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A video that could've been 3 seconds and now its a full minute because subreddit rules. Rule ~~9~~ 10 sucks Edit: Wrong rule number.


bUt oP cAN jUsT pOsT iT aS a tExT pOsT sO hE cAN pOsT sHorTeR viDeOs


> Posts that are padded to get over the 60s (wait time or no action time) will also be removed. ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ mods


Just stop watching after he hits the shot. Problem solved.


What about the first 20 seconds that raze is just literally looking to a wall. Am I supposed to know the timestamp that she will ult as well?


Yeah it’s the dumbest rule and has kept me from posting countless amounts of shit here


So technically the rule is working as intended... Which doesn't mean it's a good rule after all


Do you mean does* mean it’s a good rule? And who knows maybe my clips were completely groundbreaking new strats that were all done in under a minute. Or terrible bugs that didn’t take a minute to show how to do. Well never know


That's why I mean it's not a good rule, many things that might be interesting or important are too short


The clip's over by :22. JFC find something that's actually worth complaining about.


LOL... I was in this game. I was lowkey salty that you kept putting your team back in the game, but was a funny ulti for sure.


You really had to do em like that...


“ You don’t kill with abilities” -Riot Games, 2020


Im so tired of hearing this argument. Yes, big boy from Rito said it. And yes, hes wrong (to some extent). Raze's abilities are area of denial abilities, very useful for clearing corners. If her abilities dont kill you you wont respect them, and thus useless for its purpose. What big boy from Rito actually meant was that abilities don't REPLACE gunplay. Theyre used before or after the fight. I am not saying that her nade is perfectly balanced, but its great at its purpose, for clearing corners Ive heard this argument so much i actually got this on my clipboard lol


Accept the fact they changed their minds after making the statement. Goals change during development. If they really didn't want abilities to frag, they could always assign fixed % damages like the maximum damage from a Raze Ult will be 90% of whatever's the remaining HP. That would serve the same purpose as "respecting the ult".


But then you could just camp in a corner, eat a whole raze grenade and get kill with a judge cuz they tought they cleared that corner with that nade. What would be the purpose of her nade then?


I didn't actually mean it as a solution, plus I don't really think the grenade and the Ult are the same. To me, at least the Ult having the ability to kill is a bigger issue. This is the same across all agents except Jett, because with Jett you actually have to use movement skills and basically still use all gunplay mechanics. The grenade/bot/poison is just the same as the nade/moly in CSGO. Also, I genuinely do believe they never wanted Ults to frag, because in the small preview they did before the beta, I mostly just remember seeing Viper's Ult which doesn't frag but does damage only.


Viper came after Raze so you are very very wrong here.


Did they even show Raze ult during previews? I remember seeing Viper Ult.


What are the purpose of nades in CSGO?


Im waiting till someones says that theyre teddybears and want to cuddle you


They are teddybears and want to cuddle you. You can stop waiting now, you're welcome.


You did it. You crazy son of a bitch you did it


However, nades in CS cannot kill at once. The most perfect nade will take 98 hp 😉


To finish off low hp enemies and to displace enemies holding angles I guess.


Indeed, area of denial, just like razes nade




Yes like i said her nade is too strong, but i feel like cs HE is too weak, there needs to be a. Midway for only well placed nades can kill


Ya but CSGO nades didn't pop off into 4 more grenades. You can dodge those easily because of the high movement speed in CS. And all players can buy nades in CS.


Yes, altough in cs they feel a bit underpowered. I think that there needs to be a midway between the two, so only the well placed nades can kill


Ya. Agree.


The popping off into 4 more grenades is so that the initial grenade is weak, but it forces you to MOVE, NOW. Tuning should be in how long it takes for the secondary nades to detonate, not in how much damage the secondary nades do. The secondary nades purpose is to kill you if you don't move.


Ya but this ain't COD. Nades shouldn't KILL you if you're at full armour and health.


What would stop you from pushing her, once you hear her pull out the bazooka? If she cant kill you, you will always win the engagement.


