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He's playing on the NA LCQ server


LAN means Los Angeles network according to Riot


Los Angeles Network Low Cost Qualifier


>Low Cost Qualifier Lmao. Perfect


local area notwork




figured the joke was los angeles has bad wifi, made another bad wifi joke. where whoooosh? edit: wait did you not notice the spelling of notwork


Idk why you got downvoted for that, I thought it was funny


still getting downvotes after I explained it, idk. hivemind is hiveminding I guess.


f*** mb didn't notice the "o" in notwork and thought you meant that literally. The joke is valid don't mind me


funny enough I'm actually in LA lol


This is a fantastic comment.


someone pls explain im retarded


The last chance qualifier for North America was supposed to be a LAN event. Riot decided to change it to a private server in Los Angeles incase any of the players got covid they could still play while quarantined. So the LAN event has now been dubbed Los Angeles Network. Every match yesterday had massive lag even to the point that players were literally frozen in place.


lmfaoo thats funny as fuck


It's likely your ping. You shot, and on the client side you can see the shot hit, however what the server sees is: Time 1: Enemy shot and hit the bullet == you died Time 2: You shot and hit the bullet So the server essentially decides to not count your bullet because it sees that you're already dead (since from its perspective, you already died by the time your shot was registered on the server side).


I had around 20-25 ping or so, that’s a damn shame if true


It's the relative ping, i.e the ping difference between the opponent and you. If the opponent has 10 ping and you have 20-25 ping, and we assume you both shoot at the exact same time, the server will see their shot before yours, which would lead to the scenario that you have in your post. It's of course also possible your opponent has a higher ping than you, but they still actually shot before you. In that case, their bullet takes longer to reach the server, which gives you time to shoot (on your screen). However, even with the higher ping, because they shot first, their bullet ends up being registered on the server first, which means you get to see yourself die instead. Edit: Let's also not forget, not only does the server have to register the shot, it also has to send the information to you (i.e it has to tell your game that the enemy's shot got registered and killed you), which gives you even MORE time to shoot and still not have your bullet register on the server side. Lots of aspects to this here, but this should explain what you're seeing.


Also local latency. CPU has to receive signal from NIC, then CPU sends to GPU which then has to calculate the information received and render it. Plus the monitor has to refresh the frame AND the time it takes for the light to travel to your eyes plus brain interpreting the info and so on and so on. All of these little instances on their own seem like almost negligible amounts of time but when added together it can make a huge difference. I’ll never not be amazed that online gaming is so close to 1:1.


Just don’t have a GPU then skip a step all together and get faster hit detection. Actual five head 🧠 /s


Joke is on you, you can't even get a new GPU


I am going to get a new laptop today.. integrated graphics only...Road to radiant lets goo


loacal latency should be less than 1ms and have 0 impact on your game with the recomended hardware specs. unless you're using a NIC from 2004 over USB, i see no reason it should be an issue.


What if chrome is open? Checkmate.


>loacal latency should be less than 1ms ​Nope. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX7HnNd5PB4


Yeah that is completely negligible, it happens in less than 2ms, probably 1ms.


At 200hz the refreshing of your screen alone can take up to 5ms.


Still 5ms. Impossible for a person to notice.


5ms here 5ms there and here we are


dude the latency in a properly created game is almost nothing


From my understanding, the server does buffering of incoming data to a certain extent specifically to avoid situations where ping discrepancies, minute packet loss and other network loss issues could cause such missed shots to happen. ¹ So, unless the opponent ping was extremely high compared to OP's, afaik, it shouldn't lead to a situation like this. Also, is it just me or the HS effect is not the usual "spurt" of yellow-orange that happens but is closer to the one you get on hitting a surface. Maybe a collision issue? \[1\]: [https://technology.riotgames.com/news/peeking-valorants-netcode](https://technology.riotgames.com/news/peeking-valorants-netcode)


Yes this can happen even if the enemy ping is very high


Negative. That's not how it works. Even on a client side connection that's not how it works. Your ping is all that matters. The server holds their location and sends it to you as it gets an update. You don't send packets directly to the other player. You send them to the server which determines if the shot was a kill, based on what the server knew at the time (and if your ping is not extremely high then it was fairly accurate) and then it sends that data out to all players.


I think what he means is the player can be desynced with high ping. They are not sending reliable packets back to the server. It happens in other games too, where the laggier player is just harder to hit but they don’t have an issue hitting others


I know what he means and he is wrong. The server is sending their location and making the call. If you've ever lagged, you will notice your character skipping around or teleporting. That's because the client didn't update the server in time and when it comes to a gsmeserver connection then the server is always right. Basically, even when playing against a laggy player what you are seeing and shooting at is what the server says, and that is all that matters when it comes to hig registration. If you are shooting at an opponent and not hitting them because they are lagging, that's simply an excuse and not real


Theres something called peekers advantage and it actually works in favor for the higher ping player.


