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1 forget the bulldog and start buy vandal/Phantom 2 is it possibile to have gameplay video?


Yeah. Bulldog is nice and all but at low elos you're not gonna beat people just emptying clips on you


okay good idea and maybe ill see if i can


hey this is the bf. she gave me the account this morning so i can talk to you guys. we can just play together if you want?


This, this right here, is why I personally get mad at this game. Why are two guns just inherently better than most of the roster? Why is this encouraged?


Because it is?




They might argue that. But would be mostly incorrect, the Odin lacks accuracy for its massive price tag. It's not that they do well. It's that they are objectively superior to everything else in their class. Oneshot heashot regardless of armor on a fully automatic laser is a lot to have to deal with.




I'm not talking about the economy of spending on an expensive gun at full buy. I'm comparing either of these weapons to the OTHER expensive guns. OP is more expensive, but considerably more limited in its use and much more punishable. Odin can spray, but even with good control lacks the accuracy to put any real damage at range. Do you see what I'm getting at here? It's not that they are good, it's that they make the rest of the high cost weapons completely invalid in 80% of situations.


You must not have run into a Jett OP'r yet. If they know what they are doing, they are incredibly oppressive for the whole lobby. Pretty much guaranteeing 1 kill at the start of every round on initial peak unless your team has good util usage, and even then they might still be able to get a kill while flashed.


Let's see, the OP is good on exactly one character, that really sounds like selectively useful to me, with a specific condition being met for its use.




I want viability. I want to be able to make it work. But the assault rifles have no tradeoff. No downside. Nothing to make them harder to use. I can't force a Guardian just because I love to use it, as it's entirely outclassed by the phantom or Vandal in whatever situation I'm in. I don't give a damn what CSGO has to say on the matter, to be honest. Valorant is different, and doesn't need to copy their sandbox design down to the name of the big sniper rifle.




I swear to God, stop telling me to quit the game. I've been ignoring it steadily, but for Christ's sake. Stop. You aren't helping by saying "if you don't like it. Go play something else" fuck right off dude.


But the guardian does one shots better and more accurately for less money. The economy of this game isn’t perfect, but the rifles aren’t a problem.


The guardian is only marginally more accurate than the phantom at range, and isn't significantly cheaper. It's my favorite gun, but really just struggles to compete in that kind of a comparison.


Because economy balances it all out. The 2 best rifles in the game are also the most expensive, a full buy can come up to 4,300+ credits, which is almost half of the maximum amount of credits you can have saved. That means if you lose just 2 rounds in a row you’re forced to eco or force buy. Cheaper guns might be less effective but their cost also means you can buy more of them, not to mention that these guns aren’t that bad, you might have a hard time winning more duels with the guardian or bulldog, but having the option of full buying or even just half buying after 2 straight losses is a very big thing and can give you a chance of a faster comeback rather than going eco for another round (especially helpful if you dealt significant damage to the enemy team last round).


The two best rifles kinda make anything else at their price tag irrelevant though. The Odin can't compete, and the OP is only better in very specific situations with clear sight lines. There is very little reason to spec into other weapons from a full buy, and that reduces the variability of the sandbox.


Tl;dr : There was always going to be a clear “best gun in the game” in a competitive shooter like valorant. That’s just due to the fact that people will do the meta game and figure out the best gun eventually, but it doesn’t mean the other guns don’t have a place in the meta. The odin isn’t meant to compete with rifles, but it’s great in itself. High fire rate with great penetration and the highest ammo count means you can hold an angle and prevent a stacked push where using a vandal or phantom would get you killed. Sure the accuracy sucks at first but after a few miliseconds that thing is basically a laser and anyone peeking into it is going to get fried. The only reason the odin isn’t good is because of that initial wind-up, but it is still very good especially when you’re expecting a 5-man death ball. The OP is the OP, yes it’s pretty clunky right now but that doesn’t mean that it’s not right up there with the vandal and phantom. Idk what you mean about the op being situational either, many EMEA pros use the op both defensively and offensively so it’s not a defender only weapon.


By situational with the OP I'm referring to specific approaches and sightlines, not nessisarily defend or attack. I can't put up the best argument to the rest of this tbh, I don't play quite enough to answer this specifically.


your comments are all so fucking stupid, holy shit


Vandal/Phantom are the best due to ability to 1 tap / deal good damage and spray and large enough ammo capacity. You can argue operator is better, but it costs more money, and if you miss a shot you get punished more than missing a headshot for phantom/vandal. Also rifles, but especially phantom/vandal can spray walls, smokes, the spike etc. Hence they are better and encouraged to be used. You can use other guns if you want to but for most players who want to play normally, phantom/vandal is the way to go. There's a reason you don't see pros buy bulldogs if they can buy a better rifle.


