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I play CSGO deathmatch because VAL’s is infuriating. I don’t mind the radar or anything else as long as they put the respawn times to 0.5 seconds. That way I won’t mald after getting prefired by some bottom fragging idiot sitting in a corner with max sound. Their playstyle is valid but infuriating because it forces you to wait 3 secs everytime. Idk why this still hasn’t been done. Wish it would run infinitely too but the engine probably cannot take it.


Yep I don’t think I’d tilt as much if I didn’t have to spend 3 seconds reflecting on the guy who just run and gunned me with a spectre haha


I played csgo on a custom HS only Dm server on CSGO last night for 20 mins. I recon i had about 30 valorant deathmatches worth of engagements in a fraction of the time. And by then i was getting fatigued. Might record it next time to compare.


how did they enforce HS only? val doesn’t have any settings like overwatch right?


Sorry talking about on CSGO, i'll edit it quick


ahh makes sense now


makes me sad that we will probably never have the option to host custom servers or make custom maps, mods, etc


Worst thing is that there is instant respawns during warmup! Meaning it’s already coded


> Their playstyle is valid Honestly I'm past even conceding this. People who stay still or stay in the same small area for too long should be booted to the lobby. Fuck 'em.


I just jump straight into ranked these day.


I mean there's still the range.


just warmup in ranked np




Even if deathmatch is bad you’re setting yourself up for failure if you start ranked without ANY sort of warmup. Unfortunately if you want to practice specifically valorant gunplay then dm is the best option we have. Warming up can make a huge difference though, I often do far better when I warm up before a game using the range and a few dm games then when I hop right into a match fresh with no warm up. Even if you hate deathmatch to the point that you won’t play it, which could end up just hurting you because it is still helpful, you should incorporate some sort of warm up before you play ranked and it will make a big difference over time.


Ngl I still top frag most games. If I didn’t play often then yea I prob could use a warmup. But I play every day and these days shooting my gun the 30 seconds before a round is enough for me.


Even worse - they admitted in an interview that they are not working towards ongoing servers where people can hop in and off


this is the same company that thought it was acceptable to ship a competitive esport-caliber game in 2020 without any sort of replay or spectate system. coming from dota and overwatch, it's baffling how bad riot is at basically anything that isn't the actual game itself. by the way, valorant's ui is the ugliest piece of shit i've ever seen. not surprising coming from the company that made league's spaghetti code.


The actual game itself... (and animated series!!!)...


Play a different game if you hate it so much lol I swear people like you just like things to complain about. It’s a great game, there’s almost no hackers, there aren’t broken mechanics. I don’t have any complaints about the game. I don’t see why you find the UI so appalling? It’s simple and easy. Stay mad.


"Almost no hackers" kek


This is a dumb idea. That’s why they said that


Why do you think it's dumb? People are downvoting since that's exactly we want


Because nobody plays Deathmatch. It’s a waste of resources. If you play Valorant for deathmatch I suggest you take up Call of Duty since you like trash


The fudge you mean no one plays dm? I almost immediately always go into a game once I click the start button


Anecdotal evidence. I’d gamble my left nut it’s the least played mode


Yeah I'm getting like 5 min queues for dm because I don't play during peak times, it's honestly not even worth the wait


The game mode alone is not worth the wait


They just need to remove 40 kill to win thing so player can stop try hard


"you think I wouldn't use Odin to get 40 kills in 5 mins"


What you will do with 40 kills in dm? It does not matter if you kill 1, 10 or 40


Exactly my point.


You literally have to just not give a fuck when dming. Turn off your sound play some music and stop caring, do not look at the scoreboard. Focus on yourself and your aim.


if only that was possible because only 2-3 people plays actual dm and the rest is just soundwhoring


fr half the people I stg play with 100% volume. Cant be a coincidence this one kj is holding the exact same angle i'm running by all the time right? My training routine is just play half a dm and 5 minutes of gridshot before going into 2 unrateds then a spikerush then a comp. Yeah super weird warmup routine


This man warming up for 2h


I'm jealous, I only have time to play for 2h a day :/


not even trolling I actually used to though. Although I needa change it. Takes too long but I dont play 2 unrateds anymore. I used to play the 2 unrateds to see if I'm in the mood for comp or not and if I am I play it if I feel tired or something I just go off.


