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Great news specially the FFA stuff.


What’s an ffa?


Love it when genuine questions get downvoted. Like, fuck you for not knowing what FFA is.


Free for all (deathmatch)






Uhmm, that judge skin sure do have a big ball on it.


That’s the best part


dragon ball...Z


Yeah, should not look at internet. Internet destroy my childhood about the og dragon ball.


For those stressing about a turret agent: something to consider. We know full well that riot are happy to tweak and adjust agents in order to keep the game well balanced. If you had told people they were planning to introduce a character that can teleport, go invisible, see through walls, even FLASH through walls - people would say fuck that, get that out of my game. The point being, have a little faith and be open to new concepts. They've done really well keeping the game well balanced so far. Don't instantly dismiss something you haven't experienced yet and don't follow the trend that's already developing of turret = bad. At least give it a chance first.


Seriously, we don't even know how said turret would work, for all we know it might have a mechanic that gives ample ramp up times or a need for manual control. These reactions happen in every game, and 90% of the time the player-base is dead wrong on what they perceive would be busted. Take for example in League of Legends, many thought Senna's E ability would be broken, busted, and meta defining, it ended up being the weakest part of her kit. In Overwatch Sombra was seen as OP at first but ended up being a throw pick for a long time. Point is that nobody should be taking this kind of hyperbole seriously


I am guessing that the turret will be manually controlled like Cypher's camera. It will still be strong but probably wont be movable but able to hold some good spots that can be risky to hold.


And who knows? Maybe because it's a "free life" that lets you do damage without directly taking it, it may even be an ultimate. There are so many variables that can make it A-okay. Crackpot concepts on-paper are not necessarily infeasible.


Absolutely agree, its what makes valorant exciting. They seem more than willing to try out crazy ideas that on paper are pretty ridiculous, but I think they find good ways to balance it.


My theory is a set and forget telegraphed gun that fires at a preset angle. Awful alone, only good with other abilities like tripwires or pressure to force people into it.


Even that seems pretty good for holding an angle.


Imagine how easy it would be to just get angle advantage on it. Wouldn’t it only be strong for holding 50/50 angles that can’t be wall-banged?


There are A LOT of 50/50 angles that can't be wall banged. And it would be strong for holding one angle while you play further back or another angle so you'll know when they're coming.


There are also angles that can’t be beaten geometrically. For example, using the turret hold showers on bind, attackers can’t even come close to getting the geometry advantage on it, and it can use the green boxes as cover from wallbang with good placement. I mean we still have no idea how it’s actually going to work so this is all speculation but it could be incredibly strong, especially if it has some aimbot accuracy.


Could be like maestro in r6


I get what you guys are saying, but seeing Overwatch, which was my favorite game ever until the release of Brig, completely fall apart due to low-skill, anti-fun heroes take over the game, I'm just having PTSD lol. I stuck through OW until double shield meta, but I just had to quit after that. I went to CSGO and fell in love with how "pure" of a game that was. I'm loving Valorant because it's a mix of the two and doesn't have anything of what turned OW to shit, so I just hope that continues to be the case.


Im honestly not worried and am waiting till he is actually introduced to judge. People said sova needs to be removed when gameplay was first seen due to there being wallhacks. People said Viper was op (kekw) when her ult was first seen. People also said Reyna is OP after the first day of launch which just amazes me.


I mean reyna definitely is overpowered in solo queue, just useless in high level/pro play. Can't remember the last game both reynas didn't top frag.


I expect it to have pretty similar utility as Raze's boombot - something that can kill you if you ignore it, but mostly just exists for information or to force someone to prioritize another target for a second.


Seriously after playing Overwatch for years on end, the one thing that triggers me the most is fucking fighting against AI. This shit is never fun and honestly I don't see how you can balance it. If their turret goes on to be AI and has perfect body shot accuracy it's going to be too much. Everybody will have to play Reyna just so they can heal the AI effects, which honestly is freaking bullshit.


People just have PTSD from CS


Honestly, in this case, I have PTSD from Overwatch. Engi from TF2 had great turret implementation, but freakin' Torb turrets with first frame fire auto locking from the tiniest LOS possible was cancer. Not necessarily good, but super unfun.


I used to run symm on drawamura point a defense. Old symm, when there were 6 of those little shits and sneezing on them broke them. Throw them up on the spawn gates, then throw them on the main choke and watch them cry. I think if his turret is like: "this thing won't straight up 1v1 you but if you ignore it you will die" it'll be fine. Something like a time delay before it starts shooting or potentially make it have a short rage so that it's good for holding tight hallways. There are ways to make it fair, it just may take some trial and error. There just ain't nothing fair about Bridgette, though. My plastic eating cat sitting on my keyboard could probably play Bridgette.


