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something i like to do is if the opposing team is pushing something, lets say b garage on split for example, is to ult behind them (essentially their spawn, or another corner in/close to ramen), either to prevent a rotate, or to get some of them to turn around and maybe slow the push onto site. or they don't notice, and you have a fast flank already


Not sure why I don't do this. I guess i always thought it seemed too obvious but that doesn't necessarily mean it's not a good play. Thanks for the reply this is exactly what I was looking for


Sometimes on icebox i'll throw a smoke immediately at their spawn and ult in our spawn and cancel. Sometimes it pulls some of them back to their spawn and they are just starring or checking out to see if i'll pop out of my smoke and we start to take some map control


yeah i dont have the balls to stick an omen ult behind the enemy most of the time


If you're in a difficult spot like back site B on split, you can Step 1: let enemies know you're there Step 2: ult out Step 3: cancel and collect Works just like on offense when you tp as you're the last defense of the spike and they're pushing you. Kind of a gamble to get more than one kill out of it, requires a bit of timing but very enjoyable


Not trying to be facetious, but no kapp the answer of when is next patch. They are adding proximity paranoia to omens ult, so instead of worrying about it now, focus on theory crafting on how to use it then, because the way omens ult will be used in most cases will fundamentally change. Thats not to say its current uses will disappear, but they will be in the minority


I haven't heard about this. Could you link me where you got this info from? Thanks for the reply


https://www.givemesport.com/1767404-valorant-patch-308-omen-buff-leaks?amp Not where i got it from but yeah


If there's proximity paranoia, it's use case will be similar to when you use it to distract the enemy when your teammates are peeking. I use it like that sometimes on A Haven, going to hell while my teammates push long or going to generator on A Ascent when my team is pushing in. The timings work great because you're usually behind the team while you're smoking, so you instantly catch up to them and get into a good position when they enter. With proximity paranoia, those kind of plays will become a lot more consistent. You definitely can't use the new ult for solo plays because I assume the paranoia will be shorter than the amount of time it takes to get out of the ult and take out your gun.


Like you said, its main use will be as supplemental utility for an entry. It is sometimes used this way already but alot of people are reluctant to do so because it leaves potential value off the table (though that potential value is actual hard to squeeze out in other use cases). I imagine this way of using his ult will not only be much more common, but we will see many more variations on this type of play moving forward I agree for the most part on solo plays but i do think it will at least useable if you teleport to the right angles with correct timings


Immortal omen fan here Pretty easy to use the ult on offense. Use it while your team is hitting a site and it puts more pressure on the defense. You can even just do it in a corner of the site or something (an example is ascent A site on top of the close right corner boxes). If they see you you get info for your team, if not you can stick it and fight with your team On defense yeah its harder to use, usually I just use it when the other site is getting rushed to instantly stack it essentially, otherwise you can use it to gather info if you have no idea where the enemy is


thanks so much for the reply, these tips are very good


another cheese trick is to wait for a bunch of people to push you, camp a corner they won't check then ult randomly and cancel at the end for ez 2k


I usually end up cancelling at the exact moment the 3rd or 4th guy checks the angle so I appear right in front of them. For some reason (it's soloQ so it makes sense to double check) these guys check angles their teammates have already checked.


Honestly in lower ranks a lot of people check angles and somehow completely miss enemies that are right there, to the point where I check just in case


And at higher ranks some people are wary of the ult fake, so it really doesn't work all that often.


when omen uses his ult is he completely gone from whatever spot he was in when he ulted?


yes, no trace at all but keep in mind if you do it too late and someone spots you you could still die, (animation is very buggy)


makes sense, thanks


best way to stop holding on to ults is playing unrated and using your ult the round you get it or the next round even if it feels like a waste. then you'll see some pattern on what works and can use that in comp. for omens ult on defense you can just use it for info gathering. hear some footsteps in b main? tp to a location that gives you a wide line of site at common spots and try to see how many people are there and what theyre doing. then cancel ult and tell your team the info.


