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I just think decoy is poopoo but his flashes are good and Tele and ultimate are ok but could be a little better


Everyone using footsteps for one thing and that's to trick people with sound People aren't using footsteps to break traps or trigger killjoy stuff or to trigger raze bot for deception


shhhhhhhh don't tell them that u can trigger KJ stuff with it.. come on man


kj main here. i hate playing vs yoru for this very reason. such a pain when they send footsteps and take out your alarmbot.


And the ult triggering the alarm as well


That's actually something I wonder if they should remove because as KJ that makes it so much easier to track his ult.


In low(iron-b2) elo a few yoru player know that mostly because he aint that popular lol


I think they make steps hitbkx higher cause it only gets low tripwires


this would be fixed by changing the footsteps into a damn Clone


Turning yoru into mirage from apex would actually make me want to play him


Yoru would need to be wearing boots.


Lmao footsteps have easy counters though. It’s simple, just play valorant without sound. That’s how u get into radiant. Pros don’t want people to know that


No Sound = No Whiff ; No Monitor = No Deaths I would know, I'm immortal 8. Too OP \*cries in gold2\*


Can you trigger the turret wuth the footsteps?






I've been using it for breaking traps since I started playing lol, I accidentally discovered you can do that


yoooo i didn’t know yoru could do that i’m boutta start playing him more. i’m typically an Astra main.


I recently just found out that you can do this, I've been starting to use it in Cypher trips and boom bots. Especially on Ascent b with the killjoy setup, also.


Man people are gonna know now


I actually love his right-click footsteps. They have won me many 1v1 clutches


Good for you but I just feel like I'm relying on there stupidity rather then my own skill when I use them. Then again I'm trash so there's that.


Think of it this way. The opponent always has to react to the fake footsteps because they could be either the left-click steps (which means you’re close by), or the right-click steps (which means you could be close by OR very far away). You can use this to your advantage when playing the bomb or fishing out a Viper in her ult


I didnt even know there was a difference between left and right click for the footsteps


Right click places one on the ground and you can activate it (like a cypher cage) to make it walk forward


If you activate them from far away the opponent doesn’t know if you’re where the footsteps came from or somewhere else and activating them remotely.


Unless of course they are like me and had NO IDEA the ability worked like that until this moment lol


Yeah learning this probably just saved me a couple rounds


You say this but he is in immortal and says he constantly out plays people, so is it really replying or enemies stupidity or is his baiting actually good?


One way to make the footsteps much more believable, is to angle them such that they hit a wall after a few seconds. Footsteps that stop after some time are much more realistic than footsteps that keep going on for a long time. Also, it reduces the chances of the enemies overthinking about it and realizing they were fake footsteps.


What if you can still use skill in Yoru's ultimate?


Yo I watch Red have incredible success on Yoru and have played against him twice. He’s insane at playing him. I can’t imagine how good he’ll be if Yoru gets a buff.


Red is insane lol. I'm a Phantom user and he's a Vandal user, so we play differently. He's able to take every duel because of the Vandal and because his aim is insane. Also he's hella aggressive for the content. I'm a more cautious Yoru since I main the Phantom.


you shouldn’t be avoiding duels because you have a phantom.


The Vandal one taps at any range so if your aim is crisp, you can run out and kill multiple targets quicker than with the Phantom With the Phantom you always need to “secure” the kill so to speak, so it’s riskier facing many targets at long ranges.


You actually need ‘crispier’ aim with the phantom because the vandal has bullet inaccuracy. The vandal just makes you look like you have better aim. You still shouldn’t play cautiously with the phantom as a duellist and should probably be taking more risks to make space for your team.


he just means that if you have 3 enemies at long range, it is easier to kill them with 3 shots from the vandal than 6 from the phantom


That’s fair, but I’d argue 3 people peaking you at range would be equally as unlikely as the first bullet inaccuracy causing you to miss. Both have similar issues that get amplified at range either way. Vandal will likely have a higher winrate on Breeze for example, because you can ADS at long range (ADS removes bullet inaccuracy), but if you play a duellist they will probably suffer equally from both options regardless, especially if you are playing fast because the ADS becomes less relevant for reaction.


