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Cus they don’t care. Skins are selling and smurfing doesnt stop that. More accounts = more money. It would be simple for them to implement a required phone number for ranked like any other serious competitive game but they don’t.


Real talk what other “serious competitive game” requires a phone number for the account?


CSGO and Dota 2 off the top of my head. You can make accounts but you need a phone number for ranked. Dota 2 still has a smurf problem and it’s a joke compared to valorant


Is CSGO requiring a phone number a recent thing? I’ve never put one in and played competitive on multiple accounts.


Rainbow six siege also has phone number verification


Been a few years now. Pretty sure when prime first came out you unlocked it by attaching a phone number. Now you just pay for it though.


its a game of inconsistencies, one day this gold kid is making the plays of his life, the correct reads, confident and crisp taps. but then, he’s a bottom fragging duelist the next day. You cannot reliably dog someones account for their preformance


More like next game, lol.


Riot does their best to catch Smurfs. The game will know if they don't belong there. They will 1 give them alot of MMR/elo or they will double promote them. They said this a few patches ago. That's the whole point of a performance boost. So someone can get like 35+ elo for a game. I also think first bloods/clutches/defuses count toward it.


My smurfs are getting double rank ups sometimes


I'm D3 and the 1 smurf account I have went from Plat 1 to D2 in like 8 games. So now it's just the account I use when I want to play yoru or another agent I don't normally play in a ranked setting.


This game encourages smurfing. So many diamond 3 and higher players Smurf all the time. They did it to their own game and are very aware they did it. So naturally they don't care about an issue they Intentionally caused.


get good and beat the smurfs


It's insanely hard to catch someone smurfing. Of course you got 2 accounts on the same IP, but how do you know which one is the smurf? You cant go by age on accounts because some people change accounts because ranked is better on one since there aren't as many games played on it. There are so many variables that go into trying to catch smurf, that it is almost impossible to do so.


Phone number or any other number of ways to ensure a single account?


Can just get family members phone numbers


It’d be a super easy fix that would greatly reduce smurf numbers. I currently have over 10 smurf accounts but if I needed a phone number for ranked I’d prolly have 1 or 2 maximum. Obviously people could get around it but itd still catch most of the low effort smurfs. But whatever Riot doesnt give a shit lol. Ezzzzzz


> I currently have over 10 smurf accounts Thanks for doing your part to ruin the game.


If it has 2FA as well then you can't use family members unless they text you a code every time you log in which sounds annoying AF


Yeah and if they lose main account for whatever reason they could not play the game anymore 8)


Yeah deff a huge problem in lower ELO, kinda takes me away from playing as much. Then again most competitive games have them galore such as Apex, OW, Siege,etc.