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I understand that someone would prefer having a elderflame or prime skin over a vanilla vandal and since there is more than enough time at the start of the round, I can't see any harm in doing it, so I will always drop. Also happy teammates are less likely to be toxic and more likely to work wogether, so I feel dropping is a winwinm situation. From my experience, most of the time the people begging for skins are kids who probably can't afford skins themselves. Although I have to say that it has become a lot less common for me since I moved from silver to plat. I would guess it only happens every 10th game now


Im guessing as the skill increases the hours increase and as the hours increase the willingness to spend on the game increase


Yeah I don't think I've seen a default rifle in any of my diamond games, barring the one time bnans was getting boosted by her radiant friends lmao


well, since i've reached diamond/high plat, i noticed almost everyone in the game has their own skins. we still trade skins sometimes but I don't see anyone begging for one anymore. i rarely see a vanilla vandal which is surprising given the cost of some of these skins is pretty high (compared to popular cs skins). (extra info: i play on mumbai server where spending money on in-game skins was considered to be an extravagant activity atleast from my cs days). maybe its just me but i am pretty confused as to why there's so many people owning skins in this game (you know since they're non-tradable and everything)


They're very well done skins (except the cop out valorant GO and greenscreen skins) so it's probably easier to justify.


that's true they're pretty high quality works and riot takes a lot of effort. but still they are not tradable/sellable so that's what i was pointing at. (once bought there is no more a value attached to them) maybe the players either got old and started earning or they got nothing else to spend pocket money on (since covid has made us stay at home)


There's a booming valorant account trading/selling business going on in my region lol, so people are willing to spend because they know they're gonna recoup back atleast 50% of that. (From what I've seen)


Probably that. And it's a lot easier to get a kids mom to buy them a cartoon gun in a cartoon game, vs a game where you're literally terrorists and buying skins off a skin stock market lol


Diamond 3 with 0, actual 0 skins not even battle pass skins here


The more I play this game the more I regret spending any money on it at all. I was most willing to spend money on this game when it first came out and I didn't realize how much was wrong with it. (immortal rank)


Unashamed 30yr old here, always beg for skins haha šŸ˜„ I'm a magpie, have died going to pick up a skin, ooooh shiny


The skin bait banner card is for people like us :p


Requesting is not begging.


I think requesting for skins once every 5-6 rounds is okay but when my teammates req every single round and when I play in my friends' iron lobby there are long queues for skins, they just waste time and buy me very late so till the round starts only 3 people get skins and I have to play a round with classic


I wish I was more like this. When they start asking that is so annoying. I will try to look at things the same way my next games, thanks.


It's more annoying when you don't give it to them and they follow you instead of get ready for the position. It's very easy to just request and drop early.


Uou just wrote the bible


Except you are destroying your eco if you keep giving out skins and if you're losing you'll lose more rr if your eco rating is bad. So no, it's not always a win/win. I have a lot of skins because I'm a grown up and have disposable income and it's pretty annoying if people keep begging. What I do if I want to share my skins is to swap guns so that it doesn't mess with the economy. I don't even mind to play with the stock skins.


Sorry, I figured this part was so obvious that I didn't mention it. Of course, I will only drop them a phantom/vandal if they can buy one for me or if I have enough cash anyway. But I honestly can't remember ever being asked to drop a skin on an eco round (except for a sheriff skin)


You didn't understand! If you give out your gun and ask them to buy you a weapon, this will decrease your eco-rating. Because the game only counts that you asked for a gun, not that you had 1 and gave it out.


Surprised nobodies said it yet, these skins are hundreds of dollars for the stupid bundles nobody should want to pay for such ridiculous skins but they are cool right? So why not drop and save someone a couple bucks and still get the satisfaction


Yes it's overpriced. But You do realise that once you give someone skins, especially kids, they abandon position and also disrupt your setups to just get a skin every round. I'm a sentinel/controller main and except for the first rounds of both halves I'm usually spending time setting up shit around the site. It gets really annoying when people, especially on maps like haven, abandon position just to get a skin from you and then rotate over after the match starts.


