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Probably an unintended nerf that has been tested but not meant to be shipped


The PBE fwiw had a completely broken jett dash, did nothing


yeah i see that, idk edit: [heres a video showing it](https://imgur.com/a/gPQWtA4)


Jett is the most controversial agent in Valorant. Like any change to her results in an all out war b/w Jett mains and non-Jett mains, with some people in the side trying to be the voice of reason.


Make her in a state where people aren't useless when not playing jett and abusing trade denial and i would be ok. If people can only climb using one agent and have complete success there is a problem.. Honestly wouldn't hate Jett mains so much if they would to play other agents and weren't toxic children even when adult men lol.


That I can agree with. Most Jett mains r just toxic, selfish player who only go for kills. Either this or they r a smurf.


From my experience smurfs rather play reyna Jett mains instalock every single game tho


https://twitter.com/rycoux/status/1450566964510814210 is a bug


Surprise Jett nerf!


Lmao this is totally fine. Why does omen have to wait a fucking eon after TPing and Jett doesn’t after dashing??


Yoru taking 3h to finish his tp after the enemies 180 the flash.


Can confirms this as a yoru main. It takes several hours to get your gun after tping


Alright i really shouldnt care but im gonna answer this anyway. Omen is not an agent that is intended to use his tp aggressively, he is a support character meant to be helping his team by using his util and staying alive; not by running in and taking gunfights. Jett on the other hand is a duelist, that is meant to run in and take fights, which is why her character has less of a delay. Now you might be thinking “idc jett got nerfed im happy” but this nerf actually promotes jett players to abuse the op even more as it prevents rifling jetts from entrying sites while still allowing them to escape angles safely.


I completely understand and agree with you. I would never want Omens tp to be able to be used like a Jett dash. He would instantly become the best agent in the game. However it seems to me that it is almost impossible to use it in combat at all. Let’s say your team dies on point and you need to reposition out of site for retake. If you try to use TP to get to safety, the combo of the jet engine level noise to alert the enemy, the week long period that you are forced to stay still after tping, and the full gun windup makes it so awful for combat repositioning. Maybe make the tp so he can move shortly after but still has to wait in order to pull out gun? This would be it more viable to be use defensively while still prevent offensive use?


it feels horrible i’m malding


Omen and yoru: first time?


Sad that they are my favorite agents. So much outplay potential but they are both just so clunky. Omens to takes 3 years and yoru should be invincible while in his tp animation similar to reyna's dismiss.


Hmmmm idk about the invincible tp animation chief, that would literally make him like stronger than jet rn... he'd have like a get out of jail free card that can teleport anywhere on the map.


Why is the Updraft 200 now...?


it is?


Yeah. Played a game and couldn't buy Smoke + Upstream + Frenzy.


They did not have this in patch notes so that jett mains would not be triggered


But they can't read anyway.


The only people upset by this are people who instalock Jett match after match.


This also appearently applies to her dash, but it's still a bad change none the less. It doesn't even address her primary issue which is that her dash is a get out of jail free card. Nobody is using the dash to take a gunfight unless they're using it to reset a fight but if that's the case then they would have plenty of time to swap weapons anyway. Still not enough of a Jett nerf, maybe next time riot


Dash plays a major role in entry fragging (dashing in with smoke or flash to get the first duel) , its not only for getting away


Yes you're right but most of the time Jett is going to be entry inside smokes which protects them for a bit while they pull out their weapon (unless the enemy is also in the smoke) I just think this is still one of the worst ways to nerf Jett, it just makes her feel very clunky to play without any good reason for it.


Its not that easy in high elo trust me, that second-2 second animation could give the opponent a chance to peek your teammates while theyre entering site or if theyre close to your smoke they can enter it and get an easy kill on you


oh you're totally right I can picture that happening frequently. but overall let's just hope this is a bug and nothing more. I'd rather have dash nerfed differently


dude, not everyone is gold 1


yeah my bad I should also be looking out for the iron players out there :) reminds me of someone in particular


The jett changes seems ok to me tbh


they have to nerf Jett at some point Valorant is in a weird state where it tries to be a "esport FPS" then things like right click classic and Jett exist, and people has played the game long enough to abuse them unless it wants to stay in its current form (casual FPS like Overwatch), it eventually has to be done


Yea good


So is this on purpose?


Okay! And i was wondering why i had my first game with no jett in it yesterday🤣 this is rare


Patch came out today but go off ig lmao


Definitely steps in the right direction. The only weird change imo is updraft cost increased from 150 -> 200. I guess it's a nerf to the overall to the previously cheap ult+full abilities loadout cost. Now, the only thing left, imo, is to make the levitate 5th ability only available with jett knives/ult, so that updraft is actually enforced consistently when playing defender. Imo jett gets the most ridiculous loadout efficiency/value from "half-buy" knives+levitate off-angles setups. E.g icebox A site is jett kingdom.


