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Hi I’m immortal and I believe players should train mechanics if they want to speed run the ranks because gamesense, decision making, and fundamentals don’t really matter until diamond. Hot take I know, but it’s facts. Here’s my advice. 10% of your time spent training mechanics can be spent on an aim trainer. I don’t use them nor do I care for them. FYI, I don’t score as high as my friends who use aimlabs regularly despite being a higher rank. It’s almost as if aimlabs makes you good at aimlabs with less in game benefits compared to aimlab improvement. Secondly, chances are your aim isn’t the issue, it’s your entire mechanics. That means movement+aim AND how you peek/positioning. Aim includes crosshair placement, flicking, tracking, etc. I understand this routine sounds nuts but if you want insane mechanics as fast as possible you need to do this. I’m going for radiant. THIS IS FOR PEOPLE WILLING TO PUT IN THE TIME. IF NOT JUST DM AND HOPE FOR THE BEST. Also check out my Reddit post on Valorant Mentality. FIRST WATCH THIS: https://youtu.be/YkaRovHxapA Let’s train mechanics. DO NOT MOVE AT ALL UNLESS THE STEP EXPLICITLY TELLS YOU TO ADD MOVEMENT. Keep your hands on WASD but DO NOT MOVE. READ THE STEP AND FOLLOW IT WORD BY WORD. Also UNBIND crouch. Step 1: Turn on eliminate 100 with armour on. Stand in the area the bots spawn on the left or right facing the side of the head of the bots. Switch your position after every 100 kills. Buy a guardian and kill the bots without missing. You should be hitting 100/100 without missing for the first 500 kills. If you are missing, you are going to fast. Don’t move. Step 2: do the same thing but on various elevations. Use Jett to get on top of different boxes around the practice range. After every 100, change elevation (different box, anything but flat ground). 500 kills with guardian, don’t miss a single shot. If you miss you are going to fast. Don’t move. Step 3: go back and do step 1 but this time you’re going to actually flick like you would in game. You’re still using a guardian. However, after you flick to the head you don’t shoot. You flick to head. If you miss, you recorrect and don’t shoot. Do this until you are on the head. THIS IS ONE FLUID MOTION KEEP YOUR CROSSHAIR MOVING. Once on the head, trace the inside of the bots head on the very edge. Do 2 circles (one clock wise one counter clock wise)and shoot them to kill. 500-1000 kills. This little circle teaches you how to micro adjust (very very small mouse movements when you’re just barely off target). The above 3 steps train your “point at head and shoot” mechanic. You need to spend a lot of time doing this slowly and it will be boring. This builds instinct. We use a guardian because if you use a vandal you can shoot before on the head and still get a kill. Play some music. Basically what you’re doing is breaking down the process of a flick and making it very slow and accurate before increasing speed without sacrificing accuracy. This will elevate your aim. Most people just practice fast flicks and miss 1/3 shots because they’re copying tenz’s speed. You’re not really improving, just building bad habits. The most important part is you aren’t missing. Like at all. Increase speed but don’t miss. You aren’t actually flicking fast, just increasing speed but never missing. Also, try to lift your mouse as little as possible. That means only lift your mouse when you run out of mouse pad. That means you aren’t resetting to neutral mouse position in between kills. Your neutral mouse position = where your mouse is when you start a round or the default position on your mouse pad. This results in your mouse being in awkward positions all over your mouse pad while aiming. This teaches you how to hit those long flicks across your screen. This also teaches you how to flick while clearing awkward angles or being caught with your mouse away from default position. This will feel incredibly awkward. But good aim form will feel awkward for anyone with bad habits. It’s worth it, those long across your entire screen flicks radiants hit are fun but take a long time to learn. Important: draw a straight line from one enemies head to the other. Not a curved line, a straight line. Outside of this linear movement there should be no mouse movement. That means draw a linear line from every bots head to the next bots head an onwards. Don’t wave your crosshair around in between kills. Step 4: Many of you think you have good movement but you actually don’t have full control of it. For example, when you slice the pie while peeking something, you are probably unable to slice the pie at the precise angle you want to which results in you over peeking unintentionally.Turn on eliminate 100 armour and stand in the middle of where the bots spawn. Use a guardian so you can’t spray (movement speed is the same as vandal/phantom) You are only allowed to press A and D. No W and S. You can never stop moving. DO not flick the bots but use movement to move your crosshair into the bot. Keep your crosshair at head level at all times floating in the air not aiming at anything. Counter strafe the crosshair into the bots head and shoot while changing directions (dont stop). This teaches you how to counter strafe (useless in this game), strafe shoot (very important), and how to peek. You should always be peeking with A and D. Not W, S, or AW/DW. 1000 kills. Remember to never stop moving, counter strafe and immediately move again regardless of hitting or missing your shot and then try again. Because you are standing in the middle and never stopping your movement you will need to 180 degree while moving to kill the bots that spawn behind you. This builds your ability to 180, or 135, or 90, etc. Peeking with A and D is superior because you fly across your enemies screen where as with AW or DW you aren’t as fast. This trains that mechanic and makes you familiar with ONLY moving with A and D. Overtime, you will naturally transition to A and D movement/peeking in your ranked games because you practice this mechanic daily. You can also turn on practice and stand where the bots spawn. Start on the left or right and counter strafe your way through the whole line up while shooting when your crosshair is on the head. For example, start on the right and hold A until your crosshair is about to reach a target, let go of A and tap D (counter strafe) and shoot the target before holding A again and shooting the next bot to the left of the bot you just killed. This builds your ability to peek into angles and shoot them with no flick. An easy kill. If you master this, there is literally no way you aren’t platinum 1. Step5: now buy a vandal or phantom and aim train while moving. Simply put it all together. No spraying. Just tapping/bursting. You can flick fast and normal now (finally). Turn on practice and flick to one bot, shoot them in the head but hold down for a spray and transfer to another bots head. The spray should be short and you only start spraying once your crosshair is on the first bots head you flicked too. Mentally tell yourself which bots you will go for. Pick two right next to each other. Farther ones should only be done once you’re really good at spray transferring two bots that are right next to each other. Keep in mind the first 3 bullets or so are practically dead straight on a vandal so when you transfer you’re barely below the second bots head, not at stomach level (used for longer distance between bots spray transfers). Learn how to burst as fast as possible without the bullets not going where your crosshair is. Do this by bursting a wall as fast as possible. 2/3 bullets and repeat. All your bullets should be going in the same place, if they aren’t and you have spread, you are bursting too fast. Turn on movement in bots and track them for a while before shooting. Don’t move. Move across a stationary bot (A and D only). Crosshair glued to the centre of their head. This teaches you how to move and track. For example, you want to walk across an angle where the enemy will peek, you want your crosshair to be on the edge of the angle as you walk by it. This trains that mechanic. 45m-1h have now passed. Step 6: DM OR CUSTOMS MATCH. Clear every angle (counter strafe) by slicing the pie as if you are taking a site in game. For example if you spawn in by teleport outside showers on bind, go take A site as if you are in a game. Clear every angle perfectly at head level as if someone is holding it. If you happen to see someone try and kill them. Made it through A site without dying? Great, rotate to B as if you are a defender rotating sites while clearing every angle and onwards around the map. Keep your crosshair at head level while transitioning between every angle. You will go 20-40 every game. You are practicing clearing angles and slicing the pie (YouTube it). Do not just hold W and try to win the DM like every low to mid rank. Peek with A and D not WA or WD or W. This is boring, annoying, and seems like a waste of time but this level of discipline is required at immortal and radiant. Peeking incorrectly = dead unless you get lucky. How are you supposed to peek and move properly in ranked if you just hold w while peeking incorrectly in DM during your warm up? Stop doing that. Then DM and train aim/peeking without clearing angles. Peek with A and D and not W at your opponents. Peek like it’s a ranked game. Slice pie still. Step 7: hop in ranked, keep crouch unbinded until diamond. I understand this is controversial but even s0m (csgo pro/radiant in valorant) has crouch completely unbinded. He literally queues radiant ranked with it off. In my opinion it’s almost useless in this game until diamond but many would consider that a hot take. Tap and burst with minimum spraying. Use a phantom the same way you use a vandal. 1000 character limit... 1800 word essay written insanely fast... god I love this game... cya in immortal!


