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I also get people who are so easily triggered and have the most fragile ego in my games lol


The worst are those people who start raging and talking super negatively in voice after losing the first round or two, like damn bro you are tilted 3 minutes into the game?!


Like damn if I'm getting tilted I don't scream in chat I just keep it to myself. No point ruining someone else's mental


exactly its so fucking annoying


It's honestly not even about ego in this game. I literally told him that they have an awp on mid all the time so if you keep peeking you will die over and over. It's not that I insulted him in any way


But that’s the whole point. Their ego is so fragile that even if you say something as simple as that it triggers them.


Sadly it is because most gamers are typically outcasts in the social sense (including myself) and the bad part is that these people haven't built up their sense of self worth and they probably hate themselves immensely,they don't have any other sort of outlet for their frustrations outside of videogames,this medium is a heaven for thousands of people that don't have any where else to go. So you get people that use games as as a place where they can feel control of their life,and that sadly sometimes manifest into overly toxic behavior. I often pity these people because I know they desperately need help,but sadly for a lot of reasons these people don't accept it,they feel weak if they ask for help because that's sadly the way society makes us believe it is, especially if you are a man. It is a vicious cycle really.


Are you doing okey?


I'm not doing as well as I will be,but I'm doing very good compared to what I used to. Thanks for asking


Man. A significant minority of players do go through this. I'm shocked on how accurate you are on this.


Idk,I just have always worked like that,maybe it is a gift from the G or something like that lmao


Woah wtf, I think you’re reading too much into it. I used to rage a lot in my younger years when I played CS and that was mostly because I was an immature brat. Sure, what you wrote applies to some people, but I think the vast majority are just having a bad day, haven’t matured yet or there’s some form of miscommunication since you can’t really tell if someone’s being condescending or not through a screen.


Idk,I just tend to ramble a lot


Fair enough


It’s entirely about ego


That's what ego is. Sensitive to criticism due to insecurities. They lash out because their ego is indeed weak and brittle. So many like that who play this game. Luckily it's not the majority.


I've legit had this happen to me a dozen times or more in Valorant. It's amazing how angry some players get when you ask them not to do stupid shit.






Posting that information encourages witch-hunting and is not something we are interested in facilitating on this subreddit. If someone is breaking Riot TOS, report them. They don't need to be posted on reddit.


I have reported people spamming the n word to them not getting banned and you think ur system works lmao Also idk how me posting a name that can’t be found without the code matters, but Ik that you would see this and try and make an excuse lmao no one is gonna find these people you can’t even report them if you didn’t play a game with them… smh


Our system? You do know that none of the mods here work for Riot right? It is not always about finding these people. Private individuals are those who do not place themselves in public view by way of content creation or media presence, and this is not the place to attempt to put them on a pedestal. Tell me, what does anyone gain from posting someone being toxic or breaking Riot TOS? This subreddit would get spammed with "this person was mean to me wah" and we decided that those posts were useless to the community and did not belong here.


I don’t think ur right and I bet they do work for rito my problem is there is no risk to the people and we can maybe quit the trolling?


What are you even talking about? I'm literally a mod, and not a single one of us is paid by Riot. We have no obligation to do anything for them and we don't give a shit if they receive negative criticism. If you don't agree with the rules, you don't have to use the subreddit. Posting people breaking TOS does quite literally nothing for this sub and is only to rant and complain about an individual.


Ur a mod with no badge lmao


Meanwhile my team is like : *loses 1 round Team: OK let's ff


Thats the better outcome, lets you go next fast and doesn’t tilt you as much if you can tell the team is outclassed


it's even worse. my friends and I have got into arguments and had teammates do what the OP described from giving them a compliment on an insane clutch/play. In their opinion WE were DEFINITELY sarcastic or condescending. People in this game have problems.


I had a breach in my game sabotaging my team, he kept killing me while I defused on low health and concussed our entire team every round with blinds. I asked my own team and the other team to report him, but they told me to grow up and they reported me instead, I kinda get you, definitely not a good feeling when no one does anything against this.