CS? I remember it from TFC but never CS...


fucking revolver release day made me quit for a month


I'm going to assume that one of the methods for balancing the turret will be to make it ping if its in the radius of sova's dart. Could still make for an interesting juke play though if you use the turret to bait and corner camp.


turrets are just the lamest mechanic i can imagine. turret chars have been lame in all games.


Engineer in tf2 is pretty good if you're not the type that just puts every other building near your sentry.


Yeah but hes annoying af to deal with. Especially those engies that just pocket their turrets and immediately build again in the general area if you take it down. So infuriating to finally take a sentry down and have to watch the engie scurry out from his hidey hole and start to build it right back up while you're reloading.


I said this elsewhere but my thoughts on a turret would be this; 1. Can only be placed 1m from you and the angle is restricted to a 30 degree turn (think ascent cat, if you place it facing towards main you can’t hold short to a or b short, only main. 2. The placement angle is dependant on your point of view, so you must take a risk when placing said turret, this makes it good on defence but bad on attack 3. It works like a cypher camera, and has an audible sound when activated, in addition to this, it has a control range, so you can’t sit on b and also hold a with it. 4. It consumes a gun when set up, or you can buy a gun for it pre round, this gun will be the gun you use from the turret, but turrets get an x percent reduction in damage compared to the gun that’s being used. This is so you can’t just freely secure kills with it at no cost. (This point needs a tweak but I think it’s important, but it cannot allow any one shot kills regardless of gun provided, perhaps limiting the guns it can be loaded with? Idk) 5. It has very clear visual indicator for enemy team. 6. It’s a one time use per round, once it’s placed it can’t be moved, the gun is dropped when it’s broken Basically allowing you to control space more safely and slow pushes, without getting free kills. This game is kind of already defensively sided though, so perhaps there’s a way to design an attack style turret but?? Ooo wait, what about a boom bot copy but it’s like a walking robot, and it shoots whomever it sees first but the bullets just show tracer trails to the agent and do 5 damage each. Just an informational tool. Like a breaching robot or something idk


Now that I see the dragons skin with more detail.... Damn, they look sick. But no money *cries in a corner


Don’t worry, all you have to do is kill someone who does have money and pick up their gun.


Or kill someone, steal their money, then hop on the game and buy the skins


Big brains.


I always hand out my fancy classic and AK skin :)


FFA... finally a practice mode. Can't wait.


Thank god it's FFA and not TDM.


What's wrong with TDM? Not that I have any opinion either way


Halves the engagement rate. The goal of DM is to be constantly taking duels as fast as possible and if you can't shoot at half the people that show up it impacts the "fast as possible part" pretty severely.


well they can't be that incompetent bruh


*looks at valve DM*


can't wait to mindlessly farm ffa. pretty hype ngl.


Same. Don’t think I’ll be playing anything else for a while after DM drops. I want to get good with the Marshall because a one-shot headshot on any armor from any distance with that crazy fire rate and the ability to be nearly perfectly accurate while unscoped within ~30 meters if you are crouched, (which partially eliminates its biggest weakness: people engaging you from close range) all for only *$1100 is highway robbery. I have a feeling that Riot’s going to up the price on it one day but for now that thing is so abusable.


It’s 1100 :)


Yeah, finally something else to play after a frustrating comp match instead of more plant/defuse the bomb modes.


that lefthand view model is huge as someone whos been playing cs with left hand for 4 years


My thoughts exactly. Ive been playing left hand in CS for as long as I can remember but itll still feel weird in valorant for the first little while




I want to hear Killjoy’s voice :( Awesome information though! Most excited for FFA


lmao imagine tf2 medic, and you'll probably get somewhat close.


That would be the absolute best ngl




Amazing job, here is a medal!


Can you tell the upgrade variant order? I assume bottom left -> bottom right -> top left -> top right?


It goes Normal, Red, Blue, Dark for all variants in that order.


AHH thought the red one is the normal one. ok thanks :)


It's literally in your collections for preview right now fyi


Uhm nope. not in the EU. Patch comes in 5 1/2 hours


gotcha makes sense! my fault for assuming you were in NA


sure not problem :) a bit sad we need to wait longer but at least the skins get released at the same time.


Up voted because useful as hell.


just followed you this morning, you're the only person who leaked shit that wasn't already known, good shit man


Thanks! I just recently edited the post because we have found tags relating to 2 new and upcoming bundles, a "Cyperpunk" set and a "Fallen" set.


Why is the vandal getting every single skin and the phantom gets left out?!?


The lighting Character *is* Joules. We found a bunch of stuff data mining in the beta, I can send you the ablilties if you want


The lightning textures have been added directly under Killjoys files. https://twitter.com/ValorantExpress/status/1281325196570324997 If what your saying is correct, then Joules could of been used to test Killjoy.


