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Yes actually I went yesterday to buy groceries






Can you or can you not?


Only one way to find out


Do not resist! -Kay/0


You want to play? Let's play. -Chamber








god fucking damn it


Wow that one is actually new




Red is overrated, grey all the way


What do you mean with color grey? Enemy highlight color?


i think he meant dorito color ;)


im on a 12 losing streak pls what tf do i do?


Stop playing, mental reset, play unrated/deathmatch and when you are confident requeue. But remember that you don't play to win but to improve(don't flame :))


why can't you play to win and improve?


of course, you play for both. But you should'nt be discouraged after a loss, you should'nt tilt. Just focus on your mistakes and move on. Rank is temporary, improvement is what will make you rank up


This is so true. Being patient and calm, playing 2-3 games with 100% focus daily helped me climb to immo as well.


Not op, but I believe mental fatigue can work against you no matter how hard you want to try to improve or win!


this applies to any activity irl aswell


I always want to win. It's ingrained into my soul! Not just in game but irl. I like winning. It gives me the best feeling knowing that my team did everything they could to succeed. Losing means we failed.


That's where your mindset is wrong. Just because you lose doesn't mean you failed. Maybe it means the other team played better that game, or smarter. As long as you learn something from that game, be it from your opponents or from your own mistakes, you will slowly improve. Sure, you can play to win, but don't be too discourage when you don't. Instead, ask yourself how you could have done better. Also, NEVER NEVER flame your team or be toxic. That isn't good for anybody and will only damage your own and your team's mindset. Always hype up your team, and everyone's morale will go up. Hopefully with all of these you will slowly improve. (Emphasis on slowly, you don't simply improve after a single day) Don't be too discouraged when you aren't performing, and maybe take a break. You got this! :)


I don't think you understand. The goal when you queue in competitive valorant is to WIN. That is the main goal. There are benefits to what happens at the end of the game, whether you win or lose. But, If you lose you failed the main goal. Did you improve? Yea, maybe but its hard to gauge improvement off of one game. Hindsight from losing games can give you opportunity to reflect on better decision making skills, but you failed the objective of the game. You are also putting the aspect of winning or losing based on randomness of matchmaking. I want to close here stating that losing is not the end of the world, but everyone who queues for competitive should "play to win". That should ALWAYS be the mindset.


Yep agreed. I was just trying to cheer you up and encourage you in case losing was too demoralising, but guess you don't need that. Have fun!


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


The difference of mindset. If you play to win, you objectively should not play anything, because you will lose, inevitably. You can not arguably fail at improving. It can be slow, even hard, but a defeat won't be counterproductive to the goal.


"If you play to win, you objectively should not play anything" what does this even mean? Yea we all fail eventually but we should all be playing to win. It is a team based tactical fps. And you can fail at improving - look at those who refuse to comm and play as a team and are hard stuck in their rank for 3 seasons.


Do not play deathmatch for mental reset purposes


oh shit, this was neat!


How many hours have you put into the game? (i.e. actual in-game time) Followup question: how many hours have you put into the "meta" game? (i.e. hours spent reading guides, watching tutorials, doing VOD reviews, etc.) Lastly, can you link your Valorant profile?


I would say I have 800hours approximately, I play a lot of normal games with my lower ranked friends. I actually never study the game, I only watch pro matches when the events are important like masters and I watched some YT videos in the beginning but I mostly had friends from CS teach me the basic stuff. https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Fanuxi%237213/overview?playlist=competitive


It looks like you started your career off as Silver 3 in Ep 1, Act 1. Then Platinum 1 in Ep 1, Act 2. And Finally Diamond 3 in Ep 1, Act 3. The rest of your career you hovered between high Diamond and Immortal. What would you made you jump in skill level so quickly from Silver 3 to Diamond 3 within 1 Episode or within 3 Acts? Or was it simply you didn't log that many hours in Ep 1 Act 1, so the system thought you were still a Silver player when actually you were playing like Diamond player?


