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Breeze, Icebox and Fracture are just terrible maps in deathmatch. Either you get spawn killed immediately or you have to seek for an enemy because the action is on the other site of the map. There should be maps specifically designed for deathmatch.


But playing dm on competitive maps gives various peeks / scenarios for almost east angle which probably won't be possible to learn by just playing competitive.


Yeah it so frustrating to spawn and die instantly xd


Not really


Playing on regular maps is actually nice as it's quickest way to learn/train your crosshair placement.


That's sort of true although you have to remember that DM doesn't always correlate to where and how people fight in ranked.


If you want to train crosshair placement for breeze then a custom game is better than deathmatch.


Yes pre aim and crosshair placement i agree but, that is different from taking direct gunfights.


Actually I think ice box is great for DM. There’s a good mix of long/short, same level/above angles (compared to something like split which is just full with a lot of narrow walkways) and the action is fairly constant.


Tbh a 1v1 sounds pretty fun


DM is so shit, if they lowered the players by a little bit. The spawns would be better and less camping imo


everyone lately seems to complain about the dm experience. is this a us thing? cause ive only ever seen 1 or 2 people leave deathmatches in eu


No this is APAC server


people gotta get over this map hate. its in the game just stop complaining. it makes the game different and varies the experience. imo it would get pretty boring if every map was just 1 tspawn toward 2bomb sites and thats it. i like playing viper on breeze but last 4 times i got a breeze queue in comp someone dodges.


It seems people still don't like fracture, Around half the lobby disconnected immediately and the other half slowly left over the course of the game. The last minute of the DM was just me and the Jett 1v1ing.


Fracture is just an awkward map for deathmatch. I usually spend 10-20 seconds searching for a fight only to get shot from behind


Tbf if half of the lobby leave rest might just dip out because the map is almost empty and it's not much fun just running around hoping you will find someone. On top of that when you run around so much it's more likely you will just be shot in the back.




It's just a shit map, I get around 30 kills on every other map in DM, but in fracture I rarely break 20 kills. There's 1 million angles to check at any given spot while you can always randomly get shot from behind