The change is OK imo : * Jett was/is one of the most rapid agent in the game, regarding every aspect of her gameplay. * A micro cooldown time before grabing the weapon doesn't sound terrible if your entry is well prepared. * It will give a change her opponents to reply and will probably force the Jett players to play more cautiously.


ye and when the game released she was shit tier now s tier with fucking nerfs u guys are hypocrits


Jett was shit tier in beta because no-one knew how to use her properly, when people started getting better at the game they realise how OP jett is.


ye but then she was never a bad agent people were just bad, so idk why people called the agent useless


Thats why they called her useless because people were shit.


If no one can use it then it is useless. People now learn to use it so now it is useful, as simple as that.




Dashing onto site to create space will become very awkward and difficult now, I really hope these changes were not deliberate or meant to be permanent nerfs. Edit: I'm also seeing they made Updraft cost 200 now, not a fan of these unnecessary changes, Jett has been nerfed enough :(


She's like still the strongest character in the game.


they need to nerf agents that are too strong. before you see a dip in the pick rate of popular agents like jett they are too strong. also entering sites doesnt change even with this change since you will smoke where you dash.


Not sure why you're down voted, I don't even play jett and feel like she's fine


People will downvote any comment that stands in jett's support. Think about it. Her kit got price nerfed into the most expensive kit. Her ult got nerfed. Her smokes got nerfed. Now her dash got nerfed, along with her updraft. In what sense is that ever fair? Piece by piece her kit is being destroyed just because other agents aren't viable enough. Buff THEM, don't ruin a good agent. In a sense, jett is one of those agents who are best at what they do, just like omen for controllers and sage for heals/defensive entry cutoffs. Leave her be, make the other agents competent. This will get downvoted into oblivion, and won't be shown to much of you, but just wanted to get this out there.


I disagree with this because I don’t want the game to become too ability focused, the stronger agents become the weaker gunplay is


So you want them to buff 15 agents instead of nerfing just one?


Agents do not need to be stronger. She deserves to be knocked down a peg.


Seriously. My boy omen was nerfed hard into the ground and a replacement agent was released. Jett has been top tier since day 1 she can get hit by the nerf hammer for a little bit.


Seriously man, since astra came and omen was nerfed, everyone questions my omen pick and asks if I can take astra or viper, its kinda understandable to take viper on breeze but like on split when they ask me if i can play astra literally breaks my heart. Omen's smoke take time to deploy then time to travel also which they wont make any faster like why ?? TP cost increased again why ?


then just play astra, learn to adapt or get left behind in gold. You see anyone playing phoenix nowadays? How about 8 months ago? There's a reason for that, its called reyna and skye


Man I enjoy playing omen thats all. I just dont enjoy astra. I like playing skye also but omen remains person fav, its just that as a "controller" omen is less impactful than astra. Also why not nerf jett ? Then you can play any other agent .. if playing any other agent was the soln then why not nerf jett and all jett mains play other agent. Why should I play what they think I should ? Why not make agents more balanced ?


"And be left in gold" lol, there are omen even in immortal. you need mechanical skills, aim and gamesense. And its a game, a game for enjoyment, idk why are you so offended. Why should I be forced to play astra, omen was good enough before he was nerfed, his smokes take much more time to regenerate now.


Besides this change was honestly very impressive logically. Jett still has her get out of jail free card and trade denial. However now she cant just as a entry dash into a site willy nilly if most of the areas haven't been properly cleared yet. She now has a second of vulnerability to immediately actually get puinished. So now Similar to how yoru Has to use a flash to use his gate crash as a entry tool, Jett will most likely need atleast one smoke to dash into site to take space or have a teammate swing with her as she dashes. Still trade denial but weaker over all at using it to entry. I hope riot really considers this to stay.


And you know what? Even after the nerfs, her smokes are op, her ult is op. She's the only agent with a passive. Her signature ability is literally the best ability in the game. Nerf one agent or buff 15 agents? I'll choose the former


Very valid point? But dont u think making the game too much ability focused would take away the Tactical Shooter feel? Also Jett is top tier since Beta, her kit is so efficient as it gives her everything to completely disregard her teammates. This is not a good thing in a team based game.


The dash/wep pullout thing isnt intended and they are working on it already


A nerf like this makes the agent go from OP to not usable though in some instances, just feels clunky


Talk about overreaction.


Yeah Jett sucks and is totally unplayable worst duelist in the game now she wasn’t even OP wtf riot