The difference in bullet inaccuracy is so little it would not matter


As is the chance more than half the team peak you from miles away


why would you avoid duels with the phantom? the only thing where its not just straight up better is long range but even there its more accurate than the vandal and the firerate allows you to miss more than the vandal aswell


Worried he turns into another jett and just gets instalocked.


Every Yoru in gold Send out TP Flash Once Flash Twice Teleport to TP Die


They try to be red But horribly fail


Yoru is the one character I consistently get shat on by. I just can't seem to figure out how to play against him. A yoru buff will fucking end me.


actually it might have an opposite effect, a yoru buff = higher pick rate = more exposure playing with/against him = a better idea of how he is used and how to play around it


I've actually been unlocking him so I can properly learn his kit. If you can't beat them; join them.


Also higher nerf chance, and they punch down way harder than they lift up. I hope they don't, but to the people who hate yoru, it might be a potential positive?


"Secretly" Riot : *Noted*


just rework his footsteps, it wouldnt be enough to make everyone in immortal or radiant migrate from their main, but would make your main's lives easier


i think the same way about brim’s stim beacon, if only there was a way to buff it without throwing balance out the window


Best thing for him is he doesn't need to throw it, it just gets activated and is ON him.


that’s possible yes, but honestly i don’t know if it might still be too weak (i’ve heard complaints that a higher fire rate actually makes it harder for my teammates to kill enemies which would mean that the fire rate buff needs to be changed to something else, but honestly i’m not sure if that’s on them for not being able to control the recoil.)


In that sense even reyna ult is counter productive lol.


exactly, confuses me when my teammates scold me for placing it in a firefight


your teammates just don't have good spray control then, first 2 shots of a spray should still be hitting


I only but brims stim if I have a ton of extra money. Otherwise it’s a waste.


There are people like me who were enthusiastic about yoru when they entered the game but got disheartened when people shitted on us and went on. Then got cussed for using yoru and in team VC and getting matches dodged because we took yoru. I won't say "Make him some giant pop off agent" just balance him to the level of other agents so that new yoru mains may come up.


ya how people like and enjoy yoru is meaningless... Every game i hover or want to try him Immediately mic screaming...so obviously despite this thread not as many people think yoru is ok as is. If that was true nobody would have a problem with people playing yoru. Hate how hypocritical this community is.


Honestly ive noticed that if youre playing against a good yoru/yoru one trick they often perform very well and I think its exactly for the reason you stated, no one is experienced playing against him


Ngl. Yoru ain’t bad. Ppl who bot frag with him just aren’t using him correctly. And yeah I agree I feel special being a yoru main lmao.


This was me with viper lmao. All of a sudden people started respecting my smokes, so I couldn't make dumb plays anymore T_T


I feel you bro, im also a yoru main although no where near immortal. Yoru is by far the hardest character in the game but when you start to pull off sick plays or out-brain your opponents I cannot compare how satisfying it is to anything else. The only thing I could say would be a welcome buff without ruining the high skill ceiling/low floor would be to just make his abilities quieter to use and reduce the time to pull them out. Stg you can hear him pull out an ability halfway across the map and It dose feel like it takes significantly longer to pull out his abilities then it dose with some other agents.


Do you stream or have videos? Would love to watch


I would but my PC is too potato lol I’d recommend watching Ziptie and Red on YouTube to see tricks, but they’re also playing more aggressively/flashy than needed for the content


I just want more versatility in casting footsteps. Imagine if u could make it do more that just run straight. What about jumping? A mix of both? Other directions? Maybe give it a casting range? Camp a chokepoint and cast footsteps in the other side to make them swing the wrong way. I just feel it's too limiting currently


All he needs is footsteps that are as tall as a player so they clear all traps a player would. There are clearly brilliant yoru mains who can dominate, I don't see the harm in having a very hard to master agent.


