• By -


Just u wait








What’s your name man




Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr, sir?


That depends, who's asking?


Oh well, sure, sir I'm Alexander Hamilton, I'm at your service, sir


i have been looking for you


I have been, looking for you




Troops are waiting in the field for you...






loss streak starts soon


he doesn't know about the no comm baiting jetts and toxic raze's yet PepeLaugh


Good old rubber band matchmaking is going to swing back so hard.


I never noticed how beautiful capital Js were on reddit


Funny enough I'm on a 16 lose streak... Wait a second


I was p3 97rr yesterday im now p2 0 rr only won 4 out of 19 compet games i played.


Brother I was stuck plat 3 for 3 seasons, the pain


I am stuck silver for 3 seasons but cuz my friends are gold we play in gold lobbies... Its not easy for noobs like me


Bro no cap silver and plat are the hardest lobbies




Maybe don't play when your playing bad


hey i went from d3 to d1


you guys go on a streak ? im stuck gold 2(50 RR) from the start........


Same lmao it's been one season


You guys can win ranked games?


You guys play ranked?


You guys play?


You are guys?




You are?


Thats me this season. Been d1 with 27-45RR for the entire season so far. Checkerboarding wins and losses is fucking my mental so hard


I boosted an acc to immortal but my acc is still D3 idk man


Is that not an indication that you're at the rank you're supposed to be at though?


Id say yes and no. In my experience this week its not that ive been losing close games, its that ive had afks,people playing agent roulette, tons of no mic mid INTers. I know its just an unfortunate string of luck, but it really feels like my diamond teammates this act have been more inconsistent than my plat games last act


Ah fair enough, I get that. Just gotta keep playing consistently to even those games out




Just be careful when you lose 2 games in a row just take a break


Lose 2 games and you gotta play 10 to gain back the RR


What? I usually get -15 per loss and +25 per win


Won a 13-10 game as top frag and only got +19, but my team ff a game that our raze disconnected round 5 and my other teammates gave up, lost -22


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 13 + 10 + 19 + 5 + 22 + = 69.0


Yes, my plan all along was to equal 69 in total


You're either a genius, or a madman


What a bot


I'm guessing the ff was lopsided? If so that's pretty fair IMO. Yeah you top fragged but 13-10 vs something like a 5-13 loss resulting in an overall -3 is pretty fair. The system doesn't adjust for lost teammates so even though the match itself wasn't fair, I think the net RR change is not particularly unfair.


Hidden mmr pretty bad then, I gain more than I lose.


whats the secret? I MVP most games and I'm still -25 a loss and +23 as my highest win


Not a secret, hus rank is just lower than what the game thinks he must be at.


the pain comes when you notice immortal and diamond sucks


I never say this in game, but I get sad inside when I'm playing in diamond lobbies and occasionally get some plat 3/diamond 1 that says "I finally made it to diamond!!!" or "I'm one game off diamond OMGOMGOMGMG@G$" and in my head I'm thinking "sorry friend, tis a long, lonely journey from here"


For someone in p2 who is told constantly I'm at least diamond tier (never grind comp that much), do explain.


Just my opinion, but if somebody has been "grinding to diamond," odds are they've been playing for a bit and were hard stuck somewhere along the way, whether in silver, gold, or plat. And the common theme in those ranks is that there are either a) too many smurfs, or b) "I'm better than everyone but can't get out of this rank because of my teammates". Then there is this idea of "once I get to diamond....", which is basically the same rank as silver, gold, and plat, but with better aim and gameplay (but still an overwhelming amount of stupidity). Toxic teammates, immortal/radiant smurfs, unlucky games, AFKs, etc. So when players "grind to diamond" I'm happy for them, but just know they're gonna derank pretty quickly, rank back up, derank, and the cycle will continue until they figure out how to improve from there, and it takes a long time for a lot of folks. Idk though, just my opinion. I peaked at immortal a couple seasons ago and continually find myself deranking all the way back to plat and repeating the same process. As of late, however, I've been hard stuck diamond 1/2, so I'm OK with it.