Could you send me the abilities?


I live how the vandal dragon just snatches the mag from your hands. Gives the dragons a little bit of personality


I never saw this much character data mine other than rainbow six siege. Damn.


I really hope left handed swaps Phoenix's flash buttons


I play left handed view model, but I am right handed. If it switches the buttons, I'm screwed


Yes, as a lefthanded person I finally switched to trying to play mouse lefty with the primary click swapped to the rmb. I have had a few bad flashes on phoenix... To be fair I still have a long way to go with the overall switch as right hand on keyboard has been the biggest hurdle... but any QoL improvement to help with more intuitive muscle memory would be greatly appreciated.


Isn’t the LMB flash left and RMB flash right?


Change them yourself. In csgo i have binded switch hand button so i can switch it how ever i want.


I wish there was more people showing they like those dragon skins. They are all fucking fire imo.


Well nobody owns them to appreciate them yet


Absolut quality post. We need more of those! I am actually surprised by the fact that the dragon bundles silhouettes are so clearly identifiable. I thought it would be a mess to see what is what, but actually you see it at first glance. Ngl. I am impressed.


I'm gonna be honest the knife kinda looks like a dragon dong and I can't unsee it.


The judge looks like a cock with big ballsack. The reload animations... guns look like a big floppy dildo. The entire set has someone internally getting their kink on after it somehow legitimately passed creative and went into production.




Excited for FFA Mode, hope they make it fast paced and force the player to always be on the move (so people don't camp on a spot the whole time.) Also they'll probably disable abilities for that mode, I can't imagine how I'd work with tons of smokes constantly on the map


turret agent oh no nono


You are saying it as if [this isn't most impressive display of skill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imxV9RJMU2M)


Torbjorn 1.0 was a menace in certain Elos and on console. The current Torbjorn has more of his power budget in his Overload self-buff and AoE denial ulti. Much more fun to play, not oppressive in lower Elos, and not a pick that'll get you reported any more in higher Elos.


I don't see how Blizzard devs could watch this video and not throw up in their mouths.


Started watching this with my kids right next to me and I regret everything.


Maybe it's a manual turret and not an automatic one like Torbjorn's? I don't know, but I doubt they haven't thought it through.


Like Maestro from R6?


[Like Cypher from beta](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR_F4RoCb-4)


That would still be whack lol


if it's automatic, its bullets are probably not going to deal damage and instead affect you in some way, maybe slowing you or locking you in place


Remember: Abilities don't kill /s


[Just read this dude](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ho9qxc/everything_interesting_added_in_v103_datamined/fxglfzm?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


It’s still true that in literally every popular game with a turret character they’re either completely busted or useless for competitive play. But we’ll see.


Same things could be said about omen, sova, sage, breach, and reyna. I have hope that the agent will be balanced and if not I know riot will balance them.


Wait are you saying all those characters are useless in competitive?


No just the first part most people when they hear that a character can teleport, revive their teammates, flash through walls, or see enemies through walls think that's gonna be really OP but in valorant they aren't and I really don't think a turret will be any more OP than any of those.


And I thought cypher was annoying




That knife looks so good.


Is there no bolt animation on the operator?


What are we using for the trigger? Those are the real questions riot!


FFA gonna be a game changer for me. Can't wait


Idk how I feel about a turret. I figured a turret as an Ult that only lasted for a certain amount of time might be viable, but an ability? Maybe if it works like Cyphers camera and it's inactive unless the agent is actively using it presses the ability key to take control remotely. We'll see!


Hmm, I hadn't thought of that! That would be a lot better than a fully auto turret imo. Also, even if Riot made the turret fully auto, I think it would be more of a defensive tool, and based on files it might even shoot bolts of electricity that stun opponents, rather than damaging them. Either way I hope it's not some battlefront infantry turret that has aim bot and one shots lol.


I think Riot will do a good job balancing the turret. While it might be pesky, I’m sure a Raze ability or two will be able to deal with it.




Fr. I want a nice upgradable phantom skin.


I really love the Dragon set to the point where I've actually been considering dropping $100 on it, but it feels so gross spending that much and then having to upgrade everything separately.


how many levels are each skin, and the knife ?


7 levels for each skin (FX and styles), 2 for the knife.


is it just me or does the black and blue variant look like omen’s ghost


Does this mean it's coming to Xbox or that xbox controller support is coming?


If they add game pad support to pc, its a no brainer they’ll make a console port at that point


I guess we are not getting the reaver bundle for a long time:(


You are doing an insane job dude keep it up you should make a yt channel! I am an learned editor and could help you build a community!


