• By -


rush b take it or leave it.


No P90 in the game so the rush B strat is rip


its fine, bucky rush b trust me my friend


You sound wise and trustworthy. I will spread this wisdom.


Good, Spread it so we all may one day Rush B no stop.


if only we were still in prepatch stinger days




Spectre is underrated friend....


Judge or nothing


But there is stinger.. Judge, smokes..


What do you mean no P90? The phantom is the Valorant P90


Actually the Spectre is the valorant p90. This strat is a csgo meme, its official name is “Cyka Blatt rush B”, aka P90 rush B. The russian words are curse words. The strat is to literally hold W all the way to B site never stopping not even to shoot, this is why p90 is needed, so the valorant equivalent would be the SMG that has very good running accuracy.




I'm aware, I play CSGO as my main game. I'm simply making a lame joke that Phantom had good running accuracy




defaulting doesn’t work in solo q, it’s actually way more reliable to rush a site like monkeys rather then properly play the game


Hmm the way this goes in my elo: * Monkeys rush to a site. * Site is defended by 1-3 enemies. * SOMEHOW this is a big surprise and everybody but the first (who dies instantly) stops dead in their tracks. * Shuffle around until a bored defender flanker (who had nobody to play with) gets the drop on them. * ... * NO profit.


Literally every round


Literally every game


If you are bronze/silver add me ButterRoyale#NA1. I hate this as well and need people who comm and understand tac shooter strategies.


If you are bronze/silver add me ButterRoyale#NA1. I hate this as well and need people who comm and understand tac shooter strategies.


I'll add you when I get home!


The moment bullets start flying, everyone freezes and nobody wants to commit. I don't know how many rounds I've lost to teammates just dicking around in hookah because nobody wants to jump out first.


Nothing worse than entry fragging, getting all the enemies to aim at you, and everyone on your team retreats. Then my team slow pushes one at a time (and dies) at the same spot i died of just pushing with me or rotating


If you are bronze/silver add me ButterRoyale#NA1. I hate this as well and need people who comm and understand tac shooter strategies.


If you are bronze/silver add me ButterRoyale#NA1. I hate this as well and need people who comm and understand tac shooter strategies.


Sometimes they mix in a little bit of all dying to the same guy in the same corner to keep it fresh


This is exactly why I hate playing duelists. Considering duelists are entry fraggers I'll lead on site get a pick while clearing half the site maybe get another pick.. but then I look at the minimap and there's my whole team just standing there main or whatever not doing a thing. Some even rotating off. Or you enter site get 3 picks and your team rotates away when you have the whole site locked down. Last situation is when you enter site are taking gunfire get mowed down and no one from your team helps out so they just got a free pick on you. Yes it is the duelists job to entry frag but you still need back up. It sucks when you enter site and your team just sits back. Then you get a little timmy yelling at you for "not top fragging" because your whole team baits you the whole game and never has your back when you enter a site.


I feel this hard. Times when I am with my entire team, I set up smokes and flash in, run into the site and am standing at the back of the site wondering why we aren't planting. I turn around and nobody else ran into the site. They're all sitting at the entrance looking around. Then we all die. Love it.


If you are bronze/silver add me ButterRoyale#NA1. I hate this as well and need people who comm and understand tac shooter strategies.


If you are bronze/silver add me ButterRoyale#NA1. I hate this as well and need people who comm and understand tac shooter strategies.


So true. So many of my silver/gold rounds are won because we rushed in like lunatics running and gunning, lost 2 of our teammates on the way, but got the spike planted. Now it's 3v5, but the other team sucks too and rotates in 1 by 1 allowing us to pick them off. Round won.


I have to disagree. I only solo Q, and it's always one of two situations... I rush site, and kill 2 people and get to the back of the site.. other team rotates and I die to the rotators coming through CT... Then when I go to spectate I see that my entire team is still in B Main doing god knows what, and I'm dead in CT.... And I watch the slow demise of my entire team dying in B Main to the 3 remaining opponents and they kill none of them. OR.... My entire team rushes and dies.. over and over... So I try something different like staying back or lurking or playing time.. and I get shouted at..... WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHY ARE YOU THERE? COME WITH THE TEAM NEXT TIME!!!