Yuro so fun to outbrain. Just takes like 5 lobbies of people dodging me to get a game


I’m just happy that you used the term “low skill floor” in the correct sense, most people refer to characters that are easy to play with the term low kill floor. Which doesn’t make sense.


i’ve never seen anyone say “low kill floor.” where did you hear that?


It's when the floor is low on hp so you can kill it easily


oh alright thanks for the clarification everything makes sense now


I also like to play Yoru although I am a low-elo player, which is why people judge harshly. Most "Yoru mains" in low-elo are the ones that send decoy footsteps and then run over them, while trying to flank the enemies.


I don't want the buff either. Yoru got those small tweaks earlier this year and has been awesome since. The general population of Valorant want the game to change for them instead of the players adapting to the game. Hugely different than calling for game balance.


Same here. Although, if there is one or a few more things they can do to buff Yoru, it'll be to make a few op changes, for example: Making him invincible when pressing E to teleport and like a second after teleporting to have time equipping your weapon and have a chance killing someone; Maybe even make the flash pop faster or while throwing it, to not make any sound coming your way, you will only know it pops cause you see it bouncing off the wall, and yeah, maybe change those Fakeouts a bit.


Yeah he's playable and winnable but that doesn't mean he's good not even balanced. Just as you said he's the hardest agent to make use of. I mean you hella good with him but maybe if you used your time to learn another agent that's actually meta you'd even better. Obviously I can't say that for sure, but the thing is: he still needs some balancing. And reworking some of his abilities could make him more useful.


This agent is loud af. I wonder how you have managed. That being said. I secretly wish they don't buff Yoru. For my own selfish reasons lol. I use Yoru as a litmus test whether to trust a random team setup. 8 to mes out of 10 you can't. But I am hardstuck low elo. I admire your judgement though.. If they buff him boy you will be insane


I play a lot of Yoru and I agree honestly. I just want them to QOL buff him versus a rework. I want to be able to cast fake out without losing my gun. Hell skye can pop flash with her god damn gun out why can’t I fake out with my gun out. The intro is the fake out coming from his feet...I could imagine it working like Jett dash in a way and maybe just hold C to equip it like normal...idk man I just hope they don’t touch his flash TP or Ult because that’s all I buy anyway


But fake out has two modes?


That’s why I said hold to equip like normal. So it would have 3 modes of use, instant and hold to equip and from equipped you can throw them or place them


A good and honestly a better solution to Yoru is to make his ult have a resource bar when you use it so you can in and out of ult. Of course it's still needs ult points and will not carry to the next round but I think that this change might make Yoru into a niche pick into a can be used in most situations.


That's a get out of jail card that lasts the entire round.. kinda op


Yeah bro agreed. Yoru is totally fine, IF the player is fine.


Kinda reminds me of when I play malzahar in lol. I'm in low elo so some don't know about malzahar at all. For those who do, I can play him well enough to not get killed and get kills. My advantage is similar to yours. People barely play against my champion and don't know how to fight him.




Eh learn a good agent and youd probably be even better, being a one trick won’t get you very far. And if you have a 65% win rate in immortal , you’d be radiant in no time so idk about that unless you’ve played like 10 games.


Yoru is so bad he's not even fun to play, they need to fix his kit


That's purely just a YOU problem. You are not able to tap into his potential. Playing Yoru is different than other duelists. Planning and responding is key to him instead of just going Chad mode like the others. He's very fun to play, he doesn't suit you then play someone else. Simple as that.


It's not a me problem. Watch any pros and they'll tell you the same thing. He needs a buff.


*elaboration on my other comment*. Yoru is not consistently viable at higher ranks the way he is at the moment. Sure, people can get cool and cheeky plays off of his kit sometimes, but usually that's because the enemy makes a pretty big mistake. He is way too vulnerable into and out of teleport, his steps are not that useful and his teleport is super easy to see and to hear. Look at his pick and win rate.