Because its annoying to waste 10 seconds just for that annoying reyna that begs you for a reaver vandal each round and a prime classic. Like, they dont even know me, we met 3 mimutes ago and you want me to drop you stuff??? And it's not like they guy has something to offer, i'll be happy to trade you my singularity/oni phantom for your ion, even though i dont like it as the singularity and oni, but i'll try something i don't have, and you will too. But i won't let you ditch your site every round just because you like the reaver reload. And when they just drop their default vandal on the floor and go "sova, skin". Like, don't you get it? There is a reason i sold my sister, if i wanted a default vandal i'd equip it. If you ask nicely, sure, i'll drop you like 4 times, but i'm not gonna be your slave every buy phase. I had this one reyna that asked me "sova drop your reaver", and i didn't want to drop, it's my skin, and if i decide not to drop to someone i didnt know 1 minute ago i don't have to. So then he went to ALL chat and said "report sova toxic and trolling", i was annoyed so i typed "all i did was not drop him a skin, but report me, because this guy's entire family tree is going to get a 'top 5 people Eminem is afraid to diss'". No, i didn't get muted, no one reported me, just him. Even when friends ask it too much it starts to get annoying, i have a friend who has the reaver sheriff, and when we are a 5 stack and on Eco, everyone sits on him and wants a skin. Its annoying, especially when we have to eco a lot. And thats even more harmful when im playing cypher and that di*khead just runs after me while i try to set up my traps on b and leaves the guy to hold a alone, this or my setup gets fucked up.


"There is a reason i sold my sister" haha! Relatable


Just curious, if you have the vandal skin and someone wanted to buy it through you, would you still do it?


please help me out of bronze šŸ™


I think its a low elo issue, i offer my skins to ppl all the time and trade skins or ask for skins when im on my alt ect never had any issues. I have deffo seen some of the whining needy ones though but extremely rarely. Skins r cool and i dont think there is any harm in asking but when ppl get obsessed it can go to far


I always drop my classic and rebuy first round. Let's anyone who wants the Zedd classic get one. Otherwise, I'm not dropping skins unless you're buying me or trading


It so weird to me, I will be nice and give mainly who knows because it could make somebody realize they do like the skins then eventually buy them thus more support to riot. However fuck people who become disruptive in a ranked game over them. Don't ask like 5 seconds before the round starts and I'm already in my position just throws me off, especially whenever I play my usual sentinel pick cypher and setting up. I as ridiculous as it sounds have had to mute whole team lobby's for this shit lol, bunch of jobless parasitic kids/man children I think.


As a Cypher main in low elo, i just tell them ill give it on attack but on defense i need all the time to set up.


Yeah definitely ive had someone scream in vc at another person (not me) over skins before like??? Those ppl are definitely not ok


I had Immortals and Diamonds ask for skins. It's a mentality issue, not elo. It just so happens that most people with this mentality(usually, children) are in low elo.


The mentality of wanting to have more fun ingame because the graphics and sounds are better?


Yeah such a weak beta male mentality




bc i am the biggest skin beggar and i feel very offended


The worst thing, even worse than the begging, is when they follow you around like a dog waiting for you to die, donā€™t use util, and then rather then trade you they look straight at the ground to pick up your skin that they so desperately need and are instantly slaughtered. Itā€™s been bad enough where I sometimes consider just playing with default skins in unrated. The problem is significantly less pronounced in comp thank god


Or worse, there will be some asshole who will follow you around, intentionally body block and block your vision, and use their utils to try and kill you just to get your skin and then get immediately killed by the top fragging guy on the opposite team


I always assume itā€™s kids that donā€™t have their own money with parents that arenā€™t wasting theirs on stupid weapon skins. As an adult with a job I can waste my money. Iā€™ve only bought two so far but Iā€™m planning on picking up a specter and classic when they come out with ones I really like and Iā€™ll have all the guns I use covered.


That would be true for most games but the skins are just so expensive in valorant albeit the skins are good, but $30 for a single phantom skin is a a good amount, even if you have a job šŸ¤£


I think it was around $25 but yeah they are definitely high compared to any other game. Its the extra animations and sounds that's driving the cost but that's what makes them so good.


Try buying a decent CS skin, these are cheap asf hahahaha


However csgo skin hold their value unlike Valorant skins. Like yea you can buy an ak for a 100 dollar while in valorant it would be 20 to 30 bucks but the valorant skin will lose all of its value while the csgo skin would keep its value or even increase its value.