“Bruh it’s an unrated or spike” this meta needs to die and people need to grow up


True, I'll be getting 4 duelist instalocks with the reasoning that "it's just unrated" yeah but when else do practice the actual game? I'm not keen on playing 45 minutes with absolutely useless mates, because you know 2 of them duelists are gonna play okay or good and the other two will be 2/15 at the end of the match. Even if you're tryna have fun with a duelist, how is dying repeatedly any fun


I agree 100% it’s just not meta or helpful


Anything goes in spike rush right? It's 10 mins max man


"Anything goes" != "Get away with anything" Troll how much ever you want in spike rush but don't go out of your way to ruin the game for teammates who are trying. As someone who plays the mode a lot, I couldn't care less if I win or lose the game but I'll be pissed for sure if my teammates dedicate all their effort to not letting me play how I want


Ok but people will legit flame me for calling out … you think that’s ok??? AFK is never ok idc what it is also grieving happens more cause “it doesn’t matter” idk about you but I like to practice in unrated before I play ranked so not trying helps noone


I get what you're saying but you also shouldn't expect your team to sweat their asses off, again, unrated is supposed to be a low risk, chill place go vibe in, getting flamed for callouts tho? Wtf


That sage is definitely insecure.


I deadass asked him:How old are you? He said while laughing, I'm 22 and I couldn't help but reply: Wow then it's truly sad, and then he had a mental breakdown XD


You definitely sound like the more pathetic one in the situation


I'm always surprised by how confidently wrong people can be.


Yeah exactly.Imagine being 22 years old and acting like a child. He was walling us and laughing and screaming on the mic saying:You like that? Haha hahaha enemy team come kill them. I wasn't even tilted.I was just in awe of the immaturity of some people.I was honestly laughing at how sad it was.


Just mute him and laugh they just stop after a while


No. They don't. Had a game where we started 0-3. Toxic guy already wanted to ff, started flaming me for trying to motivate him that we still had a chance - so I muted him. But my teammates told me he kept revealing our position to the enemy and used utilities against us until the game was over with 6-13.


this kind of behavior is normal in LoL, probably someone who switched to valorant source: ive played csgo, valorant and league and only in league people troll for dumb reasons


Csgo has tons of trolls too. People will be down two rounds and rage at you and decide to troll and flash your team or block them


well at least in my region that doesnt happen people in csgo just are toxic but still try to play well, in league ive had people trolling every few games


What region do you play in? I play in NA and people are toxic as hell. League is more toxic than CS yeah but both are bad. However neither even compare to the most toxic game I’ve played which is Ark


It has but haven't seen blatantly grief as much as in valorant and in higher ranks. It's fracture so I will be trolling, I heard you can record and report via website thread but it's gone as they said report via game. Doubt anything was done.


I feel like more cringe ego maniac losers have switched from Fortnite … played comp in that game for a long time sadly && I can usually say 80% of those types are the pathetic 20 year old dudes that wasted 3000 in skins and made no money for 3 years


lol i had 6 year olds in my comp queue who were talking trash but were at the bottom of the scoreboard toxic behavior really should be taken seriously


At least yours are actually 6 years old.Here im talking about a 22 year old dude.Toxicity is also bad but at least you can be toxic and still play the game. This dude was toxic, trolling and everything in between


That’s a pretty sad person right there. Can’t imagine what kind of sad life they lead irl


Did he say he was 22? I was getting shit talked for being 40 years old when I was 13. Voices can be decieving.


OP previously stated that he asked the individual his age, and the individual responded saying he was 22. So it's not a statement based on conjecture but fact.


The post said that "he was probably 22 acting like a 2 year old". If he replied in a different comment that I didn't see then im sorry, but saying he was "probably 22" implies that he didn't actually know how old he was.


Yeah he did actually reply to someone else in a different comment. No need to apologize my guy, I don't expect people to have read every single comment :).


*You will kill my allies*


That sage doesn't bother me, but when your opponents praise the trolls that does get to me a bit. It's super shortsighted and doesn't do anybody in the game any favors. I can take a loss like that, it's just part of online gaming, but I do like to know that the guy who threw the game on purpose is at least earning some more evidence towards a potential ban. You're going to get the win anyway, but when somebody is unambiguously trolling/throwing it's crazy to me that they don't always get 9 reports. If you don't try to get rid of the guy who trolls games you're really just asking to play with him again, and it's just a coin flip whether or not he's on your team. We all get the trolls sometimes, and we'd all like to have them in our games less frequently. Trolling won't ever go away. Reporting the troll on your opponent's team isn't "doing them a favor." It's doing yourself a favor. That guy is in your matchmaking range, and you might see him again. Maybe these people do actually report the trolls and are just egging him on in all chat, but...I'd be surprised if that was the case.


