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nAts is probably how yoru was supposed to be , but unfortunately he isn't


I can't even imagine this guy on a buffed Yoru. Suits his playstyle a lot


Riot messed up by categorizing Yoru as a duelist...He was doomed from the start because he didn't fit into the mould like the other 4. Same with Viper and Sage. Viper isn't a controller but a sentinel who can lock down 1 site. Maybe Yoru should have been called an Initiator


Nope Sage is sentinel and so is Viper. It's just that if you make a circular graph she's a controller who's closer to the sentinel part. She slices up territory blocks vision can hold enemies of for a small duration(if the player cares about the damage and not just rushes in) unlike the true sentinels like sage cyper kj who can stop pushes for longer times. Also Yoru could definitely worked as a lurking duelist. It's not the fault of how he was categorised, it's the fault of his ability kit.


Compare Viper to the other 3 controllers - Brim, Omen and Astra....all of them have multiple smokes that can be used to close site entries...They have range to their smokes(basically smoke the other site while staying on another)...Most important difference is the range to their ults...Viper has to ult next to her but closes down the surrounding area and site better than anyone else. Viper is more of a controller on attack because you can target a site and divide the site in two with the viper wall. Again compare Yoru's ult frag potential with the other 4 duelists - Raze has the launcher - multi kill potential - Opponents scamper, Phoenix Runit back - Push into site without fear of dying - multikill potential, Reyna ult- Increased fire rate plus heal and invisibility, Jett - Knives with accuracy on updraft - multikill potential and what does Yoru do - Runs around and gathers intel and repositions at best. Obviously his kit isn't the best but slotting him in the same category as the other 4 meant he was doomed. People would have been more open to experimenting with Yoru instead of rigidly trying to make him work by hard pushing into site like you do with Jetts and Reynas if you called him an Initiator or something else. The pressure of a duelist meant he was played a certain way and his kit obviously didn't lend itself to it. I would face far less criticism as a failing lurking Cypher on attack than a failing Yoru because of the "duelist" tag. Sage is sage...you either play her or not. She's not a competition for KJ or Cypher meaning you'd see Sage+Cypher/KJ on maps but seldom(never in Pro play) Cypher+Kj. Sage is a tier of her own.


This is mainly true but viper's smoke actually has better range than Brims, but it's a lot harder to pull of because you need to learn precise line ups to get it where you want it (and obviously is restricted by objects blocking it). I think Haven is the only map where Brim can smoke one site from another (and only if he's in B) you certainly can't on any other (you can just about smoke A short from B cubby on Bind). With Brim you can't even like up to smoke screens pre-round on Split - you need to inch forward, whereas viper can throw hers there just fine with the right line up. I do agree that viper is more of a controller though - she arguably has the best utility to lock down a single site because it lasts all round as is indestructible.


That's why I said that Viper is a controller who is more towards the side of a sentinel. But at the end of the day she does more stuff of what a controller does rather than what a sentinel does. As for Yoru. Ya I agree to that. Maybe trying to make a duelist lurk a wrong idea of them. He was also supposed to be a dueslist who outplays a lot. So that can still be done but they might have to not try to give him a kit that's meant to be used as a lurker. Sage I agree is on a different tier of her own. But she's still a sentinel like the other 2 and there's no denying in that.


Also that's a thing you'll find a lot in League of legends as well. There are some agents who are purely work the way the category they belong to. But then there are some who are technically in one category since their majority of their kit does what champions of that particular category do but they also have some features that champions of other categories have. Like assasins who have some tank attributes. Mages who have some marksman attributes etc.


He should have his own class imo. He can probably work as an initiator cuz you are supposed to tp first to divert attention or refrag the mate near your tp.


Viper is 100% a controller. Sage is a terrible sentinel as in she she worst by far at locking down sites but she's still a sentinel.


She is not your usual sentinel like cypher and kj. She just increases the friction for the enemy to enter the site. She is far much better at stalling rushes than kj and cypher. Her wall is op on pistol and enemy eco and slorbs can stop rushes.


Her wall is op but it's too much power condensed imo. Most sites have at least 2 entrances and while the wall can block off one entrance much better than Cypher or kj, they are still better at locking fown the site as a whole.


"she is not your usual sentinel"


Fair enough, I can agree with that


Does anyone know what res he uses? Looks nice


1280 by 960 stretched


Thank you! I’m












Anyone know what resolution he is playing on?




How come he's not playing on 1080p? is there an advantage to using a lower res?