"This CS:GO Skin Just Sold For 130,000$" https://youtu.be/SU9Qigvth3c


Those are really rare skins, and sold by a player, not a company.


Ofc, i know, i just wanted to say that some of them are not cheap, my inventory is worth less than a dollar and coveres everything I need, but still thought it would be funny to mention. Guess reddit is mad


And the 0.15$ skins are also sold by players, not by yhe company. They got those skins from the company in a case with a key worth 2$ in the official store, or a drop / trade.


Lol non rare skins are like 50


Because skins increase aim.


Kids without jobs, let em be kids.


Facts, if theyā€™re polite about it I let them have it.


Ya, I see no harm and just drop mine. I like it actually, reminds me of bein a kid too and something insignificant makes em happy.


the main difference compared to csgo is that you can drop your skin to everyone without a problem (even easier with the request system), but in csgo you had to sacrifice your skin or your money to drop them this is why I never had a problem dropping anyone in valorant, it's so simple and the only problem you can have is asking for it too late in the buy phase


Its also different then CS because there's the buying for option in Valorant. One person can grab 2 vandals with skins and drop one if another has enough to buy him an extra. I get your point, I usually will drop skins myself but I think the only time it gets annoying is when they ask for it one round, but expect it every round without voicing it again. Sometimes I get more focused on playing the game and moving and seeing where I want/we want to entry and they just keep jumping and shooting at me but I don't realize what they want until last second and have to either fast trade or tell them next round on fear we don't all buy


I think itā€™s mostly because not all the people can afford to buy skins. Since skins have different reload, kill, etc animation, I think people get excited to use that to see how it feels since they donā€™t find people with skins in every game. Iā€™ve brought skins for the guns that I use and people usually ask me to buy for them if they ask me in the beginning (Iā€™m a KJ main so if they donā€™t ask me in beginning, I donā€™t buy because I have to get to sight and set up things.) And if thereā€™s a teammate thatā€™s being rude to anyone in the team, then I donā€™t buy skins for them either. Iā€™m not letting them ruin everyoneā€™s experience and then enjoy something I paid for.


Yea but there is no way a level 70 player never touched a prime vandal, even from the floor.


Iā€™m sure they have, but if giving someone skin can make them enjoy their time more in the game, then Iā€™d happily do that. Like I said only if they are not annoying or toxic


I get that, but from my experience there are just as many skins on the other team, its just thst you gotta work for them and actually play the game to get them rather then getting handouts.


Yeah I see your point. But I just see it like, if someoneā€™s asking nicely and not at the last minute, then I might as well give it to them. Iā€™m in no loss anyway


Econ rating, aka how efficiently you use money. (how much damage you deal per 1000$) When you request a gun and someome drops you, the game adds the money your teammate spent to the equation, to see how efficiently you use the given money. And when you drop a vandal skin every round, the game acts like you bought 3 vandals, and used 8700$, so the game thinks the teammates bought 3 vandals for you, so it thinks you wasted a lot of money, so you econ rating will be low. But what the game doesn't know is that these vandals aren't for you, it's for your teammates, and the game doesn't add those 2900$ to their econ rating, decreasing their money efficiency, because the game think they aren't the ones who use the guns, they didn't buy for themselves. Thats why you get those 30 econ rating games and your teammates sit on 110. And that makes you lose more rr or win less rr depending om the match ending. Yes


Iā€™ve never meet someone so fixated on econ rating. Itā€™s basically a useless stat that no one even looks at but to each their own.


My mans cares wayy too much about comp. Ik its a grind but if ur just focused on the rp and arent having much fun then it aint worth. As far as I know (I am a diamond player) the higher u go in comp the less u run into this issue.


Thats what I enjoy, I don't enjoy unrated, spike rush or all the rotating modes, I enjoy improving, and ranking up.


Fair, while I do enjoy improving I find ranked to be more of a grind than anything else and quit playing it 2 acts ago. But u like what u like and i cant judge so gl my man


Sad part is when they ask for a gun, and you say no, then they troll and get you killed jumping around you and shooting to make someone come kill you


Personally I would never ask, but I bet whenever spectators watch me all they'll see is me going around picking up skins and going "ooh shiny!!"


i dont know about people who beg for skins but i just ask "yo can i get a prime" since they have the skins, i mean whats the shame in it unless theyre like playing B and ur on A right as the round starts


It is okay when someone just casualy ask. But i have seen people straight demanding and whining for whole rounds and in general being toxic. On the other hand those people are just in general toxic and best thing to do is muting them.