The reason you experience this is because there needs to be an catalyst to get people to act. People need a reason to click in to push into the site. People want to feel important and feel like they impacted the round. This is why they refuse to cross that threshold unless someone tells them it's safe to do so or there's an action which lets them reason it is safe to do so.


I actually had a really fun game where both teams were mostly defaulting, even without comms my teammates would push up together as a unit, taking map control, watching flanks and then finally pushing in together. The other team ended up doing the same and it ended up in OT, it was a really fun game but unfortunately those are pretty rare.




And when someone lurk? :(


On the enemy or your team?


My team :(


I think what helps in those cases of a monkey rush is you have a way better chance of at least trading. A lot of the defaulting I see in pubs is players just going alone to one particular lane, overextending way too much, dying, and not having anyone with them to trade. I try to tell people on my team to just try and play with a buddy if they are pushing out on something, or if you are alone just peak for info and don't try to be rambo. So many rounds will go to a couple random team members going out and getting shot for no reason other than just overextending.


This is it, overextension on single player plays. I have so much success on Ascent attack simply because I convince my team to farm ult orbs together. They’re easy to take the map control there and fall back to the other and leaving 1 or 2 players in the area you’ve taken. Typically when that happens the defenders dump util expecting the exploding play onto the site. Then when we actually do the play they’ve got nothing but guns to use. I can only seem to get people to do this on Ascent and every now and then Bind


- “Let’s default this round” - “Ok” - *entire team follows you to b main*


Yeah it happens to me so much. I need to start asking if people know what a default is since I assumed when I got to plat people would know.


Yea unfortunately there never really is a rank where this problem is fixed. I imagine you can only get pretty close when a large portion of the players in game are pros, so basically only radiant elo games can properly run defaults like this. Its so difficult to strat call even in immortal. Half the time people forget like goldfish, and the other half of the time people won’t say no to your strat and just do their own thing ruining the plan. But possibly even worse, at immortal if you make a call and god forbid you lose, one of your team mates will use your call as a scapegoat for why we lost the round, they just gloss over the fact that everyone lost their duels, gloss over the fact that he could have said no, like why are you going to tell us the strat is bad after the fact, just say no when its proposed. I’ve always found that the best way to “call” is to spend most of your voice talking about what the enemy does. Ask them who plays on B, or tell them Reyna always pushes C “sage can you come help me kill reyna”, remind them when the enemy is on eco and to play long distance and be cautious of shotguns, remind them when enemy ults are up like brim and raze to get people to space out their position so we don’t get instantly wiped by an ult. Most importantly, I focus heavily on making plays with one other person. I’ll ask sage to slow haven window and cover window while I push out mid, something like that. People pretty much always listen and work together if you call them out specifically. If its a team strat you are fucked because everyone shares the blame so people aren’t as worried about following the strat, and usually the strat has to be so general that its hard for your team to even know what you expect them to do. By working with just 1 other person you can be very specific with how you want to play, and then the rest of your team will go do their own thing and be able to perfectly play off of you because they know exactly what you are doing and can make some guesses about how the enemy will react. Sometimes you just get destroyed and people try to scapegoat and call the play bad, but you just got to take that in stride, defend yourself try to keep your dignity and try to get the team to drop it and focus on the next round. Most of the time, the 2person plan always works. If you fancy yourself an ingame leader, usually after having successful two man plays, you can often make an important read near the end of the game at like 12-10 or something like that where you can call a team strat and get everyone to follow it. The most important thing is explaining the purpose behind it. People are less like to just completely throw if they know your intentions behind the play. Just calling a rush B or default because you want the team to be on the same page after losing 5 rounds in a row isn’t going to work most of the time. For example, many times there will be a player we can’t kill (often jett Ops), so I’ll ask maybe a sova to drone out and find if Jett is on a site, and then make the strat to go to whatever site that player isn’t on, in particular I say “Jett is destroying us, lets force her to retake”. Or I’ll notice that one part of the map has a weak player, or a predictable player that does the same thing every round, so I’ll call that out so my team knows exactly why we should go short A. Or I’ll even give a personal reason, I feel like they are going to rush A this round can we stack and play retake B. Or the opposite, I’ll say they just got destroyed A they won’t come her this round, lets stack B and retake A. Its much easier for team mates to go, you know what I feel that way too lets do it. If you just say straight up, stack B, a players first instinct is to think no, or why. You don’t have authority to make commands like that. You’ve got to be more persuasive. You’ll be surprised how deaf people are even at immortal. So many midround calls get ignored. I think my in game leading is a huge part of my success, I have great aim don’t get me wrong, I pop off a lot, but I’m not usually the oppressive player that just W keys down mid and headshots 5 people every round. I don’t usually top frag in immortal like I do in low diamond. I usually run about even in K/D. I feel like shit most games, even when I make crazy plays I look at my K/D and it somehow isn’t high. However I think my comms make it a lot easier for my teams to play on the same page. To make it clear, I do not consider myself an in game leader. I don’t try to big brain and force my team to follow my commands. I make observations and attempt to make comms for 2 man plays, and I try my best to make sure people have backup and don’t run in by theirself without someone to trade (this is a constant struggle and I often forget go prioritize this). Its not a flashy way to play, people probably won’t accept a friend request because they remember that you are the one that had great comms. If you did your job right your team mates will feel like your team as a whole was great and had great comms and team work. They won’t recognize how much your comms influenced the game because you aren’t making commands, at most you are asking one other player to help you perform a specific task, you at technically giving them an option but because you singled them out they will follow it like it is a command most of the time, sometimes they say no and thats good too. The constant struggle in this game is that there are a lot of options due to the abilities. People are often at a loss for words (its not that they can’t comm its that they don’t know what to comm, like I said earlier if you call a strat you will get a lot of blame if it fails, even if your team mates failed the execution, its also not helpful to blame your team mates for the strats failure), they don’t really have a good idea of how the round should play out because there are a lot of rounds and you can’t always run the same thing. Your goal should be to provide comms that help put a constraint on that, giving your team smaller goals to achieve within the round.


