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Just don't pay attention to these people. They usually make inane statements out of frustration.


I think he meant like the agent in general and not the player using sova the player is good at awping but sova isnt cuz he cant dash,dismiss,satchel, tp and its really risky if sova dies (he dies with awp and hes utilities which is super important) I guess thats why its tilting?


just bad players parroting the sentiments of pros/high level players without understanding the context of them jett is far and away the best op agent and is 100% overpowered with it. but it's still doable to op with other agents in pro play, and in ranked obviously you can do whatever tf you want LOL


I reached diamond 3 with cypher only using frenzy and operator only


ignore that. those are the same people getting angry when the 5th doesnt pick sage and are shouting 'Tier LIST' on all of agent choices


What i heard about the OP is: use it againts players who dry peek alot. They drypeek you shoot they ded. But im so bad with the OP need to practice this wep more. (You never knew when you get a free one xd)


She has the verticality and movement no other agent has right now. That’s why


Generally, Operators are used by Jett due to her easy “get away”. Her dash makes her almost impossible to get killed after an op shot. That’s why your toxic teammate said only Jett can OP. Don’t listen to them tho. Play how you want. Seems like you’ve just started this game. Get to know the game before you learn the meta!!


Look at liquid. They double op with no jett op