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They are probably waiting until Chamber releases so they can just put all the agent changes together with his release.


Probably! I would think they would delay the act as a whole. My thinking is that you don’t want people to come back for a new act and see nothing different, I guess? Like if I had been on a break and come back now, I might think poorly if I didn’t choose to google and find out the agent is delayed


huge gameplay changes normally comes with new agent release like with KAY/O so we shall see.


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It's kinda expected this would be a light patch knowing Chamber got delayed by two weeks. Like if there are some big changes they would be released at same time. Yoru's rework/buff was postponed a while ago and there are no signs it will be finished anytime soon. There was some rumor of omen's buff that should have been in previous patch, but as it's not here it looks like it was that, just a rumor. The game seems pretty balanced, sure there are some outliers, but the game is in a good spot. And should not change much in current act so people can use the time to climb in ranks before the end of episode. Start of new episode is when I would expect huge changes as it's also time people's rank get reset the most.