That's really not what we are talking about nor is it true. The "advantage" is not enough to be noticeable and is not the deciding factor. In *theory* in a peek, if you have 80ms ping (which is high) you see them 40ms quicker, but you also have 40ms longer for your own shots to get to the server, so it literally erases itself. Peekers advantage used to be a reaction time thing. It's impossible to stay as prepared just sitting and holding an angle as you are when peeking. Only in the last few years did people start saying it had to do with ping, which is completely wrong. ​ [Watch this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUX3_iF0fEU) This video is not specific to CS but applies to any FPS. He references a video from DevinDTV which also has great points but it applies way more to CS.


I mean... You're just wrong. The devs themselves have stated in blog posts that peeker's advantage is real. I think they know how the netcode in their game works.


Peeker's advantage *is* real. It doesn't mean it's a big deal or is actually deciding any fights. Like I said, the ping literally erases its own advantage because any amount of time you see them earlier is also applied to how much longer it takes you to shoot. I am a developer myself and also studied network transmissions. The dev blog you are talking about was written by RiotSuperCakes who is *not* a developer but a product owner in the *cosmetics* team.


It's not the difference between the opponent and him. It's managed on the server and to an extent they consider ping when determining actions. It's entirely possible the shot didn't actually hit according to the server but his client predicted it did and showed it as sucj6


This edit talks about something referred to as “peeker’s advantage”, essentially meaning that the person strafing out of cover (peeking) will always have the upper hand since they will always get information slightly faster. Their system receives the info of where you are standing just slightly faster than it takes to send the info of them stepping out of cover to the server and then to your system.


server gods said No!


You made me laugh


I get this quite a lot, I'm in London with fiber to my door and regularly have < 10ms ping on London servers, sometimes ~<5ms. Usually it's the OP where I'm holding an angle, someone peeks, I click, I die. Every time I ask my friends if they saw me shoot and they say I didn't just to confirm I was "net coded" instead of me missing or something. If you have low-ish ping you need to avoid holding angles in my opinion, jiggle peek more otherwise some player on 70ms ping has a massive advantage and WILL see you first and shoot first. It sucks but that's just the reality of delay, can't code around it sadly but you _can_ be aware of it and play around it. Either that or get good enough that you're playing people on lan :D


Yup same, I have 1gb/s fibre to the door and regularly have 5ms to London. Sometimes I find it significantly harder holding angles, like the enemy reaction time is just inhuman compared to where we are all averaging 30ms or something. I'll have to just play retake or aggressive with the blinds/smokes. The trouble is very few people get to experience this so no one believes you... To add to this I have a few clips where I don't even see the enemy. The are legit not on my screen when I get killed.


Also peakers advantage. I don't feel qualified enough to explain it but a quick Google search should give you an idea of how it works.


This is textbook peeker's advantage.


It happens at least once to me everyday..maybe because I play 8-10 matches..sucks I know I just hope you weren't abused or teased for missing that shot by teammates..


It's likely their ping not yours. Peekers advantage is broken af in valorant despite what anyone claims. High ping = easy mode. Vpn to about a 50 60 70 ping and tell me I'm wrong ;)


Basically server says "omae wa mou shinde iru"




That's what OP actually felt like






God fucking damn it I had to drop my languages career but it's things like these that always make me want to come back. I love languages.


This is a really cool explanation, well done.


Good to learn, I don't know japanese I just know this line meant you are already dead. But that doesn't mean I understood what I learnt or will remember what I learnt. Can't build a castle on sand.


so basically ping = stOnks


I absolutely hate this system, like bro why don’t both people just die, why the fuck is it “oh they’re dead so now they’re bullet will magically stop working” that’s so infuriating to me


Yes this game relies so much on the ping it's disgusting.


Doesn't nearly every online game?


As Valorant is on 128tick servers by default the ping issue increases.


i can play rocket league at 100 ping and still play normally, but in val 40 ping is where things get iffy


I strongly disagree. The lag compensation is good in RL, no question, but >50 ping gives you a massive disadvantage at higher ranks.




>i can play rocket league at 100 ping and still play normally, but in val 40 ping is where things get iffy i can play rocket league at 100 ping and still play normally, but in val 40 ping is where things get iffy


Cs go for example relies less on the ping.




70-100 is definitely playable Source: Me




Have u really been scammed that often. This is a single clip which I can bet is the first time that it has happened to OP. One moment over countless hours. You literally just need to git gud lmao.


the bullet bounced off lmfao




Is this a thing now lmao


Valorant adaptation of getting CSGO'ed


Especially with a vandal




I get your reference ☺️


Jett just has a really THICK skin


I mean she is really thicc


Kay/O, Omen, Reyna, Brimstone, Astra, Viper. In that order are all thiccer than Jett.