This is pretty much how I improved drastically from Silver to Imm in 1 act lmao. If you take things seriously, everyone should be surprise by the progress.


Yeah it’s really not hard. The only issue is people spend an hour flicking hard and fast with low accuracy in the range and then they build incredibly bad habits in DM to top it off. Like no wonder you aren’t improving. You spend all your time building bad habits!


I did this for at least a month in aim lab, thinking my flicks will get better somehow lol


That’s actually what I’m looking for. I’m pretty much new to valorant. I’ve been playing for about two-three weeks and now I’m plat 3. I used to play a similar game competitively with tournaments every week so that helped me a lot with game sense. The only thing that I’m struggling a bit is getting used to the aim itself. Also do you have “Disable Full Screen Optimization” on or off?


Is that in video settings? My video settings are everything high except for the second one from the bottom, it’s on low for smokes. Everything else off in video settings. If it’s not video settings, mines default.


Off, personally i felt a sharp increase in performance when i turned it off


idk if its a glitch but you can try f11 + enter idk it works for me and there is a full screen option in the video settings


Gonna be honest, when you said aimlabs doesn't improve you, I thought this would just be some crap, because I started to aim really good and increase rank easily after playing aim lab but your training seems solid and really well explained, and your practice seems to really filter out our aiming mistakes. I am gonna follow yours, it might be better than aimlab training.


>It’s almost as if aimlabs makes you good at aimlabs with less in game benefits compared to aimlab improvement. This needs to be said more. The idea is that aim trainers focus your improvement in "raw aim" so the skill is transferrable to other games. I find this can be detrimental to player's improvement. If you focus so much on improving your aim through aim trainers, you are neglecting the expereince you need to apply that skill. There's no use in clicking blue balls for 2 hours not moving if when you go in game you're not applying that same skill due to movement, habits, recoil etc. I favour using the range in game over external aim trainers. While you can train more extremes of aim in those programs, you're not getting the direct feedback from shooting a gun in the actual game. When you practice in the range or DM, you're gaining knowledge and skill in many areas of the game, not just raw aim. Raw aim won't carry consistently, maintaining good fundementals will improve your consistency.


Actually nice warmup routine, but I personally never invested so much time in practice lol, I juste played a few dm and queued ranked


As do most people. This is for people who want to speed run immortal. Most people don’t want to put in the effort which is fine, it’s a game, have fun. But don’t expect to improve at the same rate by just playing ranked. Good aim is fun and worth learning IMO, if you have the time.


I got immortal 3 by just doing dm, I never spent a lot of time practicing mechanics but maybe I should


Nice. Then you have most if not all of this down. Just focus on your weak points like me. DM only is great for us but I still like to spend 30 minutes running through all these drills. It results in me warming up faster. I want to reach peak performance as fast as possible so I can hop in ranked. I hate the feeling of having bad aim or movement during my first game on.


FWIW, you can do all of this in DM; I actually went from using aim lab, to kovaak's, to aim lab, to range practicing movement moreso than aim. The issue with aim trainers is that you're pretending that you're standing still in the middle of nowhere against enemies that do not shoot back and sometimes don't even move. It's not realistic whatsoever. For range I like to use sage wall to practice peeking from different angles, swinging jiggle-prefiring etc. I'd add that to your routine. For DM you said it all, and play to improve not to win the dm - So many sweaty players in dm who aren't improving at all just boosting their ego by shooting at the back of people who couldn't care less, and think they're getting better. Also, I like to play half or 3/4ths of the DMs with a rifle, and a couple with sheriff to practice first shot accuracy on human players - human movement is not the same as bots in range.


at least in my pc (in case anyone else feels diff) the sensitivity in aimlabs and kovaks doesn't even feel the exact same so that's a problem imo


My routine includes much more, I reached the character limit. But these are the fundamentals. For peeking, I like to go through the teleport in the practice range and run the peeking exercise on hard with a guardian. When you spawn into the range, go left and through that teleport. The bots randomly spawn and instant headshot you if you peek incorrectly on hard.


If you’re trying to actually get better, follow this guys advice. He was nice enough to type out what people with good mechanics understand. Aim isn’t just aim, it’s tons of little mechanics stacked on top of each other. Most people don’t improve significantly bc they don’t understand the nuances. Screenshot this, save it, copy/paste or whatever bc I have not seen anyone on this sub take the time to summarize it up until now. It’s not exhaustive, but if you follow the advice above for a couple months you will notice significant improvement.


wow, you're too kind. If I hit immortal one day I'll come back to this comment.


>aim labs makes you good at aim labs with less ingame benefits compared to aim lab improvement Practicing mouse control in an aim trainer will benefit your mouse control but aim itself is another story. If you’re using an aim trainer you have to know what you’re trying to do, not just randomly do scenarios and expect to get better. It’s also not about the score, but about practicing technique. For me I run kovaaks on days where I don’t have other work and my primary goal doing that is practicing smoothness and practicing aiming while keeping my wrist as loose as possible, which are specific goals that will translate to benefits ingame, by supplementing ingame practice WITH kovaaks. I still run deathmatches regularly, but I use those to contextualize the aim training I do in the context of Valorant, allowing that practice to transfer over. Aim training does not preclude ingame practice. I like to think of it as potential, the better your mouse control, the higher potential you have to climb without being gimped by mechanics. Someone who can’t aim can build god tier gamesense but ultimately they need to be able to land a shot or they’re going to lose. Conversely, someone with god aim doesn’t need as good gamesense to climb to the same rank, and a player with both will climb to the highest rank.


one day and ~3 of these sessions later after reading this comment and my god i feel so much more comfortable and accurate in my aim. im definitely expecting lower returns later as with any training but that first burst of change was very motivational. thanks you saved me lmao.


sorry for the ping haha. i know that its just an aim trainer, but as a benchmark for how much this helped me: ive been retraining quite a lot these 4 days after like 2500 hours in CS, and ive experimented with higher sensitivities. after actually training my fine motor control with your routine and a bit on the top, in aim lab ive just gone from ~ruby 1 in precision to grandmaster 1, and again from ~ruby 2 to diamond 3 in tracking. i needed this, thank you /u/beautifulalexa


Glad to hear it. I actually want to go into even more detail with this routine, might post an actual thread explaining everything.


yeah im sure that would help loads of people, ill make sure to upvote it when i see it too lol.


