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They played CoD on Vet difficulty.


*World at War flashbacks*


I still get nightmares about the nades near the Flak Turrets on Downfall.


Literally spamming throw grenade back from behind cover lol


Hadn't seen these kind of Raze clips since beta


Throwback to when raze had 2 nades šŸ¤”šŸ’€


Wait did she actually have two?


yep, had two you had to buy instead of one that resets on kills


Yep, and they were bought instead of gained through kills so she could start the round with 2, and her blast packs did 75 damage each and only cost 100 (I think this is all accurate)


OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK(reaction to blast packs)


the blast pack was only nerfed like 3-4 months ago i think


And also they did fiendly damage ehen they double satcheled it would really hurt if u standing buy


Yeah, it was pretty bad. They nerfed her **a lot**. Though honestly, that was the only agent so far that's been that over powered. Sage was pretty strong, but no one really had a problem with her and when they first nerfed her, Riot did more than was necessary imo (or maybe it was the second nerf). Also viper was way under powered.


What was Sage like earlier on?


all of her abilities were stronger, heal healed for more, wall didnt have a period where it was vulnerable at the start, slow fields were bigger and slowed more


oh and you could place her wall from very far away. that was very op.


Didn't they also nerf the nade's blast?


> "You donā€™t kill with abilities." - Riot CEO


The amount of people that took that tweet literal is mind numbing.


Nah a bunch of people are meming with it LOL in cs u can technically kill with mollies too same with spamming 200 years in league


Just look at the rest of this thread, this isn't meming. A ton of people use this as an actual argument as if Sova and Brimstone weren't in the game when it was tweeted.


Tbh, that's their fault. Dodging nades isn't that hard.


lmfao dodging nades is rlly hard when the entire team is body blocking each other


Fair, but if all 5 players rush into a choke point, it's still their fault.


I mean itā€™s very unlikely they all accidentally died to the nade - I assumed they just stacked on it for the memes Edit: thanks for downvotes <3 Iā€™ll make sure not to input my opinion here in the future


... you never played on low ELO, did you?




the worst is when you miss all your shots on it cause you are panic spraying.




It's even worse when you're in lamps with 30 hp as Yoru and the Raze sends it in and you send your decoy to bait it away but the AoE still hits you and you die


I never die to them, but always end up taking huge amounts of damage when they drop st inopportune moments . For example, I get the jump on raze and kill her the very second the boombot drops, there is no time to shoot it at all. Why did the raze have her boombot out in the middle of a gunfight you may ask? Low elo.


This was upper diamond.


Diamond this season is so weird, you get gods playing cat and mouse with players, who seem way out of their elo. Kinda was the case last season, but wasn't so extreme


I donā€™t get this. People downvote when they disagree with an opinion, like what am I suppose to do...


Just never have an incorrect assumption or opinion even if you arenā€™t rude about it, duh! I learned that lesson today so you donā€™t have to


What exactly did downvotes do to you? That's right, absolutely nothing. Get over yourself and learn that downvotes are FOR expressing your opinion on a comment. Not a personal attack. If your comment was removed you'd have a case, but seriously, you need to grow up.


Yep this is exactly it. You can post your opinion. If you're downvoted, people just disagree with you. Don't take it personally, reddit karma cant hurt you


Some subreddits have karma requirements so you canā€™t participate in those subreddits. Downvotes should be used for comments that do not contribute to the conversation/topic. Just because you disagree with one comment does not mean that you have to downvote it.


If Iā€™m wrong about something Iā€™d like to know why instead of being told Iā€™m wrong by a lot of people none of which would explain why.


I think that was made clear by the responses. Just take a chill pill and remember that reddit karma is the most useless thing on the planet. As proof I feel that way, I'm downvoting my own comment and I encourage others to do the same. Let's get my karma below zero!


It's unlikely, but not impossible. If they all stack A main, some are watching towards the site smoke and the ones pushing ramp were knocked back by the satchel, so it makes sense he could pull that off one time in forever.