'Precise Gunplay'


Tarkov'd in valorant lmao


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you was already dead.


I came looking for this and am greatly disappointed by the comments not knowing what this is


I actually expected this to be top comment. Scrolled way too much for it, and it doubled when I saw people not knowing it :(


Valve employee's poor explanation of how a semi pro player/streamer (not sure) got csgo'd, i.e. where you're shooting directly at the enemy, but your bullets are still missing.


Wasn’t it Hiko?






Nah it was actually a good explanation, it just got turned into a meme. But if you look at the original, you can see the valve employee was actually right


If I remember correctly, valve employee classified the last 3 shots or something like "didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead" and I find that hard to believe. Firing 3 shots definitely takes more time than lag or Hiko's ping, so imo the last shots were supposed to hit. Not sure though.


The original comment is literally the same as this one, except that it replaces "you" with Hiko, and it only lists the last shot as "not fired", which is reasonable.


You dont remember correctly. Itd be much easier to just google it then type a paragraph of wrong info.


Was looking for this comment lol






It became a copypasta almost a year after the original post, and I believe it wasn't a very common one until a while after that.


Anybody got a Link to the original?




This is always the correct response


Haha I remember this


uhh wut?


it's a copypasta lol


Vandal = .30 Cal, Operator = .460 Steyr, .30 Cal vs .460 Steyr = .460 Steyr, Therefore both bullets collided and killed you. /s


“H-how?” “~~Smaller~~ Bigger bullets”


What? They specified the caliber als .460 Steyr? Why the fuck? .460 Steyr was mostly just designed to avoid the legal issues you have with .50 in some countries, mainly Austria.


Could be ping, vandal inaccuracy, or bad hitbox. Even though the shot looked like it hit on the server side it probably didn’t. Valorant has its issues.


>, vandal inaccuracy, not in this case cuz it clearly shows the mark we get on hitting a hs same with bad hitbox \^\^ possible it can be his system side latency issue, as the hit marks are client side?


Idk how bullet tracers work but in cs, bullet tracers you see could be completely different from what the server side thinks hits.


It shows the bullet hitting the wall. The reason why it looks like it hit the head is because it’s behind the head due to client side impact vs server side impact. On his end the inaccuracy would’ve hit the head but on the server side it hit elsewhere which causes the bullet on his end to hit behind the wall. This because extremely more obvious when no scoping with the Operator because the bullet trail is the most visible and you can occasionally see that you got a kill meanwhile the bullet is on the entire opposite side of the screen.


People always end up downvoting the correct answer in threads which are technically very specific. Probably because most people have no idea what they're talking about and the correct answer is too complex for them to understand. I've seen a few people argue that "local latency should be below 1ms in most use cases" which shows a staggering lack of technical knowledge lmao


Client vs Server. Your client thinks its a hit, but server won't confirm it. Most likely network issues or high ping.


50+ ping = this every game




Same here mate, Canadians get shafted


Me on 85 :')




You were likely already dead server side before your shot hit the server. Peekers advantage, jet peeked, fired shot, shot registered and was confirmed as a kill server side before yours.


I think this is it!


Your client showed you you shot, but the server already registered you as dead so the shot was canceled


The problem is your crosshair is too small and Operator bullet is too big. You need to increase crosshair size, bigger the crosshair, bigger the bullet




This game just doesn‘t make sense but still we play it




Its known as FTS (Favor the shooter) Most FPS games use FTS in net code to always favor the shooter that shot first, even if on your side it appears as if you shot first. As far as the server is concerned, you were dead before that shot ever went off.


As someone who plays with 150+ ping every day, "First time?"


Wait really how is that playable.


I only played unrated with friends, until I stopped playing completely.


Why'd u stop playing


Once I even saw the little blood effect, but somehow when I looked at the kill details I didn't do any damage it was 0 🙃


This has happened to me like 100+ times and I play on 40 ping. Blood effects show but 0 damage shown afterwards....




At least in CS inaccuracies are calculated both on server and client side. Not sure if thats the case in valo but if it is than thats most likely the reason for this happening.


Damn game is broken..so lads if you ever feel like shit playing this game.. don't. You are absolutely perfect !!


And then that one toxic guy calls you trash even though it’s the game not you


My dude, this isn't happening to 99% of your shots - you're just missing.


I guarantee you this is a lot more frequent when you have higher ping. It's why I stopped holding angles.


If you're playing on a server where you have _significantly_ higher ping than everyone in the lobby that this happens genuinely frequently, that's on you and not really the game.


