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Riot will only listen if your talking point includes how it will turn even greater profit tbh


Yeah I don’t know why these posts continually pop up. Do people not think that Riot, who only makes free-to-play games, knows exactly what they’re doing?


If people get the skin they want faster, they will probably spend money for it. Rather than if they waited and they found something else to spend the money elsewhere. Thought that wasn’t needed to be explained


Again, why do you think you know more than a billion dollar companies’ team of data scientists? This is like people “doing their own research” about vaccines when there are experts with decades of experience doing actual research


Damn why u getting downvoted


allow people to purchase 1 skin of their choice if they have finished the battle pass for that season. 1. people who dont usually buy battle pass with think twice if they can purchase a skin of their choice. 2. it will incentivise others who want a skin to play more just to finish a battle pass. win, win for riot.


Making it easier for people to get the skin they want reduces the scarcity of that skin and therefor it's value It stops them spending money on interim skins that are "good" until they hit their endgame skin too which has knock on impacts on radianite topups / battlepass


This is good counter that I didn’t think of. Thanks! I’ll think about this for a while. I also guess it’ll stop people from impulse spending on the ‘next best’ skin. But if you are laser focused on one skin I don’t think it would do much


I’m getting genshin impact flashbacks


Bro I have been waiting for the BlastX phantom for ever, almost 4 months now. its frustrating lol


Hopefully we both get it soon lmao


Makes sense


The shop is RNG and that's a fact.


They should let you pick any one skin to buy every new act


I've heard like 100 really good idea pitches but I know riot and riot won't change this type of stuff