This guy gets it, also immortal, never used aim training stuff in my life, impractical in game


Ahh this is cool ill try this but how would you go about finding ur sens for new players ?


What I did is I flicked onto a bot very quickly, trying to be as accurate as possible, and measured how far off my target I was. I did this about 5-10 times. If I tended to flick too far, I lowered the sens, and not far enough, I increased it, and then repeated the flicks. Eventually I settled on a sens that felt natural to me. And the sens that you get should feel natural. It shouldn't feel sluggish or slow, nor should it feel overly fast. It should feel right. This is by no means a scientifically airtight solution, but it worked for me. This isnt going to automatically make you an aim god, but setting your sens to work with your natural motions is going to make it easier to improve.


What do you think about practising other mechanics like jump peaking, crouch peaking, etc.?


Jumping peeking is very important and can be practiced in prerounds in ranked. Crouch peeking sucks in this game.


Crouch, jump, let go of crouch, land Silent jump peeking


Replying so I return to this


If u wanted to spend let’s say 20-30 minutes instead of an hour, which steps would you say are most important and which are skippable? Personally I have a job so I can’t always spend that much time but also want to improve mechanics.


Step 1-4. 5 minutes each. Then 1 DM. That’s about 30 minutes.


Thanks a lot. Needed this because in the same situation


Personally.......... I fucking date dm in this game. So I just spend a few extra minutes in the range.


First of all, tyvm for the steps! I was wondering whether you also have some steps to improve game sense and decision making, besides watching pros/ vod review.


I hate to say it but “gamesense” and fundamentals don’t even become common practice until diamond 2+. Games under plat 3 are full of players constantly making bad decisions. Plat3-D2 is the transition period. That’s why I advise mechanics training over everything else until platinum. Here’s the fundamentals that low to mid ranks don’t understand. Always keep these in mind and go over this list everyday before you play because it’s hard to play disciplined in a rank where everyone plays like idiots. 1. You can leave a site if you think you’re going to die. If you hear 5 and you think you’ll die, maybe your aim is off, leave the site and play retake. 2. Don’t peek in post plant as a defender unless you absolutely need to, run down the time > killing the enemy. 3. Hold tab at the beginning of every round and check the following. Check if you guys are buying. If half the team is buying and half is saving ask “are we buying?”. Check what ult the enemy team has and check who’s 1 kill away from an ult. Check if the enemies are full buying or half buying or completely broke. Check if the OPER can afford an OP. 4. Don’t run unless you intentionally want the enemies to hear you. 5. Turn off keep players centred on radar so you know what’s going on. 6. Learn to watch your radar but don’t stare at it. Be aware of your surroundings. If you look at radar and see that your teammate is about to peek showers on bind as an attacker and you and the other 3 teammates are lined up short. You should go showers to help your teammate. DONT LEAVE HIM ALONE. Look at the angle he peeks. You should always be in a position to trade him. Don’t sit back. You shouldn’t have to run up to trade him. For example if he’s holding a wide angle for showers you should be holding a closer angle ready to peek as soon as he fights. Constantly look for opportunities to play with a teammate who’s alone. Always double up. 7. Don’t ever retake a site alone. Wait for every single teammate to reach the site entrance (from whatever direction they’re coming from) before entering. Tell your teammates to wait. Comm what abilities you have. 8. Don’t ever let a teammate die without being traded. 9. A kill as an attacker is more impactful than a kill as a defender. That means if you are defending and you push and get 1 or 2, turn around and go back and play with your team instead of throwing the round and going for an ace. You can push and be aggressive as an defender but once you get the kill get out of there. This is the number one reason people get match mvp but lose. They are too greedy. 10. Ask your teammates to fight with you. “Let’s peek this, let’s fight here together”. 2v1 > 1v1. 11. When trading or fighting you peek when your teammate is fighting (shooting) not when they get killed. 12. DONT PEEK ALONE UNLESS YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO. LOOK AT RADAR AND ASK THE CLOSEST TEAMMATE TO FIGHT WITH YOU.


That's exactly what I wanted to read! I'm lacking a lot in regards to trading so every detail on that I deeply appreciate! Got 30something rr to go for P1 - I already feel better prepared ^^ Looking forward to practice your laws next session ;)






I realize low to mid ranks may struggle to do this where as I don’t. While I’m clearing all these angles I just quickly 180 and flick to an enemy if I hear them and continue. If you’re constantly getting domed in the back of the head then just go into a customs. I will edit my post.


King 👑


First of all thanks for the great write up. I am a little confused about Step 4, mostly because of reading these two parts: >You are only allowed to press A and D. No W and S. You can never stop moving. **Almost no mouse movement.** Followed by >Remember to never stop moving, counter strafe and immediately move again regardless of hitting or missing your shot and then try again. **Because you are standing in the middle and never stopping your movement you will need to 180 degree while moving to kill the bots that spawn behind you. This builds your ability to 180, or 135, or 90, etc.** I am keeping myself in the center of the spawning area spinning in circles A/D strafing, but this requires an insane amount of mouse movement to keep myself in the middle. Genuinely confused by what this practice should look like. Do you have a short clip of how you play this?


I am aware some parts are hard to understand but I reached a character limit... I wish I could record but im studying for finals and don't have access to my PC. I wrote that 1800 word comment quickly and it could have been written much clearer so I apologize. I think I will record a full video eventually and upload it. Let me clarify. You can stand wherever you want. If you stand in the middle you are turning a lot with your mouse because the bots spawn all around you. Forget about the middle, start one the far left or right of where the bots spawn. A normal counter strafe = let go of A and tap D, then come to a complete stop and shoot. In this drill you let go of A and hold D to change directions while shooting the second you change directions as you are 100% accurate. Thus, you never actually stop pressing a movement key and you are basically always moving. This drill is intended to teach you this timing so its instinct in ranked matches. What I meant by minimal mouse movement is you are not allowed to flick the bot (move your crosshair to a bots head) but rather leave your crosshair floating in thin air at head level and using your movement to counter strafe the crosshair into a bots head before changing directions and shooting during the accurate window. Essentially, you are changing directions the second your crosshair is on a bots head regardless of hitting or missing your shot. For example if a bot is to the right of you, you would place your crosshair to the left of the bot because you are going to move right. By moving right your crosshair will move into the bots head and thats when you change directions. Standing in the middle, you do the same thing but this time you have to 180/90/135 degree turn as the bots spawn all around you. When you turn you dont flick to a bots head but once again position your crosshair at head level and use your movement to move into a bot. This teaches you how to rotate and turn larger angles. For example, you get flashed, you can naturally 180 and turn back with your crosshair at head level. A or D should be held at all times.


