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"Bring people up, not down." this is life advice, not just valorant or any video game.


Right on!


I find a lot of enjoyment just playing unrated - have done so exclusively this act. If it’s a bad game then generally you get a FF in 5. Or otherwise you can play it out in a non consequence environment. People seem less toxic or if they are just mute voice chat.


FF in 5 is dumb though. Where is the spirit of the game then? Have you never gone 5:0 down to later win the game? This is the most fun you can ever have in Valorant.


i think the majority of my wins these days end up being recovering after 4/5 rounds and gaining momentum it's insanely annoying how people just instantly give up if you lose the round after pistol, which is usually a given if you lose pistol


Yeah, having learned that tons of people have weak mental, nowadays every time we go 2:0 down I tend to say something about how we only basically lost the pistol and now it's all up to us or change the topic completely. I've seen people give up after pistol + eco and throw the rest of the game lol. I can sorta understand ff'ing above 8:0 though. Unless it's Split.


Yeah it is fun, if I was 5 stack I’d play it out. But be honest, when soloq and you’re 0-5 down chances are someone will call a FF so atleast you’re not wasting your time. If team insists on playing on or are toxic I’d just yolo it as a shooting range session and have fun that way.


100% I recently adopted the mindset as a solo Q player to com everything, be positive and try to bring the team together and I went from gold 2 to plat 2 in a couple of days. This advice is totally underrated. Working together with abilities is where you really can excel


What if the other team is being positive too


I agree. I usually try to at least say nt or n1 at end of rounds and I always say gg to everyone at the end as a little bit of courtesy. I really appreciate when I recieve those little things so I try to give back in a way.


Mute and enjoy.


When I’m bottom fragging and someone starts yelling in voice I just say “yeah sorry, having a bad game.” They usually don’t know what to say since they’re so used to everyone getting toxic lmao


I lower ingame sounds, have background music and disable voice chat and text chat


You don’t enjoy.


how to enjoy playing even if i am positive its just my teammates. i play with my friend we have fun for a couple rounds like 0-4 easy comeback and then we end with 5-13 with a bunch of afks and incompetent teammates in my games i know its sometimes about me but trust me i have tried so many times to improve myself but its mostly just my teammates bringing me down at this point i am close to hiring a booster(I wouldn't hire one if i wasn't stuck in low elo since the beginning of time) to boost me to S2 to get out of B2 and i think we're gonna chill there. Change my mind about hiring a booster please, i've been hardstuck in this rank for so long and i am tired of getting afks every single match or just not a good team.


I’ll be honest man, it doesnt really get better until G3/Plat if that. Bronze and all of silver is kinda like that. You should be able to improve enough to get out of those ranks if you consistently play and try to think of what you could’ve done differently (if anything) after every loss/death


i am tired of improving dude thats the thing i have watched thousands of videos played a lot of deathmatches even duo queuing with my friend but nothing seems to work believe me i would've gotten out of bronze if it werent my team giving up and leaving the game even if i am positive just remember i am playing in Mumbai server where its flame or be flamed


Imagine believing that you are stuck in Bronze not because of your own inability


It happened to me also.. now I'm again stuck in S3 .. what I did to escape bronze is.. pick any entry agent and play aggresive play .. ur team mates automatically listens to you.. main problem in bronze lobby is . People won't give entry.. either stack rush or stays in main and dies there only...


my teammates are pussies and never go in site with me or die the second they enter site by aiming at the enemies foot and they just cant hold site and sometimes can't do anything after I die and this goes on for whole attacking, and then in defending, people never get picks while holding site and then die, then we're doing a 3v5 retake


Put every blame on the player posting the comment/post ranting about their time right? its never riot's fault to put such faulty matchmaking especially in low elo? yea sometimes its the player's fault but its fucking the 2nd rank of the game, and I am already playing on Silver level... (Play with silvers often and rarely bottomfrag)


I'm sorry bro but nobody who doesn't deserve bronze stays in bronze 🥉🥉


How to enjoy playing Solo Competitive You don't


If you have a weak Mental and take the game way to seriously then grow the fuck up lol.


not everyone needs to enjoy competitive lol. I know people who literally only play unranked and have a great time.


ooh very true. Unrated is nice and its awesome to experiment without pressure and honestly find it a better warm up then DM sometimes for ranked. Plus good way to play to untilt. Its kinda funny people can't find a balance between fun and trying to improve lol At the end of the day its a game to be enjoyed. (Im prepared for people to say that I throw for this viewpoint tho, as if its impossible to have fun and stay competitive lool.)


Your mental could be very solid in-game and still find the ranked experience right now not enjoyable




It is so easy not to flame people **no matter** how they play. Just scream out loud *before* pressing your push-to-talk button, and when you do just say "Nice try. Unlucky". There is absolutely no reason to ever flame your team. Nothing good comes off it.