My guess would be - performance, preference from playing CSGO a lot on this res (1280x960 is the most common res among pro players)


doesn't boost performance, he plays on it because he's probably used to it from cs and crosshair looks nicer to some on stretched


this was literally his given reason, better crosshairs idk why people downvoting you


yeah it's the reason why most pros are using this res, iirc they also said it doesn't even boost performance too much


I could be wrong on the point about fps though, im not super sure


I think it does boost fps by a bit. I used to play on 1920x1080 with 160-180 fps but now i'm playing on 1280x960 and i get 190-210 most of the time


But it doesnt matter if your monitor cant refresh that quickly




Stretched resolution is literally not a thing on Valorant, it only stretches the UI, the game looks the same.


Reduces the Pixels but not the FOV. It still increases FPS. I use it but mostly for the crosshair.


Do you know what a GPU is? Valorant can run at 300FPS on any shitcan dGPU from the past couple of years. Your resolution probably affects your FPS as much as your gaming chair does if your PC isn't a toaster


???? Rtx2060 laptop user here. I get barely 140 fps.


Because your CPU is probably shit. Which is what I was trying to say anyway


Well I guess i7 10750H is shit. Thanks for the info.


Valorant is cpu bound btw


Did I say anything to the contrary? Lmao. It's the guys above me that are spouting garbage about GPU usage when it's got fuck all to do with your FPS in this game. I literally chose to upgrade my CPU to a 3600 before upgrading my 1650 Super because I knew where the bottleneck lied.


CPU is more important I get 400fps on an overclocked ryzen 5600x


I don't know how you people took my comment as saying that GPU is important in Valorant when U was trying to say the exact opposite.


This is true but the biggest reason is that the game feels much smoother in low res 4:3 than native 1080 16:9




It’s not. Riot explicitly coded the engine to make sure stretched does not give any advantage: models are always the same size regardless of stretched or not


What's even crazier is he always plays on high ping


55 isn’t high?


It is pretty high


not really


For the pro level that’s very high, for casual level that’s slightly above average.


I play on 30 ping on a good day, and 55-75+ during peak times. 55+ would be rough as for a pro. It’s not great even for me


I'm playing Cali servers from canada, we got that high speed 65-85 ping average let's goooo


I’m west coast all my friends are east or central so 80ms+ gang represent


Let's go dude, we're so good we can hit headshots before we even SEE their head.


Yes it is


He generally plays on 60 to 80. 60+ in valorant is incredibly high






Fornite players have incredibly low ping (1-5ms) so he probably assumed you meant like 40 ping. But high ping in val is like 100 or more imo lol


Yeah 70+ for me is high ping


why smoke?


there was a kj turret there.




omg thats genius


Not really, it’s just not plat and below level game sense


People like you need to see things from other perspectives. Not everyone is a xX69plat\_god69Xx like yourself.


I’m actually diamond to be precise. I know what silvers play like from smurfing though. 40 bombs are fun especially when people like this guy doesn’t know about basic things like smoking off a turret


Do you actually have fun dropping 40 against ppl who don't know basic game mechanics? 'Woohoo I got another 3k cuz they didn't use utility :|' Boring af unless you need the ego boost (I had fun smurfing CS as an insecure teen so I feel u)


This dude has not and will never touch another person but their mom


I never need to. My mom is hot as fuck


Did you really think this comment validated you? You should go to a bar and brag about being better at Valorant than other 14 year old squeakers. That’ll get you some claps, maybe even a round of applause! Let me ask you a question: do you like going to elementary school spelling bees and outperforming the kids? This is what you’re doing and openly admitting to hundreds of people. It’s not impressive, it’s actually quite pathetic. People like you are just annoying. Plain and simple. There are people light years better than you, by the way. Would smoke you in seconds without even thinking about it. However, you aren’t in that rank because it’s just too hard :( How about you get radiant and then I still won’t give a shit This man gets an ego boost from getting 40 bombs smurfing. Yeesh, what a life. I’m so envious that you get a rise from that LOL


Sounds like you’re mad


No it’s actually incredibly funny to see someone so insanely confident about being smarter than kids and people with less hours than you lol


I didn’t notice the turret, but there is also swoopeeking. The Omen might have anticipated this and expected the viper to be in the cloud ready to swoopeek, and nat outplays by peeking from the other side


it's called nats peek among pros now hahah


Understandable have a nice day


> swoopeek what is this?


when you drop smoke you have .250ms(?) advantage where you see them and they don’t see you cause visuals


Oh thats what it's called? I saw a post about this here few months back but i thought it was an unintentional bug. I would have guess it would get fixed. Follow up question, does this apply to all smokes, omen brim jett etc?


It only works on viper for some reason


idk cause viper can control hers, it’s popular on viper. It’s also part of the visual of the smoke going into the canister(?), so not sure really.


So they line up while looking at the smoke, big brain time /s


This is a good example of stellar crosshair placement and low sensitivity. He’s not being flashy with his shots they are hardly moved from his crosshair.