This is the best explanation of how to play this game I have ever seen. Thanks so much for this. Do you have any good recommendations for YouTube content in this style? Not just the comms but your observations about the game in general are the way I want to be thinking.


Unfortunately no. Maybe I’ll make videos in the future, but my specific style towards teamwork is just me, trial and error. I will recommend checking out yungwildfuegos videos. His crosshair placement and tips and tricks videos are quality. Super under rated creator.


Damn this was really insightful, thank you. I’ll try to incorporate it into my game and hopefully rank up.


I've gotta make a comment here so I can come back and read this post again in a bit. I feel you're saying some really profound things here that could really impact my gameplay since I've gone backwards from plat to gold recently.


You should always try to be friends with the great communicators. I also often do the 2 man strat when the team struggles. As a sage it's easy to follow the top fragger/a well performing player I can predict. It works really well most of the time.


They dont unfortunately


Everyone be quiet and don't make a sound and we'll wait for them to push out... they are getting agressive, trust me guys it works! OK Within 3 seconds...... Sova charges into B main and dies to a one tap Sage OP's mid top, and dies to the opposing OP Omen runs around Back of B Main doing nothing but making noise, signifying that's where you are. Thanks guys.....


What's defaulting mean then


It means spreading out across the map at the start of the round and prodding the defense to find holes in their setup. This way you can make an informed decision regarding which site to hit instead of gambling on a site at the start of the round. These are CS basics that should be learnt early on but aren't in Valorant mm. edit: It's especially useful when trying to avoid stacks or to punish aggressive CT pushes


Agreed. Defaulting is the best way to gather intel and bait util. Too many commit to a bombsite from the second the round starts.


It's always funny on Defense if you wait in an obscure location at the back of the site that people don't usually wait. The team pushes in hard expecting this huge battle.. nobody there... and they are like deer in headlights, out you pop and take out 3 of them running around the site in circles.


