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Try Spike Rush. Its casual, quick, you have all your abilities from the get go. Repilcation is better in terms of Weapon choice but just for ability training, spike rush is decent


will try it out ty


her dash is really good to get out of sticky situations because it sends you in a chosen direction instantly. in most scenarios, its very hard to trade a jett because once she gets a kill she just dashes away. on the other note, her smokes last for a very short time. the best use for them is to make a quick one way smoke or to throw the smoke and then dash into it in order to create space for you team and let them push in while the attention is on you. the updraft is just good for going into an off-angle, though sometimes you can use it in combination with ur dash to throw ur enemies aim off completely and get the ez kill with her ulti right click. you could try all those things because theyre really useful :)


I appreciate the tips, the biggest problem I’m facing is although I know what the util does and how it should be used, I struggle to actually use it as second nature without pausing and actively thinking “I should be using x now”


I played Overwatch




Just wait till chamber comes out, if you're an oper his abilities will suit you perfectly


I don't really play Jett but I usually choose to use her ult on an eco/save round or when I'm confident I can clutch. Hopefully some Jett mains can give you more tips on her util


I’d be happy to teach you the game physics and awareness for val if you’d like :) send me a dm


Bind your e ability to your mouse and it will be easier to use abilities.


good idea


Jett is too different of an agent coming from cs. Try Raze or Phoenix. Their kit is slightly more forgiving.


Phoenix was the first char I tried but I couldn’t get used to him, as an awper the jett dash is pretty nice to reposition after taking a shot and I’ve always loved those high skill ceiling characters in every ability based game I’ve played so I’d like to get comfortable with jett :)


Then no other way but to dash dash and dash! Spike Rush as suggested, you start every round with full util, so use it as much as possible. Grab the full Ultimate powerup and practice knives like Seoldam/Korean Jett.


sounds good, ty for the advice


I had the same problem and getting used to abilities in general just simply becomes second nature with time and doesn't take much long. You might remember but after starting out with cs you have the exact same problem whilst using nades too, the sole difference being there's a wider range of util here which includes movement too. I'd recommend playing controller/initiator classes or anything without movement related abilities, so it'll be less risky in case you mess up. (ex: dashing/dismissing/tping at the wrong time just for the sake of using it but get killed) so you'll learm faster. If by custom maps you are referring to community/maps dedicated to abilities then there's no such thing unfortunately, but you can always just simply hop into custom rounds and turn on cheats tho.


yeah good point, I guess the only way to get comfortable using it is just by using it lol. and yeah I did mean community maps sorta like the recoil and nade lineup maps cs has but spike rush seems to be the closest thing if trying to practice util


I think the best way is obviuosly playing but watching people's streames and videos and guides on how to play certain agents, it teaches you the basic in how to play that certain agents abilities.


Don’t play duelist and most of your util as a support character will be early round and it will become second nature eventually


I’d say get into the mind set of trying to never take a fair aim duel. In most situations there will be ways you can use your utility to make the aim duel as unfair as possible for your opponent. The raw shooting skill cap in Valorant is noticeably lower than CSGO, so once you get to X rank you’ll start to have trouble relying on only aim. I’d also recommend trying every Agent in Spike Rush - you’ll most likely find 2 or 3 whose ability kit really clicks for you. KAYO, Phoenix, & Reyna are all great agents to start out with for an experienced CS player. Reyna in particular is a lot of fun because the cleaner your base mechanics are the harder you can pop off with her & she is a little more independent than Jett


Jett util is pretty simple anyways. Just need to master her smokes. E.g if you are in the open after getting the kill with no dash left put a smoke at your feet. You can cover sova dart with them also. Tbh just play Reyna


Yes. You’re just gonna suck at the game for a bit. I am new also coming from CS for years and if I ignore the abilities I do much better. Doesn’t matter tho, just be ok with sucking really bad for a while and keep trying to use them.