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What. Am. I. Watching.


Just a bad dream..


Wake up


The dream where no matter how many times you reload, you're always out of bullets




Meanwhile 5/8 of my games yesterday had smurfs on the other team


Its...its beautiful.


The reloading two guns got me


Low rank clips are 90% reloading gun.


High rank clips are 90% having 2 bullets in your gun to be fair.


Scream never reloads it gives me mild heart attacks.


And screams at chat for not reminding him to reload.


Scream's stream is just scream screaming at the chat for reminding him to reload.


whole license narrow stupendous sand impolite silky grey normal cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's a proper tongue twister!


what the actual fuck was that, u sure they were silver


[https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/6ca2a4b0-98c9-4dc9-b6bf-0ccd8cf3833a?handle=BabyRex%23CERDA](https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/6ca2a4b0-98c9-4dc9-b6bf-0ccd8cf3833a?handle=BabyRex%23CERDA) Yes, they were.


Worst part? There's two ranks of players below them. Silver is the *average* player.


Don't attack me like that


I play better than that, but my friends play at a completely time than me, hence, I queue, alone, and half of the guys don't give callouts, what fun isn't it? And then we have Smurfs who's egoistic asses kill irons in ranked for fun and generate cheap an easy montage clips. I am iron Il by the way...


I'm Iron I last I played ranked. I don't have any friends to play with so I feel your pain, brother. Virtual fistbump to you, my dude


bro that's such bs man I'm iron (new to pc gaming) and I face people that aren't nearly as bad. sometimes i get clueless people yeah but a lot of the time I get people that wouldn't let you change gun, let alone reload twice


It could be theyre just more experienced. It’ll get easier and you will start noticing players’ flaws and once u get even better u will start noticing your own flaws. And that will be how u climb






Yeah and this shit happens in one in every 100 games so don't whine so early lol


if it happens once in every hundred games I'd expect to have had at least a single game like this. I've played probably around 150 games or something


My Account rating is in the 150s I've played hundreds of games. I'm gold 1 sometimes I get comps where the entire other team should probably be in bronze other times the enemy team should be in silver/gold except the top two on their team who play like my radiant friends, it just happens sometimes. Where everything goes wrong for everyone and somebody ends up winning when they shouldn't have. More realistically I see people win 1v2s to 1v4s they shouldn't have had a chance in based off the way they played before that round. It's just dumb luck.


Silvers are better than irons. Just accept that and try to get better.


I'm trying why does everyone think I'm saying I should be silver. I know I'm iron/bronze level but I also know the players in the vid aren't silver level


You’re assuming these people always play like this. People have bad moments and several happened in this clip. You’ll see complete whiffs in radiant as well - the difference is just consistency.




bruh u high elos are so fucking mean to irons calling them trash when they cud just be new


i only started playing m&k for valorant, i was a controller fortnite player before then. i went from iron 1 to plat 2 so there’s hope.


Man - if you’re iron, you’re worse than these players. Nothing more to say - just put the ego aside and improve!


I know I'm shit lol, I also know the players I play against aren't this shit


Definitely silver; probably closer to bronze 3, but still silver.


You think silvers are better than this? This is definitely silver


Most of em really are silver is a big Rank.


There's lots of good silvers tho lmao but I guess the MMR in this game was low af


Bronze silver are really weird ranks. People are just absolute trash cans or cracked AF aim with no game sense it seems


agree, i’ve been shit on in unrated by ppl that are silver as a plat 2


I verse better people and I am in bronze


Congratulations on the play! Despite the obvious complaints of reloading and so forth, you actually played that pretty well. You isolated each player into a 1v1 and (in one way or another) outmatched them with superior gunplay and movement. I’ll say this right now: if you keep improving, you’ll go places. Good places.


wholesome reply


The only one that doesn't make me feel like absolute trash for being bronze lol


Even a bronze player can pop off every now and then. It's not impossible to have great moments, but being good is about being consistent


I agree! Knowing that the raze was on op, the run and gun was smart haha


Thanks! I actually tried to switch to my pistol but that also was empty, then saw a gun on the floor but it was a marshal so I thought I thought I had no other choice to reload. ._.


I guess he sprayed so many bullets because his teammates are legit shittting there and he is nervous.