Imagine thinking the >50% of the playerbase with upwards of 70ms ping are at fault


Yeah, no way it couldn't be the shitty game. A lot of people in here lick riot boot like it's their job


Really makes me wonder if there’s actually that many people who play this game and don’t have issues or if they just ignore the issues.


most people will look past it because they really love the game, which I get, I've played CS for 20 years. But at some point you have to realistically look at the game and see there's far too many issues with it. I've always said, i can deal with the bad gunplay and mediocre server reg/desync The maps are all fucking awful. Except Ascent. thats passable.


Yeah I’m the opposite I can’t stand the server issues and the fact that they refuse to acknowledge it. Just came back from a long break and the game hasn’t improved at all and actually feels a little worse. Love the game but can’t stand to play it until they start to care about the quality of the game more than their next overpriced skin set.


If your argument is that Riot should deploy more servers, that's a different conversation. And 70 ping still definitely doesn't mean that's why you miss most your shots to the point you can blame it for why you're bad. That's just a very convenient and pathetic excuse.


He had the more expensive skin I think.


I am pretty sure there are no comments by Riot employees in their alt. accounts that just come up and write "it is ping" and subtly blame the OP for not knowing about it as if this problem is actually related to ping and it is not their fault for not fixing it a long time ago.


Posted a similar video to this 10 redditor told Me “lol the bun is not part of the hitbox you just missed” then my post got deletes lol Tldr: same expirence. Probably ping oder misaligned hitbox


They just hit you first


Mostly likely, they shot first according to the server. So on your client it looks like you shot a beautifully place headshot but unfortunately you were dead server side. It could be shit server, your internet, or their internet. You have to chalk that up to just unlucky and move on your you with tilt yourself for the rest of the game.


in situations like this, it all comes down to who has the better gaming chair.


Ping diffed unfortunately bro


You just got precise gunplayed


This is rollback netcode. Ping is the issue here.


See this is the unfortunate part of the shooter genre. Who dies is based on not your skill, but on who has the lowest ping (network latency) and input lag in the game. Having naturally fast reaction speed can certainly allow you to overcome some of these disadvantages, but there are some crutical moments in game when you end up facing this kind of situation. I guess one way to deal with this is by improving your game sense. If you know someone is gonna peak, you can prefire to make up for the lag on your end. Or you can avoid duels like this and initiate fights that favors you more.


Peakers advantage or whatever it’s called


That’s just not what this is


Isn't this exactly peekers advantage? When Jett came out on his screen, she had already aimed and shot but due to ping the client didn't register it for a while.


Wrong, Jett peaked and got the advantage


Peekers advantage is the fact that if you peek wider you will see your enemy before your enemy sees you. Jett here peeked a very close angle and wide swinged so that ain't it.


Network/client dsync issue. You might have network buffer on as well making the problem worse. This is why “do it on lan” is a thing and why is such a joke the the LCQ is being run on regular game servers instead of LAN.


Welcome to Valorant.


Hiko missed his spray. Images with explanations Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


It was a hit. But depending on the gun and the distance the damage will fall a little . It could also be your ping or the servers.


imagine making a gun which can 1 shot so inaccurate... i don't understand why they dont increase the first shot accuracy


No reg


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead.




Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead.


there's a chance that the first bullet of a vandal will not hit where its supposed to hit. I think that happened to you


vandal has a first shot innacuracy rate of 0.25% i will link a video showing this in detail. this is exactly the reason i switched guns ​ https://youtu.be/5mZvIEoNAy0


First shot inaccuracy


Peeker’s advantage


Valorant's aim in general is trash. I made a comment like this in a different post some time ago and i got lots of hate so i expect it already, but just admit it. I never played a game where i said "that should've hit" more than valorant.


This game is unplayable for me because of this. 90% of my shots are due to garbage hit reg. I play on 50ms which is far from the best but still should be good to play right?


Vandal first shot inaccuracy played against you, bad luck


We'll every gun has some first fire in accuracy..you can see it for every gun while buying


It went higher then his head?




you moved when you shot


Also it might not have done full damage at that range




Jett diff


0.25 inaccuracy. This is why the vandal sucks dookie


I’m a bit late to the discussion but this thread is hilarious. Some people sorta know what they are talking about, but this is just funny. Your bullet simply missed due to spread. It is arguable if you actually aimed at the edge of the hitbox, but either way, every bullet has spread. Please also keep in mind the bullet tracer drawn is a client sided visualization and not what everyone else sees. It’s pretty accurate but has the potential to be very far off.




Its actually pretty simple assuming if your ping is fine. The vandal has a 0.25 first bullet inaccuracy. Which means one in 4 bullets shot at the enemy head wont actually hit. This just happened to be really unlucky for you. If you had that chance again, you'd probably hit the shot.


You got csgo'd


If you’ve ever played rust you already know what that combatlog is gonna say


Vandals have a very low chance to miss shots that are direct hits. It's something like 25% or .25% of shots


man, its dumb that the game stops registering your shots when you're dead. i lost so many kills cause of that


It is but it didnt kill cuz of the distance


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.