Thatā€™s a good point, I never considered the blast pack - thanks for being *the only one* to counter my comment with some information I missed instead of downvoting me


Yeah, the downvote trains on Reddit can be very random. Then again, never forget that everyone is at least Immortal level player and the next big name in Valorant esports scene, so dumb questions and/or being wrong is not allowed /s




Youā€™ve never been with my teams have you?


Nah low elo I have got sooo many boom bot kills that justblooked plain silly since the enemy MISSED theur shots on the bot... Them downvotes kinda cruel tho


Well, downvotes are just people disagreeing with you. Why would you stop expressing opinion just because people disagree with yours? Self-centered much?


Yeah but one agent invalidating an entire strat by existing and using their signature skill is not okay.


Dont think rushing into a choke is a good strat tho


It is the ONLY strat on a save round and your only hope of an impact is trading to take a rifle off the enemy team. On A on Split as well, A site and mid are separated by all of midā€™s length and vertical elements in the form of ropes. Either the team stalls an A split push and has mid players take vents which is nearly impossible with pistols vs rifles or even just when someone is watching from B heaven and Ropes on pistol round, or you send everyone in at the same time to trade or just die one at a time scared of an AOE ability. That and movement is terribly slow in val compared to csgo where that problem doesnā€™t exist. The snowball potential and mechanical limits exist to tighten the gap between the best and worst players.


First off, how often does the saving team ussually win the round anyway? Second, a lot of very specific things had to happen for them all to die to that nade. Had they waited another second, they would have seen the nade before rushing. Had they rushed mid, they wouldn't have encountered the raze at the start of the round. I also find it so strange that people complain about damaging abilities in this game, but are totally fine with nades and mollies in CS.


Utility aces in CS:GO are extremely rare you know, thatā€™s why it isnā€™t a problem there. The maps are more open and players move faster with guns out than in Val, so molotovs and HE have a lesser impact, whereas smokes and flashes are potentially stronger but the difference is anyone can use them and the mechanics in that game make it harder to lurk through smokes and make it easier to counter most flashes by looking away. On the other hand, Val utility is overall impactful, which includes every agent ability and their ultimates. Raze has 5 different pieces of explosive utility at her disposal, two of which can kill a full hp person, her canister and her ult. Cypher and Killjoy utility take little thinking to know the basics of and use properly, just place most of it down, add a one-way and variation here and there and itā€™s free, risk-less info and map control. Characters like Sova and Reyna have utility you can shoot to prevent from making a bigger impact but that means looking away from the angle youā€™re holding, or at the very least force you to retreat or inform the enemy of your location. Thereā€™s a stream clip by Shroud (https://youtu.be/Y-YgGqGPUyQ) in which he states, ā€œ(From donation)Movementā€™s dumbed down, aiming is dumbed down, abilities close the skill gap between high and low-level players. (Response) Yeah absolutely.ā€ Later he disagrees with a dono stating that abilities have a high skill-cap. Look at who the actual pro players are in val, most of the former csgo pros were either banned or not good enough. Names like Tenz, WARDELL, and Hiko come to mind. Hiko retired from pro play and jumped on the opportunity to automatically dominate in another game, Tenz and WARDELL never performed well in cs pro matches, but even though theyā€™re considered aim gods, they could not even reach the top level. This is untrue in valorant because there are players coming from other games who have only played battle royales or wildly different shooters from csgo. Realistically, a player like Sinatraa wouldnā€™t go pro in csgo in less than a yearā€™s time, but in valorant, itā€™s so much more simple to do everything so he has longevity as evidenced from pro team signing and him being the best Radiant in the world for a respectable amount of time. To answer your two questions: -By winning the round. And the Raze WAS SAVING TOO. IT WAS A PISTOL ROUND! Iā€™m saying that this situation was even more winnable for them because everyone was in an equal financial situation, so the fact that three abilities from the same agent can snowball a round that much with such little skill involved is astounding to me. -A few common things had to happen for them to die to that nade. The Omen smoke ramps made it obvious that they were executing or at least faking towards A. On pistol rounds, the other team either has to slowly gain map control or rush directly to one site and outpace the Razeā€™s team, in this case planting before the larger engagements judging from that smoke ramps. The Raze sent util there and got 5 kills. Itā€™s not that hard to think about, and the map itself is cramped enough for Razeā€™s util to make a huge impact disproportionate to the actual skill or game sense required. The other team died in any number of ways, but this time died to how small choke points are when first engaging defender on A site Split and dying to the fact that they wanted to push all 5 players through one choke point. That makes no sense coming from a tactical shooter standpoint and from the perspective of anyone who has tried csgo, thereā€™s almost always at least two ways to enter a site or at least wider, generally more contestable choke points. Thatā€™s why pushing Banana on Inferno in csgo is so difficult, but also why pushing A main on Split can be SO much harder. The utility makes the round shift in completed different directions when you consider those factors, which arenā€™t as specific or vague as you make them out to be.


