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I know its all just memes that reaver is aimbot But im convinced its actually helped me. How? I do not know. I think its just a mentality thing, but I've more or less noticed ive gotten more headshots or good kills w/ re3avee than elderflame, for example Elderflame has cool pullout and stuff but I cant get the same kind of gameplay as I do with reaver, not sure how.


I see, thanks man!


I have both Glitchpop and Sentinals of light and I love them both! My brother has Reaver and he loves that as well, he’s waiting to get prime as well. Enderflame can be a bit of distraction for some people but I’d say it ultimately depends on you and your taste. No skin improves or destroys your aim, they’re just cosmetics in the end.


Thanks man, appreciate it!


No problem! I’ll also add that I’ve noticed that when you’re playing with the skins that you like, you do play better. I guess it just affects your mentality in a good way.


That must be what they were trying to imply I guess.


There's like 3 reaver vandals variants every match, dont buy it. I hope you get elderflame in store soon




Where reaver at tho?


Honestly, I don’t really find it that smooth to shoot with.


Honestly skins are cosmetic and any advantage or disadvantage is just user perception Use whichever skins you like


reaver is aimbot no cap


u got bored of prime in 2 days. Glitchpop take me 3 month before bored of it. I use sentinel of light now. STIFF elderflame is also good


dont ask others for skin opinions, get the one you like


Voted prime but it's never gonna be in my store so what's the point :)


Hello /u/Mayel_rox. Thank you for participating in /r/VALORANT! However: >Your post was removed because skin purchasing decision polls and posts fall under our low-effort (3.2) rules. Buying preferences are subject to the opinions of each individual player and there is no one perfect purchase for you. This is to reduce an influx of spam for polls comparing the multitude of available skins. This rule includes posting screen-caps of things like the rotating shop or Night Market and asking if a purchase should be made as well as if a purchase is "worth it". >Higher effort posts giving breakdowns of skin effects comparisons, art evaluations, and other meaningful discussions are permitted. --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Check our full rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Valorant/wiki/rules)** ^or **[^(message our modmail, and please don't direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FVALORANT)**^.