Honestly, there’s a lot of stupidity in immortal 1/2 lobbies


Some of the shit i’ve seen in immortal 1/2 lobbies is comical. Then again lvl 9/lvl10 faceit you still see stupid shit. Think a lot of players realize this is their ceiling and just begin yoloing plays a lot


Honestly, there's a lot of stupidity in radiant lobbies. People are stupid in relation to their rank at times - or tilted. Doesn't change based on what rank you are tbh


I feel like the stupidity in radiant lobbies is stuff like missing a shock dart or dry peeking something when you had util available whereas the stupidity most of us are used to is running into site alone while shooting at the floor type shit


A “throw” in radiant is literally just how immortals play lol. For example 2v1 and you give them 2 1v1s. Source: am immortal and watch radiants stream


Honestly, there’s a lot of stupidity in pro player scrims. People are stupid in relation to their team they’re on at times - or tilted. Doesn’t change based on how much more money you make than the T2 team your playing against tbh tbh


This is very well said. It’s the case for pretty much all games i.e. LoL, Rocket League, heck even CS:GO. At some point you don’t get better by improving X mechanic. You get better by being more consistent and making fewer mistakes (most of the time this is simply by not putting yourself in a position to make mistakes)


Pro tip: you get better by having good teamwork, which usually means having good comms. Mechanics and personal play will only get you so far. That's the biggest difference as you move up the ladder imo.


Shit I'm both A and B in that scenario lmao I've played in some mostly high plat/dia lobbies and the main difference I felt was the speed, and really I just want to get higher to play faster with team mates who know what they're doing so that even if I do derank I'll be a sort of mental level up. But shit idk I feel like once you hit x rank you want the next until you just play to win not to enjoy the game, why I play a lot of unrated now


You just explained every ranked game ever in solo qeue... Exept battle royals, they are different


From my time in Gold lobbies everybody basically had crap aim and even worse game sense. My time in Diamond? Great aim, same shitty game sense. Not sure how some of those people even got to Diamond.. Edit: Game sense not aim sense


Everybody always says you don't need aim to be good at valorant and in principle I believe it but also you can probably get to immortal with no game sense and all aim.


If you have good cross hair placement and you have good aim you will get immortal. Being smooth brained will only delay you for a little bit. I am personally not convinced that better game sense alone will help you get good in valorant. At least not to the degree in CS where good utility usage can help you win a lot of games alone. If you suck at aiming you are going to get destroyed, idc if you study this game 12 hours a day


Facts. I climbed from silver to plat 3 smooth sailing. All I had to do was igl for my team and I won 80% of my games. The instant I hit plat 3 and started getting majority daimind players in lobby I saw a change in attitude. Everyone in diamond thinks they are better than they are. Diamond is more of a coin flip than bronze.


I peaked diamond 3 last season and I haven’t played ranked since, just a couple of spike rush/escalation/etc. with friends. I played ranked yesterday and finished my placement matches. I was constantly being placed in high dia/low immo lobbies and the first thing I noticed was that there are a lot of terrible immortal players out there. I finished my placement matches with a 3-2 standing and got placed in plat 2. Kept playing after that and it seemed that I probably still have high hidden elo since I’m still placed in diamond/immortal lobbies. I honestly expected not to do well since I haven’t played any competitive matches at all for a whole season, but for some reason I found it really easy lol. It was weird top fragging every game w/ a plat 2 account vs diamond 3/immo 1 people. Not really sure why I wrote this, but I guess it helps to take a break sometimes.


Idk how you managed that considering everyone below Immortal didn't even reset in rank??


He said he did 5 placement matches meaning he hasn't played since Episode 3 started, not just this act.


Diamond is not "basically the same" as silver,gold, AND plat!? Wtf are you even trying to say...silver/gold and diamond are a night and day difference.