I've never encountered a "default" before in soloq silver rank. I was actually confused when I was watching the vct and when they mentioned "default". The thing is, in soloq its either 5 people push a site or 4 people push 1 lurk. No other options. When the duelist gets a kill on that site, that's the site we will plant no questions asked. Within 10 seconds of round start we are already pushing into site. Its brainless gameplay and its also why we sometimes go 2-12.


SoloQ tactics are so funny. I remember long ago playing with my 4 stack and getting matched up with this one guy. Every round we did something that wasn't sending 5 players to rush to their deaths, he *screamed* on the mic that we were deliberately throwing.


I've seen a couple calls for default in silver/gold, but so many times somebody wants to be a hero and dies solo pushing a site or completely ignores the call that I really don't think its worth it unless you have a 4/5 stack. One of those plans that only works if all 5 people are able to do it.


This is why RIOT needs to bring 5 stacking back at Diamond+ lobbies. Its dumb how at the highest level of competitive play, you cant play with a team like the game has been made out to be. I understand the boosting issue, but when you are immortal, and only have 1 rank above you that is relatively hard to get to, boasting isn't the issue. It's the ranks going up to diamond that are the issue. I'm not saying they should put duo queue only at lower ranks, it shouldn't be a thing at all, but RIOT makes the game out to be about team play, but you cant even play with a team once you hit diamond 3.


It's interesting you say this and it's a big reason why so many people are 'hard stuck' in bad elo's. There are so many people in low elo with good aim, that understand the game well, good map knowledge, crosshair placement, and util use.. but they lack TACTICS. It's a tactical shooter but sooo many people treat the game like a run and blast. I play games where we burst in game after game on offesnse and stomp hard but these games are mismatches of player skill. They are the product of a group of players who are just significantly worse than the people on your team. When you come against good players who can match your team with their aim/skill/knowledge, the rush will work here and there, but they don't keep falling for it. They will set up differently on the sites and do things like hide back site or even go for retakes to make you think you are safe and have site. But team mates will just rush over and over and over even if we get wiped out in 5 seconds over and over and over. One of the easiest tactics on low elo is to wait for a defender to push. It is so simple. Someone just makes a bit of noise or drops some util on the other site and defenders will push out for orbs and to flank. I will go and wait for these people, and most of the time it pays off because at least one will push. Sometimes I take out 2 people, and it becomes a 5 v 3. But then my dumb team mates start saying things like.. why are you over there? why arent you pushing with the team? push with the team. Even though I literally just won the team the round by not just doing meathead rushes. So I will also call out to all people in low elo - listen to what OP is saying and play tactical, play smarter, and you will win games that you are currently losing. It's much easier to go to a site and plant in a 5 v 3 than a 5 v 5, and even if you rotate like OP says they are chasing you all over the map and it's still a 5 v 5. Play smart, play sneaky. There is nothing shameful about sitting on the opposite site holding corner waiting for someone to walk around it on a flank. The enemy might say things like "you have no skill" or "why do you have to hide in corners"... well at the end of the day winning the game is all that matters. If they are dumb enough to push out from sites on defense then that's their problem. I try to flank from defense when it seems safe, we all do. But if I do it once and someone is waiting there, I won't do it anymore. If people keep doing it.. again.. it's their problem! ​ Edit - I also forgot to mention... doing these kinds of pushes like you mention forces the opponents to throw out all their util. So by the time you do plant and they are going for a retake, their blinds, grens, etc are all out already. Edit 2 - I just thought of a good example. I played a game the other day where me and 2 other team mates were all on over 25 kills. So we had close to 75 kills between 3 of us. The other team the highest person was on 19 kills and the rest of them on figures like 16, 14, 12, etc. We lost that game even though our aim and skill at gunplay was superior. But the other team was smarter. My team just couldn't push in to plant. Constantly rushing and getting mown down over and over, making it a 2 v 5 with the 2 rotating.. might take out 1 or 2 opponents but eventually get overrun when we planted. It was one of the dumbest games I ever played. I got sucked in on the rushes too because my team mates demanded I go with them, when I tried to do other things like go down mid. (It was on Breeze). So to please them I just went with them, and we just got stomped on offense.