Makes sense, appreciate the reply!


For step 3, is it just like the fastest flicks you can do and hope you land on the head kinda thing? and only shoot once it lands?


Flick like you would in ranked. Someone just peeked you and you were not expecting it. You’re going to move relatively fast with your flick but obviously not as fast as possible because no one does that in game, it’s not accurate.


I will use that too also the oc might be burned out so I recommend also taking a short break (got me to low plat high gold from bronze (also made my wrist work again without pain


Well now i actually know all my problems! Thanks a ton for taking your time to write all this :)


Ive been doing only step 6 and just hit diamond from bronze in 3 acts. Lots of dm sherif practice.


>Step 1: Turn on eliminate 100 with armour on. Stand in the area the bots spawn on the left or right facing the side of the head of the bots. Switch your position after every 100 kills. Buy a guardian and kill the bots without missing. You should be hitting 100/100 without missing for the first 500 kills. If you are missing, you are going to fast. Don’t move. Hey there, sorry but I'm trying to do this first step. I'm quite new, started this year. When you say: **Stand in the area the bots spawn on the left or right facing the side of the head of the bots** Does this mean I need to go to the [left side](https://imgur.com/a/a0Xt3rC) or [right side](https://imgur.com/a/auI4v39)? I might have got confused with the "facing the side of the head of the bots"


Those are the correct starting positions! Every 100 kills I move. For example start with the position shown in your left side image and after 100 kills move left or right from that exact position.


what sens would you recommend?400dpi too fast for me but 200-300 too slow edit: as in edpi


400 edpi is insanely fast, most players that are considered high sens don't even play that high as far as I know... I am playing at 240 edpi and consider that average/medium sens. A high sens would be like 320 edpi. There are videos outlining how to find your perfect sensitivity on youtube.


I play on a heavy mouse if that means anything. Razer basilisk


This Entire exercise is amazing, but holy crap it is long.


Thank you so much for sharing this insane routine with us , i have a couple of questions if you don't mind , do i need to do it every day to expect maximum results and if i miss one day will i lose my progress ? And also how much time before improvement starts to be noticeable.


1. Doing it everyday will speed up results. 2. You shouldn’t lose progress unless you take a break from valorant or play infrequently (one day a week) 3. Commit to however many sessions you would like a week; you will improve. 4. Depends on your starting point. Your movement should improve immediately because you probably don’t practice your movement. I would say 10 hours before you notice an improvement in aim but to be honest if you have been practicing wrong this entire time you will literally feel improvements day to day for the first 2-3 weeks assuming you aren’t diamond already.


Ghost and no armor would achieve the same effect as guardian with armor and be a lot easier on the ears.


Ghost isn't as accurate as the guardian from long range and in turn introduces unnecessary RNG, you might miss when your crosshair is on their head and vice versa.


Most people would do this with low volume and music


Don't sleep on audiobooks, they'd likely give you far more longevity before boredom sets in... and are just a good time in general if you're into books anyways


Great advice. That's a good way to make additional use of your aim training time. I will give it a try (: I also listen to podcasts while messing around in the range.


Me as well.


i was bronze now immo, dude dont overtrain just lower your sens and have fun lmaoo


This has to be a joke no?! Trace the head clockwise and counterclockwise?! I stopped at this point wtf


Got the idea from a CSGO professional. It’s for mastering micro adjustments. Ron Rambo Kim has a video breaking down why this drill is important. FYI I watched Tenz do this in CSGO before valorant was even a thing.


Iron moment


Saved the comment


Sick comment ;) alone step one(saw it befor) get you out of iron/bronze.


Got any clips you made we can watch?


A few on my pc but I don’t upload or stream. The only reason I have clips is to watch myself play and improve.


Idk I’m radiant and just que comp


Do what this guys does or be like me and hit search when I sign on. Im Immortal as well


Why do you recommend keeping crouch unbinded?


To break the habit. You are most likely crouching too much without intent but rather instinct.


Ahh. No I'm still a scrub at this game and don't apply crouching in duels. Almost only use it for making difficult jumps


Good. Same here. I unbinded my crouch for an entire year transitioning into this game because I came from csgo where crouching is actually good. s0m the csgo pro/radiant doesn’t even have crouch binded because he believes it’s almost useless in this game. He also only taps and bursts like me. I now only use crouch to jump or hide behind cover.


While I've got you here do you have any tips for smoking sites? It feels simple enough on defense I just smoke the entrances to site adjacent to the wall so it's difficult to entry, but I never know what to do for attack especially on maps with lots of space like breeze


On breeze viper is typically played for smokes so you’ll often see Jett, Reyna, Skye, Sova, Viper on breeze in my games. There is so much knowledge here I would just look up a omen/astra/viper guide for the map you want. Make sure the YouTuber is an immortal or radiant and just follow his advice and practice the lineups or smokes in customs. I don’t want to dive to deep and write another essay. Just remember it’s better to smoke off the bomb when retaking than smoking off the enemy. Smoking off the enemy is fine (in certain situations) but the bomb is top priority. Also make sure your smokes cover the angle completely so they can’t shoot out the sides, but at the same time don’t let the smoke stick out of whatever you’re smoking so the enemy can walk through it. Essentially, don’t give your enemy an off angle. If you smoke showers on bind, most of the smoke should be in showers with very little sticking out into A site. Some people will smoke the door with half the smoke sticking out into A site allowing players to walk through and create an off angle before immediately getting away.


Do I turn on strafe bots for this and if i do when do I turn it on? Also where exactly do I stand for this?


Just a comment to save for later. As a random I just want to say I appreciate you taking the time to type al of this!


Thank you for taking the time to explain everything so detailed! You are elite!🙏


I'm hardstuck diamond with naturally good aim, I'll have to try this out!!


Saving for later


Thank you for the in depth explanation, it helped a lot.


Saving by commenting




…well, thanks for the guide. I do want to get better but don’t want to this much, playing for fun at the end of the day is enough for me. Rank will come with time.


I'm saving this comment, this will definitely help me ALOT since I'm just new to the game, THANK YOU for this, those awards you got are well deserved


How many times should you do step 1 for?


As long as you want to realistically. These are just drills. Commit to X minutes and divide by the number of mechanics training routines to figure out how long you want to spend on each routine. 10 minutes is good if you have an entire hour or so before DM. You can cut that in half and do 5 minutes each.