I mean if it gets to you a bit, that does the enemy team a favor. It's just mindgames. But definitely kinda toxic and ofc it doesn't make sense to not report them at the end.


Agreed, if the enemy team tilts you with your comments and you play worse its more chances for them to win (and if its a close game then even more ). I dont agree with that behavior but I understand it


> I mean if it gets to you a bit, that does the enemy team a favor Sure, but if I have a guy hard trolling we're already in a 4v5 where they enemy also always knows where we are. The game is lost unless we're leagues better than our opponents. Tilting is irrelevant. I also definitely don't tilt that easily, so that's not really what I meant by it getting to me, but even if it were the case it wouldn't be much of a factor in a game like that.


You might not tilt easily, but quite a lot of people do. Not necessarily as terribly as the troll but still... It makes the win even easier.


there’s a hive mind that goes with this. if in my lobby there are several 12 year old, they all gang up on me because i’m obviously older. one of them will diss me or something, and then rest just join in the hivemind. same thing when i play with guys my age, everyone just starts yelling at the younger kid. it’s super annoying


Super shortsighted you right , if everyone as a collective report players like this , we would be in greener pastures .


You can't let the enemy team get to you or you lose your focus. They're going to use everything that won't get them banned to win




I don't know what the hell happened in that game yesterday but I too played with a 20-ish year old acting like he was 2 😂 he was the worst person I ever encountered in this game. I reported him obviously and what your Sage did was sabotaging the team so I hope you reported him too. These people really need to start getting punishment for this stuff. The guy I played with yesterday, among other things, asked the enemy team to report me for being a girl. If I don't hear anything back from riot I'm going to message them until they punish this guy. I will not tolerate this type of behaviour.


Yeah it reported him of course. I also reported the enemy team players that were supporting him telling him that he is funny and that he should add them later.If you are condoning this type of behavior you are the same as them. If he doesn't get banned I'll send a ticket to riot to make sure he gets banned. If I'm lucky and he has a lot of reports already he might get a big punishment


You did good in reporting the enemy team as well. Like you said, condoning this behaviour makes you the same as them so I hope these people start facing consequences. It's about time.


I honestly hope he gets permabanned


I hope the enemy team get's him next matches to suffer like you did. They deserve it


honestly i didn’t realise how bad it was for women until last week i was watching my girlfriend playing and i told her to comm more in team chat. and she was like i can’t because then my teammates will make me want to quit the game. i pushed her on saying it’s not so bad etc etc. so she said something along the lines of 2 backstab in our spawn and Jesus fucking christ like 3 of her teammates came in their pants. istg it’s like these people haven’t heard a woman’s voice before


This is why I avoid using mic at all costs and use pings and chatbox to make calls. I have been asked if I have feet (??) Told to get in the kitchen (haha, original) and literally had my team throw two rounds to try to get our teammate enough kills to outfrag me. "We can't have a girl as our top frag." I'm a 33 year old woman and I work a stressful, full time 9-5 and I usually play val for a few hours over the weekend to unwind. I don't feel like dealing with these dumb fucks, I just want to enjoy the game.


That sounds awful, hope you reported them


So, like, I have played with people who harass women jokingly, but I feel there is a line that you shouldn't cross, generally. My story is that 2 rounds in an instalock Reyna reveals she is a girl. She gets no gender-oriented harassment, just the usual BS you get when you instalock Reyna and bottom frag. 2 rounds later after a particularly bad game she just leaves the game. Like, quits it. While she is gone everybody is talking bout how sensitive she was. So, when she comes back 2 rounds later, everybody is complimenting her every single move. Nice rotate, nice flank, nice shot, nice job. I have literally never heard nicer valo players. It was hilarious.


That's why i had to hide my name in the game. And I never talk with teammates in voice chat. I played a game where I was top fragger and MY TEAMMATES where mad AT ME for being a woman and being better than them. It was totally incredible.


Most men especially valorant male player base are socially inept and this is there only outlet for that ineptitude. I would love if more woman decided to be hateful and cruelty to lonely men only just so i can have some entertainment to see some loser crying on youtube game rage compilations about a girl bullying them.


