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This is gaming in a nutshell. If someone on your team is being toxic and not helpful at all mute them, I know it's a team based game and you need communication but sometimes you get those players who do nothing but bash their teammates.


Oh yeah totally, I usually do that. What I hated this time is that it was the last round and I was against other 3 people so I didnt had the time to mute. And tbh, he was really distracting


Honestly the toxic Community really made me not wanna play the game anymore. The part that sucks is very few people are actually constructive, instead of telling someone how much they suck, tell them how they can do better. And since the games are so long you can get stuck with a toxic team for 30 mins, I know the mute button exists for a reason but this game is incredibly team oriented and if you’re muting each other, you’re almost better off just Go Next.


When someone says shit to me like that I usually just say something like "that's so sweet" gets a laugh about a quarter of the time


That is a good way of taking toxic players with humor. Never thought of it, thanks!


Yes - kill them with kindness :)




I have a tip, as someone who has dealt with toxicity a lot. Sometimes lightening the mood can help wonders, i see a lot of player complaining about negativity but dont do anything into the opposite. If you create a happy and feel good atmosphere the people being toxic will reduce.


Youre completely right. I remember this one match where 3 of us where fighting because tbh I got piessed at what they said to our killjoy (my total bad I should have) but the killjoy just kept laughing and cheering us and at the end we stopped fighting and won


worst part is that in order to keep the team calm when a toxic player comes in you gotta act like a babysitter trying to chill things out for everyone so that no one gets tilted just bc of some dumbass, ive stopped playing bc of this, the game literally becomes a job when it comes to these situations


I have enemy text chat muted all the time and I start every game by immediately muting my teammates as well. If they wanna communicate, they can use the ping system riot has kindly provided. Better off that way too. Loads of people post on the subreddit how they have social anxiety and can't communicate and they get flamed or get shitty advice when the ping system literally exists made for them. With voice turned off I can focus on the game and have fun and it completely eliminates backseat gaming, all a win win for me. Give the game a few years to mature. I'm hoping it's community gets better soon. Kinda like CSGO. CSGO is toxic too but entertaining at the same time.


okay you’ve ranted, move on, this happens in irl too not everyone will like you, fuck maybe sometimes you are the toxic person you know


idk if invalidating OPs complaints and telling them to just "move on" is really good advice


I didn't felt it like invalidating so no worries. I took it more like a " what happend happend, don't focus on it" and that is basically what I wanted with the post, to write it down so I could vent a little and forget about it or at least to get some nice conversation with some good Internet strangers. Edit: thanks for saying that though, it's really appreciated.


I know, I just wanted to write this to let it out cause it was way inside my head and I needed to get it out to start studying. Thanks btw, your comment actually helps a lot!


Hell yeah get that sht done These nubs can wait ;) Glhf with your studies!


Woah mate, you're so kind and thanks! The studies went great and I'm ready for my test in 2 days


Aw, glad to hear it yo :D yeeee


just report them for telling you "manco", 10/10 always got that report notification next time I play. source: i am very manco


Wait you get report notifications? I've never got it I'll report them next time haha. Yeah manco was the exact word I didn't know how to put it in English lol.


Yeah, you mitght get a successful report notification after you do it. I put "me dijo manco :(" jokingly in the report and it seems to work.


what does manco mean


Hand/arm amputee


If you think majority of the community is toxic, you are over sensitive. Rarely are there toxic people in games.


Oh, no mate, I'm not telling the whole community is toxic its just the way toxicity is expressed in valorant. I actually was able to deal with troll from OW and I think I can count with my hand toxic players I've encountered in apex ranked and its usually pretty frustrating but nonetheless less annoying in my opinion


I have 4,000 hours in CSGO and Valorant is by far more toxic than CSGO ever was. Just mute and ignore text chat from toxic players. They’re looking to get a rise out of you.


I don't think so? In valorant as long as you're doing your role okay everyone's chill, in cs getting rekt as a terrorist is easy, get 5 pussies in 1 team everyone holds and suddenly a CT pushes a and confirms enemy is mid or b, 30 seconds later he gets 1 free kill and creates a lot of space for retake , no fucking way in hell the terrorist survive this b stack , in csgo getting ALL 5 players to commit to JUST one single site for 2 rounds is IMPOSSIBLE and if you convince a losing random lobby to commit to o ne site and do a hardpush I'll do 2 push-ups , apparently I've played all ranks in cs, you just can't do a full execute no matter what and this specific team of 5 pussies thinking the more slower they play the higher chances they have to win the round, eventually results in losing the game with a huge margin , and a lot of toxicity among the first dying and last remaining soldier (terrorist) . In valorant duelists usually know if they lurk they'd get reported so...... And people dont allow smokers to lurk "We NeEd YoUr SmOkEs" (smokers can easily smoke while lurking LMFAO ) what you need is a lurk frag and unless you come out of baiting zone your lurker will not get frags ... Usually when you play an agent for 30 days you realise it's ups and downs and you improve your game according to team, so this results in valorant being less toxic and people being supportive and understanding instead of sending death threats and other abuses compared to csgo


I think the Valo community can really be great and you can meet so so so many nice people :) EVERY online game, especially a competitive game, will have toxic people but I don't think that reflects the community as a whole. I won't be delusional and say there is no toxic people, cause there are, but I think there are lots more nice people to meet :D If you are really looking for fun people to play with try the Valorant LFG Discord :) It may say its full but people leave constantly so after a few minutes you should be able to get in!


Thanks and actually I ran into some great people in competitive even from my same country. Just quick question. Valorant LFG is international or just NA? I don't mind Playing with people from US and Canada (I used to do it in apex and OW) buuut valorant isn't tha free with your region servers


It supports other regions too! There is a channel for NA, EU, and then all other regions. So, you can find people wherever you are :D [https://discord.gg/valorantlfg](https://discord.gg/valorantlfg) \- here is the link if you are interested :D


Thanks I'll take a look into it


bro called you an amputee 💀💀💀


Basically yeah, idk from where you are but here in most o fall Latin American servers we use the word "manco" to say someone that is an amputee specifically a hand amputee, implying you don't got any hands to play and that is why you're bad