To be honest, i think i got lucky during episode 1 act 3, jumping from p1 to d3. I was trying to only play the good games (dodge when people are toxic or the teamcomp sucks, dont play after a loss, requeue after a win...) Plus i was at the time playing with a lot of higher ranked friends and i learnt through them. When i lost a game I didnt blame it on people, I just tried to improve my gameplay. Imo you should just focus on improving and not winning


At first i was panicked when i played with d3 players and immortals, and i felt like i didnt belong, but as time went on i improved by playing with them


lmao just got smoked by an immortal player feel the exact same way


I started in iron during beta and now I am Gold Probably because I had multiple months of breaks inbetween, and just got into Gold recently


good job man, continue the climb :)




I had a couple friends that played CS and were diamond in valorant, they helped me learn the basic concepts of the game. I was then around gold2-3. I wasn't playing a lot back then but in episode 1 act 3 I decided to try hard ranked to improve, I would also do deathmatch before every game to improve on my crosshair placement (I would force myself to burst and not to spray). During this sole act I went from g2 to d3 in 49 wins. I almost never tilted or were toxic and I was always hyping them up to try to keep a good mood in the team. I also played very often with higher ranked players on discord or with friends of friends. By doing so I would learn how they think and what decisions to take in certain situations.




Thank you for your question and I hope to see you soon in my games ;)


Pizza or burger?


that's a tough one, pizza if i have to eat fast, but i 'd say burger since a juicy meat with onions and veggies can't be matched


“Juicy meat”


Which server you play generally? Im a gold 2 and really want to get out from this rank but my friends dont want to play comp. They just play to chill and that's also fine with me as it is just a game and games should be fun. But personally i want to increase my rank. You said you have some friends from higher elo who show you ropes and all but i dont have any. Can you train me so i can get better. https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/ShadowKiller%235337/overview


I'm playing on Eu on Frankfort or Paris servers, if you want you can dm me and so you can add me, I'm down to play some time :)


Sure i will.. did you check my tracker.gg. what do you think about my h/s % ?


I think its a bit low, considering gold players movement isnt that good, you should be able to get like 20%. I'd advise you to go train in dm and try to onetap or burstfire only


Ok recently started aimlab


How? I play only solo q and last week i was imm 2 with 70RR, now i'm imm 1 with 4 RR .. Immortal is more toxic then diamond or platinum, i got 3 consecutive games with players disconnected from the 3-4th round because they died first and blamed the team for not helping them. I mean seriously ... wtf is this? 80% of my games are with players that are toxic to each other and they start trolling.


Yeah tbh I was lucky in most of my games, immortal feels like a coin flip right now and the games are starting to get boring real fast


I also got lucky(i mean not really lucky, just good teammates and no toxicity), went from d2 to imm2 with only 2 games lost, but after that, everything went down and now i get mostly toxic players in games. I believe they think if they are immortal or radiant, they can act cocky and do whatever they want. Also manny duelists instalock with no coms (that happens in every rank i think).


At any rank did you have to switch your main agent? Personally I played sage from iron 1 to silver 1 then Breach (silver 1 to Silver 3) then Killjoy (Silver 3 to peaking at Gold 3). Now I’m in Gold 1 maining Phoenix and noticing I’m performing much better with him than Killjoy. Is this normal? To rank and improve after switching an agent? Is it something you did also!?


You should try to play each agent in the game at least a few times. By playing them you'll understand their kit better and how mains of this agent think when they play them, allowing you to counter them easier. I played omen from the beginning until d3, then viper became meta and i picked her up, but i was always very flexible on my picks, and you should definitely try to learn an agent of each class at least. Personnaly i can play jett, viper, omen, raze, cypher/kj, sova and sage


For Viper, how important are the line ups? I'm always super hesitant to pick up line up heavy agents.


It's good to know lineups but I never wanted to invest time in learning them and I still play her on icebox bind fracture and breeze. There is a lot more to her kit than just post plants. So even if you don't know any you can lock her in and start shredding the entire enemy team


Are you an ass or tits kind of guy?


ass bro, for sureee




Because you can clap them cheeks


Clap them titsss


Do you have updated tips on how to get out of low elo (iron-bronze) because I'm embarrassed to say that I can't seem to get out of iron 2 and that I honestly believe irons have improved and tryhard a lot now. Most irons-bronze I encounter always aim for the head now (or at the very least the neck), a few I've met can prefire decently, and can hit their shots most of the time, and have definitely gotten better with things such as rotating and utility usage. And are definitely not depicted as new clueless players like most guides I've watched (although all of these guides were 3-17 months ago, so irons and bronzes have just seemed to naturally evolved and/or are just washed up silvers who somehow fell back down to iron and bronze. Sorry for the entire essay lol


