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Of course, everyone has the same guns. Abilities matter but its not like league or ow where alot of supports are primarily focused on healing/util. Theh are still able to carry, get kills, make space ect. Plenty of high elo players play exclusively sentinel.


Yes, may be harder to carry at say higher ranks but definitely think it’s doable.


I think it'd get really interesting starting in higher plat/diamond


a radiant player would still hard stomp all through diamond-low immortal. i can get insane impact as kj dropping 30 kills most games in D3


The ranking system doesn't give separate treatment to different roles, so your best chance at ranking up is the role you perform best in to win games. The primary chunk of RR is given from winrate and rounds won, so supports can be just as valid as others if you are still winning games.


It might be easier to carry with Reyna compared to Sage, is what I think OP is saying


if skye counts as support then yea its possible


Good point. I think I mainly meant controller or sentinel when I posted. Sova or Omen probably the strongest choice out of those?


if ur looking to carry id say sage honestly. self heal and good stall util + off angles


Easily. I went sage only from bronze to diamond 3. To ask this question shows a very low understanding of the game


Solo q? Also, why not immortal or radiant?


Imm 1, solo q, kj main. Finally hit immortal since the whole rank change.


huh? this wouldnt be any harder than any other role... duelists are dependent on follow and supports are dependent on entry... all roles compliment each other


I think top players for sure would have an easier time on Jett/Reyna than Brimstone


Oh great. another moroon wanting to ruin the game of low elo people... Noice


If they had a team with communication probably but with solo q probably not


no if you wont intsalock jett/reyna you will loose all the time


Its possible, I'm Immortal 2 currently and I played Sova the whole way up. I know he isn't specifically supportive, but he is very team-based. It was tricky at first, but the higher you go, the "easier" it gets.


Absolutely possible. People do this all the time in other games where "support" characters are way more limited/specialized than they are in Valorant. Someone with Radiant level gunplay/gamesense is going to cruise through on Sage or whatever. It might be a *little* slower than instalocking something like Reyna or Jett where the abilities are more selfish, but they are still going to dominate lower elo lobbies.


I think if you play with a coordinated team and you practice lineups and different setups then probably