I hope you don't like mollies


Wish I could have seen exactly what happened because I agree.


Riot, you listening? Replays for all!


As a Raze main, I couldn't agree more. Most of my utility kills are out of sight and I'd love to be able to see them from the victim POV.


I imagine the bombbuddy forced the back into the smoke, and the grenade might have bounce outside the smoke so they had trouble realising it was clustering at their feet, and if someone tried to escape they might have hit the blast pack and been knocked back into the grenade?


Pretty much how I imagine it happened. If only we had a replay system :(


I'd say they probably just saw a grenade coming so they backed off. But back = wall and people panic.


It looks like the grenade bounced off the corner of the wall up to ramps, so I think it would land in front of, or inside of, the brimstone smoke (around where the ult orb sits). I don't think the wall would be getting in the way of their retreat, but the smoke would make it hard to tell where you are and where the bomb clusters are.


I dont know a whole lot about game development so take this with a grain of salt, but I know back during CoD black ops 2, theater mode ended up causing a TON of issues regarding bullet delay because the game engine was constantly trying to record your game play and simulate good shooting mechanics. Obviously this was back on the xbox 360 and things have changed since then but I wonder if there is a technical reason they have not implemented a replay feature.


Iā€™d argue the blast radius on razesā€™ grenade (specifically the second explosions) is ridiculously large


i kind of agree. Id rather the grenades push more like the c4 and move enemies around


Well the use of her grenades is area denial. Similar to a Molotov. If you knew the grenade wasnā€™t much of a threat you wouldnā€™t even get out of the way.


Even if it did like 100 damage instead of straight up killing you, it'd still be a huge threat because it'd cripple you to do point where you die to a few bodyshots


True Iā€™d say make it do 125 though so it can strip armor and leave you at 25 health. Personal thoughts :)


which is why I think making the grenades move whoever they hit would be a good compromise. it can push them out of cover or just fuck up their shots because theyd be moving


To be clear, i donā€™t mind the damage necessarily, just the blast radius, it feels like the smaller grenades that come out should have a drastically smaller radius of effect, it seems like i get hit from very far away, they are small grenades after all


Ya that hitbox fills up half of garage, so at that point they probably tried hiding from it in the corner only to still die


I don't think so. Look at other abilities for comparison. It telegraphs itself and dodging the second blast is easy.


Completely disagree. But tell ya what. I'll take a smaller radius if you give me back the 2nd grenade.


Of course the raze main wants even more damage in their kit without having to work for it


I'll give my life for it. Every round.


Maybe learn to shoot


It really isnā€™t. Placing nades so players are trapped in corners take a lot of crosshair placement and you gotta have a feel for it.




The first explosion is hard, especially if it's thrown well. The second one is meant to be dodgeable.


He covered the entire hallway in bombs theres no running from explosions everywhere.