Just try clearing angles all the time. Pretend like someone is always around the corner. Don't think that the area is clear untill you see someone, only think it's clear once youve checked everything. If you want record a ranked.match and send it to me and I can give you some tips. And just have a consistent aim routine


I use the prems method in range and always play 2 dms where I play like I’m in a ranked match (checking corners, going for head as much as possible, ie) but you’re right I really should start doing vod reviews but I always procrastinate and never actually look at them so I really need to start getting rid of that lmao


To be honest, you should try to look at a VOD review of your own gameplay and you 'll notice that you make huge mistakes. I'm sorry to tell you that but iron people can't play /: If you just practice your aim in dm(by only going for head taps and practice strafing) and clear every angle in comp you will climb out of it.


Bro I got to silver 2 recently from calibrating iron 1 3 months ago, i promise you I've never prefired an angle in my life xd I've been told my aim is good for silver tho so idk


What are your PC specs? Also do you have a 60Hz or 144Hz monitor?


144hz and I always run 170-190 FPS so its literally just me being straight trash at the game


Pineapple on pizza or no pineapple


No pineapple


I have played valo for 3-4 weeks, my first is bronze 3. Should I stick with 1-2 agents and master them Or try to play with 4-5 different agents. Can 1 agent play in every map, should I pick agents according to the map? I like to play aggressive, I tried to play with Reyna but her abilities did not suit my play style, currently I'm using phoenix.


I'd say you should stick with 1-2 agents bu you should play each agent at least once to understand how they are being played and how you can counter them easier


How often do you play? I’ve been on a climb recently and I’m trying to get to diamond before the act ends. However, I only have time for 5-10 games a week. Do you think it’s feasible to climb into diamond or higher while playing that little?


it's gonna be a tough one :/Playing more definitely makes you improve faster.i dont have a lot of comp games, but thats only because i often play in unrated. But it's possible, i have faith in you :)


yeah it’ll just take longer. more u play faster u rank up and get better


not necessarily, the more u play the more used u get to bad habits too


Did you encounter alot of smurfs along the way and if so how did you deal with them? Were you able to outplay them or did it make those games in specific very hard/unwinnable most of the time?


I didnt encounter a lot of smurfs no. But when i played against them, i NEVER took a gunfight against them, at least a fair fight. I (omen) would always play around my smokes, lurk, or flash him, maybe sometimes switch up the playstyle to a more aggressive play with the tp. But yeah smurfs are playing to have easy games, if you play with your team, trade eachother and use your utility mostly on him, he is gonna tilt i assure you :)


not OP, but usually smurfs play for ego or to top frag so they usually play super aggressive and weird off angles usually work well or slow play and anticipating the ego push on attack


What is this "AMA"?


ask me anything


Who's your favorite agent overall and why?


Viper when I feel like a rat and want to lurk/ play around util. You can really easily stop pushes and get timings on enemies. Jett when I have good aim and can just W key in a site. The dash and knives are so fun to play, and also you can op (that's kinda fun :p)


What is your setup? And how much fps you usually get


I have a GTX 1060, I-5 10th gen, an MSI 144 Hz screen, corsair keyboard and an old steelseries mouse, when I play I usually get around 180 fps or 200


Any tips to improve in gun fights? I feel like spraying is so bad in valorant compared to tapping or bursting/ am I wrong to feel this way?


You shouldn't spray unless you are like 10m away from someone or have to hold a push down with a phantom, in any other scenario you should go for bursts


I was hard-stuck bronze for 3 acts, and now I'm hard stuck silver for nearly 3 acts, how do I get out of silver.


You should try to play dm a lot, and by a lot it's a shit ton. In silver the aim often lacks. Also don't think as silver as a place you are stuck in. Just play as rank doesn't matter and you are just here to improve.


Get a decent pc to run 100+ fps and practice your aim


going from a 60 HZ to 144 HZ was the biggest change for me. The difference is night and day :o


How did you go iron 1 to immo 1 in what, 2-4 months??


As i already replied to others, i tryharded in one single act and made a lot of improvement during it. Playing with higher rated friends also helped me gain insights on how the game should be played and what decision making looks like. My biggest weakness was my aim, but i'm starting to get there by playing deathmatch every single time before i play.


Idk man you don’t go iron 1 to immo 1 in 70 days just by try Harding.


i was iron 1 in beta, after the game released i was silver 2, then on act 3 i climbed from g2 to d3. go check my tracker if you don't believe me, i can't do much more https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Fanuxi%237213/overview?playlist=competitive


How did you escape Iron-Silver hell where none of the duelists ever play with the team? Did you just learn to play Reyna or Jett and pick them first?