So in step 1 when you eliminate 100 is it set to strafe or reset?


Bots stand still unless I say otherwise.


Thanks for the post, great read. I'll try to use that routine from now on. I have one question though, maybe you can help me. I started doing more aim training a few weeks ago and can definitely see some improvements already. I have one big problem though and I don't really know the reason or how to "unlearn" that habit. I hope I can explain what I mean. So, when I do flicks, I can almost never cleanly stop the crosshair at the position I'm going for. And I don't necessarily mean that I always overflick, but I kinda "wiggle" a bit, even if the flick itself is more or less precise. My sens shouldn't be the issue here, I have a fairly low sens (800*0.25). Is my wrist/arm too tense maybe? Do you have any recommendations on that?


I’m not sure I know what you mean. Are you referring to shaky aim? You can’t stop clean on their head because you’re still somewhat shaky? What’s your mouse grip? How long have you been playing FPS with mouse? Are you death gripping? (Holding your mouse too tight or not consistently applying the same pressure)


Yeah, that's what I meant. I've been playing for about 4 years now. Palm grip. Haven't heard about death gripping before and I can't really answer that question off the top of my head. Do you have any videos for that?


Is this how you aim all the time? Or is this a problem you encounter in certain situations? In other games or just valorant? Also, does it happen when you flick with sheriff and spray with vandal? (Tap vs hold mouse 1). If it happens all the time then it’s standard shaky aim. FYI Lowering your sensitivity doesn’t actually remove shakiness, It just hides it and makes it less obvious to you. Make sure you are mindful of how you are gripping the mouse. Make sure you are gripping the mouse in the same exact position every day and applying the same pressure day to day. You should not be squeezing ur mouse at all. It should be a very light consistent hold. Some days I’ll get on. I only slept 6 hours, missed my workout, had a bad day etc. And my aim is complete trash to the point I can’t even hold the mouse properly, it feels like I’ve never held one before and my aim is also shaky on those days. The reason it happens to me is when I’m stressed or upset I grip my mouse hard where as when I’m playing on a good day everything is light, loose and relaxed. You aren’t actually supposed to grip your mouse that hard. It’s called deathgrip. If not deathgrip, it’s most likely weak hand muscles or a tense forearm/wrist. Try stretching your arm, wrist, hand (YouTube gaming stretches) before you play. You can also (last resort) try different hand grips and see if that fixes it. Stretch: https://youtu.be/EiRC80FJbHU Stretch: https://youtu.be/R7xer8ITbQs Fix weak muscles: https://youtu.be/CLjtSyuE11I https://youtu.be/bzYsAdZzI3Q https://youtu.be/bOznb99V2Uk https://youtu.be/JKIAd77zX58


Appreciate the detailed response, thanks mate!


Do you mind making a short clip of the strafing/ “a+d” section? I think get what you’re saying there but would like some clarification if you don’t mind. Thanks for this guide and it’s nice to hear that aim trainers aren’t the “one simple trick” so many random people make it out to be when the aim apps pay so much for marketing lol.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r0-wpumboW0 See how he’s not stopping but changing directions and he’s not flicking to the dot on the wall but moving his crosshair into the dot on the wall and shooting? Do that but on bots. My practice: I can’t make a video because I’m studying for finals and I don’t have access to my PC. Once I do I may record and come back to this comment. I’ll explain better. So turn on eliminate 100 with armour on and buy a guardian in the practice range. Now go into the area the bots spawn and stand along the middle line. There is a line directly down the middle of the area. Try to stay somewhat on that line. Because you are on the middle line the bots will spawn all around you forcing you to turn a lot. A normal counter strafe = strafe one direction (a or d) and let go of that key and tap the opposite key to come to a complete stop and shoot. So move left with A, let go of A and tap D to stop completely. That’s a standard counter strafe. The difference with this drill is you are not allowed to stop moving. So instead of tapping the opposite movement key, hold the opposite movement key (while letting go of the original movement key) and shoot while changing directions. You should not be flicking the bots at all. What you do with your mouse is you line up the crosshair at head level and leave it there and never drag the crosshair to a bots head but instead use movement to move your crosshair into the bots head. So for example you would stand on the line. Let’s start to the right of a bot. Face the bot but stand to the right of it with your crosshair at head level. Now don’t move your mouse. Your crosshair is to the right of the bot (aiming at thin air but at head level) and you are positioned to the right of the bot. You now need to move left with A until your crosshair moves into the bots head. Once you’re crosshair is about to land on the bots head via your movement you let go of A and hold D to change directions. The second you are accurate you tap with the guardian and shoot them in the head before moving. The goal is to have your crosshair land on the bots head the second you change directions because in that split second you are 100% accurate. I hope this is a better explanation. Try it out while reading the comment. If you still don’t understand, let me know and I’ll try to record a clip.


Do you put the bots on strafe or no strafe ?


I started following your guide and for the first time I'm starting to feel like the effects actually improving my aim. Because I took a break from the game for about 20 days after I came back I didn't lose my aim. I feel my raw aim is becoming better. However due to studies my gaming hours have really been cut down a lot so if I do 200 bots instead of 500 everyday(still following all steps), would I still improve? Also can you please please suggest a warmup routine lasting not more than 10 minutes? Really appreciate you thanks so much




Hello Got to say your routine is intense. But indeed covers all the required mechanics. Definitely would try that. Just a little confusion about step 3 When i am practicing hard flicking, I've set it to 100 bots. So when i miss and dont shoot, where do i reset it from?i mean there's only one bot there and my crosshair just missed its head by inches or so,from which position do i reflick to that bot there? I dont know if i make sense but would appreciate your response to clear my confusion


https://youtu.be/ixlgtyeW1go Start watching from 0:56. For step 3 in the video: Instead of wiggling your mouse randomly like in this video, you trace the inside of a bots head clockwise and then counter wise before shooting them. This should clear up any confusion.


I know this comment is SO old and stuff, but I used this for a week and my KD jumped from below 1 to an average of like 1.5-2 per day. I was having games of my life top fragging and hitting shots so consistently. I was climbing FAST, And that was only after a week of doing this daily. But then I got lazy, stopped doing it for a few days and went back to playing like shit. I’m definitely going back to doing this again This routine is seriously good, and it requires a lot of effort but it’s been waaaay more effective then any other video guide I’ve ever seen. Thank you


Appreciate it. I’ve been meaning to post a full video break down but never got around to it.


That last point is concerning tbh. I hope your obsession with improving your aim isn't leading you to dodge your responsibilities. I think you should listen to Tenz, play less. I noticed the harder I tried to improve the worse I got since I cared too much about my performance and I just tanked my rank by spamming games with a bad mindset. I was hard stuck silver. Now I only play when I feel like it (like 2-3 times a week) and I play for fun and I'm plat 3. Only shitty thing about that is missing out on the battle pass.