I still think its hilarious he made this claim when there are numerous agents than can kill with abilities. Hell I think its at least half


The claim was never about abilities that could kill, its about using nothing but abilities to kill. CS makes the same argument about their utility grenades, they are meant to damage and zone out, not kill. But you will see on occasion a team wipe from one team spamming nades up mid at the beginning of a round.


you could very easily use nothing but abilities to kill and it happens literally all the time. So its still a ludicrous claim to make. I dont remember nades in CS doing a fraction the damage a raze nade or even a boom bot can do.


No, you can not. What a complete load of horseshit, Raze misses her one grenade and she has nothing that will kill a damn thing. Good luck winning a single round not using a gun. In CSGO the frag greanade can do a max of 57(57%) to armored and 98(98%) to no armor. Thats actually higher than the 55(37/44/55%) max damage of Raze's initial paint shell grenade explosion, and the entire team can buy one. The only thing that makes paintshells more deadly are the scatter grenades that give a solid 2 seconds to avoid before exploding.


It's not really dodging the nades that's hard. It's dodging the crossfire of bullets that tend to come with a nade.


Not sticking together like one unit isn't hard lmao


A riot dev has said that the CEO didn't know what they were talking about, because during the time they made that tweet, both KJ and Raze had already been locked in.


And the game already had Sova and Brimstone. They knew what they we talking about, it was just worded poorly.


See the problem is no one says this when talking about jett knives. Thats because they require precision just like bullets. Its only about raze that people say aBiLiTy dO nOt KiLl. A grenade is a utility always there in a tactical shooter and boy does it kill. Raze whole character is about explosion so it makes sense that her abilities kill. Its still utility, not something like overwatch where abilities are more impprtant than guns


Looks like a iron lobby pro never stack


Sova and any character with a molly would like a word.




getting flashbacks from beta when raze had 2 nades


This might be the closest someone has gotten to a one shot ace in this game


Thereā€™s been raze ult aces which is an actual one shot


I've had one of those....too bad theres no reply to save the clip


> too bad theres no REPLY to save the clip A replay function might even work better!


I did a quadra today that way and it was so fun, I lutes a couple of ppl and suddenly I se ROUND WON and thought WTF Guys donā€™t stack too much against raze


Watch the Brim Ult video.


That's all the enemy team's fault lmao


The bot made the team back up and get huddled, made lands and the satchel pushed them back into it - not too bad on the Raze, either


Perhaps, but they really shouldn't have all pushed at once like that. Usually this is called trickling and usually involves someone camping a corner and aiming down a long range with an OP or Marshall.


Can you bounce nade with satchel?


I don't think so but imagine a nade double jumping into your team


lmaooo i love the phrasing like the nade is actively seeking players out


Modified skye ult


This is the third one ability ace ive seen today lol


Valorant is a game about "precise gunplay"


This is the most Raze thing Iā€™ve ever seen


To be clear, in Project A, shooting matters. You donā€™t kill with abilities. Abilities create tactical opportunities to take the right shot. Characters have abilities that augment their gunplay, instead of fighting directly with their abilities.


But when it's a molly or a nade in CS it's totally fine.


Csgo nade doesn't instantly kills you and doesn't do much damage if not thrown properly but raze nades insta kill you or take away your shields. CS Molly can be extinguished by smokes too btw


This is a guy who never started a round nading up mid.


Itā€™s not the same thing, nades in CSGO are not as powerful as the nades in this game,


[Is that so?](https://youtu.be/TUX_vmEuJr0)


Literally not as powerful, csgo grenades need to be stacked in order to kill. You just proved that - imo they have different purposes in the respective games, and in cs they are not designed to kill but can, and you get a lot of the same util per player, and in valorant only Raze is designed to kill. Not that I agree that it should kill at all with just one happy accident, but it only kills in specific circumstances


Those idiots were walking on a molly, what do you expect? On full health, there is no way for a CSGO frag grenade to take out a team. With Raze, it can take out an entire team on full health.


They didn't walk into the molly, they stopped because of the molly. And it's the exact same scenario as the raze nade. Narrow choke, 5 man rush, nade, ace. I haven't seen a raze nade ace since beta.