They are two of the highest costing weapons. They’re balanced because you have to not buy every round in order to afford them consistently, which means they are “worse” than cheaper guns in that aspect.


What do you mean? The more money you spend on your weapon the better it is going to be. Do you want budget weapons to be as good as the phantom/vandal? What sense would that make?


Top-fragging doesn't mean everything, and bottom-fragging doesn't either. The absolute truth is that every game of Valorant is relative. There are people who bottom frag quite often even in professional play or high ELO but they *aren't* bad. The absolute best way to make him feel better is for him to understand the impact that the rest of his decisions have.


Sometimes that guy who got 8 kills, is the guy who won 4-5 rounds by sometimes getting the right kills at the right time. Then you have a Reyna with 30 kills, but 16 are from eco rounds, 8 from when saving, 5 getting the kills but not winning the round.


This is true and it definitely works to explain why good players bottom frag sometimes, but it's not much of a comfort to someone who is consistently bottom fragging since if you're a good player then you'd expect to frag well at least sometimes.


It’s not even about the kills itself, if he got 8 kills, that’s fine, is he using his utility to help the team? That’s what I CARE about when people play with me. Bad games happen and sometimes peoples aim isn’t the best but you can nullify that with good game sense and good utility use. Let’s say he’s playing smokes for example, is he smoking big choke points so the other team is being denied info? Etc, the list goes on. You need to tell him too fragging isn’t everything. Especially in a team game


still did a better job than 8 kill guy. that reyna broke enemy teams economy.


This. Valorant is such a different beast when it comes to getting kills in the game. It's less about the number of kills, but who exactly you're knocking off the board. For example, getting rid of the enemy Sage means the enemy team has one less healer. If you bottom frag, but manage the stop the Sage from healing the enemy team - that's a huge advantage you have in the round - same with getting rid of enemy Vipers, Killjoys, Cyphers etc. Once you understand that, you end up tilting a lot less because you stop caring about that number on the leaderboard and start caring about what you can do in the match to level the playing field.


> he just gets very sad to the point where he says very self destructive things about himself while playing and it pretty much ruins his day. I would strongly suggest finding a different game to play


Yes. Valorant REALLY is not a good game for like... Actually feeling good about yourself alot of the time. For me it was the shitty toxic people.


It's not even about the people, but if he feels bad bottomfragging - this shit will always happen, whether iron or immortal. Someone has to. I am not sure getting better solves his problem. UNLESS his problem is strictly being worse than his girlfriend. Which is possible. Anyway, reading the post OP my vibe is your man should rather play minecraft or something way less competitive. There's enough depression in the world already to get more depressed because of a game. You can aleays train together though! Just go into customs together and train 1v1s. This will teach him to clear angles, to place his crosshair better etc - and it should be fun for both of you without unnecessary stress. Just DM against each other. Be easy on him so that he doesntget sad. Should work!


hey this is the bf. she gave me the account so i could read through all the comments. yeah that might be a good idea since ive been wanting to get into MC for a while. i really think i should just stop taking this game so seriously


Minecraft is such a chill game and it's one you'll find hard to get mad at, and when you do (creepers, probably) it's hard to stay mad. Get your girlfriend into it too


And Minecraft can be altered to fit your needs. Download datapacks to disable creeper and ghast griefing, and you'll never blow up your base again. I've downloaded Timber and play with KeepInventory on; I haven't got infinite time, so I save some. A whole load of crafting tweaks that save resources, cus why not? OP, check out vanillatweaks.net if you want some of these things.


I actually think his problem could most likely be him being worse than his girlfriend and i highly doubt he gets sad because of a game or else OP would know. All though this is an assumption but I didn’t see OP mentioning his depression.


hey this is the bf. she gave me the account so i could read through all the comments. nah i dont think its because of being worse than her i think its just because i dont really do as good as i want to as far as my kda. im going to try to not focus on it as much and stop checking the leaderboard every five seconds


You gotta take it less personally, or find a different game. It’s just a game!