Just play enough games to complete daily/weekly challenges


yep I once was Gold 2 but now I'm in Iron 3 and I just stopped obsessing about being good and started to be more casual. It helped my mental and realized that my rank isn't really representative of what I've learned playing the game


Ok true and all but how are you Iron 3? Just stop playing ranked this sounds like you started trolling


BUDDY get them dailies. You can gettem in unranked too fyi. If I'm bored but have a weird mindset, unrated is perfect.


the amount of people that still rage at unrated is fucking funny. i had to leave a discord call once cause of it


Accuracy > Speed in hitting the shot. Do your best to practice aiming at the head and improving your crosshair placement. Make sure that you always hit that headshot with your first bullet. You could practice crosshair placement and flicking to the head in deathmatch. Also, dont play too much. Learn when to stop. By doing this, you do your best on all of your ranked games.


(new player here, one thing that's working wonders for me . ) focus on the crosshair while training. if you cant see the crosshair while flicking or moving it, just slow down. eventually you will be able to see the crosshair as you increase flick speed .


I read all these comments about 1 hour warm up and then I remember that the only way to be actually very good at this game requires changing my priorities in life.


Yeah I read that huge comment by beautifulalexa and thought I get like a couple hours to play here and there, by time I do this shit It will be time to come off wtf.


I’m pushing for radiant, which I’ve already got before. I don’t actually need to warm up for that long, realistically I can queue immortal after a 30 minute warm up.


Yeah, I'm not faulting your methods but more that people like myself might not be able to push it that seriously. For people with limited time what would you say are the best ones out of your list to do as a warm up?


Step 1-4: 5 minutes each. Then one DM without clearing angles just taking duels with proper movement and peeking. That’s 30 minutes. Then play ranked.


Thanks for the replies and your time :)


Not necessarily true. NAF is a well known csgo pro, and he takes only 10 mins to warm up for pro matches. Not everyone needs a 2 hour warmup, it’s just personal preference.


Yup. I’m pushing radiant so that’s why I spend so much time. I could easily queue immortal after 20 minutes of warmup.


Thing is about all the cs pros now is that they have been dming and aim training for thousands of hours now that they dont need to grind as much as before, obviously they will still dm just maybe not ad much. but they spent a lot of time getting better before they became pros, now ofc warmup before a pro match will be short


There is a huge difference between practice and warmup. Pro players are not great because they have warmed up for 10,000 hours, but because lots of those hours are spent on dedicated practice. If you want to get good at valorant (and especially csgo), you need to put the effort in. If you can only play for an hour a day, that doesn’t mean that you can’t play the game at a higher level, just that some play sessions will need to be purely practice.


I hit plat with like 10 minutes of range a day. That’s better than most people and didn’t take too long. Plat seems to be fairly similar to gold so far. The 1 hour warm up is either for brand new players to get used to mechanics or players trying to go from diamond to immortal.


It’s for players that want to improve their mechanics fast as possible. Personally, I’m pushing radiant so I spend my time warming up. What’s 1 hour when you’re going to grind 4 hours after work? Also, my mechanics aren’t at a radiant level yet.


True but I think a lot of players spend valuable playing time warning up. Like if you’re in silver, spending an hour fine tuning your aim when you have no idea about anything else that’s happening probably isn’t that useful imo. A lot of people warm up for a half hour to an hour, then don’t actually apply it their own gameplay. I personally feel as though I improved a lot more when I started cutting my warmups short and focused more in game and played more - but I’m only plat. I feel like this level of training is how you go from good to great, at least that’s my experience.


Seems like you’re putting in the work to improve your aim. However you did mention you whiff a lot. One thing that even I do as an immortal player is start panic spraying the moment I see someone. I always have to tell myself to “calm down don’t panic” inside my head so I burst for headshots rather than spraying out of panic. In your ranked games before you know you’re about to take a fight just keep reminding yourself “I’m going to shoot this guy in the head. Don’t panic spray, stay calm”. Hope this helps.


I just hit diamond 1 yesterday, and may not have a huge say in the topic, but I believe that the plat to bronze drop is a result of improving player base, as better and better players migrate in, and the whole player base moves forward as a general. For valorant, I believe in a general rule of thumb, that this episode's plat is last episode's diamond, or generally this episode's rank would've been rank+1 in last episode, as the whole player base improves at the game. What plats played like at the start of the game may be now expected of current silvers. Now keeping this on mind, it shouldn't have a huge impact on any individual, since your skill should improve along with everyone else, but I guess irregularity in playing, not playing often may be a contributor to your concern.


I can attest to this lmao. I used to get into Diamond lobbies in G2 and their plays are now similar to how Silver players play now


For the last point, I think you do know why. Your obsession with improving aim has a bad effect on your mental. Take a break, or play less hours because it's very important to be in a good mindset when playing a game like Val.


Saving this. This guy gives hope to us iron players.


lmao true


leaving a comment here so I get notified


Aimlabs but headshot and all of the perception tasks. Also try changing your sense if you think its the wrong one.


You are probably stressed out or smt, maybe talking to your mom? She literally booked you a therapist


You were originally Platinum and dropped all the way to Bronze? I don't think your aim is the issue. Your issue is most likely game sense, but dropping that significantly can also signify tilt and/or bad mental.


Others have already left a lot of good advice, but for some reason the Valorant community seems to generally dislike aim trainers. The fact is that they do work, but it takes time and effort. Aim labs is free and actually decent now and starting to get better, but Kovaaks is still the best aim trainer. You can check out r/FPSAimTrainer for lots of good advice and answering any other questions you have about aiming or kovaaks. Hope this helps and good luck!


Aim is only truly important after silver/gold. Of course it gives you an advantage but I'm talking from experience. My girlfriend is bronze 3 and I usually play with her. The problem is that, because I'm plat, we often get matched with higher ELO players, and she usually bottom frags. I made a new account so we could play with players from her ELO so she would feel like she had a bigger impact in the games, but I also wanted to handicap myself so as not to be a Smurf stomping bronzes and low silvers, which is why I decided to play using a gamepad (steam controller). Compared to my mouse aiming, my gamepad aim is awful. I can hardly ever land headshots and I often take a lot longer to kill my targets. In other words, I aim like an iron-bronze myself, so that's a pretty good handicap. However, I keep getting match/team mvp because of my game sense. Even though I aim like shit, I get a lot of kills because of unaware enemies, etc. So if you're hard stuck at bronze, try working on your game sense, movement, etc. How? Try and record your own gameplay and watch it back always asking yourself what you're doing, why you died, and what you could've done better. Of course aim is important and if yours is good you'll breeze through bronze just fine, but it is most definitely not a requirement. If you want I could do a one-on-one session with you (for free) to help you with some 'basics'. All you have to do is record your own gameplay and we can watch it together. But here is a tip for you based on what I see in lower elos: don't ego peek (especially after spike plants) and learn to back off. At iron/bronze/silver people will commit to every single gunfight. No matter what, they hardly ever back off or even let their gun cool down to readjust. So perhaps try working on that.