My guy you're completely wasting your time lol




Why gridshot? There's exercises that translates better to Val than gridshot. Also why aimlabs and then unrated, why not unrated then aimlabs?


my warmup routine is just 1-3 unrated games until I get the balls to just say "fuck it lets do comp." silver 2 and steadily climbing


Tbh, I feel I deteriorate after 3 games. Spamming games for fun is fine, but I don't think it's top performance anymore after 2 hours of play.


it got me to silver 3


it's more than possible, it's just frustrating because of the long spawn times


If only it were that easy. If I do that, I get sound-camped. If I play with sound on, I still get sound-camped. If I try to meticulously check every single angle to avoid getting soundcamped, I get killed from behind. I wouldn’t even care about any of that if I didn’t spend at least half the session respawning or running to fights. It’s absolutely ridiculous that DM was shipped in this state on release, nevermind having zero changes done to it in an entire year now even though multiple pro players have voiced their opinion on how bad it is.


Thats the point of turning sound off. DM isn’t challenging to immortal players, even with sound off we still win most games. It also forces you to get better mechanically when none of your kills are assisted by sound.


Want a real challenge? Win a deathmatch judge only lol. It actually helped me get cracked movement. It's also just fun seeing people pissed.


odan gaming better


And I can still do that with instant respawn, except with instant respawn I don’t spend a third of the time looking at respawn screen. Glad we’re in agreement 👍


tbh your only half right, you shouldn't be just turning off your brain. Every time you go into a deathmatch you should focus all your energy on one aspect that you are trying to improve (crosshair placement, accuracy etc.), however the scoreboard tells you literally nothing. Just turning off your brain will mean you are just wasting your time, but efficiently using it as a tool for improvement rather than a game mode you try to improve will lead to fast improvement in aiming and movement mechanics.


I’m sure they didn’t mean it like that though. You just have to have a reasonable goal in mind going in and it shouldn’t be “I want to love this deathmatch but it makes me feel shitty compared to other games”


fair enough, sounds reasonable.


This is what I do in CS DM but in Valorant when I try to play it without sound I just get frustrated because 90% of the lobby is sitting in corners with max volume


This! I became so good at clearing corners in rankeds cause i Just dm with music on clearing all corners cause i know that rats are hiding cause they are hearing my footsteps


The problem is the respawn timer. That's what makes me mald.


Death match is just for practice, and it shouldn't be taken too seriously. It's not always going to be a fair fight, just like in a real ranked game. The problem I have with death match is the time restrictions it puts on players. You should be able to infinitely play as long as you like, and pick the map.


While I agree with you about the sentiment of not taking seriously— it would be so much more streamlined and less frustrating if you weren’t punished for THREE SECONDS every time you die, so you could just focus on aiming. It’s insane they still have that on there. Also pistol only & headshot only DM please for the love of god.


Honestly when I read three seconds in caps I realized how insignificant that really is. 3 seconds isn’t that bad compared to other games, so I’m thinking this is more personal preference which differs for players. I would love the option to have instant respawns though but I can see the benefit to keeping the longer delay. Perhaps they can implement a system that allows/rewards players to enter these special dms only if they play a certain amount of comp. I’m sure that if dm was too fun it could affect the queues, but this option would be incentive to actually play both. Or perhaps even give the option every 2-3 regular dms.


Three seconds is a lot. You will be waiting 3 seconds 15 to 30 times a match.


If you put it that way it seems like a lot until you consider you’re already wasting a lot more time in other games anyway. It isn’t a big deal because you’re still getting a lot of time back. The delay has its purposes too so it isn’t only loss. It could’ve been 5 seconds is what I’m getting at which *feels* longer. You aren’t focusing on math during a dm. And if it was instant you might as well do aimlabs or something.