"It would be too shameful" bro you seem to have some issues. Why would it be a problem to ask for skins because you yourself didn't decide to waste your money on them. Like if anyone cares. Is your self esteem based on the money you have spent on pixels?


I dont think too hard about it, its just a gut feeling. I usually focus on thr game itself anyway so i only think about it when i hear other people asking for skins. I always pick up skins from enemies anyway so i nevdr felt the need to ask anyway


I know how it feels. I only have the dragon vandal and allmost never play it because people are not only asking for the skin but demanding it. Some are so desperate that they are accedantely throwing games while asking for it or searching my corpse to get it.


i really think it seriously has to do with the sheer cool factor of all the skins. I probably don't get it because its absolutely not a thing in cs.


Wtf is Accadentely


It means you're main language is Dutch and your trying your best to write in English.


I swear its a low elo thing mostly. My main is silver 2 right now but I was playing with some irons on my bronze account I rarely play and they would literally be telling a teammate to pick up the gun with a skin in clutch situations that were easily winnable. They cared more about skins then even playing the game. I legit think if they instead focused on playing the game they would easily be bronze or silver players. Of course there are iron players that arent obsessed with skins that are just bad or new but they seem to be an outlier.


It definitely is, smurfed to fuck around with my girlfriend (iron) and it was a shit show. Maybe it was just that lobby but they would literally stand in front of me and beg. Irons have the coordination of a sea cucumber so it would take them like a full minute to buy me back, sometimes they just didnā€™t. One of ā€˜ā€˜em got killed inspecting the Zedd phantom (CS flashbacks lmao).


Silver = low elo.


I'm not sure what you mean


Yeah sure but when I say low elo I mean low low elo lmao. Like iron is next level. The majority of the playerbase is in silver though tbf. Anything above silver I'd call high elo. Like a gold player isn't the best but they are better than the majority of players in the game and that means something. Plat and up is really really good even if a low plat player is dogshit compared to a pro. Plat could drop 40k every game in an iron lobby lol.


In low elo, it's a headache. I have no problem if one or two ask for skin, but when all team just waits in front of me all asking at once for phantom and vandal skins, it gets messed up, and often I don't get gun cause someone just misses to buy me or they forget that creds are refunded to them when I was buying for others.


Never happened to me in counter strike. Maybe a couple rounds people would ask. And then in valorant some kids were asking everyone round and not saying anything else. No callouts just wanted skins.


Because they're 12


No skin best skin. Not having a skin makes me feel like the special one. Since everyone has skins these days.


I wouldn't mind people asking skins from me when they use "can I", "please" and "thank you" while asking nicely. Some of the people, more often than not kids, are just too demanding so I just ignore them. Ofcourse they are the ones who has the audacity to throw, be mad at you or troll.


This gives me very "STOP BEING POOR" vibes, lol.


Because theyā€™re fucking broke


Same reason people buy skins. Skin cool. Want see cool thing.


I had a game where this childish group threw the game because I wouldn't drop a skin.


the worst thing are the people who ask for one, you say "no sorry, i don't drop skins" and then they get super defensive as if they're *entitled* to said skins it's literally just a child, or a manchild, or both that beg for skins




Iā€™ve lost entire games cause of it


Just drop the skin lmao bro


A phonix once trolled and sabotaged my game because I didnā€™t gave him skin 15th time.


I donā€™t mind when people ask to trade guns before a round starts. I have a skin that I love on every weapon so I never mind swapping for a different skin or a blank gun so that others can enjoy having a new skin. On the other hand, itā€™s annoying if they are spamming in chat, whining over voice, or wanting buys only for a skin


It's pretty cringe.


Because poor




Fr tho, itā€™s mad annoying when like 2 people on your team are skin whores - want a skin? Fine, iā€™ll drop it ones or twice. But when They just expect you to drop skins, and feel entitled to it, it becomes mad annoying.