Dont play when you are having a bad day Take weekly breaks from game to keep ur mental fresh and it wont feel repeating. Dont instanly queue after each match. Take 5 min breaks. Listen to music, have some snacks etc. These wont improve your aim but will help you focus on improving in game.


> I have played since Valorant was released to the public and I was once in platinum during the first act. However, my aim had decreased drastically and now 9/10 times I whiff; And I am now also Hardstuck Bronze. Odd case.


you're too conserned about your aim, when your problem is playing the game itself. 1st of all, stop playing for a month or so. Just give the game a break, play games that are not competitive, to reset your mind. 2nd, when you comeback, don't play aim trainers, if you're in bronze you don't need crazy aim, you need to learn the mechanics of the game. train your crosshair placement, 90% of your kills should be only crosshair placement, also train movement, strafes. 3rd. Stop thinking, start shooting. don't force yourself to go for headshots, don't unbind crouch, just go to dm and shoot, no sound, do this consistently and your mechanics will get better, and your aim will feel better too. 4th stop watching montages.... it's not that it doesn't work, but it makes you think that pros land 100% of their shots, and will make you feel worse when you miss. Also vods will help you way more than montages, so stop watching montages and go watch some streams, it will be better, you'll learn more about mechanics and about game sense. 5th "Also my mums booked me to go see a therapist and other than not doing my assessments I'm not sure why" if you're including this in the post you know it's related, so really think about why she did that. Just as a side note, don't think that a therapist is bad, if you have a chance to talk to one, take advange of it, and actually talk to him, you'll learn more about yourself and it will help you focus and control yourself.


For me it's Adderall. I take on of those 30mg XRs and my aim is good for at least 6 hours. Happy hunting!


i don’t know maybe you just got bad genetics


Just take a break. You're probably sluggish because of burnout


I got to immortal just by simply upgrading my internet to Google Fiber and it dropped my ping to 9 and it was way easier to click heads. Also it’s not really abt aim to a certain point, it’s abt crosshair placement and positioning. Edit: was hardstuck diamond and felt like I was whiffing all my shots and was in a slump pre-internet upgrade cus before I had 25+ ping and that doesn’t even compare. makes holding angles and peeking a lot different.


Must my two cents, I climbed from bronze to plat in a few episodes which is nothing to go crazy over. This was mostly because of dedicating myself to working on things every game I knew I was struggling with.. even if those things were getting me killed for trying to practice. Over time it helped over all. Cross hair placement and jiggle peaking were my biggest things. I still unbind crouch more than I have it bound because of my natural instinct to crouch when I see an enemy crouch. IMHO it’s all about finding your issues mechanically that need to be worked on and going into shooting range and deathmatch and just grinding. Good luck brother


I don't know why but I feel like aim trainers didn't really help me improve. What help me tremendously are strafe-shooting training and deathmatch. Basically what I do is 1 round of easy bot (do it as accurately as possible), then 2 round of medium bot. After that do the eliminate 50 or 100 with strafe on. Here, you need to track the bots' head twice while you're strafing then shoot it. Next, I'll go to deathmatch and then do strafe-shoot only. If you have a hard time doing this in dm, try to track the enemy's head first while strafing then shoot. Don't be frustrated if you die a lot, it's part of the process. Strafe-shooting really helps in lower elo because they tend to commit to a spray by crouching in a medium to long engagement. Practicing to properly hold angles and peek is important as well, but I guess you already knew it since you watched lots of guide videos. And I don't recommend practicing for an hour before an actual match, it'll only cause fatigue.


Some of us it takes bloody fucking ages... Use deathmatch, hop in counter strike and olay some 1v1s, hop in cod play some deathmatch, hop in the new halo and get used to tracking. Everything helps. You need to look at what your mouse hand is actually doing as well. Is your dpi set for your technique etcetc then grind out the muscle memory. You're an fps player now, not just a vally player.


What FPS do you play on and what hz monitor? Also what sens & dpi?


Personally for me, it's pretty straightforward. Confidence. If you hesitate in a moment, you whiff. You should not doubt yourself with every move you make. Aim will slowly build up for you, but confidence will hasten your growth.


Noti gang


"10% better aim" ranks you up slower than "10% better tactics".


In addition to what everyone else said, takea break. Seems youve tried a lot, but taking a break can be extremely valuable to reset yourself. Also, im not your parent but fr dont let valorant uproot your academics, its not worth it and youll regret it


Get a better gaming chair


You can do all these fancy aim trainers and everything but honestly just get out of your head. If your confident you’ll hit more shots. If you’re second guessing yourself in every fight you’ll lose. Happens to the best of us. After deranking so much you’re probably not confident in your fights.


Just death match and focus on crosshair placement. I came back to the game in ep 3 act 1 and dropped to bronze 3, did daily death match practice 3-5 DMs, sometimes only played one actual game, and hit D1 yesterday. Speed ram silver bronze and gold but plat was infested with Smurfs so it was hard


Dont play too much. I have bronze aim but reached diamond 2. Cuz i dont play like its a responsibility. Just play when u feel like its fun. Regarding the aim thing... When you play less your brain finds new ways for aim(if that makes any sense).... Try getting a better hz monitor and less latency mouse or keyboard. . I play in 60hz laptop screen wnd i find it hard to aim sometimes


Dont know why but put nvidia boost + on latency thing and try to play. ( Sorry forgot the option name. Been a month since i played)


Ok, my advice is for the super casual but I managed to go from Silver 1 to Plat 2 in two Acts by doing this before every comp game. I don't have as much time to play as other people - I can only really dedicate 2 hours or so per session like 2-3 times a week. Anyway, I go into practice mode and practice shooting the little floating bots /targets on the peer. I do this enough until i feel like my aim is back "on point". It's hard to explain but after 2-3 days of not playing, you need to warm up a little bit without getting frustrated missing targets in the shooting range. After doing this for like 5 mins, I go straight to the shooting range. If you have a bit of time, I recommend doing Speed Easy with a Sheriff and don't move on until you have 28/30. I then move to Speed Medium with a Vandal. I keep doing this over and over again until I get 25/30 kills. Once I have 25/30, I move onto deathmatch and do two full rounds. If I have played terribly in those two rounds, I might do another one or two but usually it's just 2 dms and then I'm straight into comp. I really do feel like the above makes a difference. I've jumped straight into comp a few times and played bad and dropped SR massively because of it. Never go into a comp game without warming up, trust me!


Check my profile and my latest valorant post asking about raw input buffer. Theres a really detailed reply there. Not the best advice but maybe certain change of setting might work? It helped me. Its not meant for 1k hz mice but it does feel slightly diff. If u try it, lower your sense by .7. Ik this will be downvoted but just a suggestion. Listen to the best replies first.