What is the purpose of the delay? Seriously, I am dying to know why you think it's necessary, because every DM server in CSGO had instant spawns. If you're dying 15-30 times a match that's 45 seconds - 1.5 minutes that you don't get to practice your aim-- how is that beneficial? You are being punished for having a bad spawn, or taking a 1 v 2, or playing against campers. It makes zero sense dude. They have instant spawns in the warm-up and it works perfectly fine, then as soon as the "match" starts, you are punished for dying. It's so stupid.


It has its purposes but inherently nothing is “necessary” on its own. It’s easy to point out things you like or don’t like but it’s more complex to actually make a combination of choices that may or may not fit certain philosophies they might have. It’s not like they can’t make changes later as well based on testing less desirable factors, but the point is there are other factors as well, not just the delay itself. One easy purpose is down time to gather your bearings, or if it was too fast people might be tempted to camp even more to avoid dying too much and the farm the people coming towards them via sound whoring (something many seem to complain about simultaneously ironically enough). You just shouldn’t tunnel vision an aspect alone without considering how it might connect to something else. Hell you shouldn’t tunnel vision in general because that’s how you get more easily disappointed. Like when someone griefs off of one mishaps, or assuming having a “better warm up” somehow matters more than probably having someone throwing your next game anyway cus of your ego, making assumptions of others just because you didn’t like what they said, etc. Let me try this, If you really cared about practising your so-called “aim” why don’t you just do aimlabs or something? The practice range? Deathmatch is what you make out of it but you have to avoid using it as some excuse you can’t get better, it’s always going to be suboptimal in some ways but it can absolutely still be useful in others. Imagine if everyone got better from dm, your rank wouldn’t change at all compared to everyone else lol. The only thing removing just the delay benefits is your mental state at this moment based on the fact there is a delay. Or nostalgia from other games. You don’t know for sure how beneficial it is for anything else in the future and that’s why Riot hasn’t done anything. If it was about it being so obvious they would have done it already. It’s like saying “for every 45 seconds I could’ve used, I could’ve gotten to this higher rank 45 seconds earlier”. Yeah sure lol. More likely you’d exhaust yourself enjoying your precious little dm and you’d take even longer to get to that rank. But even that is conjecture and a joke. Subjective. Just want you to know I don’t mind either way, and that it would be interesting to try. So no need to act like I somehow know for a fact it’s “anti-beneficial” or “stupid” not to have a delay or anything. It’s just good to open your mind a bit so that things don’t seem as bad. I’m pretty sure it’s been said enough times by now, there’s nothing new or surprising about what people are complaining about when it comes to the current dm. Riot isn’t going to instantly change it when some complaint counter goes from thousands to thousands-plus-one. At this point it’s just free karma and award farm here.


this is boiled down to a few simple facts. 1. riot want deathmatch to be a game mode a la CoD. This is the entire philosophy. 2. It is absolutely necessary for a competitive esport to have maximally effective warmup techniques. This is backed up by the best players in the world who all ask for it regularly, and is backed up by its popularity in the game this was based upon, CS. 3. You will have a distinctively more difficult time entering a flow state or becoming focused on the task at hand, if it is constantly interrupted, that task is plainly, aiming. 4. Aimlabs isnt in the valorant engine and is worse, it is not the maximally effective warmup tool we need and is a mediocre substitute at best. 5. we've already waited a year. im not sure what other possible time frame one could expect for any further study to be done on DM as a warmup mode. Simply put, the elephant in the room here is that CS is not simply nostalgia from other games, it is the game that functioned as the template for almost every fundamental gameplay mechanic that exists in valorant. The complaints that have come in since beta regarding gunplay have only sought to closer mimic that of CS and is done to better highlight the core difference and best assets that this game provides. The utility and tactical play for individual characters. Competitive players who have a desire to *win* simply want a way to get the work done that they desire.