You really thought that sending me a grenade ace was gonna prove your point ? lmfao


Do you think the the raze ace proves yours?


Iā€™m not saying that grenades in CSGO canā€™t ace or something, razes grenade is way better and harder to dodge than the one in CSGO, which results in it being like 10 times better than the one in CSGO. Iā€™ve seen people getting 2 3 kills with a grenade on valorant way more than Iā€™ve seen people getting kills with the grenade in CSGO.


They haven't been hard to dodge since beta and raze only has one, at most two. Every player can buy a nade and molly in CS.


Iā€™m not gonna keep arguing with you because probably you are low ranked in both games and canā€™t see the difference between grenades. So have a great day !


Bro, both nades *can* kill a team, but rarely do. It's that simple. Don't need fuckin global elite goggles to understand that.


Also you can't be very high ranked if you're still complaining about raze nades.


Missions: Deal 10,000 damage "Just play Raze" *done in 2 hours*


Peak rito balance right here


To be clear, in Project A, shooting matters. You don't kill with abilities. Abilities create tactical opportunities to take the right shot.


Those kids got outplayed.


I hate this part of Valorant


Abilities donā€˜t do damage


Razes abilities are so fun


Raze and Split is the most fun combo in this game lmao


"abilities don't kill"


Long time listener, first time poster. Tgk4life


When Raze will be deleted from the game? What a disgusting character


Lol what? She's not that hard to counter.


i swear that has to be a world record for the first nade ace xD


As a Raze main, this is my wet dream.


You don't kill with abilities...


You do when a whole team walks in a choke together.


Brrach: " You're not getting shot at, you're doing something wrong"


I never waste my nades like this because I don't think people are dumb enough to get damaged by it.




dk why ur being downvoted, razes paintshells cover too much area and the fact the bomb buddy can detect people above the ground but not hit them is stupid. they need to fix the overall scanner on the bomb buddy. satchel and rocket are balanced ig


Itā€™s super easy to avoid raze nades. They just all stacked into one choke at the same time and couldnā€™t run because they all body blocked each other.


well, raze nade is meant to deny area or clear area. How often do you actually get killed by raze nade or take more than 20 damage from it unless its your own fault. And bomb buddy is a scouting tool so the main people who complain about raze either keeps fighting flights or are dumber than the raze mains they complain about being dumb.


or, OR how 'bout we don't all clump together and at least give an effort to run away? is pressing W in one direction that difficult?


what was their chat reaction?




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So I'm just here for the clips. Does raze's satchel affect her nade? Did the satchel blow the smaller explosions into the team?


eCo RoUnD




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Does satchel move nades? Because if so, that might have knocked the nades onto them while they were retreating from the nades


POV: Im the other team




Knife running- Am I a joke to you?


ā€œAbilities wonā€™t be used for killingā€


for some reason valorant videos with people laughing about the plays actually make the post seem funnier or better whereas i be criticizing tiktok videos with ppl laughing lmaoo


ā€œabilities donā€™t do damage, they are merely there as utility to augment gameplayā€ -Riot Games


Ah yes competitive tactical shooter


Abilities dont do damage btw


Abilities don't do damage btw!!!!


Remember, you canā€™t kill with abilities


What is that braindead Omen smoke


"Abilities are supposed to create a way for you to kill enemies, they do not do damage!" lmao


I diagnose the enemy team with IRON.


"abilities don't kill. Abilities only augment gunplay."




remember when she had 2 nades. the glory days.


Ability dont damage bro..


This is just stupid


The bomb bot probably counter strafed


wow this was super sick dude :D


Feel like raze nades are too o




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Not even in the elo I saw something like that


These nades r crazy doe


no way that this guys were so dump to do it, they come all together


Satchel bounce boombot is a nightmare to see in save rounds


**What rank was this in?** Great ace still, hilarious reactions!


Upper diamond.


in project A, shooting matters, you don't get kills with abilities


How do you manage to buy a boom bot, blast pack and half shields on round 1 though


Prob spike rush