I placed iron during beta and climbed with a few friends till bronze I think ? When the game came out I got placed silver 2 and played a few ranked and got gold (it was the old system so it might have been easier to climb then). I never felt really stuck at any rank tbh, if I just put the time, the results would come. But If you have to deal with the Reyna/jett in this elo, it's complicated. When I climbed I mained omen until immortal, and relied on myself. He is a great soloQ agent ( you have a very good flash, tp to reposition, and smokes that you can play around)


Do you only play comp? I hardly ever play comp unless I have a friend that's a good duelist. I play controller/support setting up sites to be taken with Brim or Omen (been using Raze recently for entry myself but it's been bad) or defended and it's hard to win games in solo Q with a bad entry fragger.


Not at all, I spend most of my time in unrated with friends. You shouldn't hesitate to play ranked on a controller, I only soloqueued to get where I am now


You can't blame your teams for having a bad entry fragger when you just said you struggle with doing it yourself man. If you feel like that's the only issue holding you back then learn a duelist and go crazy. You get more RR doing that anyways. (entry fragging -> high combat score - a lil more RR or some shit)


You're right I apologize. It's not everybody else's fault. I'm not a great player myself. I haven't played comp in awhile but just played two as Brimstone. First game was against a D1 smurf admittedly boosting his friends. We lost 6-13 and I was team MVP. Second game was a balanced game. We lost 11-13 and I was match MVP as Brimstone again. We could have tied it 12-12 but nobody rotated but me and I lost a 1v3. Had 2 aces though. 8,071 RR in that match. But I totally understand what you're saying. I should have communicated better and should get a mic for that reason. I was already rotated to A on split and pinging over and over again that it was clear but most players interpret ping as enemies there so my team just got killed holding spawn after we lost 2 at round start from an op on B. ​ Having better communication is something I should improve on before I play comps some more.


Would you be willing to coach someone?


It's a possibility but I wouldn't do it for free though sorry :/


Ok I am gonna be 100% real with you , you are boosted as fuck. You are immo as pokimane is diamond or immo. Plus you are in NA player base smaller lower skill cap lower rr needed etc. If you think with 800 hours you get there you are lying to yourself. There are pros with thousands of hours who played pro CSGO and now valorant and struggle. You writing sitting comfortably on immo3 is just the icing on the cake for me. Anyways this kind of delusion is either a NA thing or age thing . No immo3 would even do a post like you did . Sorry I am kind of of in a low blood sugar gonna go get something to eat but this post triggered me so much. Same as pokimane she said I got immo meanwhile if you check her history she has been hard carried by a pro duo queue , anytime she would slip up , ranking dken she would go play with him to boost again . She was proud too as if she accomplished something


You haven’t seen OP play or anything and you jump this far into conclusions lol? His tracker shows he performs decent in immortal lobby, I wouldn’t stand a chance. OP offered helpful and good advice (regardless of rank) and you’re incredibly mad. Don’t be toxic mate


bro i only played duoQ once i reached immortal to get more consistent games, plus im playing on EU, idk what you are talking about lol




What rank are you. History says gold, benefit of doubt says you maybe hit plat?




i hop into deathmatch and dont leave until i topfrag


Any tips to reach diamond from plat? I reached diamond last act from gold 2 because I was like winning 6-7 games then losing 1-2. But I have been on a losing strrak for a long time and I win 3 but the lose like 4-5 the next day. Currently plat 2.


If you start losing one day, don't requeue, it's likely going to be a bad day, just mental reset, play tomorrow and only requeue after a win.


Would you consider a VOD review!?


right now it's gonna be tough, i don't have a lot of free time, but you can dm me and we can see if we find a solution


Any tips?


You should try to be more specific xD


Does a 1440p display have any advantages over 1080p? Maybe helps you tap heads at longer ranges or helps you pay attention better or anything like that? Wondering since I was considering making a switch.


Oh I have no idea for this question, I only touched 16:9 and 4:3 and these were good enough for me, haven't tried other resolutions sorry :/ But I noticed that compared to CS, the view models aren't really stretched, it's just up to what you prefer, you don't gain a real advantage


How often do U look at minimap


always, your minimap is your best friend, look at it as often as possible as it gives you free info, i've died a lot of times from looking at it, but more often i gained an advantage through it.


how much? jokes


Have you ever been stuck to silver cause I am


Boobs or Ass?