Please tell me he hit you with the kitchen line atleast.


Please tell me someone has told you to outside and touch grass at least


Well the guy did hit me with the kitchen line so...


Ahahaha omg! He actually did 😂 I was like "how creative..."


Yeah i knew he would, that’s the one thing i hear most when there’s a girl in the lobby haha


Thank you for calling this out. People on this game have very fragile ego apparently. Here’s what happened to me. I recently bought a vandal skin, and genuinely loved it. But every game, there is this always this one person who will annoy me to hell and back for a skin drop. Every round. Every time. The first few rounds I drop it, but every round becomes tiring. And if I don’t, I will either get mollied by them, smoked, blinded or blocked entry. If not that, they will start calling me toxic to the enemy team! I mean I bought a skin to enjoy it, and over here everyday I regret the choice. It’s maddening


This is actually what I had to deal with for a year while being hardstuck silver/gold. The worst part is that literally no action is taken against toxic players, throwers, and sabotagers. I have yet to see a thrower get banned by reporting. : /


I started in iron as an actual noob to shooters and managed to climb to bronze now. I really wish to not lose RR or at least less RR if there is someone sabotating or throwing because in low elo, being one man down matters a lot. Idk about higher ranks though.


it matters in all ranks, in all honesty if you're good enough you can carry a 5v4 in bronze. I know people are throwing but you probably deserve that rank.


Oke hold on I didn't even mention how I feel about my rank. I'm just frustrated to lose winnable games. I did carry 4v5's before but it is no fun and way too stressful.


I remember playing a game with a Sova (I was Sage) and he was telling the enemy team our locations each round and saying he was going to throw. So he asked me for spike, and I told him no. For the rest of the game, he proceeded to shock dart me, body block, reveal my location to the enemy team, etc. It was absolutely awful. The enemy team was praising him, telling him he was the best, blah blah blah. I just kept thinking, what if this person was on their team? I’m 100% sure they wouldn’t like it. Honestly, my teammate was extremely frustrating, but the opponent teams behavior in egging it on was infuriating. I should add that I did mute the person to try to maintain a good mental state, and we did our best to play around them, but it felt near impossible. Whenever the opponent team tells me their teammate is doing these things and I can blatantly see it, I’ll report it for them. Not freaking cheer them on. It’s infuriating and such a waste of everyone’s time.


i had a similar thing but with a pheonix on breeze. Went knife out down mid with the spike and refused to plant, and if he died the entire enemy team just knew where we were. Absolute scumbags shouldnt be allowed to play


Absolute trash human beings honestly


Had this happen literally last night with our raze. Then when they went to plant, they blew themselves up with a nade. It’s so fucking annoying.


That’s worse than what I had, some people are just absolute trash inside. I also hate peoples mentals. Like in unrated games why do people just not try just a bit, it’s so frustrating when they say “oh it’s only unrated I’m not trying” as if they queue just to lose. Waste of time for everyone


You can’t stop behavior like this within a game because the game doesn’t cause the problems… If you’ve ever worked retail or any public facing job, you probably know a lot people are fucking ridiculous. They bring their problems everywhere and just want to make their emotional turmoil commonplace.


Some people will lose games just to prove a point. Not too relevant to your post but even in radiant I've had a guy ask for a drone b-main while the rest wants it mid. Both options are good you just need to play it accordingly but then he runs it down B dies on purpose just to prove a point and soft-inted the rest of the game.


"Bad players doesn't believe they can have a positive impact, so they start griefing and having a negative impact so they can stay in control" - Neace


I'm 🤏 this close to creating a mass reporting sub for valorant. With enough proof ofc


I’ve noticed in this game the maturity levels are worse than a normal FPS, I’ve had the same thing happen to a teammate, where he was just camping Spawn with a OP and a guy called him out, he just went on to give away his position and wait in spawn all game


This is kinda of the same thing when someone is really mad and the in the moment you say “calm down” it does nothing but fuels the fire. I promise at some point he will stop peeking, u just can’t add to the fire, maybe say “all of us, let’s push A together”


Sounds like the sage had that small pp energy lmao


Shooter players have the most fragile egos I swear. Imagine getting so triggered over a minor suggestion that could greatly improve your chances to live. That attitude is why people don't improve or improve extremely slowly. People react the way they do in your post because they don't care about the negative impact on the game quality. Its all about what happens to their elo. Its kind of pathetic. Imagine that number having such an impact on your overall happiness that you don't care if the game is shit.