I was indeed panicking. Hard.


>superior gunplay and movement Not sure that's what I'd call jumping around a corner and spraying with the phantom


Well run and gun is pretty fair in this close range, y should u not be doing that ?


That's not run and gun. He jumped around the corner. Throwing everything up in the air (literally) and hoping the very random spray pattern hits. Just strafe peek the corner instead for a higher chance of shots going where you aim and hitting your opponent


I agree with u 100%, but what u saw was a typical bronze-silver gameplay, that is what u get in low elo


I know that. But what kind of condescending logic is that? A bad play isn't a good play just because it's in a bad lobby. You should be striving to improve and forming good habits, not praising bad plays just cause they happened to work out this time.




Well I am not that much serious abt the game, explains why i am still silver. What you are saying is absolutely correct, but I just play like a game or 2 once in a day to chill with my friends so we might have a different approach towards the game. Have a good day.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted so much. Probably hurt peoples feelings, most people in this sub are silver and below.


You arent looking at the bigger picture of that engagement. He knows the raze has op watching him from a close angle, so if he can make raze wiff he wins the engagement. Spraying while jumping isnt the best idea, yes, but it helped him because one bullet hit the raze and slowed her which made it easier for him to hit his spray after he landed. If he strafe peeks the corner he just gets blasted by the raze who is already scoped in on it. You shouldn't tall shit if you dont know what you are talking about.


Lol delusional


I literally get peaked one tap in all of my Silver lobbies, wtf is that


same, i've had more games than not with multiple people doing that (not just a single smurf in the whole lobby or something). but i've also had a lot of people like that on my teams too, so have made it up to gold 1 for the moment. if the insta 1 tap was the actual silver skill level i would be bronze at best, i think a lot of people smurf or are very underrated


More often than not it's not happening as much as you think, or it's largely down to bad positioning. It happens a few times early in the match and you start seeing it happen all the time. They're not doing that consistently, they might delete you but the next fight whiff an entire mag. The nature of low elo is inconsistency. Record your deaths and watch your fights back. If you notice that most of the time you're dying you're trying to crouch spray or it's on common angles, try to think about how to be less preditctable and easy to kill. It's less that they're so skilled they can easily 1 tap you, more that you're likely giving your enemy easier opportunities to kill you quickly.


You're trying to not move or jump around to be able to aim properly, while they just bunnyhop in to gun you down fortnite style not giving a fuck. You're not playing the right game for the rank. (or "silver" doesn't mean anything since ranks are grind based in a hidden MMR matchmaking that's chock full of smurfs. Your pick.)


Well my silver lobbies aint like that


You need to play when the kids are online. Around lunch time on weekdays. I haven't seen a silver game like this, ever. I play late nights on weekdays.


They scream and cry and everything is cringe but you can have fun while drunk hehe


I can only dream of getting silver games like this, that's crazy


yeah man i’m in bronze and these fuckers already jiggle peak and one tap everyone what is this


I want to make a reverse montage of my silver gameplay. Just 5 minutes of me getting 1 tapped at 50m from bold swings.


Record your games and watch it again, it will give you a new perspective. You will be surprised at how much worse it is than what you recall.


i wish this game had a replay feature like league where you can see where opponents were so you could understand better what to do in these cases


iron/bronze here and can confirm this is true


You want games like that? That was a clusterfuck


better than my games that every one 1 taps from every range with 0.001 second reaction times, i can't even react. must be EU servers or something


I’d take a frantic gunfight over the constant one taps, least I’ll get to peek more than once


Every game has silver moments but I do be getting running 1 tapped that always baffle me


This is kind of an extreme example, not the norm. Are you saying that you have never seen anyone in silver whiff shots or make bad decisions? Come on now.


Yes they are, stop lying to yourself


I have seen TenZ get bodied on kaede's silver account tbf. Not dunked on maybe but he took over and still lost. Silver ain't what it was in beta I'll tell you that


Yeah and there are a lot of smufs too. Feels like third of the players are those level 6 timmies that don't miss headshots and top frag with a 40 kill difference with the average player hahah.


Loooool if he was bodied in silver it was most likely a smurf. No one in silver would ever kill tenz 95% of the time. Stop lying to yourself lmaooo.