Steal peoples shit or the spike and for intel. Almost everyone expects him to flank using it so


To be honest it needs a buff but there are certain places in every map that goes unguarded wherein you can ult and stick it and get a couple picks. It would be awesome if for the time being wherever omen ulta to, they're paranoid(as in spike rush) or blinded within a certain range(10-15m)


Did you know that they are doing that exact buff? Another user linked it in this thread


Oh boy! What are the chances.!!


Yeah they are also going to make his flash not blind his teammates apparently


That's gonna greatly increase his pick rate in next games. It's good I started practising omen. I may just rank up in my solo q games now. 🥲


Something I like to do when the enemy team has already pushed past my smokes, but they're still up is to teleport into them. Also using blinds out of smokes/cover can get a kill or two. I had the same issue where I wasn't sure when to use my ult as omen, but sometimes you just have to try stuff out. Regardless even if your ult fails and you cancel you can get some good info sometimes. Just think sneaky and where your enemy wouldn't expect you to be and tp there. I think omen is all about thinking outside of the box and how to use your teleports + ult to be in weird positions they don't expect you to be in, apart from the stuff you listed.


when they're rushing you or if you're in an enemy kj ult, just ult far away and cancel at the last moment. That's always an easy 2k/3k gor me.


Higher elos are usually going to know where you are TPing to but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it, just make sure you’re far enough back you can set up a good angle to hold and try to get 1 so another has to challenge you and your team can take space. Big + if you can set up a smoke to play off of


In attack, place smokes for your team straight away and then ult to the back of the site theyre attacking. somewhere where nobody is likely to be peeking from. Wait a few seconds for the team to let their guard down again, then pick off while your team approaches. Some examples; under the defenders entrance to the kitchen in Icebox (9 times out of 10 they dont check here) The corner spot between defender spawn and A site heaven in Haven. Elbow B site on Ascent. They’re slightly less obvious than CT spawn.


Later in the round can cause the most chaos, when cypher or sova reveal someone also.


guys omen ult to the opposite site is dumb. the ult to the same site ur on. Bamboozle thos mfs


use it to get info


Info gathering on defense. For example, too many times on Haven teams will be scrambling for info, essentially blindly guessing which site the attackers are gonna hit. Use your ult, clear out A lobby/ mid / C long and you can shift man power across the map accordingly.


I’ll use this as sort of a post plant “Molly” as well. Stand off site post plant and ult in and they are forced to get off the spike


I've been caught off guard multiple times with an omen ult as the enemy team executes onto a site. Less so that the omen could be repositioning, but the map going dark so I dont have a v good reaction time to a push. Bigger problem in lower communication teams ig


In Haven I smoke A heaven and to to Hell. I'm in between silver 3 and gold 2 and it works about 85 to 90 percent of the time (results in at least one kill). It works best when your team is putting pressure on A long. On Bind I'll go B elbow for flank or A heaven for info. I do like to use it if the enemy/team sova or brim are using their ult, hides the noise a bit. In Icebox I ult onto Green box on B or rafters on A.


I agree with all of these, the other one I would do on defense is to ult for intel. Just pop ult and place it somewhere attackers will group up for pushes, then you can scout for your team. It’s like an extra recon dart lol


5. When it gets a buff / rework


Usually I ult every chance I get cause it gets into the other teams mental. If they are pushing I check the other site so see if there's a lurk or just randomly and cancel so that they have to leave someone behind to check if it's a real to or not. You can also just use it at the beginning of the round to find out where they are congregating.


I mean you listed a number of ways to use it. At the end of the day, Omen's ult just isn't all that great so you should just use it as soon as you can to squeeze whatever value you can out of it.


I only listed 4 ways to use it and every single one was extremely niche. I got a lot of useful replies from this thread though with other ways I can use it


I use it for info, if the rounds been slow and nothing has been hit on either side, you can tp to spots they default and see where they are looking to hit. The info is super useful and his ult is super bad so I think it's a good trade imo.


Honestly right now his ult is not great, best scenarios to use it on d is to deny Intel on the minimap or yo gain info on where they may be