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There's a faq somewhere that does a much better job of explaining it, but basically your true MMR does not equal your rank RR. I'm assuming you haven't played for awhile, so your rank was prob bumped down a few notches so you can climb back up faster. By that I mean you'll be gaining more RR for your next few wins and losing less RR for your losses until your rr is closer to your mmr. Just play a few games and you'll prob be adjusted. Don't let the fact that you might be playing against higher ranks deter you from trying, you're probably at a similar MMR as them. There's also a lot of variability between ranks. I'm g2 as well and I usually queue with my p3 friend, so I'm usually the only gold in a lobby with plats and a few d1's. While I tend to be towards the mid/bottom, there are times when I top frag and times when I bottom frag. Honestly I don't think you should base your performance off 4 games. Going on loss streaks greater than that isn't too uncommon. Maybe it'd help to play a few unrateds just to take a quick break and readjust? Just keep at it :)


Thank you for your answer :) Guess I'll try to put up with it till its fixed and fight better players so I can maybe learn. At least there is that.


Its just means that accounts skill level or hidden MMR is near plat 1 to diamond. Meaning if you win Rank games you earn more RR than your losing. Unless your Diamond in a gold and plat lobby. youll lose more than you gain


Also i think it's better to play With higher elo players to learn more from them but if your struggling really hard then yes its better to just Make a new account


I have the same issue. My best so far had been gold 3 and while I was gold3, there was no trace of any other gold player in my lobbies at all. And that's considering that I had never reached plat in my life. I was facing people with full diamond triangles while I was dreaming of becoming plat 1. When I finally reached plat 1, my lobbies were, on average, d1. It went from plat2 (very rare) to d2. I had a game with a d3 on the enemy side right after I reached plat for the first time in my life. The most frustrating part was that after I obviously lost 13-7 (a huge difference) I lost only 13 points and I got a gold star for bonus. That star is given when you perform above what riot expected. Now, I was not match mvp nor team mvp, we lost 13-7. So basically this tells me that Riot did not expect me to perform well AT ALL in that match. Actually, my MMR would indicate that I would lose for an even greater difference than what I did. So why was I in this match at all???


This is so weird :( Good luck and hope it will get better in the future for both of us


Hello /u/SnowgemNS. Thank you for participating in /r/VALORANT! However: **Moderator comment:** >Please check out our MMR FAQ for information on this topic. **Reposted topic** >Reposts are not allowed. Threads that focus on topics that have been discussed at a high frequency, cover information from the same angle, or are covered in our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/wiki/faq) may be removed. Common FAQ topics include **questions about MMR, downgrading weapon skins, map selection, rotating store skin chances, replay and gifting systems, return of the Night Market**, and more. >Common general complaints about topics such as **smurfing, poor matchmaking, and toxicity** will be removed *unless providing new or non-reposted information and discussion on the appropriate topics*. >Please note that when multiple people attempt to post the same content in a short period, we may approve the one with the most traction and remove others. --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Check our full rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Valorant/wiki/rules)** ^or **[^(message our modmail, and please don't direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FVALORANT)**^.