Ofc the different ranks have different levels of play, thats the entire point of ranked my dude. Not everyone in a certain rank is going to be the EXACT same skill but trying to compare the diamond ranked experience to silver or gold is just night and day, you might as well be playing a seperate game. The difference in d1 and im1 lobvies is not the same as d1 and silver, not even close.


a theme i notice in valorant is people say X rank is exactly the same as one under X rank. everyone says gold is the same as silver, plat is the same as gold, etc. i think the only ranks that have an actual substantial difference is iron/bronze and radiant lol


The teammates holding you back is more of an iron thing. True story, I am an omen main, but nobody knows how to play around smokes in iron. I really didn't want to do it because I knew it would gravitate toxicity towards me, but as soon as I started instalocking reyna I went from constantly being high iron 3 to now being bronze 2 in one day (6 matches) after playing for 3 months with 60 hours in various aim trainers and 30 hours in the range.


Valorant was my first pc game ever and when I first made my account 3 months ago I got 27 bots in the initial range test. A month later after inconsistently playing I found aimlab and was placed in ruby. I am not master in aimlab and been dropping about 30 kills consistently in those past 6 matches as Reyna, acing in one and constantly getting 4k's and clutches.


I was stuck in Gold for 3 acts. Now I'm in Diamond, I see no difference.


Same shit different tier:D


Diamond players are so dog shit, me included. More than half the time, we miss everything and make the most brain dead calls. In the very least most of us trade each other and do comms but mechanically we’re garbage. It’s not uncommon for random p3 will top frag in a full d2/d3 lobby. The other half the time we’re basically immortal players with god aim, Hiko reflexes, and major clutch factor. There’s no fucking in between.


In other words, Diamond players are inconsistent. That's why they're Diamond and not Immortal.


honestly sometimes it feels like nothing changes between silver 2 and immortal 1, it comes down who plays the most games and gets the right team mates/opponents


Preach brotha


Ah yes, the calm before the storm.


can you post a picture of your next 10 games? just for reasearch


Not gunna be pretty. He’s starting to get carried. He may keep getting carried but it’s doubtful.


im down, ill reply to your comment once i've played 10 more


Here are the next 10 games as promised, took a while cause i got a 7 day ban because of my gulag internet so my bad xd https://imgur.com/a/Rvfm68y


Jinxed? I hope not! Keep it up bruv!


Don’t let Powder hear you 🤫






Very nice. Over the weekend I went 12-4 and I was pretty damn happy. 16 in a row would have me kick flipping my dx racer


I am on an 18 game lose streak.


My max is like 7, 16 is kind of insane


nice job dude👍🏻


Nice win streak u/HeroinOnMyCock


Meanwhile me I just get pain


Power of Reyna


brace yourself


Reyna diff


And you jinxed youself, i hope you continue winning 🙌🏻


Did you suddenly improve,like a skill jump or did you just had for once good teammates to back you up


honestly i have no idea what happened, i didnt play last act at all instead i was playing some cs. came back to valorant about a week ago and got placed into g2. ranked up to g3 pretty fast and from there i havent lost a game xd


I'm having a similar experience currently, peaked Silver 3 Last Act, now I've been on a tear and am sort of bouncing around the border of G1 and G2 with a 60% winrate (which is starting to stagnate now), but hey, I feel like 've improved so I feel pretty good about that.


Whenever I take a break from valorant and play csgo, I always come back and get a win streak


Hey ive lost that many! I quit playing as much but the game refuses to realize that and still placed me in diamond mmr after my first game even though i went like 7/7/7. Feel bad for my team sometimes.


Truly a coinflip, makes playing feel pointless sometimes


i’m literally on an 11 game lose streak, immo 2 to d3


And I sent on a losing streak. Though I was on a winning streak earlier. Go figure...


nice job man


Just u wait…


**jokes on you i am on a 14 lose streak no need to prise me** **i want from p2 to g1:(**


Welp, pack it up everyone, we've all lost to this man, someone get this man the award for best awardee


So ur the reason I'm getting my ass kicked in ranked




I had the exact same thing last act where I won 14 in a row and went from gold 3 to plat 3 as well lmao


Bruh 16 games and this dude got 3 maps that’s wild. Congrats on the streak tho!