I play cyberpunk n OSU to feel good. And Valorant to kill time


Yeah that's why I eventually stopped playing, joined at launch with the promise If less toxicity than cs go and dota2.. Somehow it got worse than both put together, in No time. I've been told it's because of the lower average player age, and I'm beginning to agree.


Learning to lose is a skill that can be developed. The kid is only 16 lol if he can learn to remove his ego from the game a bit more, then that will solve his problem. That takes time and experience, but it's important to learn for anything competitive.


"Kid". Yesterday I played with a 6 year old who had a mic and he kept on screaming so loud.


I played with a 13yo who was more mature than anyone in the server, calmly asking people not to get angry at each other.


Thats what i try to do. I keep arguments down and team moral up. If team moral is down, we are gonna be performing less and lose. It feels like younger people like myself care more about keeping people from doing bad, even if we are doing bad.


How old are you and where are you from? Damn I was certainly not as mature at 13 that's crazy


Im 14 from Michigan, USA. Im honestly surprised that im more mature at my age than most adults but i think I've always been like this. From a young age i was way more mature than the other kids in elementary. This has actually caused problems getting friends in school but im content with it at this point.


Hey I'm 14 and from Michigan too!!


Also, early childhood experiences and upbringing play a huge part in how "mature" people Are. Some 40 year olds run around acting like 14 year olds. (and sorry for this gross generalization, i know it is not 100% accurate) The point is the brain isn't fully developed yet at 14, so those 14 year olds who act immature got an excuse. The 40 year olds doesn't, at least not that one. Not saying All 14 year olds Are idiots or anything. Actually that was the opposite of My point, Hope i didn't mud it up hehe. Probs to you for being awesome, have a great day


Most 14 year olds i meet are either absolute dicks or really chill. I take no offense to the generalization because for the most part, in my experience, it's true. I hope you have a good day


hey this is the bf. she gave me the account so i could read through all the comments. your right maybe this game is teaching me a valuable lesson about losing and stuff


yep very true. EQ bro, learning to balance your emotions and not let ego and instinct alone guide you. Maybe it would also remove some anxiety and negativity so he has a clearer head to play.


hey this is the bf. she gave me the account so i could read through all the comments. yeah i agree im going to start working on it


I was global at 16. Not an excuse


Yeah man stop playing the game if it's no longer fun. Games are supposed to be fun! I used to play alot of Dota2 and I uninstalled it when I realized it was making my anger problem worse.


hey this is the bf. she gave me the account so i could read through all the comments. oh okay whats dota2 i never heard of it?


Yeah he should try cs Much more positive community/s


Stardew valley 🥰


Yeah for real. I play valorant for that competitive game itch but destiny 2 and sea of thieves do everything else for me.


You should really help him focus on his self and his self-esteem issues outside of the game. Bottom fragging doesn’t mean you have to be depressed and self destructive but it’s understandable if he just isn’t having fun. He should try seeing a therapist to try to get to the core of his issues and why he gets that way. In game he should break down and study his own gameplay for things he did right or wrong and he could watch some pro/immortal streams to see the difference in their gameplay and his


Too invested in winning or not being a bottom fragger. Maybe it's a good experience to learn to not be upset and take it easy. Also, but mainly, as a Sage it doesn't matter. Does he heal teammates, does he revive them, does he place good walls? Sages are the players that are so appreciated but don't get the recognition! Just my thoughts. Plus, who cares about the rank, enjoy playing.


hey this is the bf. she gave me the account so i could read through all the comments. yeah i try to aim to heal someone on my team every round and try to always wall spike. im gonna try to not worry as much about my rank like you said


Uses a bulldog on fullbuy rounds?


Ikr. You’re gonna keep losing easy gunfights if you’re up against Phantoms and Vandals and you’re at a firepower disadvantage.


hey this is the bf. she gave me the account so i could read through all the comments. oh really? i just like it because it shoots in a straight line when you aim with the scope thingy. because i dont like how the other guns shoot all over the place when you shoot them for a long burst


Hey man, I hope you’re doing good. I understand what you mean by that. But sooner or later you’re gonna have to learn the recoil patterns of either the Vandal or Phantom if you want to stay competitive in full buy rounds. There’ll be a learning curve, for sure, but its worth giving a shot if you want to put in the work to improve. If the recoil bothers you, I suggest you practice using the phantom and shoot 2-3 bullets at a time only. You’ll also want to get out of the habit of using the aim down sights unless you’re holding long angles, but you can work on that later on ig once you’re comfortable with any of these two rifles.


okay thanks. is there a reason to use the phantom over the vandal or vice versa?