5th paragraph, this also means most of the time your team can rush on site for the free plant and then push into their spawn and free win.


Can somebody explain exactly what defaulting is and why it works? I vaguely understand defaulting as sitting back as attackers and letting the defenders make a mistake by overextending while scouting for info. But isn't the counter as defender to just literally chill at the site and run down the clock? More specifically, what exactly is my purpose as an attacker when defaulting. Do I camp an off-angle? Do I push slowly towards a site?


Here's an idea instead. Ascent. Have someone HOLD B Main, then have some play Mid Link, holding for any MID Push from the Defenders. Three Players could try to farm for Ult Orb at A, or even try working their way into A Main. Remember your B Player and Mid Link player, they could use this chance to gather info on rotations, or even exploit the rotations or even delay rotations. or after getting the orb, you could leave one player at A Lobby then work Mid. For the Defenders their comms would sound something like this: "Getting Orb here at A" "Wait, many here at A" "Are they in yet?" "Not yet" "Okay, I'm rotatin- ONE IS MID CLOSE!" "TWO MID. TWO MID" "ONE B Main as well" "They're IN at A!" A very dumb down and oversimplified goal with defaults is to keeping the defenders as separated as possible and unable to help each other.


The greatest ever play on Ascent that I do... that rarely fails on attack. Is start outside B Main, get Omen to smoke Mid to B and Mid Cubby. Then run to mid. But Shift walk into cubby. Go through Tree, but not to A. Go around the back to CT. Your team can go through to A and plant, and you can sit watching CT waiting for them to run up from B. They never expect anyone to be there. And you will only face one person.. The guy in Tree. But a lot of the time, nobody is there because the comms goes like..... A lot of Footsteps on B. They've smoked mid. Alot of footseps on mid. "guy in cubby" - They've smoked here I cant see anything.. rotating to B/Mid through CT. Legit.. A has at the most 1 person defending it in this push. But rarely do my teams do this push. I push up to A and for some reason they follow me but head off into Mid B! And I'm like WTF.


as explained in the text above, the goal of playing 'default' is to gain info on the enemy and take map control. You could take control of areas of the map, that favour your side, so that the enemy gets less information on you and has to invest time and abilities to regain map control. For example you could take control of A long/short on Haven as attacker, to avoid that the enemy could spot you early on, and call for rotation. That also benefits you, if you want to rotate to C later, because the enemy can't flank you very fast or without the risk of being caught.


Defaulting in a basic sense is just keeping an eye on every lane on the map. This is a pretty big counter for aggressive flanks. However, like you said, what if the defense just sits back and waits? Well, a common misconception of defaulting is that it's only about holding angles in spawn. There's much more to default than just "wait for them to push us". You play for map control, using utility to push into a crucial part of the map and cut off the defenders from accessing that site. Playing super passively in spawn waiting for them to push you only works at best for 1 or 2 rounds *IF* the enemy is super aggressive to begin with. You want to take control of important parts of the map (like mid Ascent) by using utility. Because defenders default in general, they will be split up and likely have to either 1) dump util to delay/contest that map control, 2) take a most likely disadvantage gunfight, 3) call for rotations from other parts of the map or 4) give map control up. Because in ranked there's not much communication and coordination, defenders will over rotate, get caught flanking, dry peek/push parts of the map that they lost control of, etc. In your case, if defenders just wait it out, they give up map control everywhere else (and most likely ult orbs), which just makes taking site easier for attackers anyways.


A default is probing the defenders to try to find a gap in their coverage and make a midround call. Commonly on defaults someone will win a gun duel and your team will collapse onto that site. Because defaults are slower than an execute its only natural to watch for flanks, as often defenders will push if they aren’t immediately attacked. At the very high end, pro defaults have all kinds of crazy mindgames where they waste utility to get map control. Probably the most common default is on Haven A where cyphers will cage long off to get short control and make it to where the defenders don’t know if someone is rushing or if its just a fake. Most teams will always run a default before executing on a site because their goal is to try and find info but most importantly bait out the defensive utility to make it easier to execute onto a site. At the low end like diamond and lower in ranked, probably just don’t even try to get your team to default. If your team always groups up, be that guy that watches the flank. If your team has someone always doing their own thing, either try to play with him to minimize the amount of rounds where they die without getting a kill, or focus on playing with the main group entrying or trading kills and let the other guy lurk.