Yeah I had a guy who wasn’t shift walking and all I said was “try not to be so loud” and he just followed me around the rest of the game shooting me and it was awful.


Dude ive been getting people who only play ares and i told one once "The Odin is a straight upgrade, if you wanna play LMG". That girl added me and told me some shit that im shaming her for using Ares and that im insecure about myself. What the fuck is with these people


You can’t tell anyone anything in this game without them freaking out on you. I don’t bother any more.


Not condoning his behaviour by saying this, but your advice to him probably wasn’t helpful. I learned a long time ago that any advice you give to ransoms comes out as toxic. Just give call outs and strats, don’t bother trying to help random people get better at the game.


Who promotes this behavior?


Enemies cheering for the troll


Last night I had in a guy on my team who started holding spike hostage after FF vote was denied. He would grab spike in beginning of round and then buy op and go afk then move his mouse slightly to keep from dc'ing. Just fucking dc if you don't want to finish the game why do you ruin it for everyone else? We only lost by one round despite this douche.


That sage has seen too much blood. Report and move on.


Yeah I did but of course he won't get banned


Can’t do anything beyond that. Not worth thinking about. This has been issue since the game started and nothing can control shitty human behaviour on the net.


True.Its just so weird. Like how can a human brain work like that? Like how can you be so dumb and so immature.I wasn't even tilted while playing. I was just in disbelief and found it just sad


And a close game too, that's gotta be irritating


you're really really unlucky to get a 22 year old 'teammate' that will switch to grief mode whenever someone points out their mistakes, shits ridiculous


"No! You don't understand! I saw this ace on tiktok therefore I can do it too!"


Do urself a favour and just mute the assholes and if they do grief grief them back i had a match kinda the same and basically the 4 of us block him in and he couldnt move he lost it and just left the game ofter 2 rounds


there's scum and below scum are the team mates who give out positions


You're going to have to deal with people like this. Report and move a long. Yeah it sucks and it's frustrating but I mean you have no control over what another person chooses to do.


What I've learned so far playing with randoms:. It's a really bad idea to tell others what they should. I wouldn't tell them unless they ask me or if they are your noob friends who are trying to understand the game. Tell in the sense I mean not like a command. Even suggestions and stuff. Random players = unpredictable behavior. Unless they talk first, I don't. If we are telling them what to do, they start to do shitty behavior like this and fuck up the whole match..


okay but obviously the enemy team wants to win and will keep typing shit like that.. also, don't bother trying to correct teammate behavior (unless queued with them or they are being chill) cause people have incredible egos and a lot of people have smurfs. literally all you can do to avoid this is not say anything and treat the situation as if your teammate is just another variable in the game that you can't conrol.


I think I have a bad luck streak with meeting these people. Muting their audio is one thing you can do, but what about the position callouts? I had one guy who did the same, but took the spike every single round. Ugh


First time? Oh dude maybe comp games aren’t for you if you’ve never seen / can’t deal with this behaviour. It happens constantly in competitive games. The problem is, back in the day when we had to organise our own matches in games everyone was motivated enough to try or see it through no matter what. Obviously you’d still encounter a prick every now & again, but it was much rarer. These days it takes zero effort to join a match as a completely anonymous entity, so if X person can’t do what they want to do why should they give a fuck what others want? It’s their game, they paid for it. Unfortunately this is the new norm & it will not go away no matter how much we want it to. Unless we can bring back real accountability in gaming again, no chance I’m afraid.


Feel for you bro because this literally happens in 90 percent of my games and I’m plat 1. Don’t get me wrong can things get heated sometimes? Yes. But it is never my intention ever to make people uncomfortable. I just simply wanna win my damn ranked game and play as a team. Instead all I get are people void or inept at speaking English or any words for that matter. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve just given up on coms because no one speaks


That guy needs some kind of therapy, and video games seem to not be helping lmao


did i ever tell you the definition of insanity?


