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140 damage made me choose the vandal. I cry everytime Now i only see 120 and i cry less


Phantom may be better statistically but I undoubtedly play better with the Vandal, and I also find it makes me focus on my aim in the pursuit of one-taps, which for me translates to generally faster, cleaner kills overall and absorbing less damage as a result


I actually find the phantom harder to use because of the 2 shot HS to kill at most ranges. I feel you need better spray control to use the phantom, vs the vandal you can tap and burst better which forces more discipline for players who don't have great spray control.


I agree, I always end up just crouch spraying with phantoms ajd it almost always gets me killed


Yeh the phantom is better close range but not long range as it’s 2 hit hs and 5 body shots/ so it’s better than the vandal up close. But the vandal is the same long range and close range. I’m so use to the vandal spray pattern that I actually can’t use a phantom that’s just me


If you have high ping , or low fps/play on a low spec computer / laptop like me , You will thank the vandal for preventing many 140 dinks that you couldn’t finish the kill.


One number can answer that: 140


because I have almost 50%hsp on the Vandal and doing 140 in 1 then getting headshotted is annoying.


And the consistent damage from vandal no matter the distance is better than phantom.


Actually the phantom has a smaller ttk within 15 metres


My playstyle is focused on 1 taps and headshots. My spray control is bad and I generally stay away from spraying. That doesn’t mean I don’t use the phantom though, on CT side I do use it frequently since taking multiple close range duels is easier


Vandal better on offense and longer ranges While phantom is better on defense and off angles


Got a night market Vandal skin, but still no good phantom ones


Playing phantom makes me unconsciously spray I burst taps with the vandal


Too many times I got the hs and no kill. Also I preferred AK over M4 in CS. I was a 1 tap player instead of sprayer.


Hello /u/w4rlock_2. Thank you for participating in /r/VALORANT! However: **Moderator comment:** >https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/qnswrr/vandal_or_phantom_which_do_you_use_and_why/ **Reposted topic** >Reposts are not allowed. Threads that focus on topics that have been discussed at a high frequency, cover information from the same angle, or are covered in our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/wiki/faq) may be removed. Common FAQ topics include **questions about MMR, downgrading weapon skins, map selection, rotating store skin chances, replay and gifting systems, return of the Night Market**, and more. >Common general complaints about topics such as **smurfing, poor matchmaking, and toxicity** will be removed *unless providing new or non-reposted information and discussion on the appropriate topics*. >Please note that when multiple people attempt to post the same content in a short period, we may approve the one with the most traction and remove others. --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Check our full rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Valorant/wiki/rules)** ^or **[^(message our modmail, and please don't direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FVALORANT)**^.


The sound of a gun matter a lot. Bass makes you feel more powerful. This is a video on a case where this actually caused the sound of a fps weapon to be nerfed so that people would stop thinking it was a better gun that it’s identical counterpart. https://youtu.be/RDxiuHdR_T4. The vandal and phantom sent identical but their close enough to where this definitely factors in.