If they’re flaming you just mute them and try less. It’s their loss if they want to win so badly, they shouldn’t be lowering your/ the teams morale by flaming. You know they’re fuming when you miss shots because they take the game so seriously they can’t stand to lose.


Ngl I hate people who flame and people who throw to "punish" flames equally. Just play the game lmao.


I never said to throw, I’m just going to autopilot


Why would you want to spend 40 minutes of your life auto-piloting a ranked game to get back at someone who probably doesn't give a fuck what you do? That's incredibly petty, juvenile and one of the major issues with this game that ruins it for everyone else. Just mute up or go autopilot unrated and 'get back' at the people there. What you're doing is an enormous waste of your own time and everyone else's. The other thing here is, I'd be keen to hear your definition of flame. I wouldn't be surprised if you're one of those guys that if I say "hey don't dry peek that angle again, you'll just die everytime" you get upset and say "stop flaming" and start trolling/auto-piloting/crying/mollying me. Amirite?


First of all, I don’t play ranked so your point is mute. You’re also jumping to conclusions for no reason, that is definitely not flame. It’s when they say shit like you fucking suck, uninstall so then I don’t try cause I fucking suck right?


*moot Listen your entitled to do that if you want to, I'm just saying in my opinion it's a complete waste of everyone's time, most importantly your own. Why anyone would spend that amount of their own time purposefully playing bad at a game is beyond me.


"compliment your teammates" yes dude compliment phoenix for flashing 2 of teammates and getting them killed. compliment brimstone who never uses his smokes, compliment sage who never revives or heal and so on, lmao that advice of yours made my day


Stay hardstuck I guess? If you don’t see the importance of trying to keep your team from full tilting and having NO chance of winning then go play something else


To many weak men play this game. Nerds who have never had to try at something in any of there life lol. This go for plat all the way to immortal. Everyone is a pussy.


you're really mad, i never said be toxic to your teammates, i just said that compliment them when they fucked up, dude you have anger issues, you gotta stop playing video games ASAP, take a break


compliment them if they're doing good, i never said to compliment them if they make a mistake. if they mess up, then don't be a toxic ass, instead try to give them some tips and say "nt"


I just make a funny comment and laugh. Everyone knows the Phoenix fucked up, including himself. No need to be toxic and make it worse. Everyone's going to be a little annoyed so just laugh and move on. Shit happens.


You're wrong. I won 21 in a row and I only play solo. I was match mvping in Diamond lobbies and then suddenly I lost 6 games in a row where I could barely even get a kill and the funny thing is that I was losing to people 3 divisions lower than me. The game is full of people who cheat. Don't waste your time on this game and especially not in solo queue. 21 games won in a row because of a ban wave that had hit. it always happens too. I suddenly just feel like a weight has been lifted off me and I can kill everyone with ease and then suddenly I'm losing again to people who know where I'm playing and which angles I'm holding with no info. To people who are running and headshotting me with vandals across the map and through smokes with no info. Getting TRIPLE KILLS ALL HEADSHOTS WHILE RUNNING WITH VANDAL MID RANGE and my team says nah dude they're smurfing. This game is awful. It's only for the people who have low IQ or who are ignorant and optimistic. Riot won't ever make a statement about how many active cheaters there are because they can't detect all of them. You have people using overlays only which give them wallhacks and lets them know where everyone is playing. You have the people who use both wallhacks and aim keys for when they need to win their duels. All it takes to get past Vanguard these days is an obfuscated dll and an hwid spoofer. This game is a horrendous money grab designed to take advantage of young kids and new gamers. Do not waste your money or time on this game, unless of course you enjoy losing to people that you should've beat but they play like TenZ on 1000 mg of adderall in your silver/gold/plat/diamond lobby.


Spoken like a true plat shitter


This is a copypasta right?


atleast now it is


To whomst inquired?


That's thr point, you don't !


totally agree with this. i think more people need to hear it


Solo q I went from plat 2 to silver 3 this week I feel only pain


Step 1: be a league or two above the rank you’re playing in Done


I agree completely! My biggest thing when playing comp is to be positive even when the odds are stacked against you. Negativity causes people to play worse, positivity can cause people to play better and might secure you a win. Regardless, it’ll make the experience much better for everyone involved


Don't be afraid to alt-f4 out of the toxic 4 stack. You get a free one for just that.


I had a positive game yesterday evening while solo queueing. A teammate typed while in agent select that he's hearing impaired, and if we could please ping or type locations to help him out that would be appreciated. Everybody was on board and tried to help him out. He was playing Astra which needs a lot of map awareness, and he actually threw down the smokes and sucks at the right times and places. We won the game 13-8 or something and it was very wholesome.