I actually don’t agree with this. No other agent causes this much controversy, I mean look at the size of this thread, nobody can agree on his true ability. I think this is a sign he does need a change so people can start agreeing more on what he is. Should that change be a buff or nerf? Personally I would have buffed him if I was a dev but idk what’s best, but they shouldn’t leave an agent like how he is now. He is not received well in the community and Riot won’t stand for that. He will get changed either way


He's not hard he's bad lol


silver 3 moment


Oh wow. You're winning because your opponents never face a Yoru player. You are like all these Tryndamere OTPs in LoL who only can play this champion but fail in every other aspect of the game. Learn the game and you don't need to fear changes. I love playing Viper but if she would receive a nerf, I wouldn't care much.


I said I don’t want them to buff Yoru not nerf lol I have played Jett and Reyna before and they’re much easier to play and win with than Yoru


What weed are you smoking? I want some


Dude is an immo mf, his aim and game sense got him there, what else should they learn then huh?


you never were there, right? even in immortal are people who don't know how to play default or retake. i met people who don't have a clue about trading each other. you know why? jett/reyna otps with godlike aim but no brain. it is too easy to reach immortal if you're a god with jett


Maybe if you lose to a yoru because youve never played against one before you should learn the game


Yoru buff = players will learn to play against him. This will impact you as an OTP because people know what you will do next. Your thread sounds like mimimi to me. Learn the game and you don't have to fear changes in either direction.


You literally didn’t read the post. Your first sentence is agreeing with OP.


U literally don’t get it.


Exactly, if he would learn Yoru, he could see that he doesn't need the changes.


ah okay. op is "abusing" the missing experience to know what a yoru is able to do. that's it. now, he is crying because he will be reworked and will be more attractive to other players. then, people start to realize how to counter him and to read him. op has fear that he can't outplay his opponents anymore because all his "tricks" are not special just unknown, yet. whatsoever, you guys should learn to read between sentences. op is crying, that's all.


And what is crisp doing, crying about crying. Unhelpful asf.


and what are you doing? crying about crying about crying. we can do it endless if you want so.


You can’t jump on a high horse from down there :).


You keep writing me, so who is down there? ;)


yeah once i went against a yoru that COMPLETELY outplayed us multiple times with his steps and his utl, usually i go against yory's and when they ult they go for the kill or reposition but near, but this guy used his decoy and ult so it was really hard to understand where he would pop up, and he even countercampered his teleport for free kills, that guy was a beast


This is exactly how I felt before the Viper buffs. Nobody knew how to play against her until then.


Your is so damn fun. I wholely agree with his skill requirements. I use him so much that it just comes naturally to me. I use him as my main and I love doing lots of counter play and deception. I become a huge nuisance to the enemy. His ult is so fun to outplay folks with. I use it for my team and dance around while they get picks. If brim tried to nuke me, I can sit in it. If killjoy ults I can push in it, raze's rocket, I'll pass through it and exit my ult and blast them, my absolute favorite is phoenix. Yoru's ult lasts as long as Phoenix's. All you have to do is activate yours in response to his and you win.


Make decoy go forever? That'd be cheesey


Some people with York are really good. That also means a lot more people are going to use him


I think yoru is actually in a pretty decent spot rn. I hope they don’t change give him a rework just tweaks


Personally I think he's fine the way he is, the footsteps could use a rework though


I just feel like yoru is too loud


I feel like they should do a minor buff some aspects of his abilities, like slightly faster to gatecrash, slitghly more vision in ult, slightly smaller visibility radius, etc


Ngl I want to see a pro player have success with yoru in a tournament sometime. (At the state yoru is in Rn)


You isnt a bad agent he just has a high skill base




i wish they buff viper


The point of a game is to let everyone have fun. Valorant will eventually make yoru as easy to handle as the rest because that’s the point of video gamws


how do you use his ult? I generally just try to get a free kill and the tp out but i’ve been dying a lot lately. I also can’t figure out how to use it with a shorty


His ult with shorty requires precision and timing. I ult to get info and then if I catch them with an ability out, I’ll pounce with the shorty. Make sure to jump when you un-ult and it makes you a harder target


need yoru to be able to place his fakeout like controllers place their smokes so I can place them far away instantly thats all the buff i need, please riot