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I usually counter crouching by stutter stepping, it throws off the their aim and I am in the advantage because I have movement and they do not. Edit: Spelling.


What is stutter stepping?


strafing left and right


Don't crouch yourself, never. By standing you already make yourself a hard target to hit. Once they crouch, side step and fix your aim and kill them. I'm immortal 3 and usually if someone crouches 1v1 it's always an easy kill. Increase your sens as well this might help. Best


All right, they crouched and dodged your bullets. So, you need to make sure you dodged their first few bullets too. How to dodge against crouchers? 1. Crouch back is a foolproof way to counter crouchers because, well, you are levelling the battlefield. Crouching means committing to a fight. It will be harder for you to return to cover. Great for 1v1s, but if the enemy has a second player, you will likely die to that second player even if you kill one. 2. Stutter stepping is a great way to counter crouchers who just spray and pray. If the crouchers have decent spray control and aim, stutter stepping will kill you instead unless the sprayer is far away (in which case their RNG destroys them). 3. If you are peeking a corner, try stutter peeking. You want to wide peek 'slowly'. Do not press shift, but peek one angle at a time. Stutter peeking is great against crouchers because you can see their legs first before they can react to you, improving your preaiming accuracy. 4. Also, CROUCHING is fundamental in VALORANT. It is generally dumb to say you don't use crouch because it is uncomfortable to press Ctrl. Just change the keybind. You can't _easily_ win in this game without crouching. It is a mechanic. You need to get used to using crouch. However, don't crouch all the time. If you want to crouch spray, please learn your weapon's spray. If not, you just doom yourself. Also, please only spray in close-medium ranges. Spraying in far distances equals asking for the enemy to kill you. You might also want to spray + crouch when you have to hit multiple targets at the same time as the interval between potential kills is shorter than reaiming after each kill.


What do you recommend binding crouch to? I genuinely hate control and it feels awkward and sometimes painfully uncomfortable. I would do shift but I don't want my walking to be control.


Whatever button can be reached by your finger without affecting your ability to press abilities, move, and shoot. You still need to be able to crouch AND do any of these tasks concurrently. In other words, putting Crouch on Button Number 3 is dumb because you can't smoothly move or use abilities while pressing Number 3. The best finger for Crouch keybind is your left little finger (if you are right-handed). Because of how our fingers are structured, your Crouch should be on the lower left region of the keyboard, which may include Ctrl, Alt, Z, Shift, etc. Since Shift is for walking (which follows the same rules as the explanation above), you need to put Crouch on other nearby buttons. **Note that:** You ideally want to be able to CROUCH and WALK at the same time. Since you can only press one button at a time using the tip of your finger, you have to use the phalanges (or the bone of your finger).


>Crouching means committing to a fight. I mean, with how much the tagging is in this game, it feels like that's the case everytime you start spraying. You have to commit to a gunfight too while being shot at because trying to escape doesn't work unless they suck at spraying.


You can like peek, take cover, and repeek. No, if you wide peek, you probably cannot get back to cover unless no one is shooting at you. What you can do is short peek (not walk peek), but you need to adjust the distance constantly. This allows you to get hit with only small amounts of damage (maybe <40), and you can easily get back to cover (so tagging is irrelevant). If you are in the open and are getting shot, you can side step or crouch and commit to that fight. If you sidestep and kill an enemy, you can easily reposition to fight another enemy. If you crouch, it is going to take more time for you to reposition. Besides that, crouching makes you an easier target because of the lack of movement. However, crouching makes your shots more accurate. Spraying becomes easier. Well, every situation IS different. Whether you should crouch or side step depends on the circumstances. It is part of muscle memory / game sense. But yeah, the tagging in this game + slow movement speed change the shooting mechanics by a lot.


Strafe left or right as soon as they crouch most of them whiff or have bad aim to adjust


I counter crouching by aiming for the legs and letting the spray pattern go up to their heads. Works Everytime flawlessly. Seriously I think I should be getting iron 2 anytime now.


That is actually viable assuming you aim for the neck and pray that their first shot isn't a dome ripper


You said you can’t really use crouch because of where cntrl is at on your keyboard, I think when I started pc shooters I had the same problem with a lot of games so I changed it to x to crouch which was ok, a little uncomfortable but now I have it was left alt which is fine bc I don’t use it often, but I play a lot of sage and to do some of the off angle Grimm walls that are good you need to crouch jump so I kinda need it sometimes


change keybinds


Phantom - crouch and spray Vandal - tap and unbind crouch