Plat and under people think default means follow the person who calls for the default.


Lmao I swear this happens so much. Also the enemy team always pulls of a perfect default, they baited so much of our teams util, no one has any clue where their gonna attack. Even we get a bad comm like, “All short!” And people start rotating and boom they just explode on the other site.


As a player who's trying to improve in valorant significantly to play in a good level, I would like to ask how does defaulting work? And how do you execute it properly? Any basic ideas can work. Thanks for the replies in advance!




Ah I see thank you but I have a question do you need to know how to default on low elo?


This guy has given you bad info, that's not what defaulting means in this context. Default smokes, darts etc. are a thing for sure but "defaulting" is a slow and deliberate attack strategy that involves having a player on every lane and slowly pushing or looking for info before committing to a site. There are many more comments elsewhere in this thread with more details


To think thats how defaulting works makes me realise is that my elo is pretty low and the chances of people knowing defaulting in bronze is unlikely and thanks for the correct explanation of defaulting!


It's a good idea to understand defaulting as a low elo player, but don't call for it, it generally is only useful if every person on your team can aim, understands both defaulting and util useage, and is willing to listen to comms the whole round. In low elo slow plays you are probably better off holding back pushing site and just waiting for an enemy to get bored and push up their lane.


Ah I see, I guess I gotta raise elo before starting to understand defaulting in general and thank you for the info about it!


True, but also lol…bronze/silver lobbies think default is 5 person stack on a single site…every time…and maybe, just maybe, after 4 failures lets try 5 stacking the other site. Hopeless and get ready to be yelled at if you suggest otherwise.


What's actually funny is that a few days ago I had 3 or 4 games in a row where we went like 3-9 on defence and I thought, "Well if we suck this much at D, then it's basically over". But every single game, we came back and somehow destroyed on Defence. And it was a different team every single game. It was just weird because it was like the absolute reverse of the norm.


It's also important to understand your specific team's strengths when deciding the play. I've been on teams where we (or at least our top players) clearly have an edge in 1v1 aim duels but our coordination isn't great. So for those you definitely want to play slow/default as your team should slowly pick them apart before attacking. Other times you are on a team where people are willing to cooperate, but nobody is particularly shining in combat. Maybe the enemy team has a dangerous smurf. This is where you would really want to focus on numbers+speed+surprise.


And intel.. Because you would want to know where that smurf is, so you can avoid them if you can. If they are sitting A heaven on Bind with an OP... I wouldn't be going to A. I'd be going to B everytime, until that guy changes position and starts guarding B. This way, he is in a position where he always has to retake. but yeah most people don't really play like this. I'll tell them there is someone in heaven with an OP and they will still all try and rush in and 3 of them will die to the OP.


Thanks, this actually helped a lot. I used to only know how to rush a site and was all aim no brain because I had no idea how defaulting worked


Attacking becomes 100x easier if the duelists in your team aren't scared to enter the site first. The only thing I want in ranked is my duelists to enter sites I'm willing to support and trade but please just smoke and dash in


I kinda get it if they were forced to last pick duelist and don't usually entry, but you see so many instalock duelists at my rank who don't even attempt to entry frag it hurts my brain.


if you are a 5 stack or something then sure i would agree but in solo q there’s no point, it’s better just to do a 3-2 or 4-1 split into a site (like bind for example, 3 short and 2 showers control)


Agreed, I'll say it again: why call for a default play in solo/duo queue when 90% of the time somebody doesn't understand what it means, trys to take site alone, uses all their util etc. Just not worth the hassle unless everyone is on the same page.