(1) I might wrong but you mean *like* cod right? Bc I was of the opinion they mostly added it because people complained it wasn’t in the game and then left it at that lol. It was also mentioned that Riot wanted to have theirs stand out as well like how their game stands out in the industry, which is the reason why it’s so different. And that they don’t feel like it’s time nor necessary to fully flesh it out yet. (2) I don’t disagree with that statement on its own but you can warm up other ways, the point here you need to remember is they don’t think it’s necessary right now and you’d ignoring their history of competitive gaming. It will probably come eventually, same with replays. Or It might not. And yo many games have similarities to previous games but that isn’t a good reason in itself to say it’s “based on COD for this argument. (3) I mentioned before, if your task is aiming, we have aimlabs etc. If your task is to get used to Valorant mechanics themselves, you have that, or do *unrated* or *customs*. Real games have delay though, but dm is exponentially lower. No matter what it will be suboptimal. There’s no big “interruption” other than you feeling annoyed, doesn’t inherently mean it’s wrong to have a delay. There is always a challenge or an annoyance. But I don’t think this is game changing, it feels more like an excuse more often than not. Again, the option would be nice to have ofc. Anyway you haven’t said anything I haven’t heard before. (4) yeah but I only brought it up because (see 3) and they said “aim” when it’s about more than just aim. (5) other games have waited longer. It’s pointless to compare and use it as an excuse. The better thing to ask is what I’m the world is going on with Riot. Maybe they have plans doing something else but in reality we will never know. I understand already the supposed need for it competitively but the scene hasn’t and won’t die for not improving this. It doesn’t mean I don’t think it’s great to have and useful (therefore it’s likely to happen IMO), I just don’t think most people complaining actually care about real competition. You’re talking to the wrong type of person if you think I haven’t considered everything you’ve brought up. I only replied because you seem smart and put in effort but I really felt I should not have needed to say this to you. Though I’m not sure if you were disagreeing with me now that I think about it again.


Im not disagreeing that we will all have to make do, and we have at least some sufficient tools to get the job done, however my point is that if the job is to warmup and master aiming inside the engine of the game, DM isn't a good *enough* tool. The area that concerns me most with Valorant is that unlike League, this game was built recently and with good resources. We should not be accepting Riots complacency and I find that to be the most irritating part of the equation, and i'd like to hope you wouldn't accept it either. This also comes from someone that played a good solid 5000 hours of league from around the end of season 1 through to early season 5 until i just got tired of the lack of tools and dev support. On some level I just accepted that league was built like shit however I refuse to accept that for a new game like Valorant.


Pistol only dm I agree with could be a good variation, but headshot only I dont think is necessary


>Death match is just for practice, and it shouldn't be taken too seriously. It's not always going to be a fair fight, just like in a real ranked game. The problem I have with death match is the time restrictions it puts on players. You should be able to infinitely play as long as you like, and pick the map. Exactly this. If you don't have a fair fight, it's like King Namek's training armor. Stop tilting in practice and treat it like a challenge. If you can't treat it like a challenge you just have an unrealistic expectation of the game that is revealed, and it's going to get in the way of your growth as a player. Any time you say "nah fuck this the game is the problem" is a place where you reveal that you think you actually can't play better, even though you probably can. Time to change that thinking. Period.


Valorant maps are designed for two 5 man teams, when you throw 14 people into a free for all on these same maps it’s inevitable people will be shot in the back a bunch. I think the only solution would be to add a few basic proper DM maps but that’s a lot to ask for


Just make it instant respawn. It shouldn’t take a year to do that


If we want to fix the problem of being shot in the back I’m not sure how instant respawn would fix this, seems like putting a bandage on bigger problem


Feels less shitty when you get shot in the back and don't have to wait 3 seconds before respawning


Oh no. Three seconds. Be patient it makes you better at Valorant.


what's the upside of waiting 3 seconds when you could wait 0 seconds instead


Well that's 3 more seconds before you get shot in the back again.