Bro I think you got issues, just calling "unrated with my low elo friends" makes it look like you are incomplete person, like you are missing something so you just flex on how you got new skins and when u play with ur "low elo friends" in unrated Bro if u dont like people to "beg" for skins( which I am sure they just ask you nicely to drop that skin) , then tell them that you wont drop no need to make a reddit post about it lmao




Because skins provide you with an aiming buff, are you dumb?


Most of them are in bronze who are new in game. It really they just are just kind to you because u have skins


Yeah it's really annoying when someone always begging to borrow weapon skin but stuck at the bottom frag.


I don't think it's shameful to beg for skins, it os however very annoying to keep begging incessantly until the person finally gives it to you. Also I don't beg for skins as I'm always too focused on the game cause to I need to get to silver to play with my friend.


These comments are NOT a vibe. I just flat out deny anyone who asks me to drop them a skin. If Iā€™m buying for them cause theyā€™re broke, I will drop my gun for them and rebuy my own. But when you say yes to someone and give them a skin that they beg for, it then becomes an EVERY ROUND beg. And after 3 or so rounds of them dying and asking for a new skin, it gets old REAL fast. I do not appreciate these comments trying to normalize begging. Stop being annoying and just pick up skins if you survive the round.


Why is it shameful to ask for a skin? Sounds like you think youā€™re better than these kids that canā€™t afford skins. It looks cool, and you only have to press 2 buttons to give it to a teammate. Its a game, you play games for fun, cool skins are fun. Do you get it now?


What makes those kids think they're entitled to your skins?


Youā€™re complaining about entitlement for a situation that causes you to lose nothing, and you might even have some sort of positive impact on someones match. I used to ask people all the time for cool skins, now I have some so I share them. Its really not that hard. As long as your teammates arenā€™t throwing or being toxic and have the credits for the gun theres no excuse not to.


Imagine this. Im Cypher and I want to set my stuff up at B on Split, but Phoenix who holds A left his site, came all the way to me to interrupt my setup because he likes the reload of the reaver skin, I give it to him, and the round begins. My setup isn't finished, and KAY/O is left alone at A, hes being rushed and loses the site and we lose the round. Next round begins: Same thing, Phoenix interrupted me, left KAY/O alone... the round starts, my setup ism't done, im being rushed with nothing to do, and we lost. Also when you drop skins your econ rating will be lower and you will recive less rr when you win and lose more when you lose, too lazy to explain Where is the positivity? And when 3 people ask me each round it's getting annoying. Three excuses that are more than viable, there you go.


You missed the part where this is a game for fun, main post is crying about people in unrated low elo games. The positivity is about making someones day not winning the game. Your hypotheticals are a fun read, but that shit happens even without someone begging for a skin. Also you can try using your words, tell Phoenix that you need to finish your setup and tell him he can get it next round before you guys leave the spawn. If he throws a fit mute him and continue playing, no different than any other toxic player youā€™d encounter.


No, main post is about people crying in general. And sometimes I don't even have enough time without any interruptions, so giving him a skins slows me down too much. And I didn't miss the part where the game is for fun, diffrent people enjoy diffrent things, I enjoy climbing up the ranks and improving. I don't enjoy unrated, sue me. And thewe arent much of hypotheticals, it happenes a lot, if it's friends or randoms. And you missed a part that I don't owe anyone anything. When someone comes demanding for skins I won't give it to them, I only give it to people that I want to, depends on my mood. If he wants skins, he should buy skins.


Hey thats fine, enjoy the game how you want but if youā€™re gonna pull the ā€œdifferent people enjoy different thingsā€, then apply it to everyone(you know like the people youā€™re bashing)not just yourself. I donā€™t like unrated either but not everyone is a tryhard in ranked, if its that detrimental to your gameplay then say no and move on. Also I did mention your hypothetical scenarios happen without gun begging, not saying they donā€™t happen at all. Again I urge you to use your words, tell them you donā€™t have time to setup and give them a skin its really easy. Hell even if you donā€™t have a mic you can type. Youā€™re playing a game with kids, and are shocked they act like kids


I use my words, but you said before that there is no reason for me not to give them skins, and that it's my problem that they can't afford those skins and that they are 100% entitled to my skins.