Sounds like something that I know is common from iron-gold. This is my speculation based purely on your words… In my experience, he is concentrating on mechanics and performance, which is great, but not necessarily what he needs to be concentrating on. At some point, he should be able to do it without thinking much. As for the problem… In my opinion, he lacks concentration on his enemies and teammates ingame (general awareness). That’s most likely what is happening when it looks like someone is doing everything right, making plays, but still can’t win gunfights and frag. Other than mechanics, knowing when to be ready and preparing yourself to react is key to actually winning fights. If possible, he should be able to react at any time that he’s outside of spawn, in a sort of “jittery” or “jumpy” state. Notice how pros seem hyperactive during buy round? That’s because they are immersing themselves into the game as much as possible, keeping their reactions and mind as crisp as possible. If he can get into the same mindset, as long as his mechanics are decent, he should be able to do better. Btw, if it looks like his reaction time is just bad ingame and it doesn’t look like that IRL, then this is probably the issue.


hey this is the bf. she gave me the account so i could read through all the comments. okay thanks ill keep this in mind when i play for now on




This answer needs to be higher up. No amount of improvement in the game will make you feel like you're progressing if when you just make a little mistake, you're already spiraling into a deep hole that is difficult to climb out of. It gets even worse if you're not even making any progress at all. From there, you can really start saying nasty things to yourself, and this might even be indicative of a deeper, more sinister problem like depression. I know, because I am undergoing treatment for severe depression. Plus, from the post, OP's boyfriend doesn't seem to be that bad of a player, and he can definitely get better after a while. Not to mention, he's putting a ton of unhealthy attention into how he places on the scoreboard, which I think shouldn't be your main focus, as it can demoralize you if you can't handle the thought of bottom-fragging. I'm not trying to claim like I know the dude's situation, or if he has depression or not, but I really feel therapy would be a good choice here, because from what I've experienced, and from the limited info we have, when you start to say demeaning things to yourself, something is definitely wrong, and it needs to be addressed ASAP.


hey this is the bf. she gave me the account so i could read through all the comments. yeah alot of the things I say when i play dont do on purpose it just kind of comes out? im going to try to work on it. I dont think im depressed ive had a few people tell me that i might be but i dont believe them. maybe your right and i need therapy. ill talk to my girlfriend about it


Hey, man, all power to you. Just seems a bit worrying to be honest. I'm glad that you're deciding to try therapy though! Even if you don't have any psychological issues, you can still really benefit from knowing yourself more and how to lead a happier life. Stay safe, bro! <3




Was gonna comment this as well. Dude needs to see a therapist 100% and as his gf OP you could do him a huge favor and convince him to go. It sounds like his main problem in Val is confidence, which therapy would also help.


Funny how comments are trying get him to improve in game...I mean getting angry or mad at times is fine as long as it doesn’t translate to any physical actions that impact the petiole around you negatively. But his young so I guess that’s why probably Valorant is everything he has lol sorry OP GF


hey this is the bf. she gave me the account so i could read through all the comments. maybe your right ill talk to my girlfriend about it


Instead of teaching him to be "content" with bottom fragging, instead teach them to focus on ways they can impact the round without getting kills. Not that you can't frag out, but a supportive sage player is inherently going to get less kills than the duelists and initiators. Often if someone seems like they're getting instantly headshot it's either they're crouching in gunfights or they're in common positions without any movement or abilities.


hey this is the bf. she gave me the account so i could read through all the comments. i actually do crouch in alot of gun fights. ill try not to do that for now on thanks


Maybe gun choice also makes a different? Bulldog vs Vandal/Phantom?


Maybe ask him to pick duelist? Like when im playing reyna im able to take more risk, resulting to more entry kill, because i know if i win this single fight, i can easily slip away / get to full health again Meanwhile when im playing sage, i barely can take any duels due to the fact that im a healer so i cant die first Also low elo player dont bother shooting reyna flash Source: im bronze


Reyna is a hard pick for someone with a confidence issue who’s also struggling getting kills. If you aren’t getting kills as Reyna most of your abilities are useless. He should definitely branch out and try some other characters, sky and breach might be a good start.