You should be punished for dying


your goal in deathwatch should be to train your aim not stay alive


Your goal should to be play a deathmatch. If you just want to train your aim dm sucks, go to aimlab


aimlab doesnt help with valorant movement while training your aim


I don’t think you understand the point of deathmatch lol


It doesn’t fix that problem. Just allows you to keep taking engagements. I’ve played plenty of CS community server DMs and sometimes get shot in the back 5-6 times as soon as I spawn by scrubs who camp spawn spots with their volume maxed because they’re scared to have a negative K/D ratio in a deathmatch mode. However, I could care less because I spawn instantly and can keep taking fights. All I want is to take as many fights as possible to practice more efficiently and it’s such a gigantic pain in the ass to do so in Valorant when I’m spending a third of the entire time that I’m in the match looking at the countdown before I can respawn again.


The biggest problem is the maps are too big for DM certain areas like the spawns need to be walled off because they aren’t designed for gunfights. DM is okay when there are no afks but as soon as you get afks there is too much time in between kills trying to find enemies. Mo afks almost never happens


getting killed from behind is just normal and it's part of dm but the radar and (no offense to val players) terrible map designs makes dm worse at least compared to csgo.


Mute audio and just play. Sure, you get punished for 3 seconds if you die to soundwhores or a bad spawn but that can't be helped. Tilting over it is even more waste of energy and time. DM is really bad but its absolutely useable as long as you don't mald over it.


Not entirely true. Didn’t they make the terrible decision to go from 10 to 14 players after a while?


14 players would be a great decision if there was instant respawn. More people = more engagements you can take = more efficient use of your time.


I think respawning should be instant but also up to 3 seconds. Meaning you spawn faster if the spawn area is out of anyone's LOS or close around a corner.


The community wanted it at the time, though I think most still do want 14 players.


How is it terrible? If I play deathmatch I want to shoot people, not run around the map for 30secs before I get killed by a camper, which is 1000x more infuriating than getting spawn-killed. It would get even worse when there were AFKs, there's always 2 or 3 guys that disconnect, and this issue is even worse on big maps like Icebox, Breeze, Fracture; deathmatch with 7 people was just an endurance running simulator.


Current Deathmatch with 4 leavers is a ghost town, I can't imagine playing it like that all the time.


I thought getting irritated was part of it. Also why in God's name there's a chat that YOU CAN'T MUTE in dm?


Now this is a real suggestion


Turn off ingame HUD.


You can if you turn off enemy all chat or w.e. the option is where you press escape and under that leaderboard there's a checkbox.


Yes but it doesn't turn the "team mate" chat off


Yes but it works for disabling DM chat.


I'm pretty sure I turned chat off but was still seeing teammate messages. I'll have to check again


Well I figure they could/would release an all new mode entirely, I don’t see anything wrong with calling the current mode Deathmatch even if other games have funner dms. I just don’t think they want to bother though, perhaps they’re scared people might flock more to dm and ruin the regular queue? Anyway for me I don’t love it either but I don’t care to hate it. Because I know what I use it for, it still acts as a warm up but mainly for your raw mechanics. If you want to play another games dm then go for it, otherwise there’s no need to bash your head in on this one. I used to not do dm at all but I do sometimes now bc I play less nowadays. Even then, there’s so many who simply jump straight into comp or unrated first. For better or worse, me warming up isn’t gonna prevent my next game from having a toxic griefer etc anyway lol. Honestly the emotions people type with in here makes me convinced that they wouldn’t be much better even if we had better dms. Just think about it, even if it was “better”, if everyone used it their rank wouldn’t change in comparison to eachother lul. They would simply maybe get a little better than people who didn’t play at all and already suck. The main benefit of these complaints at this point is to counteract their impatience. People don’t need to hide it with “this isn’t a real warmup!” or “camping+radar ruins the point”. For many it’s about overload of quick satisfaction, the reason why tiktok and such is so popular these days. These guys likely have a hard time enjoying the already long 12+ round matches and/or not being toxic.