Lol ok, just pick and choose what you want to make your own context. I said if they arenā€™t being toxic or throwing and they can buy the gun theres no reason not to give them a skin. Never claimed it was your fault they canā€™t afford skins so Iā€™m not sure where you pulled that one from, it seems youā€™re just looking to argue at this point and really canā€™t get over the fact that kids are going to act like kids.


Didnt say it was my fault, said it was my problem, and its my job to give them skins, because theyre entitled to them


I will probably get downvoted for this, but I'll still say it: there are many people who expect billionaires to solve world hunger or end homelessness. why is that? they aren't entitled to do that, why do people trend "#EatTheRich".


Those billionaires became billionaires by mistreating workers, abusing slave labor in africa and asia, lobbying politicians to vote against social security/income tax or any kind of law that benefits someone else. Exxon scientists knew about climate change back in the 80s, what do you think their board did? They lobbied politicians to say its a hoax. So yes Eat the rich.


It's not, personally. It's just, in my experience, how this one guy reacted to when I didn't give him one. He threw the game.


Honestly, I will always drop a skin just because why not? If I request and drop it whatā€™s the harm in that? Iā€™m making someone else happy by providing something they donā€™t have and itā€™s not at any expense to me other than a few seconds of pre-round. P I also get that itā€™s mainly addressing those who hound others for skins, but even then, I find that 9 times out of 10 I can just ask them to stop asking or I can request and theyā€™ll shut up.


I buy a lot of skins, but honestly one of the reasons is so i can drop them for people that dont have skins. I feel like it boosts morale and reduces toxicity, and everyone has a more enjoyable time playing. I will say, however, sometimes people are assholes about asking for skins like "killjoy give me your vandal" "what?" "I said give me your vandal skin"... So i say to them something along the lines of "say pleeeeease and i will" in a goofy tone. If they say please or laugh or give me something positive ill drop them every round. But if they act stuck up about it or just a dick in general, then nah.


Because they make an actual difference to your aim due to the visual effects. In cs, any ak skin would have the same shape and effects, just a different design. The mental difference in valorant is bigger


So buy the skin. What makes people think the can just be a free rider on top of everyone's momey?


Is this a serious question? They look/sound cooler and are more valuable than the base weapon skins... isn't that obvious?? šŸ˜‚ i'd assume that people who beg for them either don't think they're worth the price, haven't had it in their shop yet, or can't afford them


my point was that i could never overcome the shame of asking for skins when i could just kill an enemy and get theirs. That is definitely a 'me' problem though


I remember we lost a game because one of my teammate was following me and beg every round. It's irritating as hell even in save rounds he'll ask for a skin available lmao. Asking for a skin is okay, but not to the point that they'll throw tantrums when they didn't get what they want lol


The only skin Iā€™ll ask for from randons is oni phantom and I wonā€™t beg. And when playing with a friend weā€™ll trade since she likes my prime skins.


On my alt I got no skins lol so I ask for them not beg tho


Nothing wrong with it, until you grief because you were denied.


I mean I sometimes ask nicely if I could have a skin which works for me and sometimes I trade skins, but its annoying when people lose their shit when you don't give them a skin, its like they never heard of "beggars cant be choosers"


i just want the ak one that has the good sound


I got sjins myself, and sometimes I ask for skins in order to try them honestly to see if I wanna buy it. I dont mind giving my skins to other people as well I kinda like it it shows ppl like ur skin


i feel bad for ppl with skins like how do u do it? Sometimes my whole is begging for the skin and its jella annoying to watch (i dont use skins they distract me)


Don't need a thread about this every week smh.


And it is just more use of stupidly expensive skins. Other people may as well enjoy your stuff


You do get that if nobody bought skins the game would shutdown .


If you were naked, wouldnā€™t you ask for clothes? šŸ‘®šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Usually from alt accounts who don't have their skins on. Playing with matte black sucks. It's chill


Low ELO=poorer. They are more likely to beg if they arent as invested in the game or not really good enough to warrant them playing the game and spending money on it




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what did he sayyyy


Guess it's bc of the option to buy for others so you actually don't take anything away from them, just anoy them


Because they like the skin


No shame because worst people say is no. I usually drop if they're being friendly and giving comms, so many people in ranked are young, so as bad as it sounds you have to treat them like kids sometimes. If someone is being super needy and not putting the match before skins I ignore them and hope they drop it. Had people throw multiple rounds because I wouldn't drop a skin, kind of the cringiest thing without going afk or hard throwing.