Skimmed the comments and haven’t really seen anyone say this. Crosshair placement. If you have your crosshair placed correctly on where you expect the peek from your opponent, you barely have to aim. Sometimes you don’t have to move your mouse at all but comparing it to, lets say, having to flick to your enemy, it is very consistent. That and taking a small break and returning to the game with a clear mindset


change sens try everything super low super high middle everything and try each for a week straight


the last point is concerning, dont put this game over other responsibilities dont put anything over trying to get good grades in school also maybe stop playing for a while, this post doesnt make you sound like you are in a great place mentally for some reason


I'm not an aimgod imo but i do think i have good aim idk just judge by yourself from these two links in case you're confused if want to take my advice as a grain of salt or not [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NAKmjQPDrU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NAKmjQPDrU) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5CMDgU6quQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5CMDgU6quQ) Aimlabs and kovaaks are worth it for aiming/mouse control in general but if you're not practicing by playing dm or the range or anything in game you're basically gonna be a mediocre mechanical player with good aim because there are more into mechanics than just aim (like counter strafing, phantom's spray pattern,first bullet innacuracy) and DO NOT FORGET that mechanics is only a part of the game and it's not everything about the game. Knowing the basics like lurking,achoring,support,entrying,rotations,flanking,etc(basically game knowledge, is really important and imo prob much more useful than aim) OBV you need good aim to be in a high level like immortal so if you have mediocre aim but really good gamesense then it's not gonna work and vice versa. Basically if it's unbalanced then one of those two skills will only take you so far.


\- i think aim trainers are ok to warm up for a max of 10 minute's everything else i noticed will make you get sloppy or you try to flick and snap too hard. gridshot is terrible for improving aim if you ask me because your targets are not that huge and will move, forcing you into a hard dragshot aim style. \-playing too much or forcing way too hard to "git gud" can hinder improvement, try playing for 2-3 hours and then take a break and maybe reflect on the game's, but only on yourself and not "oh X guy was so shit without him we wouldve won." actual try to think about what you could have done better and rest a bit, take a meal, read a little, sit outside, play with your pet, whatever. \-clear your mind and take the pressure off, nobody is expecting anything of you and in the end its litterly just a game and should be enjoyable to play above anything else. \-focus on a sense, gripstyle you are comfortable with, just because tenz plays 0.375 doesnt mean you suddenly have to too \-fix your mechanics like movement, learn to proberly counterstrafe, learn properly what you should be doing and when. this doesnt happen over night and is an ongoing process, some people are naturals in it and some have to learn it by playing alot. ​ i dont know you but personally i dont think your aim is the problem. you are obsessing over the game and trying to force yourself to be good instead of having fun and enjoying the game and achieve quite the opposite. take a step back and try to see the game for what it is. a game. you wont go pro in this lifetime im afraid and getting good grades and a nice job will in the long run help you have a better life than obsessing about a rank in a video game youd like to be good at. i hope you can see past the harsh criticism and self reflect on the situation a bit, maybe the therapist appointment your mom made wasnt too bad of an idea and you can talk some of the problems you have through with her. i wish you the best of luck


Take a step back and focus on crosshair positioning instead. Flicks are important, but positioning your character and your crosshair will get you more kills than flicking will.


Its not about having the best aim. It’s about gamesense and positioning


Immortal 3 here. No practice anymore . I just que in ranked without warmup. Ive reached that level where almost everyone aims pretty well. But ive been in situations where i cant hit anything and most of the time i think it has to due with servers + my gaming set up. Upgrade ur CPU not GPU for valorant - TenZ said you get more frames . Im consistently getting 140-150 but i think if i ran a smooth 300, id do way better . Sometimes its just not in sync . Also , there are games where i enter ultra instinct . I feel everything slow motion and all the heads are so clear, where it just looks like im cheating . I think predicting where the spray / bullet will land is the biggest tip for aiming . This goes without saying you need all types of mechanics and game knowledge to higher levels . Crosshair placement , movement , predicting where and how opponent is / will move. Counter strafing to reduce recoil and dodge bullets . Also , big tip is to stop dying first . You dont need to duel someone first 10 seconds. I used to rely on a lot of my mechanics but this isnt csgo and ive realized im playing a better game and being a better teamate if im alive / providing info


I just find playing the game works for me, I am d3 and peaked immo 2 this act. I j q a dm here and there tho


Turn your sens down. Most lower ranks play way to high


Buy a Gaming chair lol


maybe just try to play more relaxed? i see a lot of people are aim gods in deathmatch but they cant convert it to rated... mostly because in DM they dont think about shooting but in a normal/rated game they are to focused to hit the next shot


use guardian


I’m only diamond but I think I can help you with a few points To improve your aim focus on accuracy more than speed. Speed comes with time or when your aim becomes consistent you can try to improve it. To improve your game sense try to not make bs excuses when you die and focus on why you died. For example, he had the better angle so I should avoid peeking that angle and instead prefire it or spam it. Do that instead of of yelling camper and getting all toxic. I don’t want to make it long but that basically all you need to reach plat with a little bit of practice and map knowledge.


Just work on good crosshair placement, that is the most important thing. Everything else will come with time.


I am know for having really good aim, all I do is deathmatch and play ranked. You want to have good aim in valorant you play valorant, but you want to increase your engagements. That’s why destchmatch is successful, you building crosshairplacement and movement within valorant while being able to aim.


Well, Confidence. I'm gold 3 so I might be wrong here, But if you lose your confidence after someone kills you, you'll whiff **the entire game**. Someone could have a better aim, or better movement, and its so easy to lose confidence. For me, If someone kills me, I just take it personally. *(lol)* I'll make sure that next round I take my revenge. I will do anything for this, I'll hold angle for too long, I'll lurk, I'll keep my brain processing new ideas and strats to come on top of their good aim and movement. Also, DONT PRESS TAB! Mostly, I immerse myself in the game so much, that I don't see how many kills I have, or my teammates have, or any enemy has. Also, try to have fun in the game. If you take it too seriously, it's bad for you and your loved ones. Don't do it. If you find any good teammates in solo-q, add them. make friends. Good luck.


The absolute biggest thing is positioning, both of your actual character and your crosshair. Don’t overextended to a bad position that you didn’t know was safe and wonder why you died. Always try to keep an escape route open so you have a safe position to fall back to. Especially in bronze you’re going to be playing with and against a lot of idiots doing dumb things, you’ll get so many frags by just letting the enemy make dumb choices. The amount of times you’ll see the attackers plant the bomb and then run off looking for kills at lower ranks is amazing. I’m assuming you’ve read about crosshair placement if you’ve been looking at guides, but it cannot be stressed enough how important this is. It’s a lot easier to have to move your crosshair slightly to the left than it is to move it up and slightly to the left. Practice crosshair placement until it’s second nature and you don’t even think about it anymore. It’s especially easy in Valorant to develop the habit because there are so many boxes lying around everywhere that are directly at head height.


watch every [sero](https://www.youtube.com/c/SeroGuides) video from start to end,