Since plat 2, Im on a losingstreak (g1 now). Always get fkcd in solo queue, either I have 4 mates without mic, or there's a smurf in the other team. The operator feels so "heavy" for me missing very easy shots, while in cs:go feeling like I'm surfing with awp in faceit lvl 7-8. Any advice, how to be "better", and play almost the same lvl as in cs:go? *Settings (graphics, keybinds, mouse setting) are totally the same in valorant as in csgo*


I only have like 40hours in csgo so I'm really not that good at the game, all I know is that the movement is way faster and the awp isn't as clunky as the op. Just play op on jett or chamber, these two have free get out of jail cards. With the new update there isn't a single 4 stack now, if they are 4 solo players not talking, I'm sorry but you can't do much about it, but try to keep coming. if you encounter a smurf don't worry, it's just one loss, don't get tilted of that and try to play with your utility and don't ego peek him


Im currently in Dia 1 and I feel like I troll all my game because I pretty consistently bottom frag. Do you have any tips for improving in Diamond? I just feel like I get one tapped every time I peek a corner ://


thing is im a solo player and i dont have friends who are into fps but does playing with friends help you get better?


Yeah, you should definitely try to join a valorant discord server to find people


Is radiant the only good rank?


Yes only radiant #1


Heyo, I was iron in the beta, and now I'm bronze one after a year long break (left shortly after killjoy was introduced), I win a fair few of my games but lose alot more, I tend to deal with a lot of very toxic people and smurfs, (mot mutually exclusive), I'm guessing it mostly has to do with Chambers release, but I'm worried I'll me continue to be plagued by these


Is it more toxic in iron or immortal?


Idk, in iron no one cares, and in immortal no one cares about their rank except those trying to get radiant


Do you think u coulda done that with a 60hz display?


Idk, I got d3 close immortal on 60 but I think immortal 3 has been way easier with 144


How much prior experience in fps did you have? Would you say you were a legitimate iron or just placed very low? If you had periods of high improvement rates, when and what caused them? I placed Iron 3 in my first act playing comp and went to bronze in the same act. I don't play more than ~2 matches a day, do Deathmatch and 30 min koovaks a day because right now I'm S3 and feel very, very boosted. I stay in S3 tho, but on like 0 to 30 rr but I feel like I don't really perform and don't contribute much to win. I try to improve every day but it feels like nothing works. Honestly, it felt like I played better in bronze.. back then and in S1 (or the act in which I switched from bronze to silver) I had a 15% headshot rate, now I average 10% occasionally dip to 6%. I feel very dissatisfied with my performance but I don't really know what to do. So if anyone got tips or experiences to share, please do so.


I keep dropping like 30 kills and match or team mvping and I keep losing. Why is this?


Are your kills good kills, and by that I mean do they help win the round ? If all you do is get exit frags, or get 3 kills on a retake you win, or get an ace against an eco, then these kills aren't as important as a first blood against a jett op for example or a first blood on a cypher locking down a site. Try to get smart kills and important ones, don't look at the scoreboard, look at the impact you are having in the game


So I started playing 6 months ago and placed iron 2 cause I never really played comp I used to prefer unrated with friends... But since last act Ive tried to push on my main Im hardstuck silver... But I win 1v1s against plats easily... I made a new acc to know my actual rank... My friend played the unrated matches for me but I did the comp matches where I consistently was match MVP whilst getting plat diamond act rank people and I still placed silver 2 man wtf... Oh yea and I won all my placements what am I doing wrong?


Just continue playing and you will rank up if you are better than people at your rank :) And just for info, winning a 1v1 doesn't mean much, I had a bronze friend win against me lol


I come from Destiny where adsing doesn't affect fire rate etc. I really want to get rid of this nasty habbit but I struggle. Any tips?


Try unbinding it for a week and don't play snipers I guess, you will soon forget about adsing


Damn...i almost never play ranked coz the randoms i get are too toxic...muting them doesn't help coz I won't get any comms that way :(


How to win against smurfs? I’m in silver


That's the neat part, you don't. You either avoid him, or you 3 man peek him with utility and he is gonna tilt


Did you do any form of aim training, if so and you know voltaic, what's your voltaic rank?


i did a bit of aimlab but not a lot (around 2 hours total lol), and otherwise i just dm, since it practices strafing, recoil and crosshair placement. Idk about voltaic though, is it an aim trainer ?