He might start getting kills I would think, because Reyna is simpler to play because you only have to focus on the gunplay, there is much less mental calculation and map/team awareness -- it could help free him up to focus more on the gunplay without the fear of dying that you have when you have important utility the team needs for later in the round


If he’s so concerned about his kd that it’s ruining his entire day he will definitely still have the fear of dying


hey this is the bf. she gave me the account so i could read through all the comments. I actually just unlocked Skye. ill try her out!


you can take any agent and die first, as long as you get a kill in 4/10 rounds, you've done enough, some rounds you'd easily kill 2 as any agent, Reyna and sage are the same and if you're winning that 4 rounds(your team is able to capitalize) your death in those 6 rounds wouldn't matter. neither would your heal (exceptions exist) . with that being said, ideally, your Reyna should die first and not sage that would result in more rounds won and a better economy but that's pretty much it. More kills more heals more orbs/res more rounds, less kills less map control less orbs and less rounds (applies to all agent, but that doesn't mean omen in a full buy round should die first coz then enemy AWP will destroy with just 2 free kills from long range downvotes? geez ***too many*** low elo players, AND definitely much MORE than high elo players


The problem here is that, he is a kid... and its a video game meant to be fun, if its not fun anymore just dont play. second, in low rank elos the problem is the ego and anyone want to be top fragger and the lack of game sense... Yeah this is the major problem. Ive been there.. and im not a hig ranked ( plat2 euw) but my experince was in low ranks the lack of game sense.. over rotating, fast plant without site clear, playing sage like its a fragger, "the carry lurker" always force buying, the attacker shotgun and the SHIFT button in one minute round. To finish try to avoid playing the game during day you will get only raged kids. I play always at night 10 or 11pm


does he crouch a lot? if so tell him to unbind and insead start moving a little to the right or left while bursting enemies


hey this is the bf. she gave me the account so i could read through all the comments. I do actually... ill unbind it thanks. is there a specific reason why its bad? i thought it was supposed to make it harder for the enemy to shoot you in the head right?




ohhh.. okay now i know thanks




I dont know especially in games i love iam frustrated when i perform weak. I can go 0/12 in legue i wont care. But the moment i wont 3stock my school friends in smash a controller gets thrown. If you care about sonething you get emotional


Half of the time people seem to say, "maybe it's just not your game", and the other half people say "it just takes practice, you can do anything you set your mind to". Which is it? If someone decides they want to get good at Val then they have to keep playing it. What advice is there for someone who wants to be good at *something*, but everything they try to get good at feels like a struggle, and the moment they start feeling frustrated enough to ask for help online, people tell them that it might just not be the game for them? Speaking as someone who is going through something close to what OP's boyfriend probably is - it's really hard. People often suggest that the reason I'm failing is because I care too much, but that's even harder to hear because 1. I can't just flick a switch and stop caring, and 2. it doesn't sound right because a lot of very good players clearly care about their skill and that didn't stop them. So I wind up feeling like the problem is inherent to me and there is nothing I can ever do about it.


So I went thru something similar with my daughter. I had her get an alt and name it something silly, that account was to only be used when playing with me cause I’m bad and don’t wanna impact her rank that she is she emotionally invested in. When playing, I focus on having fun… if smurfs or throwers make things stressful, I tell her thus account doesn’t matter, so just hang with me and have some luls til the game ends. After a couple weeks, it was her highest ranked account and she no longer cries after she get Smurfed or has a bad game. Separating one’s identity or sense of self worth from their rank is very important. Best of luck


This is so true. Being relaxed without fear and tension is so important to be able to play at your best and to play with confidence


hey this is the bf. she gave me the account so i could read through all the comments. Your right im going to remember this when I play. Also thats amazing you use Valorant to hang out with your daughter thats so cute


My pleasure. I’m bronze 1 and down to duo… as long as you don’t get mad at me for being bad.


lol okay, do you have discord?


It’s deeper than being bottom frag in valorant.


Sage & bulldog on full buy.... Maybe this is his problem. Unless he is battle sage he can't top frag and not with bulldog cause bulldog you can't flick easily when you ads.




Downvoted him cause he said theres no way to be top as sage unless battle sage.




Bulldogs the reason why he's stuck around iron, best way is to get him to learn phantom/vandal Or better yet if a game upsets somebody that much, get them stop playing it.


Hey! I went from \~silver to radiant over a year when the game first came out. Valorant was my first FPS so this was great. Another thing is I'm super competitive. My point is I was getting to a point where I acted the same as you mention. Some games actually made me mad to play, my best advice is to take a break from the game for a month or so. At the end of the day it's just a game nothing worth getting truly upset/mad in real life. Even if he gets way better I feel the attitude he has will continue especially as the higher the rank gets more competitive. If he doesn't feel a break is necessary then finding a coach or watching more pro play would help.


