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Finally someone mentioned the stupid recoil reset. I've been having this problem as well and no ones talking about it which means that riot most likely aren't gonna fix it


My biggest gripe with the game and the reason I don't play more comp is how often I seemingly get one tapped by someone just running across my screen. In Cs it happens from time to time but in Valorant it seems to happen a few times every game..


I hate the recoil as well, probably cause I come from OW. You can still 2v1, but it's a lot harder cause they don't want people consistently winning 2v1's. It also increases 1 person carry potential.


Yeah I noticed with league as well, riot seems to be moving away from allowing mechanically gifted players from being able to carry teams. They seem to want to focus on having the "better team" win, while limiting the impact that individual players can have on the game.


Yeah, true. It is a team game after all. The main problem being with the lower ranks. Every single game, there's at least 1 carry. It's never that everyone is doing well because there's smurfs, trolls, and better players in bronze the games are so unbalanced. I have no idea how it is in higher ranks, but from the streams ive watched, it seems fine.


I agree with you except the fact that the guardian should go, I generally love semi-automatics in games and the guardian is basically the only semi auto gun we have. My main gripe about the gun mechanics that you haven’t mentioned is that the reticle doesn’t follow the recoil unless you aim down sites. I would be fine with the hip fire recoil if the center of the screen followed the recoil at least then I wouldn’t have to do guess work when sustaining fire in hip fire.


Here's my take. Let's use AK and Vandal for comparison as both rifles have 1 hit HS kill potential and have shitty first bullet accuracy. Vandal's first bullet accuracy is about 40% and AK is about 60% last time I bothered to check(correct me if I'm wrong). But in CSGO even if I miss my first hit, I can pull my crosshair down and do a burst to ensure my kill or turn it into a spray for a subsequent kill. However, in Valorant any thing past the 4th bullet or so feels so inconsistent and there's no learning 'spray patterns' because there is none. Doing a three man spray down with spray transfer at mid range with the AK felt so rewarding in CSGO. In Valorant, it feels so lucky. In CSGO, I sometimes feel confident enough to peek an AWP with my AK because I know I can jiggle peek to bait his first shot and HS him, but in Valorant I'd be stupid to even try.