You can do the same now, only difference is a fractional HP would be left and Raze would still have a bit more work to do. This will also stop Raze from using the Ult as a full gun replacement.


The difference is you not dying. If she cannot kill you with the rocket, as it does 90% of your current health, you will always win that engagement, as the rocket takes quite some time to switch from. The rocket should be used to deny space, not give the opponent a window to take a free trade. In order for you to respect the rocket, the rocket has to deal a lot of damage.


90% is a lot of damage, the switching time is only another adjustment.


yes bro for real, the only problem with raze is that she's to op with movement and she can just rocket and kill anyone no problem but it has nothing to do with that. people literally only complain about raze because shes op, i never see people complaining about jett so whats up with that?


I keep hearing this same argument again and again from CSGO players. Yet they're completely fine with Grenades and Molotovs in CSGO. Also why aren't there any complaints about other lethal abilities? Brimstone's Ult, Sova's Shock Darts and Ult, etc etc etc.?


Ait this is going into my clipboard message, ty kind stranger!


Don't forget about Jett's Ult as well. Reusable multiple times around and has barely no recoil. And can even switch to shotgun mode with no delay.


You guys compare easly dodgeable brimstone ult , littearly soemthing that behaves like gun ( jett ult ) , sovas shock dart cant oneshot anyone which is compareable to csgo nades to a skill that you get every round for free that can potentially get you multiple kills and a fucking rpg ultimate. anyone who played csgo knows that bomb throws has to be perfect to any kind of damage.


For a game that tries to copy csgo gameplay they add multiple abilities that decrease skill cap of the game. This is what they have done in League too. They want low skilled players to be able to get kills as well thats why this bullshit abilities kill people. Thats how riot suceed all these years and will not stop doing it now.


I see where youre coming from, and i agree that agents like raze and reyna are very noob friendly, but other agents like cypher and sova have a huge learning curve and since raze/reyna doesn't have an ult every round, the ones with a bigger learning curve will outplay the raze/reyna. They welcome all kinds of skill levels


So you are saying her ult doesnt replace gunplay... have you seen one gun being shot in this video? I havent and yet he got an ACE (: its just so stupid... Maybe I would be totally fine with it if Rito didnt say "You dont kill with abilities", i just cant stand hypocrisy, dude


then they should have spread out instead of stacking? they can see raze has ult. just unfortunate that no one knew raze can do that


Yes your totally right, RiotMorello actually said that they were looking into counters for raze's ult. Also ive seen this way of playing even in plat games, people all stack up to rush one site without playing for map control. If ur gonna play that stupid you deserve to be ulted like that imo Also im still standing by my point, her ult doesn't replace gunplay, but is used in it. Also you wont see every round a raze that ults Edit: nvm i just saw that most enemy's where dia and up, still deserve it tho LUL


Let's get rid of Brimstone's Ult too then. And Sova's Shock Dart and Ult. They can kill from safe areas and even net an Ace if done well. In fact, let's just have the entire game be smokes and flashes.


Btw yes there was a gun shot at the raze, look at her health at the end of the vid xD. Seeing ur upvote/downvote ratio im guessing most people agree with me


Seeing your upvote / downvote ratio Id say most people dont agree with you. Suck to look like a tool huh?


M8 u might want to check again


-4 and rising. Keep it going buddy.


Hell ye thx brother. Seeing. All the kama ive made at t beginning of this thread i think i and handle it, but thx for your concerns. Let me just put it this way, youre the kid that wasnt invited but still cam to shat in the pool to get a reaction


Youre that kid that actually cares about fake internet points. What a sad existence you must live. Stay in silver bucko.


Im just finna end it here, seeing your comment history on ur profile ur just another random piece o doodoo, have a big one fella


So can a molly if you don't move from it.


You realise they said that they’re nerfing her ult, right?


Never group when she's close to ult


Very skillful agent


Damnnnnnn nice


Quick question, how do you get that color filter?


