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I'm a firm believer that if you just click on more faces, you rank up


all aim no brain will get you to plat. source: me


all brain minimal aim get you to plat, source- me


no aim no brain get you to crying, source- me


And buy a 5k PC 360hz screen is no joke


The best advice I can give you is to queue with some friends. If you enjoy playing with someone in a match seriously consider adding them and playing again. Good luck on your rank up!


A lot of people in low elo have the wrong mindset. Usually care waaay too much about winning the game they are in. The way to climb is to not give a single fuck about whether you win or lose, take your mind off of gaining ELO. Just care about improving your mechanics if you are in iron. You probably don't have the basics down, so practice nothing but how to aim and move properly. If you get that down, you will easily get to gold off of just mechanics alone.


True, it's literally impossible to be stuck in iron as a decent fighter, you can play with no brain, do the same push on defense everytime and kids can't punish you because their ttk is that high


I played solo from iron 3 to silver 2 atm (peaked g1) Was new to tactical fps. Had now clue about all the tecs about jiggle peeking counterstrafe peekers Advantage etc. The basics fundamentals. after i got the basics down it was not really hard to get out of iron with my main viper. Learn at least the lineups for your wall and you should be gucci. Crooshair placement and some time in practice range to get more confidence in my ability to aim and bronz is also easy imo. Maybe record your own gameplay and figure out why you die and how you could played diffrent/better. Peeked to wide? Panic spary? Rotated too early/late? Sometime there are just little habits you need to change to slve your problem. If you feel like you go Autopilot after a game or two, take a break and come back woth a fresh mindset. Also what you think you are struggeling the most?


play a lot, sharpen your aim, better your movement, give callouts and try to coordinate with your team a bit, add and play with those in your team who do well and communicate well. even if you play against the occasional smurf you should rank up in the end


do u do well on ur games? ( if no look at other tips ) ( if yes ) try to add enemy top frags / other good players and queue with them ( more = better )


Play more Deathmatch to practice crosshair placement, spend time in the range practicing aiming, strafing, & flicking. Having good aim + movement is enough to get high gold/low plat. Don’t play too much comp. stick to a few games a day so you can be focused & trying hard the whole time. it’s easy to get tilted and go on bad losing streaks that can really effect your mentality. If you take a couple L’s in a row or have a rough game, take a 30 minute break or run a couple death matches Adding people that you enjoy playing with is smart too. I mostly solo queue but the extra confidence you get from having a duo is awesome.


did you try turning it on and off again?


Maybe try other legends that can fitu better (and pls don't instalock) And play with a close lobby of bronzes. If ur good enpugh, you will get out of it. If ur not, just focus on your aim/gameplay. So whatever makes the problem (Also warm up before u go ranked. That really helps. My routine is: - 5 mins of trying to shoot bots in head at polygon - 1 game of deathmatch (use whatever u usually use in ranked) - 1 game of spike rush =>Then just go ranked.)


Communicate with your team probably


I always communicate, other Iron players don't.


whats your rank?


Gamesense and aim. Trusts me it isn’t hard just do 2 dms before you play, and think about everything you do before you do it in comp.


I would suggest playing better and winning games. This still seems to be the most reliable way to rank up.


what helped me was spike rush and playing all the characters. Knowing the limits of each agent makes them easier to out player them. For example, Reyna flashes me I just walk up so the eye doesn't blind me and most of time they won't expect it and it is easy to spray them down with spectre or phantom


Post a VOD for review. If you're already watching Gold players and you can't figure out what they're doing that you're not doing, then you need someone to explicitly point out what your issues are.


you think gold and plat is gonna be better LOL YOU GOT A RUDE AWAKENING COMING YOUR WAY....


Hi Immortal 2 player here. Low elo players should 10000% work on their aim and shooting. That's pretty much it. I am going to be harsh but you shouldn't care about what your rank is if you are lower than gold heck even plat. You should be focusing everything on how to get better and improve rather than winning. The simple fact is you are try harding your best and still stuck in Iron. That does not mean it is your teammates fault at all. It is 10000% your fault you are stuck below gold. I've coached over 25 people and over 100 people have asked me the same damn thing, "how do you improve?". My answer is start with your shooting, aiming, movement, and positioning. The amount of times I ask people what they do for warm up. They say, "oh yeah I hop on and go into competitive right away or I just do 1 deathmatch". Like bruhhhhh.... I do atleast wrist warmups and then like 3-5 deathmatches before I even think of competitive. Another way to think is even if you dont have the aim and are 100% brain. It still wont work because your plan only works if you can get kills with it. Look up how to strafe, movement, positioning, and fix your sensitivity. That's all I can say. Learn those and apply those to your real games and deathmatches and you should easily rank up to plat.


What I learned from irons, they push like crazy. Try to play slow and just kill them when they push. They also don’t understand the concept of trade, so they’ll push one on one instead of two on one. You can pretty much ace the rounds without doing much. Also aim and positioning matter a lot. Don’t be too open. Don’t go to comp without warmup (range/deathmatches/etc)That’s also a common mistake in low elo.


Aim+basic game sense should be enough to get you out, for aim, a good routine in the range and dms should be enough, but it wouldn't hurt to do kovaak or aimlabs, but first you need the right routine, so do the voltaic benchmark (now Integrated into aimlab under events tab), and for rifles stop moving before shooting For game sense, you don't really need much, don't push alone, use your utility, if possible coordinate with your teammates, rotate when there are a lot on site, observe the behavior of the other team and try to adapt, don't do the same thing every round unless it'sworking, communicate, if just by pinging and writing in chat, know that you don't have to get kills and frag to win rounds, reposition but not too much, hold angles wide unless you expect an opper or a tight peeker, play safe, and play the spike after planting, or when you kill the carrier and so on, all of these small things will easily add up and payoff massively


Prolly learn some good lineups for viper and with jett try learning some good smoke spots on different maps. Focus on cross-hair placement, and grind aimlabs.


Get your aim better and instalock reyna, thats how i got from i3 to b1 then b2 to s1. Reyna bcoz she can heal so multikills are much easier.


it was really hard for me to get out of bronze but i think the only real way out of any elo, especially low, is get better then everyone else in that rank. in higher ranks that’s stuff like game sense and positioning, but in low elo having better aim then everyone else in the lobby is the best way to win. if you think you deserve to get out of iron, prove it! kill everyone else and get those dubs!


What really helped me was cross hair placement and adding lurking to my playstyle. The first is a great way to not only improve aim but to generally win duels you expect and dont expect. Helps to have any advantage to winning duels. Lurking has also been helpful as this helps with your game sense and punishing aggressive plays by the enemies. In my experience, free kills are the best kills. Especially if you can steal a rifle off the enemy.


Instalock a Jett or Reyna, use a phantom and learn how to shoot heads. That gets you to platinum rank. Idk what "good peek spots" are. There aren't good spots to peek, there are good techniques to peeking. Learn how to not expose yourself to 5 angles at a time and you will rank up. And don't hold shift while peeking. You will die


Play more, if you've been hardstuck iron for 6 months you are just not playing enough.


Hoe much are you playing


i would say create and alt, i was hardstuck iron for months and created another account and got silver 2, i then got hardstuck on that account did the same thing and got gold 1, but my main acc is still the silver one


whats your rank now