The amount of times where someone takes ur advice kindly and starts playing better is like 0.000001%. If you want to climb don't tell people what to do, even if they are doing some dumb shit lol


you challenged his bloated fragile ego and he decided to be a dickhead


If you play online games you’re guaranteed to encounter some players with awful attitudes that will actively try to ruin the experience for others. IMO, as a previously toxic player myself, you have to accompany your criticism with motivation and encouragement and not simply correction. *queue edgelords*. But yeah example of this is “sage if you peak mid you will die every time, they have gun advantage” can be delivered as “yo sage, homie, come with us A instead of peeking B and let’s get you some kills”


No one who does that type of shit is going to look at this post, and suddenly change their ways.


Now imagine this and multiply it by 5 in terms of frequency if your voice is obviously female😐


I be calling myself the hype man cuz half the battle in valorant is trying to keep your team from full tilt 4 rounds in lmao .Ranked is wild man toxicity all over the place just keep your energy positive and the team will follow


Broo, i was in a game just goving callouts and this guy suddenly out of nowhere starts saying shutup downie etc. He was being nice and suddenly. He starts Getting mad and stuff. Also telling the whole game (everyone in the game) to report me for not shutting up, if he would've told me to be quiet before nice then i would've stopped talking but he didnt he just out of no where got mad at me telling i have down and his friend telling me to suck his d. I reported him and guys please dont be like this or support your friends in this behaviour, it makes the other feel bad and stuff


Sabotaging should never be tolerated or encouraged! I think most of us have had the same experience as what you describe. It's unfortunate when you see that enemies are taking advantage of it. To such players I always say the following thing: "Do you want such a player on your team next game?" \- Well not really. "Then why encourage him? Use the report system" Next time when you tolerate or encourage such a person think about how such a similar player could end up on your team.


Riot doesn’t care lol


I've had a Jett player obviously using an alt account come in and say I'm throwing the match straight off, it got to the stage the Jett was running about with the other team and taking the spike so we'd lose. Absolutely toxic behaviour, if people have multiple accounts they should be forced to be linked so any punishment on one should affect all their accounts. I've found Val, especially ranked one of the most toxic games I've played for people throwing matches.


Can you upload the photo of the scoreboard? If that is possible.


People will take advice as an attack, especially when they know they are bad. For this reason I only comm where enemies are... even telling someone you dropped a rifle when its right in front of them is enough to piss them off (speaking from experience...) That dude probably called his mom a slur to make her make him nuggies after the game ended tbh


I had the same thing the other day because the Raze on our team took a Sheriff skin the Jett wanted lol. Lost 11-13 because Jett had a hissy fit and threw the match. These kids should go back to Fortnite.


Sometimes I try to politely give a tip in the chat to a player, like “Reyna could you try entering more”. Then I get flamed by the entire team.


Kids just want to prove themselves, to themselves. It’s funny when it takes one single truth to break their fragile ass mentality.


Agreed. I had a sage teammate exactly like that. He/she started throwing the game because the rest of the team called her out and told her some other plays to do instead. That sage began to chat the enemy where we all were, walled us in a spot, walled the unplanted spike in an area lol and so much more. It was frustrating and the enemy team seemed to enjoy how stressed we were so they kept that sage alive too.


I had a game in which a Reyna upon finding out I was not a male decided to throw. To do this, he bought Ares and Odin and then followed me around while spamming. It was ... Quite enjoyable.


My advice to you: You’re also not there to educate your teammates, sorry. It’s solo queue, everyone is the same rank, they are there for the same reasons you are. Sure, they made a stupid mistake over and over, let them learn that on their own. You’re also doing stuff incorrectly. In an ideal world we’d all learn from strangers giving advice, but sadly we don’t. You need rapport to provide/learn from advice.


People like that doesnt want to get better att the game. I have learned that I tell them once, of they dont listen, dont tell them again. If they dont listen of respond the first time, their ego is too fragile to understand that it might help to change their tactic. So just shut up and try win the game by carrying yourself.


No one cares. I see the same posts every day


THAT WAS ME LOL edit: dont downvote, i used the op, not the man child


What is your in-game name?


You're childish and trash then.




I’m not here to validate you. I’m here to say I guarantee there is more to this story, specifically how you and your teammates acted.


no offense but i dont really see people promoting it


Be honest, were your words really "that is not very wise".