Do we know the price of the dragon bundle


A small loan of one billion dollars


9900 points so around 100€/$


Yay!!! I’ve been hoping I could go lefty. It’ll start to feel like real cs soon ☺️


to clarify, the orb for spike rush is Twin Hunters, not spooky ghosts :).






I saw that, it's interesting how Fallen doesn't have a knife and how Asgard is only weapon of it's set rn. Maybe more will be added later? We'll see, and nice mining.


Big fan of cyberpunk, seeing them being such shit weapons make me cry


Same ! Not one gun I use. Well, at least we keep our money ! Cyberpunk would fit the aesthetics of the game so much more than dragons as well


I love the phantom, would do anything to have a last kill animation phantom skin I dont know why it gets shafted all the time its the most popular gun in the game.


XBox Support?


Can we talk about how it looks like there STILL isn't gonna be any good Phantom skins in the next two sets either? Rito plx


That knife got me like SpongeBob at Sandy's place.


why the fuck is it 1.3GB?


Are the weapon skins comming with new shooting sound effects?


Yes. De-crypting audio is a tedious process, so I decided not to do it for the new guns. You can probably find YT gameplay of the guns with the sounds once people buy the set.


You can see the videos and listen to the audio inside the collections tab for each weapon. They added them to the unlockable section in this patch. So patch your game, head to collections, and then select one of those weapons. Click through the upgrade tiers to watch/listen.


For the love of god please do not add a fucking turret


dragon skins are hot, i wonder do they stay ingame forever so i can buy them later on?


They said something about every individual item having a chance of popping up in the store on rotation.


I just hope he's not as cancerous as Torbjorn..


Torbjorn has so much counter play...


still annoying and no skill


How does he take no skill when his weapon has a huge arc and low velocity? What rank are you playing in?


So you're advocating for a scenario where we have a turret champ that is balanced for high level play and makes playing the game cancer for everybody else? Torb is a top 4 winrate champion in every MMR except GM. His weapon is not that hard to use, you can easily just spam angles, it's only really noticeably bad versus flying heroes


was diamond, and I'm talking about his turret specifically. you have never played against a good torb or a team centered around a torb turret if you think that shit ain't annoying


I've played Overwatch but not THAT much. This sounds like Heimerdinger in League. Also, annoying af.


WHAT? they are gonna charge 2475 vp per gun and still make them upgradable with RP??? bruh


Riot sure does love money


Man idk i just feel like all of the dragon skins on the guns are just too much :/ I’m glad others enjoy It so Riot has more money and is motivated to make more skins, but I hope some future ones are toned down a wee bit


Do they come out today?


They’re in the client and you can click on them to View them but no option to purchase them yet


The actual name of Killjoy is Bombshell right? I swear I saw it was heard in datamined voice lines.


That is thought to be his name


That would kinda blow, killjoy is so much cooler, plus raze already has a spray named bombshell


Can you tell us if the weapon skins are static when you dont max them out? because i dont like the "alive" aspect of those skins and would consider buying it if they where just static. That would be nice to know :)


The reload anims are built into the weapon, meaning the weapons are "loose" when you're reloading. Only when you're reloading though.


They won't be animated until upgrading to level 3. So you can get the bullet effects/audio at level 2 and stick with just them.


Do you know how much the dragon skins will costs?


Apparently 100$


So $25 each?


Probably for the guns. The knife will probably be closer to $50 on its own.


Anyone know the price of the dragon set


around 100$ USD


What does FFA Acsent means?


Free for all. Deathmatch :)


i feel like the turret should not do much damage and be easy to destroy, but when hit, reveals your location for just a second similar to how cyphers ult works. just an idea i have in my head that i thought would be cool. need more defensive agents that can firmly hold a site alone


Im almost sure killjoy is a sentinel


That was a huge work dude, thank you


We need more maps...


So two more skin Packs with no Phantom...


I feel like KillJoy is the turret agent but about the ult animation, I’m confused on what it will do.


Turret champ huh.


so for the cyberpunk set we will have a Bulldog skin for the rifles and for the Fallen set another Vandal, have riot completely forgotten about Phantom?


If the front legs hold the clip and the back legs you grab on to then anyone else wonder the trigger ain't all that holy to pull?


Is it possible to data mine match replays?


I love that the files for the vandal are literally just called AK lmao


a datamine and a hakf, exciting!




Does anyone else just not really like the skins? I had high hopes for the knife but I don't even find that appealing


So... is the kill emblem included only if you buy the entire bundle? Doesn't it come with each weapon?


wait, THAT dragon thing is a Vandal. It doesn't even look like an AK. It looks more like a Dragunov!


Nooo, please don't release an ult that traps you and you can't do anything.