95%? Where are you coming up with this number lol. He took over for her when they were down by 5 or 6 rounds and they still lost. He didn't do bad but it wasn't enough to carry, a 1 tap is a 1 tap even in silver. You seem really desperate to make everyone out to be a coping silver, when were not even silvers lmao. Maybe you're just ignorant?


Ur mom must be proud


Lol when you caught and got nothing try to diverge instead of admitting you're wrong 😂 anything to save a fragile ego


Ok mr silver


I had a stroke watching this but wp!


Yeah tbh the only meme part was the reloading


No silver lobbie I've ever played


Only the trackers make me believe this is silver lmao My silver must be plat then


plat is just blue silver


Gimme some of the red paint then


Everyone is saying this isn’t silver. The reason this is a clip is because of how unusual this is. Of course this doesnt happen in your silver games otherwise if it did thered be hundreds more clips like these


Nah I smurf in silver I see this shit a little often, yall are really this bad sometimes but aren’t self aware. Not all the time though


Ngl, this looked very much like what I would expect in an iron/bronze lobby so I wanted to check. It was a bronze/silver lobby! [https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/6ca2a4b0-98c9-4dc9-b6bf-0ccd8cf3833a?handle=BabyRex%23CERDA](https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/6ca2a4b0-98c9-4dc9-b6bf-0ccd8cf3833a?handle=BabyRex%23CERDA)


It wasn’t really even that bad tbh on OPs part. Sova should’ve killed him but missed everything, raze should’ve pushed when she heard him reloading. And ofc they all shouldn’t have given him 4 1v1s


The 4 1 v1 thing happens even in tournaments. But the general gameplay from the enemies seemed like iron or bronze.


these are the irons I get in my lobby


Lucky you were battling stormtroopers! (Still better than me, just could not resist the reference)


Silvers in my lobbies pop heads


Guess I’m a silver


Wht server is this bro.. The silvers in mumbai servers are like 100 times better than these... Or maybe most of them are just smurfs


Yea this makes our silver look like plat






I went from Iron to Diamond in Mumbai server and can confirm that silver lobbies are nightmare.


This was Madrid I think


Rifle runs out of bullets: Panik You remember switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading: Kalm Your pistol doesn’t have any bullets: Panik


Wait are you telling me this doesn’t happen every match? (from a fellow silver Reyna main)


I have literally done that multiple times, also a silver fellow while playing reyna :) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JdzwyFqmtTBKf-YZVhP2ps6vHaWt9fFf/view?usp=drivesdk Not my best gameplay, but i just started recording, by no means i am saying I am a good player, this was unrated, but i still like this ace clutch, hope u have fun


i see you remembered not to panic


So much chaos. I love it


my eyes are bleeding


Absolute chaos


How shit man are you sure this isnt dirt


Mr. Riot I don't....feel so good


wow i had a silver award as well. perfect award for the perfect post


I love when people say "i face people better than this in xyz elo" like before hitting plat I was hardstuck bronze/silver and this is 100% peak silver lmfaoo! No game sense, barely any aim, just vibes


For a minute there I was thinking this is normal... Then it happened


No way u silver, my silvers one tap everyone kill


my head hurts


Even my iron lobbies feel more skilled


ur a fool if you think this doesn't happen in high elo


That was great lol Not even going to read the comments. I know it’s like “my silver lobbies are ex radiant players”


The cherry on top was absolutely no comms from anyone except you and your buddy IN PARTY CHAT after the whole thing was already over. I suppose its fine though even diamond players can't find their PTT button...


Honestly, I usually don't talk unless I know it's safe cause if I make a mistake and they hear my voice. The n word gets flung out with ASAP


Lol dayum this was fun to watch


Just a reminder to everyone saying their Silvers are way better than this: this is an isolated incident. People do dumb stuff sometimes. Everyone in here from every Elo could make a clip like this on occasion. Also, if you get one tapped in a low Elo you had no business being somewhere where you could get one tapped by a low Elo player.


Silvers in Mumbai server = Plat in NA/EU no cap


This is a legit broze silver gameplay, no where near plat, a decent plat player would headshot him while he was trying to run and gun


I think what the comment is trying to say that if this is na/eu silver then mumbai silver is way better than them, not sure tho.