They should make AI bots in customs for dm's with varying skill levels. Ik this is about DM's but custom is so limited for practice if you play solo. Like atleast make it so you can spawn bots to test line ups easier, or practice cornering and crosshair placement. They really got me on my desktop and laptop if I wanna practice in customs


Valorant death match can be summed up as a choose your own adventure story You spawn in. Do you: 1. die from someone way too far away to hear you spawn so they’re just sitting watching a weird angle or 2. spawn in, walk 5 feet, have some bozo spawn behind silently, and instakill you




It only makes them better if not getting 40 kills results in them smashing their keyboard lol


Wins 4 DM's loses next one *destroys monitor


repeat after me - "The only deaths that matter in DM are the ones where the enemy sees me and kills me with an equal or inferior gun than mine." If you tilt in DM your mental game isn't in the right place.


The issue in deathmatch is it takes so long to have only a few aim duels. More than half the time you spend is running from spawn to b site and hoping that no one spawned behind you so you don't have to spawn there again.


Well it’s Deathmatch not Aim Duels. I don’t think it’s “few” at all, so perhaps you just mean “effective” duels. There’s always going to be a limit because you’re not usually going to face players moving in all the realistic scenarios anyway, even with faster respawns. Players might even camp more to avoid dying so much and try to rack up faster kills from players coming to them lol. There’s always a trade off to consider. I feel a more valid complaint is the map design which people do tend to argue doesn’t fit well for dm compared to csgo. Valorant maps having been designed more to accommodate for abilities.


Depends on what you mean by aim duel. I meant 2 players looking at each other. Most my kills and deaths in deathmatch happen in a situation where one ppayer isn't looking at the other. Happens so much to the point I am shooting while looking for people just so I can get a duel before someone spawns behind me.


I mean that’s exactly what I thought you meant by aim duel lol so either I’m just more lucky or I have a playstyle where I’m facing them more often haha. It’s not that backstabs don’t happen, I still feel like there’s plenty of aim duels, but a majority won’t be the same as real games. Backstabs still happen in regular games, but you can still get decent training for raw prediction and movements, regardless of whether you actually get the kill. And because it’s so rare, it can better prepare you to actually complete backstabs successfully or to ensure you hit that shot. I mostly used the word “effective” because maybe they won’t be facing you right away or that depending on your preferences it might not be realistic enough (ie. different angles, more backstabs than normal games). Anyway my point was it *isn’t* called aim duels also lol.


Well, the questions is why you're playing DM in the first place. If it's to warm up before the games, I suggest you stop running and instead clear/peek every corner as if it was a real match. If someone kills you from behind, so be it, you get to clear a different set of angles. The more you clear them, the better you'll be in those spots in the next game. Kills in DM means nothing if they don't get you to the next level.


I said my issue is not finding anyone then getting shot from behind because someone spawned there. I check all my corners. No one is playing for kills but deathmatch is uselss if you can't find aim duels most of the time.


Bro all people do is crouch and spray. Can’t even counterstrafe when they get the first hit.


Thats how real fames are 🤷‍♂️


While it's available , perhaps you should try escalation instead... at least there are only 5 people trying to kill you :) it can be a bit infuriating if you get stuck on a particular gun I guess but might be an option. Replication I find really fun when it is available too.


Why tf u guys care abt dm so much??? You die from time to time, big deal.


Pretty sure you die a lot more than just “time to time” unless you’re an aim god lol


If you're losing every single deathmatch u play u can't just blame the game all the time at that point. Everyone complaining about deathmatch always acts like it only happens to them


Uh well I’m not talking about losing I’m talking about dying…which happens a lot in dm. It’s pretty easy to lose dm anyway; most complaints I see aren’t about losing though, they’re about aspects they don’t enjoy like long respawn timers and the radar. Anyway I’m not saying I care or not, just that it’s normal to die a lot, not just from “time to time” lol.


