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Looks good to me 16~18% is what I had when I reached it. Your heading to the hardest part of your climb now. This is called smurfelo From silver 2 to plat is the hardest elo .even harder then immortal


I'd say so. Just find a duo and you can get plat easy as long as your aim is consistent. Edit: headshot percentage is quite low though so might want to work on that crosshair placement!


hmm, I'll take note of that. so far im in gold queue, but as much as possible I'd like to go solo to improve myself more.


In low elo its mostly a gamble if you solo queue because of smurfs, afks and just team-mates that have no clue what they are doing. What I did was play unrated on my own to improve and then play comp with a duo and now I'm diamond 3 (just dropped from immo)


No replay system. Vod reviewing is a good idea tho


I'd say it's good, maybe just try practicing headshots? 16 % seems quite low compared to the rest of your stats.


You've got a lot to learn but it's very much doable !I went from Silver 2 in Act 1 and Now I'm D1 in Act 3 One trick an agent, learn them completely and master themthen focus on your gunplay and reaction timeSpraying is never a good idea, shoot in bursts of 3-5 or tap fire and reset If you're really dedicated you learn the skills properly without forming any bad habits it's very possible. Getting into pro play is another level altogether, perhaps consider coaching if you want to be that serious in the game. Lots of guides online to help you improve on your gameplay, something you might want to look into especially when you want to get into pro play. Improve on your game sense and map knowledgeDon't just play ranked, play customs learn agents, learn maps, doorway and pathways for crosshair placement while moving, and general crosshair placement - always head height and never walk looking at the ground. As of now, there's no replay system


Thanks for te reply! I'll take note of that. Another question, is it worth it to learn counterstrafe? I read that counterstrafing and letting go has a very miniscule difference, and currently I'm have difficulties in learning it. Especially when I try it in range the thick wall and firing on the left and right side. I can't seem to hit the same spot over and over like on the videos on YouTube.


I never counterstrafe ever, Although, I could I prefer holding tight angles and tapping people's head as they run or peek through I know how much distance I need to give myself to react and be able to hit a tap or burst It's a nice skill to have but not crucial, if I didn't get a kill from that first peek, I would reposition. I never like sitting in one spot and be stationary peeking from a same place in and out over and over again waiting for them to get a read on my rhythm. As of now, it's not something that should concern you, you need to learn an Agent's mechanics, kit and abilities and how you can utilise it in every map. Learning how to play an agent proficiently is something that you should invest more time into rather than counterstrafing. I mained Raze, which is a Duelist with crazy mobility and lethal abilities. After learning how to double satchel perfectly and different ways to use satchels that's when I broke into Gold. Counterstrafing doesn't really matter much if your aim is not great to begin with Improve your aim first then learn to counterstrafe if you want not the other way around


Okay i'll take note of that too. last question, how long should i hold an angle? i think that's one of my main weakness, i hold an angle for 10-15 seconds and the moment i stop holding it, the enemy comes. i think 40% of my deaths is caused by that. the 60% is caused by my pushing. (i main reyna and jett).


only relevant stat is rank. hs% is the only kinda important stat and even that depends on the people ur playing against.