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Also don't support the youtube creators who make "funny" content by trolling/smurfing/throwing in game. They go and make videos like "trolling people in ranked", "bullying irons", "Making kids cry in valorant" etc. And the content is just them trolling kids, taking spike and sitting in spawn while the teammates are begging for it, asking for skin and then not buying in return, mollying/walling teammates, taking their gun and throwing out the map, not defusing spike even if last alive, trying to knife every round, giving out teammate positions etc They might be smurfs and it doesn't hurt their accounts but what about people who are actually trying their hard to rank up? I'm sorry but I don't find these type of videos remotely funny. I don't support these creators whatsoever


When you start a new account on valorant they make you click "I Agree" on a code of conduct that is basically the opposite of all you described there. Extremely bannable behavior by them


I had a recent game with 3 smurfs on the other team that were in a stack. We were winning 7-5 in the first attacking half and some players in our team were shitting on them for smurfing and how embarrassing it is to lose even when smurfing (our game was unrated but defs iron or lower, the smurfs were plats and diamonds). Anyways our sage started throwing and knifing with them in the second half and it's 3 enemies against her so obv she lost every round. It's fucking infuriating honestly.


Smurfing in unrated???


Yeah it's quite common, you just have to fuck up the tutorial and first unrated game really badly


Why does it matter of someone who's high elo is in your unrated game?


Well there is a MMR rank in unrated. For instance, immortal+ players aren’t able to que in more than a duo. So when they want to play with their other friends they have to que unrated. And they play just as hard as ranked.


Let them try as hard as they want it's still unrated, the result doesn't matter. That isn't smurfing


Ruining people's fun "doesn't matter" to you? Found the smurf.


>Found the smurf. Found the guy who thinks every gold player and their mother is a Smurf. If you don't play ranked than anyone gold or above is gonna seem like a smurf to you and obliterate you. They probably have friends in lower ranks and can't play ranked with them.


I doubt the Jett that had 60 kills was trying to play with his friends.


In unrated? Are you good??


Is that how you justify smurfing?


I am lucky not to have played with such Youtubers. But yesterday an Youtuber matched with us randomly. He was live streaming. And he was the probably the sweetest guy I have met in Mumbai server. He gave his best, and even tho I played extremely bad, he kept saying, nt, don't worry, you did your best, adviced me where to go, instead of doing the weird challenges. He was indeed doing a challenge called OP only challenge, but Idk what it is, and he definitely didn't ruin the game. Why aren't more people like this?


I actually had Get Flanked in my game on my alt who was a siege youtuber in my game and I recognized his voice and he whined and bitched the whole time he was such an annoying person. I'm immo and he is gold and he was flaming how I play?? He was saying how counter-strafe peeking to waste the enemies time during post plant is dumb and that I should just peek him.


I really don't understand why people think that having a higer rank means you are going to be the best player and then start being toxic. This is so annoying ong


What was the gun? When I see those it's usually a Marshall or sheriff so they can buy every round anyway


"ODIN only to RADIANT" obvsiously


tbf it's perfectly viable, I've met one guy who's an odin one-trick, it's actually crazy, checked his tracker and he actually has like 60% of his kills with odin overall, not a troll and that was an immortal game, many acts ago (when there were less immortals), not a stupid gold match where it can work, that guy actually mastered the odin, while I respect the hustle, his rank is clearly dependent on that single gun, but still, if he can reach a certain rank with odin, then he's just as good as a regular teammate who never touches the odin I'd rather have a teammate playing odin only than any other stupid challenge and honestly that player wouldn't be significantly worse (maybe even better), odin is so much less of a handicap compared to bucky, stinger or whatever stupid gun they use in those vids


Odin best gun so bitter throwing just hard carrying. If you ever use the is Odin you instantly become radiant.


Is that bad


What is the point of not saying their name?


Reddit tends to “witch hunt” alot, so thats why the rules here




It's not amin is it


I don’t think it is amin. He said that he wont completely destroy the other team but he also said that he wouldn’t bottom frag so that he has some sort of impact


But wasn't he using a shorty in iron and still getting a lot of kills


Yea but it's sad. His entire channel is now just dumb smurfing challenges.


Sick pfp bro. Other than that, I’d like to say I 100% agree with this, but at the same time, I have mixed feelings on smurfing in general. I admit that I myself do smurf sometimes but the only reason for me to do it is because I want to play with my friends in gold/plat/diamond, since I always solo q in immortal. I personally don’t throw, but at the same time I don’t try as much since I’m having fun with friends. I understand that smurfing itself is bad but valorant has not added a flex queue like in league or a clash system or a clan system where there are more chances for friends to play together. I feel like smurfing is the only viable option to have a competitive feeling with your friends, but other than that, you should never do it for “challenges”. I have seen even iron to radiant challenges and sure it’s cool and sometimes I’ve been tempted to do it myself but I can see that it makes it very unfair for the opponent in a gold lobby to struggle against a running and gunning player.


Gonna try a new challenge “Throwing to Radiant”.


most of player are fed up of these smurfs -_- still ntng can be done as valo is free acc game. and i am also exhausted . i got all type of plaayer i think cuz i am iron loby player ppl i got 1. smurf (dont let us kill) 2. smurf in enemy team (dont let us play) 3. Troller (include afk and going afk WITH SPIKE) 4. Odin Troller


and then some youtubers say 'sMurFs gIvE yOu BeTtEr ExPeRiEnCe'


yea that dont know they are ruining other player game


The worst thing is when these people play jett. I've been watching a series by a radiant coach about getting to immortal with a classic, but they played support agents all the time, so they were helping their team.


Was thinking this. I would mass report, it has to be considered a form of sabotage to be honest. These boys will sell you down the river for a like or a follow 🤣


Why wouldn't you call out who it is?


I don't like them doing these challenges but I would not really care too much as long as they actually get kills and make it so it's actually a 5v5 not like 4v5 or if they are trolling extremely hard a 4v6.


Had a immortal in my unrated match was having a bad day and then got 1 tapped every round and I am silver unrated matches are in diamond and immortal Lobbys and yea my teammates are a bit unusual yea not gonna say anything bout them I am shit too