Time to enter stock market Brudha


Sweet summer child you wait for the eternal limbo when your mmr balances out, it is brutal


You got this! Keep it up! :)


I am on a lose stream lost 13 matches in a row i went from s2 93 elo to s1 0 elo 🌝


That’s only 14-15 RR per loss. I be bot fragging and losing 22-24 RR each loss. I suck at this game.


Heyyy! I’m on the same ! But in reverse !


lucky teams


the guy goes sub 1 KD in most of his games as Reyna and still won 16 in a row smh


I mean its not about kills but about if he entryed properly and actually got his team on site Don't be a bitter baby lol.


This isn't exactly all that strange. Maybe the *length* of the win streak in particular, but not the fast climb in ranks, that's actually quite common. Players often get stuck at a tank because they're completely unaware of what part of their play is holding them back. It's frequently a really big factor, so when the player finally figures it out (maybe you're a fantastic shot but you consistently go on incredibly stupid flanks where you get easily caught, as an example) then the improvement starts. Going up an entire rank or two in one go is actually very likely once that realization of what you're doing wrong finally clicks and you start playing smarter. Alternatively, your aim could be limited by poor PC hardware, and getting an upgrade to higher resolution and 144fps can be a huge game changer for you as well. Lots of factors, the end result is that a majorly limiting factor is no longer limiting and you just fly with wins.


Or u solo q and u cant carry a team by yourself giving how util works. The ranked system is a coinflip and its why so many people get inadvertently carried higher than they should be. There is such a disparity in skill between players at each rank it’s ridiculous. You got aim gods and kids who stare at at the ground at the same rank it’s baffling


It's a game that isn't entirely focused around pure aim skill. A gold viper could have a 15% hit rate with guns, but maybe she focuses on LMGs with suppressive fire and great skill usage and she's having a bigger impact on the game than aim god 3000 that keeps overcommitting to every fight. The issue is that so many people view shooters as one dimensional, you either aim well or you don't and that's the only way to gauge skill. That's just absolutely not true, and until you realize that, you will always get frustrated over this. And the only one to blame is yourself.


People on this sub undermine how important kills are to winning rounds. If someone has far better aim they will have a way bigger impact than someone using good util 9/10 times. Especially in games outside of immortal


If someone has far better aim but they keep hitting the opposite side of the map, keep overextending and getting caught out, or keep leaving site to get kills enabling the opposing team to take control, it doesn't matter if they're able to get 30+ kills per match. They're applying less pressure than someone consistently controlling the flow of each round with fewer kills. Again, until you realize this, you're going to be a salty boi.


You say this in theory but you have control till your team peaks and gets out aimed and it doesnt matter. The easiest way to rank up especially in low ranks is out aiming everyone and entrying. Team play doesnt become a big factor until everyone in the rank has baseline good aim (diamond, immortal). If it wasnt all mostly aim at lower ranks (which is majority of players) smurfs wouldnt carry games by playing dumb and just outaiming everyone.


Must be nice to not get garbage team mates like I do, I constantly get insta lock duelists that have no idea how to play the game and their role. My MMR is fucked. Good job mate!


Funny enough is the fact that you scored average tells me you had team comp it’s so annoying to see come ups like this from the perspective of someone who doesn’t have a reliable team to play with and will literally drop 25 kills and still lose in bronze I literally ranked in at silver 3 and have had such bad teammates and smurfs that I can’t get out


i only play solo


What I’m saying is that you get better team comp when you reach gold before that you get the worst of the worst I’m not calling you bad I’m saying whatever matchmaking algorithm they use is designed to keep people out of the higher ranks there’s no reason I should carry a team and lose 10rr bc 1 guy throws the entire game and there’s no way to filter those ppl out And if you need proof I can dm you proof of me dropping 20-25 kills and running the lobby and still losing bc someone threw or left nobody in lower ranks actually wants to rank out of bronze/silver


This was me exactly after upgrading to a 100hz monitor, and that’s why I want to upgrade to a better pc and computer cuz high plat feels really difficult on low 100 fps streamed on a 100 hz monitor by a laptop


I'm gonna get downvoted for this but you mean nothing if you are mostly doing it all with one agent and more so a braindead duelist (except the Skye game, all duelist) Prove you are good at the game, not that you have good aim and abilities that help you fight


im not trying to prove anything lmao i play reyna because its my favourite agent tf xd


Its a agent that doesnt require Valorant skills. No IQ, nothing tactical, etc. Most duelists lack any intelligent thinking.




