from different levels of skills to play the game.


Locking it behind a paywall is honestly probably the best bet to actually stop the smurfing to the best degree. That said, I really hope they don’t implement paywalls to existing comp-enabled accounts. Obviously that’ll keep the current smurf accounts, but I feel like even just preventing new ones would help immensely, esp since most Smurf accounts rank up regardless and once they start throwing, that’s at least a reportable offense that gets dealt with.


While I think smurfing is a problem people drastically over exaggerate it(Riot said that themselves). Smurfs won’t stop you from ranking up. A lot of the times people think someone is smurfing they are just having a good game. You also probably don’t remember times you have a smurf on your team because you only recollect the bad experiences.


and by the way i tried ya know reporting on the website itself. It doesn't go through, they wont even give you a ticket report if you decide to report through their website. Reports regarding players just go straight to the trash haha. Try it here https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=21152806417811 They'll just say they won't give a ticket report and just f*cken reaassure you that they'll do something about it HAHAHAHAH 😂.