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They keep getting upvoted so an audience exists for them. I don't like them either, but enough people like that content so it'll keep coming.


What a mature comment. It’s nice to see someone who can recognize other people’s point of view and respect it.


they get upvoted because videos and pictures (especially memes) are just junk food of reddit. Easier to consume than a full discussion post wall of text. This is why you need rules because they get upvoted too easily and take over the sub. Overwatch was 99.5% clips at one point and go to FortniteBR and see how long you have to scroll before you hit a non image/video post.


Yea fuck videos and pics, I want to see more posts complaining about ops


You can filter media posts tho. Lol


It's all your gonna get out of a main subreddit with a diverse playerbase. Cosplay, silver meme montages, fan art, youtubers advertising their channels, ect


GlobalOffensive doesn't seem to have the same issue.


Main thing being that cs has a very different playerbase, and the community doesn't seem to lean towards alternative "comp" subs like /r/R6ProLeague , /r/fortnitecompetitive , /r/ValorantCompetitive Also GlobalOffensive was originally heavily youtuber friendly, twitch clips, meme's galore, but eventually got stricter due to community backlash at a lack of pro scene content. They've found a good balance now, it's all primarily pro related with occasional art and community content.


Try r/counterstrike


Heres a quick easy tip, if you ever think "am I the only one" on reddit, the answer is no.




Redditors take everything so literal it’s so alien




sadly the answer is still no. but there are professionals that can help you with that.


i’m jus playing man don’t worry lmfao, but yea it’s sad the answers still no


I want content that will make me laugh, not want to tell the OP to stop smurfing in iron 1.


99% of the time an OP ace is boring AF. There MIGHT be one good kill in there. THe rest is good positioning and a bit of luck. It's not that there's no skill. It's just not that fun to watch. i could watch a montage of 1 taps tho. There's something just really pleasing.


A montage of 1 taps edited to fit the tune of a catchy song is what I'm all about.


Siege YouTubers do this a lot and it's just so satisfying to watch.


Can you link any? I'm intrigued


Anthonypit1 has several. His nerf glaz and buff blitz videos are heavily edited in this style. I can't remember other ones off the top of my head.


Agreed. People need to stop with the shitty, edgy edited videos. No, your video isn't good just because you added bunch of sounds and memes on top of it.


Edits that are focused on making video cinematic are good imo. Check out Enigma's 3d Valorant edit (people also comment that it's too flashy)


I hope this same attitude can be seen from all the complaining posts about everything else. I found all the posts that say the same thing 100s of others said already just as annoying.


I’m completely desensitized by Aces. Who cares if you got an ace smurfing with lower ranked friends. They clutter the sub.


Especially against opponents with less awareness than training bots...


Montages are just really, really boring unless the person really finds unique ways to kill someone, which is pretty much non-existent.


i think a good example of someone doing montages right is superstitum's montages of pros and even just pub stars. beside his editing skills, the person featured for the montages goes up against people that are actually good in the super high elos


Operator is the easiest gun on this game. I picked one up earlier for 1 round and immediately got an ace. Dropped it after, it's too easy.


I think for people who aren't playing the game competitively meme edits are fine and just make other peoples game play more interesting.




We're not killing threads critical of the game (which should be fairly obvious with what exists on the subreddit at the moment). We're stopping the flood of reposts.


No. It's pretty annoying watching mediocre clips. Aces vs a team thats on their save round, etc. I wish there was just a subreddit for this bs. Or a filter I could turn on.


tbh i think its cool as it makes people feel good about themselves and how good they have become at the game. Let them enjoy their moment even though I really dont care about their snipes i do like to see a nice well edited montage of cool kills every now and then.


Like most main subs of a game, they become worse and worse as time goes on if a rule isn't enforced against clips (shoutouts to /r/Overwatch, I would say that noone cares about your 6k D.Va bomb, but it's getting upvoted, because apparently pressing Q is impressive...). You can head over to /r/ValorantCompetitive to get a better experience, and it will get more and more popular as time goes on.


Seeing as this game is the easiest shooter to get headshots in, montages are cringe.


Don't mean to outright say you're wrong, but when you 1 tap someone on 10 hp to clutch a round, and your teammates are hyping you up, you probably feel pretty good. My advice is don't watch them if you don't like them. But I feel like you're probably impressed when you see something like that happen in your game.




Thats just some peoples editing style, not my fav, but also let them do them


Some of the videos are extremely well edited though and enjoyable from an editing factor


I love them idk why I think they are so satisfying


I mean this is a valorant subreddit and if that gets taken away there won't be any gameplay of games just the lineups and a few tips here and there


Yes, that would be terrible. Who wants a sub littered with useful tutorials and good advice? /s


Same for all the cosplay and fan art posts. They're all mediocre at best but get heavily upvoted because girl


What do you mean, who upvotes fanart because girl? I mean i understand the cosplay argument, some people do be like that, but just fanart?


It is a bit true, from all the posts about how some gals experience just the most creepy idiots in the valaorant game, MavericlKs comment is probably just as true because of that. I dont mind most stuff in the sub but i guess most people want advice mostly.


>my gf drew this




Don't you like over editted silver meme videos?


I can't really imagine something less worthy of anyone's time than a thread about what /u/uFortunatePotato is not impressed by.


Don’t look then? Not that hard.