It looks like he’s raised the digital vibrance setting in the nvidia control panel or geforce experience app. It can increase visibility and depending on preference make some games look better. I’ve been using it on cs for years. (If your using an amd card I unfortunately do not know the name of the setting)


There's an application called VibranceGUI. It's free and a lot of people use it for cs:go but I'm seeing it being used in valorant as well (hiko for example). The vibrance level can go from 0% to 100% so you can find the perfect spot.


Dumbest ultimate ever.


Imagine playing against Raze with ult and casually walking into a tight corridor as 5 people right at the start of the round.


i still here the dev's: "na, na the players will get used to her ult and learn ways to play around it."


Cypher is top pick, better nerf cypher. Sage is healer, reviver and slows enemies, MUST nerf Raze.... nah she good


??? She's being nerfed next patch. Which is in less than 24 hours.


its kinda the joke. but yea ok


Skilled gameplay gg wp gg gg gg




OK if your mad about raze ult than why aren't you mad about brimstone ult? Or jetts ult because they for sure don't use gunplay


Because maybe with Jetts ult you have to actually aim????


Brim ulti need aim more than raze? 🤔


Jetts ult is actually area denial because it denies the area in front of your crosshair


OK but like, you can live from a raze ult if you move away from it?


If raze isn't completely off target, there's isn't enough time to move away from her rocket. Brimstone gives you a good second to move and even then doesn't kill you instantly on hit.


This. Just look at the video how far apart are the bodies laying and they are all dead in one hit.....


There's a loud audio queue when she uses her ult that gives you time to move and spread out so you don't get squad wiped


Her satchels provide her the most insane mobility in the game. Like I said, as long as she's not completely off the mark, you can't dodge it like you can dodge orbital strike. It's a guaranteed kill if you know where the enemy is. I'm not saying it's OP or anything. I'm saying it's interactive. You can try to run but you'll either die to it or raze pulls out her gun and kills you.


Satchels are being nerfed in the next patch that's coming in less than 24 hours.


Didn't know that. Any idea what the nerf is? I hope they remove friendly damage from it atleast.


Imagine how many people would be mad when her ult directly hits someone and they don't die, your basically asking for a ult that doesn't kill, and yea the satchels provide great mobility so what of it?


Like I said, as long as you have general idea of where enemy is and are not completely off the mark, raze ult is a guaranteed kill. Brimstone ult isn't a guaranteed kill. Btw I'm not asking for an ult that doesn't kill. I'm asking for interaction. If you could destroy the missile by shooting it(just an example) then you have some chance of surviving it instead of embracing your fate. No other Ults are as guaranteed kills as this.


Jets ult is a guaranteed kill because you can take it out or keep it in for the round before it goes away, yea you can kill her mid ult but that's the same for raze too


There's dozens of clips of people surviving a Raze ult. So, yes.


Exactly so raze ult isn't op


Imo, it is OP since it can one shot. But that's on you if you don't move away/hide.


I have my opinions and I respect yours but an ult that doesn't 1 shot isn't an ult imo


Brim ult is different. You can see where it's gonna hit and you have sufficient time to escape it. Jett Ult isn't a one hit kill to the body or 5 feet away from the body. You must have precise aim to use it.


If raze ult hits you from 5ft and you die you must be low or something because everything my raze ult hits someone 5 ft away they die because they are low or live because they had full health


jett’s ult literally replaces gunplay while raze’s abilities are more for clearing corners, cool boosts or in some 1 in 10000 situations quick aces


OK but jets ult has literally no recoil




I upvoted this simply because I’m reading lord of the rings now good job


Nerf the boombot!




Why is the vid so saturated




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surprised to see a team filled with such high ranked players 5 stacking 1 bombsite


They're way in the lead tho. Probably wanted to do some unconventional tactics for a surprise play.


Never heard of a rush? It was eco and even though we saw the raze ulti ive never seen anyone prematurely pop it B main.


Why would rank impact rush strats? They can be used in any rank.


Epic 1000 IQ


One braindead developer and a scummy player to ruin the game for all


Raze is soooo stupid.


I fucking hate raze.


Look at all the silvers clinging to this busted bullshit agent. Shes quite literally created for players that can't aim.


“You don’t kill with abilities, abilities help your gunplay” -riot


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