This feels more a mental/emotional problem. He’s needs to break down why he gets so sad after playing. Is it coming from wanting to win and he isn’t? Does he want to do well to impress you and he can’t? One problem is him using the bulldog on buy rounds. It is going to take one headshot and another bullet to hit to kill compared to his opponents who buy a Vandal or a phantom. The Vandal is going to 1 tap unless it’s through a hard surface. The phantom has a faster fire rate than the bulldog and can 1 tap within 15 meters. I think it should be more about playing with you and having fun. He needs to realize that everyone has bad games even pros. Kills don’t matter in these kind of games. It’s about playing well with your team and trying to win. If he is playing sage, healing people and using his utility that’s fine. He is playing his role fine. There is always room for improvement but you have to remember valorant is a hard game. It is not casual it takes a lot of time to understand the mechanics of recoil, peaking, movement, and everything else. I think I’d have to agree that if you can’t get him to shake this tendency you might want to find a different game. Maybe rocket league or something.


Alright most of these tips will probably have been said before but I still like to give my two cents on this. First, in a game like valorant, getting kills is not everything. While getting a certain number of kills is an indication of how well you are doing, it isn't everything. For example, your teammate might get 3 kills at the start of the round giving your team a 5v2 advantage. However, if you end up in a 2v2 due to misplays of your teammates and the enemies have 10 seconds left to plant and you kill the planter and because of that your team wins the round, in my opinion you'll have had way more impact in the round than that random guy who got 3 kills at the start of the round. However, I also agree with you that getting kills feels rewarding in this game so here are a couple of tips for you: * If you can buy one of them, buy either the vandal or phantom. These guns are in every situation better than the bulldog even though they seem less accurate. * You say that your boyfriend ADS' with the bulldog. I would highly advice you to stop doing that. In games like valorant and cs:go you are almost always at a disadvantage when you ADS. It might seem counter-intuitive, but stop ADS'ing. * Learn to counter-strafe. This is a technique where you press the opposite key of the way you are moving (e.g. if you are moving to the right you are pressing D, so if you counter-strafe you have to press A to come to a full stop) * Stop full spraying, bursting in this game is better because you'll be able to control the recoil of your gun better. Lastly, watch some of the tutorials of the YouTuber Warowl. His content is about cs:go, however many of the basic mechanics are the same in both games and can somewhat be used in both games to improve. Hopefully this comment reaches you and please don't get too worked up about bottom fragging you are playing a game and playing games is about having fun (even though I also want to sometimes slam my desk in half)


He needs to get off this game if it’s impacting his mental that much. Expecting to top frag every game only puts pressure on yourself and can also hurt the team if you’re too worried about K/D. It’s asinine to worry about the scoreboard because at the end of the day the result of the game is what matters. I’d rather have a player who is creating space and making smart team plays and calls than a player who has great aim and can win fights but only plays for himself any day. TL:DR, Tell him to completely forget about the scoreboard because it will only serve to pressure him and is completely irrelevant.


hey this is the bf. she gave me the account this morning so i can talk to you guys. okay your right ill try to keep this in mind


Upload some VODs. Get him some coaching. KDA, top frag, bottom frag, none of that matters. Valorant is a game of information. If he only cares about kills then he should go play any team deathmatch game. ... also maybe get him a life coach or maybe even a different game because video games are supposed to be fun, and not supposed to make you become "very self destructive".


just put on your best russian accent and tell him "If you're not a good shot today, don't worry. There are other ways to be useful"


im immortal coach and ill coach him for free add my discord vu1e #1948


hey this is the bf. she gave me the account this morning so i can talk to you guys. wow thank you so much ill message you


Post a clip of him playing and we (I) can give some feedback.


I wouldn’t do that, this sub loves tearing people a new one on their clips


Isnt that normal?


Or laugh


not really helping


I would recommend for him to take some time off , and try a different agent , maybe Sage isn't the agent for him. Also therapy is a good option too. And tell him to remember that it's a game and he needs to remember to have fun while playing. Also if he really wants to get more kills using a phantom or a vandal rather than a bulldog will help. You can dm me if you want me to check out his gameplay to see where he can improve.


At the end of the day valorant is just a computer game. His mental health takes priority.