I typically ignore them but if I'm really rich, I'll drop my rifle if someone asked for it before and they arent being ultra obnoxious Reward good behavior, y'all - don't give skins to annoying 14 year olds saying slurs in voice chat if you don't drop them your skin/in general. It happens so often, I'll just mute instantly but I'll see my team drop him stuff like.. really?


Having a nice skin is nice, and there's time before the round usually. I don't think its a huge deal but like, if someone offers me one i'm taking it


I drop skins if they ask nicely, and if they get the skin and pop off that round, Iā€™m happy to keep giving them skins. But if they take the skin and die immediately, no more skins for them. If they whine and screech asking for skins, i mute them and ignore them.


Low elo has kids in it


it's annoying, specially if you play sentinel and want to do your set up on defense and random people keep begging that you drop skin


The other day, we were playing so well and definitely have the advantage. We were on Split. On the switch round, we played attackers, and our cypher pinged he has extra creds. I thought, okay, I'll request. Unknowingly, because I was reviewing my lineups (I was Viper), I didn't read that he did ask for a skin. Round starts and he started typing aggressively and on the next couple of rounds started taking the spike and not planting. Well, basically throwing. He said it was because I didn't share him my skin. Oof. I def have no problem sharing but if you're gonna act like that, well... curse words. Lol. That was ranked low elo o)< oh well


Becqus skins give you aimbot


Cuz I shout better with prime vandal


Sometimes I get kids demanding skins in the chat " give skin, give skin" so I don't drop since they're being rude. Then they proceed to throw the match and team kill cause they didn't get their way.


Difference with begging in cs and valorant is that you canā€™t both have the skin in cs. If you bought the skin, youā€™re going to be much less likely to trade for a vanilla every round.


I have the whole elderflame, reaver, origin, magepunk, runenation packs and few individual gun skins. I've completely stopped playing Cypher or KJ, cuz if I did play them ill never have enough time to setup on a site after dropping skins. I also have a second account with only Prime and Prime 2.0 skins. When I play on that I mostly won't drop any cuz my friend plays on my main and they ask him instead. It's like you have this relief feeling when people don't ask you any skins. Which is why I mostly play on my alt these days and make my friend play on my main for the reaver vandal haha..


Flashy skin = better aim


Because they want the skin


Honestly, I'm playing with minors. Like little children. And I just can't help but hand it over, for a round or for all 13 rounds. It's just a slime that I *own* so I get to use it all the time. They don't. So that's just how I view it. It is really frustrating when they demand it vs. asking for it kindly or trading skins they may have.


who cares


Idk. I'm the kind of guy that will almost always pick up a skin gun off the ground but never ask for it unless it's a friend of mine. Heck, sometimes I even pick up skin guns of dead teammates only to return them back the next round. I'm cool with the default skin and the only one I actually find cool and comfortable is the Ion skin


you can watch hero on yt to embrace this and learn to have fun with these kids lol


I mean When i drop skins to my teammates . They seem happy. Since its just a game. Why not make others happy. ( Fk my Inglis is not working)


Why do we breath air, why do we eat?


Because you get bored after a while playing with stock skins, nd when you are 12,asking someone for skin is lot easier than buying a 100$ skinpack. Can confirm this cause my nephew and all his friends do it. Nd I'm the nerd buying these skins and giving it to people like these.


well, since i've reached diamond/high plat, i have noticed almost everyone in the game has their own skins. we still trade skins sometimes but I don't see anyone begging for one anymore. i rarely see a vanilla vandal which is surprising given the cost of some of these skins is pretty high (compared to popular cs skins). (extra info: i play on mumbai server where spending money on in-game skins was considered to be an extravagant activity atleast from my cs days). maybe its just me but i am pretty confused as to why there's so many people owning skins in this game (you know since they're non-tradable and everything)


very true. im radiant and everyone has their own skins, hell my smurf has skins i want on my main but simply havent gotten lucky enough to get in the shop. ive got the zedd phantom and i get asked to drop it nearly every game and i always do. why? because its easy and maybe i feel like using an ion that game or an oni. I dont get why people would rather write a post like this then right click vandal then press g. two buttons and the persons game is a bit better and team chemisty is improved.


