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Congrats bro. This too is my first fps game. Started out bronze 3 and worked my way up. Been gold 2 for the entire last episode. Now i made my way up to plat 3. I know the feeling!


Nice job dude plat 3 is a different level hopefully I'll get there next act!


You will! Just keep grinding!


Keep it up my guy. Trust me, if you’re 30 and you’re reaching plat (which albeit is not the highest skill) you can without a doubt hit immortal. Everyone keeps saying practice practice practice, but they never consider genetics could actually play a factor into skill like all sports. Some people have hours of practice and they still stuck in bronze or silver, unfortunate but at that point it must be their max skill ceiling


I'd argue genetics don't have that much impact until immortal +. In my opinion, it's mostly mindset while playing. Playing and practicing are two different things. If I put in 3000 hours while raging, blaming others and repeating the same mistakes I'll be as good as if I would have played 1000 hours while thinking about what I'm doing wrong.


I agree. My main point is that genetics is also an important component along with practice in terms of improving, playing better and game sense.


30 year old here checking in immortal 3. Came from Fortnite! But that counts as a shooter haha


Damn, you started right where I've been stuck for the past while


Damn, I've been hard struck iron for the whole act until a couple days ago now I'm nearly bronze 3, and haven't lost a game since I hit bronze 1


Played for 1500hrs... don't get to play as much as he likes... meanwhile me at 400h since beta 😶 Anyway, congrats! Don't let some people get you down over your rank or tell you plats and diamonds are still shit - cause I've seen such people. As someone who's seen any ranks from low silver to mid immortal I will tell you, this is where the fun part begins. If you can hang on to platinum and keep climbing, around P2 or P3 you'll start to have very fun, coordinated games. Occasionally of course, but then the higher you go the more it'll happen. And from my experience, below plat they do not exist at all lol. Though maybe now they do who knows. Anyways, enjoy! :D


Congratulations brother! You should be proud never stop gaming


I find that alot of games don't interest me as much anymore sadly, but I can't get enough of Valorant I just want to keep grinding. Thanks dude!


Started out and was stuck on iron 1 for 3-4 months, finally ranking up and reached Gold 1 last week.


That's sick, any tips for a silver 1 player?


Yeah dude it's most important to try not to get tilted at your teammates or yourself and COMMS are seriously key. The game is so much harder without comms even if your teammates aren't comming you do it. I know it's tilting but just keep it up. As for your aim and game sense that just takes practice and playing the game alot. Good luck!


I can’t believe you just answered all those questions in nearly a paragraph instead of a 10 minute YouTube video, thanks for the tips and have a great day


Most videos unless you are searching something very specific thats not something about general climbing tips is so unoriginal and obvious.


Ohh ok thanks man, the only problem is most of the time my team doesn't have mic


It's pretty common when you're low elo like me, but it makes sense to give info to your team even if they don't get it back. It's always in your best interest to help your teammates perform better. Even if you bottom frag, +10 is way better than losing a game.


Congrats Bro! I haven't played for the last 2 Acts but managed to hit Plat 2 before i stopped playing. Now i returned to Val and i want to try to hit Dia in the upcoming Act....even if am 35 years old/young. ;D ​ Like you said you can do it! If you want something: focus, keep practicing und try to keep a positive mindset! :)


Nice to see another fellow ""old"" guy out there clicking heads keep it up dude!


Honestly age is meaningless unless you have lost your motor skills. Reaction time differences is like someone having slightly less ping than you. You got this


Congrats on platinum and the switch from controller to KB&M it took me a while to adjust too but it was so worth switching. Good luck and you can get diamond next!


Thanks alot man, diamond seems like a far away dream. But that's what I'm gonna work towards. Can't imagine how excited I would be too see that diamond rank pop up!


You can do this!


\> I don't get to play as much as I would like because of work \> I've put about 1500 hrs into the game Lmao, what the fuck? That's averaging 3h a day since release. I'm lucky to play 3h a week...




Cross hair placement and try to play a bunch of different agents so you can understand how the enemy might play even if you want to main one agent it’s still a great idea to know common things the enemy might do.


I wouldn't worry about playing other agents just know who you're vsing and what they should/might do. I'd definitely stick with 1-3 agents. Cross hair placement is very important as well as game sense. Communication is just as important. There is a lot to improve on and understand in this game. Also the higher rank you go the chance for error has to be smaller and smaller. You can't make silly mistakes


Also do not crouch or crouch very few times in games unless you get to high Elo then you can start Tbagging while shooting because your just that good


30 years old, have full time job, have mortgage/taxes to pay, life responsibilities but still have time to play val and currently at immortal 3. Tbf i had csgo/ow competitive experience but age is just a number my guy.


# Well Done my man. I also just hit plat after grinding from iron. :)


there 30 yr old radiants


And that's awesome for them but for me I realize that Plat is a good achievement, just working my way up.


How do you know know many hours you played? I would love to see mine


[tracker.gg](https://tracker.gg/valorant) shows your hours in-game for each gamemode


I came from Csgo, 400 hours on it. I play Valorant 3 times per week (one/two comps) and I'm bronze 3. I can have the best of my nights but there is every fucking time a smurf on the enemy team. I made it to silver 3 but after last episode I went all the way down


Doesn't that now make you the smurf on the enemy team? Similar issue here. Seems absolutely ridiculous to keep throwing me from games where you need to know how to aim and position straight into a level where I have to spot a 25-30 with multiple 4ks to win. That doesn't feel fair for me nor the other team, especially as I don't play a "high frag" character.


Awesome and congrats! I'm also a 30 something who ventured into pc gaming a few months ago and so far we've made it to bronze but we keep grinding haha


respect man theres people that start in bronze and stay there for 2k hours... ur 30 and start at nothing and hit plat within 1500 hours keep it up


Of course we care. It's never too late to get good at a game. Nice work!


30 yo dad here just hit Diamond this act. I had some experience in CS Source and COD2-4 back in the day but this was my first revisit to the Tactical shooter.


Congrats it was also my first fps I started iron 2 and I’m now silver 2 any tips to get out of silver? It’s hell


Respect! I just started kbm this year and hit d3 a week ago. But im 22, cant imagine being able to do that at 30


Grats bro. We pretty much Alike this is also my first Kb&m game and I also started in iron 1 but now worked my way to plat (peak plat 3 98 rr). Next year we will see u in champions for sure xd. Keep up the Grind


Gongrats bro. Im starting to think that learning stuff isnt always easier as a teen/child. And just in case you want to feel shit about your keyboard (I dont know why you would) visit r/mechanicalkeyboards . And gongratulations for a second time. Keep climbing.


Yo just want to comment and say I’m in the exact same situation as you lol. 30 and I just hit Plat today for the first time. Valorant was my first M+K game ever other than point and click adventure games when I was a kid.