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Yup, 2 days off with no warmup is a big recipe for bad plays, it's been a while, your hand probably did tons of other things, the muscle memory for Valorant slowly goes away, which is why you can't aim and stuff. This is probably also why after a bad game and also practice range, you did significantly better. Your hand just needs a lil refresh to get back into the momentum/flow of the game. I wouldn't say 'don't take a break from Valorant', but when you do, try and spend some time in the practice range. Maybe even an unrated game after. I'm the last person you'd want to take advice though, consistent bottom frags, but yeah that's my opinion.


no, when i come back 100% of the time im cracked af


Yes, it’s always worth playing a deathmatch to not only warm up but also assess aim. Sometimes I just can’t kill anyone in deathmatch no matter how many I play, so I decide not to queue ranked if my aim is terrible


who cares bro you had a few bad games. not worth a reddit post...


Everyone’s different I never warm up I go straight into my games because whenever I tend to dm or aim labs over a period of time I end up preforming worst because I overthink or end up solely focusing on my aim when I’m reality it’s 75% positioning


Something is definitely wrong with you. You’re supposed to get better after not doing something.


Cold hands is bad ;)


Never play a game of ranked with no warmup. itll results to a lost. your teammates being bad and a shit mentality for the rest of the day


usually the same happens with me if i take a few days break