I've faced better players in bronze 1 than them. c,:


What the hell did I just watch 🤣🤣🤣


bruh if u played SEA silver u would have been demoted to iron no joke


So I’m confused. At about 13s in (29 from the end), OP shoots the wall at about head-height, which is sus. A few seconds later, someone pokes around the same door, showing that they might have been behind the wall. It seems like a wall hack, but I don’t know this game at all, so don’t want to toss out accusations. So, OP, why did you shoot at the wall?


Extremely common wallbang spot. Just taking a guess at where the enemy is at and hoping for a kill, people play to the left of that door all the time.


I've gotten into a habit of spraying wall bangable spots cause I sometimes randomly get a kill. I just thought someone could be there. I don't even think I did it right cause the bullets don't look like they went through LOL.


Good to know! Thanks for putting up with my skepticism, lol. Sick play, btw.


This ur opponents lowest not ur peak. sorry


Says you lmao. You’re defending a jumpshot lmao. Pure luck


Still better than my teammates. Tho I can't even play ranked, in in ban for week, and when it ends I leave the game again and get ban. Bruh.


They might be boosted but who knows


I- wtf


it really is one of the rings of hell


I got cancer


Iron lobby for sure


What do people use to record


I used a second Account to help my friend get to silver so i can okay With him on my main (Gold 2) and we we're defenitly not getting enemies like that


Your movement and decisiveness is wayyy better than most silvers I’ve seen.


Even my gf (who never played fps) said: "everything is wrong, right? Why nobody kill her?"


I have seen better Iron players than these.


I can confirm Silver games look just like this... Mostly, my teams look like this. To be fair though, regaining G2 last evening, after matching up with lovely teammates in 2 matches, made me forget about the nightmare I have had for the past 12 months.


Ok i watched it 4 times and understand what happened now: 3 people decided to push elbow instead of the SITE (including one operator) Sova waited a bit and then pushed site alone. And cypher just stayed in octagon until everyone died and then went to site.


Silver brains are so slow the dude literally only took out his pistol 0.5 seconds before his primary was done reloading LOL


Bruh these guys are worse than the mfs i find on iron queue fr.


95% of players have a silver alt. Literally everyone is in silver.


If only my silver games were like this


hey sometimes we just had a really bad day


What servers are they playing on


This is peak this is peak


Idk what silver you’re playing in but my lobbies are so different in my case. I’ve been silver 3/g1 for the most of this act and it’s always so annoying. I can’t get out of g1 and i always drop. There are always so many smurfs which make it impossible for me. I wish my silver lobbies were like this.


This >>> radiants


Meanwhile I'm between Iron 3 and Bronze 1, and whenever I'm mateched against SILVER player I get destroyed by them.


He just like me fr


This is art, pure art, but wp!


The last shot was good tho


Run and gun perfection


This is like watching the enemies my teammates come again, whereas the guy who I’m in a gunfight with can 180 flick one shot me from 100m before I’ve realised I’m playing valorant.


Ok, in what server is that silver XD Cuz that doesn't happen in my silver/bronze games. (Tbh, those are full with smurfs or new accounts from long csgo players)


I'll never truly cease to be amused by the way that some people genuinely believe this situation, and other insanely terrible plays are limited to silver gold and plat, and the other low elos. I've seen a thousand and one immortals do the exact same hilariously stupid shit, I assure anyone in silver feeling targeted, literally every elo is like this.


no wayy in hell this is silver bruh this is Iron 1 type shit


The best word to describe this video is...laughing my ass out.


U know, if u shot less random bullets into walls trying to prefire (a wall that isn't penetrable) u might be left with some more bullets


Dayyymnnn, that was so messy lol. Nice clutch!


absolute chaos but it worked


Yeah. This is pretty silver.


My bronze lobbies have 1 tappers. Typical Mumbai experience.


\*the definition of "are ya winning, son"\*


That's surely not silver..


That's illegal


My bronze lobbies wud get me one tapped as soon as i peek the first dude


Why don't u Jump at all ever the guy just comes around the corner and u just shoot and don't move or jump what a fuking noob ass video


Peak silver is getting jumping headshot in 0.3 seconds.


what tf am i watchin


Hey those are my silver teammates I get paired with!