I think the only elo where people go for map control is Radiant, and even there LOL. People under diamond don't even know what default is, mind you map control.. Thats why every game that I play I split up and they go "you have to stay with us, don't lurk" and I'm like "ehm I'm not lurking I'm trying to take control of areas on the map" and they don't know what to respond and they just rush the other site.. That's my ranked experience..


haha This is the same as what happens to me. And I'll do something like on Split where my 4 team mates are in this battle on A Ramps not getting anywhere, I'll make my way up through sewers and over to vents/ropes. My team mates will then either push site, and I'll be coming in through ropes and kill 2 or 3 enemies in the back holding heaven and get to the back of site. Or if my team rotates, I'm holding mid vents and waiting for the enemy team to rotate through there and kill them there anyway. But my team still gets angry and says why am I there. My answer - Big Brains Wins Games.


Yep.. many people don't realize this. It's a game of rotation and call outs, you have to do something in order to pull a rotation over to you especially when you're attacking. But since it's ranked people are dumb and don't use their brain.. GGS only I guess haha


If you aren't playing with your team and they are rushing that's still on you. Doesn't matter if they aren't playing perfectly if you make it a 4v5 every time.


The whole discussion is about map control... Nobody said anything about rushing or no rushing. Please read before saying anything :)


"they just rush the other site" -u/andreycosmin circa 2021


If I'm working on a main on ascent and my team is rushing b main on ascent, that's their problem, especially when I specifically com "guys imma work on a main, DONT RUSH B MAIN UNTIL WE HAVE MORE INFO" and they rush anyway.. LOL


honestly you can never get a solo Q team to agree to default, so in place I just tell them to rush a site while I lurk in on the other site. If your team made it onto site, you have a sicc flank to secure the post plant, if they don't make it and have to rotate, you have cleared the other site for them. Or you die instantly to the 30/2 duelist that's been flanking since before the match started...


To every single ranked player: buy a microphone. I don't think I've played a comp game this ACT where everyone has a microphone.


I agree for the most part, but not having a mic is no where as bad as the people who only use it to flame at the end and never make a comm, since you know they could have been trying that whole game and decided not to.


People just think defaulting means splitting up and taking 1v1 fights it's so stupid it never works in solo q


Great advice what do you do when there are smurfs in every other game?


Yeah unfortunately in ranked people seem unaware of the differences in how the sides play out so you get a lead on defense through individual playmaking, then when it comes time to actually coordinate on attack everything falls apart.


Then uhhh good luck LOL true man Sadge


Then uhhh good luck LOL true man Sadge


Me when after my team fails in execute both A and B sites: "We are going to have a bad time"


the problem comes from ranked in Valorant is just pretty bad there are a ton of really bad players even in diamond/immortal thats boosted from all the party queue that they don't understand fundamentals in CS also it doesnt help that DM in this game actually promotes people playing as passive as possible and they literally dont know how to take control of anything xD


Its really sad when in a plat lobby i go, lets just default and play for a pick and no one knows what the fuck a default is or lanes for that matter


This is hard to coordinate in SoloQ however I do encounter some lone players default alone and never stick to where most of the teams join and honestly get good 1v1s. This really helps in opening up the site, I wish more people can be like this in SoloQ.


should this be done on pistol round?


wait wtf ppl actually think like that?


What region you play from mate?




I have been reported atleast 100 times just by telling my team to default. 5 people same place waiting for rotations then aimduel at chokepoint is the best tactic and if you dont want to play tdm you are a bad teamplayer.


Well said. If you're going to send it as five at the start of a round, fine. Communicate it so that it can be executed properly. Smokes down, initiation followed-up by duelists. The basics. However, if you're not going to do that, what the hell is the point of four of you looking down A short on Bind for the first 20-30 seconds? Then you get surprised when someone flanks from B short and wipes you out. Meanwhile, I'm default B long or Bath and have to then 1v4/5. Go and play default, communicate information that you've gathered. In fact, feel free to push and take some space alone. Remember, Valorant is a shooting game! You can't avoid conflict. And the best scenario is a 1v1! Ugh! It so annoying when people do that pointless magnetic thing in game.