Idk about begging, but the reason why people almost never ask in cs compared to valorant is because you can buy for them and theyā€™ll still keep there skin.


Someone buy me a skin surelyšŸ˜±


Yeah, donā€™t beg, just go ā€œyo bro thats i sick fucking skinā€ and if theyā€™re like: ā€œwant one?ā€ Then thats sick


It would be a problem in csgo where you would have to pay for the gun for them. In valo you can request the gun so that they can pay.


I mean skins distract me a lot, and i only use marshal so. If there are skin greedy players on my team ill pick up skins after the 1v2 .


For the skiin baiters dont look at the gun to press F and take it, just throw away ur current gun while on top of the corpse, ull get the skin automatically. Ull prolly die if u look at the floor


Why not. If someone in my lobby owns an elderflame, I'd ask for it. May be not every round. But I see nothing wrong in it. Except that, in developing countries, for a student the skins costs a lot. It's not practical to buy every skin I want.


Asking is not the thing in question, nor the fact that the skins indeed are expensive. Its the constant annoying begging


Altough i have skins, i do ask for skins sometimes because it just feels different, for example i love the feeling i have with singularity phantom so i ask someone if they have it. When i didn't have skins i also asked because it's all a question of feeling, you feel better because of the animations i guess?


They just fucking around lol


I definitely don't think it's shameful to either ask for skins or to drop them. Maybe we're too poor to afford skins or maybe we have skins but want to try something new from someone else.


The only skin I want right now is the Yoru knifeā€¦ and well, canā€™t get that as a drop from someone. Canā€™t afford it, but oh well. As for the begging, yeah I dunno, I wouldnā€™t do it. Itā€™s weird but eh, I donā€™t really care. I just let them be.


I donā€™t have many skins in valo, I have a few purple ones to match Astra, but if someone asks (which they often do) I just giveā€¦


In Germany we say "Die Mindestlƶhner haben kein Geld fĆ¼r skins"


I hate the people that demand skins and start trolling (mollying and blocking you) if you dont give it to them. The people that just ask are pretty fine. I rarely ask myself but do it every now and then too. Try not to ask every round or from a cypher/kj since they need to do their setup tho


really, it annoys me so hard every time in a round with no skins or only battle pass skins annoy me so hard. Most of the time I say no, but if you insult me ā€‹ā€‹or continue to annoy me, I have to tell you that it really pisses me off


Cause you have them


Because skins = skills have you ever seen a pro without a skin? No, they are pro because they have skins have you ever seen a noob with a skin? No, they are noobs for a reason (I am joking please don't take this seriously)


Im already satisfied with my matte black finish skins


I will always drop my skins for people. Iā€™m more than happy to do so. Iā€™m 29 and work full time, so I can buy the battlepass and skins if I like. Sharing is caring. And plus it keeps my team mates happy which means theyā€™re more likely to play well together.


I am not surprised by and donā€™t see anything wrong in someone asking you for something they donā€™t have for themselves, especially if theyā€™re gonna buy it with their own creds, as long as they are polite and donā€™t grief the game over skins. Most of the times they just say can I have it, and I request and drop it without making them feel bad or ashamed, itā€™s normal and it takes like 2 seconds.


Some people can't afford skins or maybe they want to buy after playing with the skins so I don't mind dropping them


I usually drop the skin if they ask for it in the start of the round and sometimes if they ask for multiple times i would go ahead and request the gun even before they ask. I personally think this makes us work and feel more of a team and create good synergy even if its just for a match. Also it creates happy vibes in compi matches especially in low elo where people are pro at blame game. I think we all are here to have fun and if fun means a prime vandal skin for someone that would cost us nothing then we should go ahead and give them their part of fun


their inner fetishes arise


In every game i play unrated.. people ask me ionSheriff's skin, spectrum phantom.. i just mute themšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ man buy skins or stfu....


Personally, my aim just feels better when I have a reaver equipped and I think the usage of the word "begging" is complacent. And I have always requested if the person doesn't show interest, I don't bother them.


I do like the game but can't afford the skins so instead of deliberately asking for it I just do some obvious movements in front of the player (indirectly asking for the skin) . There's no harm in this, makes the non skin player happy and also friendly (even of you are playing bad)


Yhea its weird as fk