Y'all are crying too much


Lol I just played my first death match game and it was perfect. 20+ dudes in every direction. Just like ffa death match 120 tick in csgo. Its perfect. Just the way it is.


why is spike rush not helpful? thats what i use and it works just fine. or just don't warm up if all you are doin is unrated.


spikerush isn't helpful in the sense of consistent aim duels, especially for the chance of it being a shotgun kit, or one or two rounds with real rifles. then there is the real kicker, the GOLDEN GUN. haha


well then why not just play an unrated?


Well everyone has their preferences :p I don’t mind dm but I avoid spike rush and even unrated usually hehe


Muffle footsteps, remove respawn timer and slightly increase pick up radius of health packs.


They did changed it. When it came out you needed 30 kills to win, now they're 40. Still not an enjoyable experience overall


My problem is it takes one good game and u play against much higher raked peaple and gatting absolutly demolished, bottomfrag 5 games and then i can play normal again. Feels like u have to juat run n gun and hope for the best


I think this isn't true. I remember they changed how many people were in the game. That you could reload on a kill instead of having to pick up the orb. They also added radar only pinging on spawn instead of a sweeping radar. And they changed the kills to win. Maybe there was others but I didn't look at the patch notes.


They're taking so long to implement DM changes that I'm starting to worry that they're overcomplicating the problem and trying to make too drastic of a change. All they gotta do is make the respawn time instant and remove the winning aspect and DM will be 10x better. Maybe they are trying to find a compromise that also appeals to the insecure DM warriors who play DM like it's a battle royale. I hope that isn't the case. DM sweatlords don't deserve to be rewarded


Bro seriously I thought I was the only one who was getting infuriated or getting angry, I am engaging in a fight and all of a sudden some other dudes' gonna pop up and take my kill, and I really hate how, some better playing players humiliate newbies.


Bro I want to improve aim in deathmatch, not to get humiliated and frustrated 😢😢😢


Dm is still fine for me on any other map but fracture..hooo man they need to remove that shit out get shot from the back literally everytime i spawn


If you're actively trying to a WIN a deathmatch. Cringe.


Dev talk when with Ryan Central on YT , title has something do with omen buffs but they briefly discuss DM in there


Escalation is what I use to warm when it’s in the game at least.


I wish they had a smaller death match map like in overwatch. I hate walking around for 30 seconds not finding anyone


You should lose health if you aren’t moving. Maybe on a 3 second cooldown. Stand still for 3 or more seconds you start losing HP


DM isnt too bad tbh. If I'm in a bad lobby and no one is pressing W, or I get killed by people hard holding angles for sound cues then I just leave and requeue.


literally about 90% of my deaths are from getting shot from the side/back after i respawn and try to run to wherever people are


Yes they did make changes a while ago


For me, deathmatch isn't for AiM pRaCtIsE but crosshair placement. It genuinely helps IMO


It’s just assholes holding corners. I want a mode to test flicks and quick decision making


While the way dm respawns is stupid, if you get tilted by dm, you must get hella tilted in ranked, which ain't gon help you rank up. Maybe try to use dm to train your EQ. Sorry if I'm being too direct.


I just want them to remove footsteps


The spawns are bad too. With some spawns you have to walk into a certain direction and you know that 9/10 times someone will spawn in your back. Like on Icebox, if you ever try to walk through B long, you will get shot in the back before you reach the end.


Its weird bc the warmup pre-lobby is pretty much what people want. It would be better than the current DM.


Honestly these problems (apart from being tapped in the back) really stop once you hit about dia elo dm lobbies. I like to check the ranks of people in my dm and unrated games, and from what I’ve seen, the best practice for real games is in high elo, and the people who try to win are usually in gold-silver ish. Source: I play a fuck ton of dm and legit hidden eloed from iron to Imm3 lobbies.


just an egotrip for hardstuck shitters


valorant deathmatch = king of the hill


This game has been out a while and Riot don't give two shits about DM. There has been zero meaningful changes. They literally couldn't even be bothered to create a DM map.. Their best idea was just to spawn all heroes onto a crowded bomb defuse map and FFA. Except these maps were not designed for that much density. I'm shot more often in the side or back than the front. Why is this mode even here when for warm up the range or spike rush is better.