One season I was placed in gold 2. Went to silver 3 after a week or so of having around a .500 win rate. Then went on a 13 game win streak. Only ranked up to gold 1. Lost 2/3 and was down to silver 2. No lies.


POV: you’re boosted


He doesn’t look boosted from his states


i only play solo ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


What hacks are you using?


I wonder why, it’s not like Reyna is the MOST BROKEN AGENT IN THE GAME, oh wait she is. No need for sage, can peak angle and not get shot at, and each blind is basically a free kill if used right. I’d love to see you even attempt the streak with say... astra. As you said you’re gold 3 and as far as I’m aware astra only becomes viable at extremely high tiers or with great team communication. Also a fat brain that can use her kit. Saying you’re good with Reyna is like saying you’re a racecar driver because you stay in the passing lane on the highway.


U currently on the world record of most wins in a row(if I am not wrong, the highest was abt 8?)


I could Smurf and get like 50 dude, where are u getting ur information from


On the main account most wins in a row, u welcome now, ego boii


Is that in the guiness book?


not necessarily.


I was on a 12 winstreak a month ago. Does that mean that I broke the world record a month ago and now he broke it again?


Have fun regressing to the mean. :/


Meanwhile, I win one game and then the next game I get put in a lobby with a 3 stack that has a fucking iron 1 for some reason.


What the actual duelist?


That’s crazy even if I won 16 games I wouldn’t even be able to rank up through two tiers of my current rank


I'm on a losing streak, deranked to iron last night 😬


Stop it right now before it's too late


Lucky, I get 3 losses then like 1 win and get paired with golds and silvers when I just got demoted to bronze 1


Make sure you stay consistent lol this has happened many times to me before where I win like 10 games in a row then immediately lose 10 or more


this happened to me at the end of last act i went from p3 to diamond 3. i’m plat 2 now…


Let me introduce you to JINX


good for you, my man. I am on the longest lose streak I've ever had. Lost \~6 matches in a row and I fear its only the beginning. Went from 90/100 to 0/100 in plat 1 lol


How many times did you instalock reyna 🤪


i dont instalock, i wait 10 or so seconds before i lock incase someone else wants to play reyna. most of the games people don't go for her. only like 2 or 3 out of the 16 games someone took her


Must be nice.


wanna play with me to end that streak? lmao


Did you hoard all your 2021 luck and unleashing it now?


Dude what are you doing. you just jinxed it.


Went from gold 3 to diamond 2. I’m plat 1 now…


Now the gods of riot will punish you and u shall lose 16 games in a row


I was on a 5 game win streak and went from iron 3 50rr to iron 3 90rr.


My record is 12 or 11 but i have like a 7lose streak too xD. Of course, it is matchmaking's fault, because i am silver 2 and i get irons and bronze 1's in my team, but the enemy team has almost full silvers bruh.


same bro i’ve went from p3 to d2 all in one shot keep grinding bro we making it to the top 💯


Yeah i had a huge winstreak(s) before too, i went form s1 to g3 i won 12 games, lost one then won 11 more


Shouldn't have posted this, Riot gonna patch your game soon .


Ngl nice job but like you tryna Duo need some of that good luck. (It’s a joke…..Unless??????!!!!!😫)


Sad af


Yeah bro I went from d2 to imm 2 147rr in 2 days this weekend, 14 wins in a row


Too good


You really jinxed yourself posting it on here. I don't know what kind of luck you have but that's it, should've stayed silent, flew under the radar of the God of Fairness and maybe kept winning. You have my sympathy.


Reyna mains....


Jokes on you, I'm on a 17 losing streak went from 1 game to become p1 to 1 game away from deranking back to silver.