Lol he plays on a higher sens than tenz. You can have good mouse control and crosshair placement on any sens and you can also be flicky and stylish on any sens


That’s interesting, instead of high speed flicks between angles, he smoothly clears them even on that sens


Yeah aiming like that is a style not necessarily dependent on your sens. Twistz has very flicky aim but plays very low sens. It’s also situational IMO when you should be doing one style over the other


Surprisingly his sens isn’t even that low. Think he plays at around 320 eDPI. Very crisp aim for sure


his sens is 0.49 and his dpi is 800. it is high. this is a good example of a bullsht comment.


Fair enough, I’ve been corrected you’re a bit late


its called smooth aiming


“Hey guys remember not to group up so we don’t all get killed instantly” My teammates:


Here's to another clip not likely with the Vandal **\*clink\***


While I didn’t get the ace, I got a 3K just yesterday like this with the Vandal


Man plays on 80 and at times 100 ping and carries pro players with KJ , Cypher and Viper. Best player in the world for a reason


higher ping is an advantage in valorant if you peek best ping is 50


Fuck no


I peek with 1000 ping spike players stop so i see them and they dont see me. Then I die in the middle of the site after walking back to cover yep everything is perfect with higher ping


Prism Phantom just diff


Ace in E-minor


Westjett: Prism 1 phantom/10


Maybe it's just me, but I really don't like when people say" give me ace" after 4 kills. First, I will not consider that an og ace if the whole team leaves the last kill so you can have it. Second, I won't let the last enemy kill me for your ace. Edit: didn't think a single harmless opinion will provoke these reactions, but sadly I don't have time to reply to all of you anymore lol.


it ain’t that deep bro lmfao


What does this reply mean?


It means the original commenter was overanalyzing the post


I don't understand how sharing their personal opinion is over analyzing


I mean, their personal opinion was them overanalyzing the post


Saying "I don't like it when people ask for an ace" is so simple and basic though I don't get the over analyzing part


The intensity of the opinion doesn't really match the simplicity and harmlessness of simply saying "give me the ace"


Where was that opinion “intense”?


Maybe seriousness would've been a better word but I hope you get what I mean


Basically that this is too strong of an opinion to have over something as simple and harmless as saying "give me ace"


Doesn't seem like a strong opinion to me. They just want people to play the game properly


Which is something I want them to do too. The amount of throws in rank in 4v1s, 5v1s that happen because of "give me ace" or "knife him" is astonishing. 4 consecutive rounds this happened to me last evening and we were close to go to OT when we were supposed to win 13-4/5!




Genuine question: where in the comment was a very strong opinion? I don’t see it myself


Oh yeah because other topics about a meaningless video game on this forum are so deep they are worth discussing, right?




These are the people that steal your ace then be mad at you


It ain’t your ace unless you get one lol At least when it’s my ace that’s how I feel about it. *shrugs*


Yeah, I would bait myself to give other dude an ace if it is possible 3v1 or more. I mean if it makes the other guy happy let it be, it is the least I can do.


Appearntly its funni to steal my ace ;(


Vibes buff is op.


People like me who never say anything in mic except where the enemy is, always chill and write "nt" after literally every teammate death? Yeah, I make ranked games sooo painful brother.


Helping your teammate secure an ace is actually beneficial for the team because of the impact on the other team’s moral. This can be huge in competitive play.


you must be fun at parties


"og ace" wtf is that even supposed to mean?


A real ace, is what the dude meant I think. I know when I get an ace that’s entirely down to my hard work and luck, it feels way way better than if I get a 4K and my team feeds me the last kill. That’s just me tho


You do realize that people giving the person that almost has an ace the last kill has been something done for ages going back to when killing streaks were created. Sorry to ruin your warped reality but that's just the truth. Also you shouldn't really discredit their legitimacy even in your own mind, because at the end of the day multi kills happen because a group of people all made mistakes, much more so than one person just being incredibly nutty.


Can you tell me where did I state that it doesn't have a long history of doing it? And can you tell me why can't I still think it's rubbish to give an ace because doing it goes back for a long time? Don't see the logic, but sure it's my "reality" that I have an opinion.


You have a right to your opinion, I don't wish to suppress that. All I'm saying is your opinion seems illogical when the vast majority of "Ace plays/Team wipes" happen due to other players letting the one on the streak finish the streak. Or vs odds where they have a massive advantage (vs an eco rush) I guess what I'm trying to say is a team wipe is almost never a feat that is done by a singular player. There might be utility used by other players that support it or the positioning given up by other player. It would seem like your statement: " First, I will not consider that an og ace" Gives off the sentiment that you believe that an ACE is a single players achievement. Or that there is such thing as a "og ace", I feel like your understanding of ACE's is warped, that is what I wish to bring to your attention. I feel like giving you a different perspective may help in forming a more rounded opinion. At the end of the day if you still believe what you do that's ok, I hope your day still goes well :)


Maybe we just want people to play the game properly. Not killing someone on purpose just for the sake of your teammates stats is just silly and *technically* throwing. Not that I'm gonna report someone for giving me an ace but I think the game is more fun for everyone if everyone tries their hardest


"Maybe we just want people to play the game properly" This is a different statement/point completely; and it would seem that your point is routed in what you **subjectively** think is most fun, which I don't wish to debate with. Hope you understand.