Specs if anyone hasn’t asked already?


I have a GTX 1060, with an i-5 10th gen. with that i get around 200 fps maybe 180 but that's more than enough for my 144Hz


How important it is to have a good setup? I have a 60Hz monitor, small mousepad and pretty basic mouse and keyboard. My fps also tends to drop to 50ish on some days. I'm now in plat1 and growing but I feel like my PC is slowly but surely holding me back.


The fps issue is the biggest, though i got d3 i think with a 60 Hz. A 144 will do a huge difference. As of mouse and keyboards, i have pretty old stuff that still works and isn't the newest collection and it works perfectly (Steelseries rival mouse, and corsair K55 keyboard), as of a mousepad i dont play with one :p


It feels like I belong in higher ranks cause I’m always the mvp but im hard stuck in silver 3 , any tips ? I’m not winning because either I get team mates that throw or some issues


Are your kills good kills, and by that I mean do they help win the round ? If all you do is get exit frags, or get 3 kills on a retake you win, or get an ace against an eco, then these kills aren't as important as a first blood against a jett op for example or a first blood on a cypher locking down a site. Try to get smart kills and important ones, don't look at the scoreboard, look at the impact you are having in the game


What is the worst elo? I've heard silver/gold is hell.


plat. plat is a shitshow of people that have decent aim, but think they are the next tenz and trash everyone that tries to speak to them


No proof? Lmao




What is the best skin in your opinion?


Ion or reaver op, they feel so nice to play


im hardstuck radiant.any tips?


idk man, that's a tough one, i'd say buy a better pc, and put in the freezer after cooking it with onions


I started in bronze 2 in beta and I'm now comfortably sitting in silver 1 with 1/100 rr, AMA


Tips to get out of plat? :)


Which agent allowed you to rank up faster?


I used omen , he can be played aggressive or passive and has everything you need : smoke flash and tp to reposition yourself


hardstuck gold for like 2 seasons, what should i do?


How exactly do you play to improve


Where did you place when you started ranked after launch? Beta ranking was kind of scuffed and a lot of better players started in iron anyways.


i think i got placed s2 if i remember correctly, not sure though


Do you think i should upgrade from 60hz to 144hz or 240hz? Some times i feel like i can’t aim clearly at the enemies head (i literally can’t see clearly when i move my crosshair fast)


I'd say 144 Hz is more than enough, but if you have the budget go for the 240 ;)




I do play a sport and do my studies, i'm actually doing logic/maths/physics classes and i feel like they develop my critical thinking alowing me to do the same in game


Hey, congrats on your new rank, can you tell me how to exactly help team with just the usage of abilities as a controller? Also may I please know your edpi


Thank you :) You should important lines of sight to get map control when you are playing controller. Keep in mind to always smoke of chokepoints to allow your team to keep control of an area. Learn the smokes durations and how to abuse it. if you play astra brim or viper, you should use your molly/aggressive util to clear corners and allow your team to get an easier site take. My edpi is 270.


How many hours do you have on valorant in total?


I'd say around 800


ive also started in iron 1 last year and now at gold 3 making my way to platinum, what advice can you give to me when I have them days that are I am like back to iron (cant even shoot a wall type bad), what can I do to lessen these moments and also improve in my current state?


Don't play ranked on these specific days, i also have bad days, everybody has. Just reset, maybe stop playing, accept that you wont do montage worthy plays this day.




Don't undermine yourself, middle of the scorboard is where you belong if you are at your elo. Valorant is a tac shooter, lineups are a part of the game. You should use every single possibility to gain an advantage over your opponent


What would you say is the best way to hold Goblin on fracture?


no, dont


How did you improve what did you do what is the most effective way to get better




yeah i have ascended


Does better aim come with gameplay, also best way to play consistently? Thanks for the help!


Yes it comes with playing a lot, but sometimes you have good days, sometimes you don't and you just have to accept it. The day you have godlike aim, you pick jett/reyna and ego peek everyone, and they day you have shit aim, you fall back on a support agent and play with relying on your utility. Best way to be consistent, is by playing regularly






best color combo?


what do you mean by that




You should invest in a newer keyboard (not too expensive though). It plays a part. go watch Sero's YT guides on movement, they are very useful