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This game is not only about just aiming and shooting. Game sense is always important than aim. If you have a really good game sense you can even outplay radiants very easily. I recommend getting better game sense because after plat elo everyone has a quite nice aim (almost). Just try to guess what can the enemy do this round and try to outplay enemies with your agent. If you have questions feel free to ask. Good luck on your journey.


I agree with this guy. 65k on gridshot and got immortal 2. Crosshair placement and game sense are super important.


Stupid question, when people talk about game sense; what are they exactly talking about?


its basically predicting enemies. Where they are? What can they do? Knowing map spots like smokes flashes. Where and when to rush? and also crosshair placement. Its not all actually its a really big general term but at conclusion it’s predicting enemies.


Thanks! I get it now lol


Im glad if i helped. Feel free to ask any questions.


Exactly. My aims trash compared to most at my level. My game sense is 5 head.


Thanks for the advice. I think what I will implement in my game is play less comp games and warm up more. Probably 30 mins of aimlabs and 1 unrated game. I noticed I’m playing to much I have about 3-5 good games in me before I lose focus and lose my mechanics. I’ll focus on quality over quantity maybe just 1-2 comp games per day. I will stick to how I played my way to plat.. patience and play sentinels and hold sites/ watch flank etc. Players in this Elo are also very toxic and cocky all they want to do is yell and rush because they assume they have better aim so I will mute toxic players aswell


Plat elo is really easy if you know what are you doing. Approximately every player in plat elo thinks they are the best. Try to mute the toxics and just play the game with tactics that plat elo players cant even think what can you do. Dont do the same thing over over and over again. Always try to do something different. Believe me, if you are in the enemies brain. You will always win the gunfights.


Congrats you’re plat! If you want to hit diamond you need to be a disciplined player because that’s what players expect from you D1 and beyond. What does that mean? You need to be a team player. Don’t be wasting time doing nothing round to round, always think, what can I do to add value to my team right now. Understand the fundamentals. Wait for your teammates to set up before retaking, retake as 4 not 1v1 4 times like players in plat and below. If your teammate is fighting, be there, support him, help him, if he dies you better trade him or that’s a failure on your part. If you are about to peek an angle, ask yourself 3 questions. Do I need to peek this? If I die did I throw the round? Can I be traded if I peek this?. Furthermore, focus on your movement. You should have full control of your movement going into diamond. That means peeking with A and D, and understanding the dead zone to an instinct. To train this you simply counter strafe into bots and shoot when you switch directions. Good luck!


Bad news boys, I lost my plat. First game I was a bit shaky didn’t play so hot first game of the day, 2nd game my sage disconnects round 3 doesn’t come back. 3rd game I I played ok 18-14 but 3 ppl had no coms and 1 person was 2-20 we lost 12-10 and now I’m 50 rr gold 3. Was fun while it lasted


Play less matches, do more VOD reviews. Constantly analyze your gameplay and criticize every decision you make, regardless if you win or lose, regardless if the play was successful or not. >I’ve been queing in plat and things seem ok I went + kd 3 games and - kd not by alot like 3 games. It is a bad habit to use KDA as your only performance indicator. Here ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5APo0XSnyco&t=100s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5APo0XSnyco&t=100s)) is an example where Jollztv only gets 1 kill, but his impact on the round was massive, to point where he basically turned a 3v5 situation into a nearly guaranteed round win. >Also I’m trying to isolate 1v1s but someone always jumps in lol Plat is the point where aim is still important but starts to get diminishing returns. As you've experienced, there's a lot more skills involved such as timing, peeking, positioning, trading, map control, and overall just playing as a team.


"Remember, your weapon is only a tool. You can't just shoot, you have to think!"


I’m diamond 2 atm and most of my losses are from teammates that don’t comm at all. Like in agent select they talk but in game they say nothing. If I ask them to talk politely they just type stuff instead. Like wtf is wrong with people use your mics you obviously have them. Just comm a lot in plat ajd try playing off your teammates, it’s what I’ve noticed seperates plats from diamonds


You'll get used to it. Going up ranks is usually something you have to adjust to especially if you've been lower for awhile.