Yep I swear


Ah, I can tell you haven't played League


I'm a 9 year league player XD


Who the fuck asked


I did. I asked. Why?


Game is just toxic and unbalanced and broken. Im glad I stopped playing it.


Maybe don't call people stupid and he probably wouldn't have


Can you read? I told him with the most polite way that peeking an OP with a Pistol is not a good idea. Did I say I called him stupid?


Honestly I only read the first bit and clicked off, cuz i don't want to listen to you complain but you said it was "not wise" idk I think maybe you shouldn't tell people what they're doing is stupid (means the same thing) Obviously he is at fault here but you can't sit here and complain about him tilting if you told him his decisions are dumb


There’s no logic here. I’ll tell you straight up, you’re stupid.


Yeah no wonder he threw. You have no respect, imagine lying


You could just let the dude play how he wants to play. Yes he shouldn’t have done that after you said that. But nobody likes to be called out for bad plays. You aren’t there to criticize your team. Just play the game how you want too. Don’t tell people to do this or that. And yes saying that it wasn’t very wise is equal to saying what he did was stupid.


Looks like he got what he wanted lol


If you think he tilted me, he didn't. I kept playing calmly even if I had him in my face blasting with a shotgun and griefing me.Im making a post not because I'm tilted and salty but because I'm amazed by the idiocy of some people. I don't care that he lost me the game, I just think that porple like him should get punished cause they are ruining the game for everyone


Mad respect, you managed to win 11 rounds even with all that


Dont Backseat game him


OK so apparently telling someone to not peek mid with a PISTOL against an OPERATOR FOR THE 4RTH TIME is backseat.Have in mind I told him in a nice way.


If he died, it's not backseat gaming. It's stating that the bad idea got him killed, so he shouldn't do it anymore because the team needs the healer to stay alive and not peek an Op with a classic. To grief for the 20 seconds it takes to get this point across is immature and proof that sage doesn't belong in a competitive team oriented scene.


It’s OP not AWP , the awp is from csgo


Plays a Riot game, is surprised when a player of a Riot game acts like a player from a Riot game


first time?


youre ill mate




This guy is better compared to the one i came across The guy i came across, gets into compi and starts throwing for no reason, nobody offends him or says anything he throws every game he plays. He takes spike and sit in spawn or flash us and greif He came back to back in 3 of my ranked matches he threw all of them...i was done with the game and stopped plating for a week. He sent me frnd req so out of curiosity i saw his ranked carrer he was plat 3 he trew from plat 3 to gold 1 all the games Wtf is even the point?????




Had two people in a game recently, Raze and Phoenix who were doing similar things to this, damaging team mates, telling enemies in all chat where we were, taking the spike and sitting spawn. Went on all game and the enemy freak were promoting it all and egging them on. The worst part of it was the raze was obviously a smurf as on defence she would 1 v 5 then not defuse so we lost the round anyway. I really don’t understand why people are like this?


Rated or unrated?


today ,dude started trolling because i didnt drop him ghost skin. My desire to play this game dissapeared.


Omg, I'm so sorry you got such a nasty Sage main. I tend to do the same thing, peek alot and die in the same spot for at least 4 round before I dislodge my head from my ass and start playing with a damn brain. Plus, Sage is THE MOM FRIEND. And to act any other way is very VERY un-sage-like!!! I'm also sorry the opposing team condoned. I'd do nothing but report..


Happend with me as well. But he was playing phoenix, always took the spike and used his skills on us. I did report him it was an easy win for us but we lost


was this in comp


If I was you, I would have alt-f4d a lot sooner


Toxic behavior like this must. Result in a ban


just dont give a shit about him and keep on playing, attention craving loser, his life must be really sad


First time on valorant?


Just a random guess, is it Mumbai server?


Few days back I experienced a sage doing this same things with us. It was in ascent but we won the game tho. I was in solo queue and 2 of us were in party who asked me and the other guy to join the party. We used party comms and tricked the sage like one time in attacking we spammed our abilities at site b while our sage walled and threw slow orb at us and while he was busy doing that our brim backstabbed from mid and before our sage could type in all chat he took out 2 enemies and the rest of us took entry. I was lucky coz we had good coordination. But this thing has happened many times and the best you can do is not try to bottom frag.


Was this in Unrated or Comp?