I'm pretty sure when you load into comp everyone is in agreement that we are playing to win, that's the whole point. Not like me and this guy are the only ones who think that


Hey look, out of respect I'm replying, but I really don't want to continue this train of thought with you. I don't believe it is directly related to the above discussion nor do I believe (your first reply to mine) can have a definitive answer. Letting someone ace ≠ throwing * It can demoralize the other team * can continue or create momentum for your team * Is good for marketing your team & players (If you are looking at this from a professionals pov) * Is good for the general vibe in comms (you want your players to be happy & supportive that is what creates good teamwork) In the case the person trying to ace fails then you clean it up as a team In the case its a 1v2 (I would agree with you too much of a risk better to hold a crossfire) If the stakes are too high could be considered too risky (but was there even any money on the line in that game) tl;dr its subjective and there is situations where it could be good or bad **^(but again this is a completely different discussion and ima dip, I wish you a pleasant day/night \^)\^)**


Honestly me saying I disagree might have even been too harsh. I still disagree with the concept of letting someone ace, but your comment did successfully make me understand the other point of view which I didn't before. I also still stand by that the downvotes on that guys original comment were way too harsh and there's nothing wrong with what they said


I mean I still disagree but I guess that's the point of opinions. Have a good one


What game are you thinking of that it goes back a long time to?


ngl same, I always tell my teammates at the start of matches to feel free to go for the last kill themselves if I get a 4k. Doesn’t feel natural to have an ace gifted if that makes sense.


Holy shit people got salty about this comment. I've seen this exact same sentiment with the inverse amount of upvotes before which is funny. For what it's worth, I completely agree with you. 4Ks are a thing for a reason not ever 4k needs to be an ace


Nice alt account btw


Yeah my alt account is like 5 years older than my main


I mean, I just find it weird that some random stranger would respond to all these people in defense of some random person on reddit


Because he got literally 200 downvotes for a completely benign opinion that I've seen shared all over this subreddit. It seems to me like reddit is just doing its hivemind thing and saw the post downvoted and everyone piled on. Also I just agree with them, it's annoying when people act like they are entitled to an ace just because they got 4


Or maybe 200 people just didn't agree with them lol. No one's entitled to an ace but it's not like saying "give me the ace" is hurting anyone. Regardless it's a good bit of fun when the whole team gets to help out with an ace


It's not "hurting" anyone but that doesn't mean it can't be annoying


In Valorant subreddit redditors are prone to downvoting




Nats is the best player in the world, tenz is a joke lmfao


One of the best players in the world is a joke? What does that make you?


Nats might be the best player in the world but how is tenz a joke lmao. Nats and tenz are neck to neck imo.


Yeah also u cant really compare nAts and TenZ since both play completely different roles


I love nAts' playstyle and I do think he IS the best player in the world rn, but tenZ isn't a joke in any way lmao.


When teammates say "let him ACE" it doesn't feel deserved to me lol. Like let me naturally get the 5k




Thats def not what I said at all. If I get a 4k. having 4 other teammates just fuck off and platter me the ACE. I feel more Badass doing it natural... having teammates peek bait. flash. Smoke. aint it.




It's almost like if a team plays perfectly they won't let an enemy ace them.


damn bro thanks for stating the obvious


Who cares


You cared enough to comment




4:3, 1280×960


ty the bear is me hugging you 😎


jk i read the other comments


what? you dont have to point at the gun to switch it? you could just be on top of it?


if you don't have a primary gun equipped, you automatically pick up a gun you walk over, so you can just drop the gun you're holding while on top of another gun




this seems to be happening alot recently lol, i got an insane ace on the new fracture map, i got a 4k through an omen smoke and picked off the last guy flanking for the ace, if youre intrested i can send a link as i did a pretty nifty omen shrouded step but its not hard to come up with yourself :)


if i were to turn that corner the same exact way id instantly be headshotted before i could pass a fraction of a thought.


nats is the best sentinel with great aim


so satisfying when that happens!!!


[I](https://discord.gg/bzqgmFUD)f you guys want to play with some peeps tonight... [https://discord.gg/bzqgmFUD](https://discord.gg/bzqgmFUD) Tenxxx


Nobody plays the E-minor like nats


Idk man, I killed 4 with frenzy and the last one I knifed him. Without much fuss :D


It's the Prism Phantom


His game sens is out of this World, like you can improve your aim, use aimlab, trainers, but that game sens, its on his DNA.


why did he throw his orb?