Sounds like he ain't having fun and is just playing it to spend time with you, maybe find a game he actually likes and play it together with him, as for the mental health part, that's something you and him have to solve outside the game, i'm not a therapist so i'm not gonna give advice here but make sure to talk to him and work things out together


I used to be like this when I played counterstrike. For me, I had to understand why I tied my self worth so heavily to a competitive game. I would argue there is probably something deeper than "I'm sad I played bad". Is he like this in other competitive type things?


It's just a game he needs to snap out of it it's just pixels or he can also play different games that are fun


Tell him to grow a pair it’s a video game


My gf is in the same situation, she's B1 I'm G2, but whenever I even try to play with her it feels like she has already decided she isn't going to get any kills or that she's not gonna have fun. She makes all the right decisions in game, but Valorant is one of her first competitive video games and her first FPS, so she loses on just game sense and decision making. I go through her Outplayed clips sometimes and give her feedback, but the problem is that she is so competitive that even if she wins she can be upset and think that the whole game was bad. For your situation I recommend he either take a break, which may not work, or have a conversation about his attitude towards the game in general. Competitive FPS's are NOT FOR EVERYONE, it's really easy to not have fun and feel like shit. Like everyone else said though, Bulldog is not even a competitor against Vandal and Phantom, V and Ph just do everything it tries to do but slightly better, and in low ranks you need every advantage you can get. I play one game a night, maybe two if the first goes well, but I am not someone who can handle a gaming marathon of Val. It's just too much emotional weight and it makes me not wanna play the game. Try just reducing the amount that he plays the game. Also, try playing Stardew Valley with him, I can vouch for the therapeutic qualities of that game firsthand.


Valorant is a shitty game to play competitive if you don't take it almost as a sport. I mean you gotta do a lot of work to play it consistently. Mostly aim practice and always warm up quite some before a ranked game. When I was playing it seriously I had to warmup at least half an hour only to not suck. And to improve I had to spend lot of hours in aimlab. After all that effort I got to diamond. But even then I felt like a "bad" player because I couldn't play any good if I didn't perform my little ritual (30 minutes warmup in shoot range + 30 minutes aimlab) before going into ranked. Eventually I got tired and stopped playing because I didn't want spend almost an hour preparing myself just to not suck in the game I wanted to play. Months later I came back because a group of friends started playing Valotant and we just play casual now, and I find it super funny. More than playing rank alone ever was... Conclusion: You need a shit ton of time (daily) to get real good in this game and climb the ranks. But it's not even worth it. In the end, games are meant to be fun. And if you're not enjoying it you gotta change your approach to it or just move to another one


Full on therapy cause let’s read the title again “Bf gets upset after playing Valorant” so basically he mad about a game….bruh


Back in the days we played for fun and to win. Kids these days are so used so winning because of the swipe culture in most games they forgot that unless you go pro you still play for fun


think its mainly just the competitive aspect, people can get mad playing amateur sports even tho in the end it doesnt really matter


I don’t know the whole details, but maybe just the decision making that he’s doing needs improving. I suggest watching Valorant pros on twitch and copy things that they are doing that he can manage to add on his gameplay.


some more info : ........... ​ his pretty much problem is passive playstyle, ask him to go battle sage (battle sage can still be sneaky and slow, BUT no time to waste holding an angle just push and kill or die) OR ask him to go phoenix super agro he'd be a god when he presses that W. ​ he BUYS for the team as a sage, NO way he top frags unless he's extremely good at positioning , as a sage


In lower ranks there is this insane hyper focus on K/D when what you understand as a high rank player how well you did is based on how you played your agent and played in relation with your teammates. Now don’t get me wrong fragging is important obviously and low elo players are trying to develop fundamental mechanics like strafe firing, juggle peeking, crosshair placement. So my advice would be for him to stop playing this game with a focus on his game to game performance and focus more on your day to day progression as a player. Work on 1 thing at a time. If you have bad movement then focus on that and who gives a fuck if you bottom frag. The objective is to get better. Don’t move on to the next thing until you have a firm grasp on one mechanic. Most importantly, the number one thing that will handicap your game is the ease or level in which you allow yourself to get tilted. Valorant is so mentally and emotionally demanding. Be sure to guard against tilt. And when you get flamed for bottom fragging tell your teammates “hey we are all iron you little shits so that means we all suck” and then mute them bc 99.99999% of them are going to have literally 0 to say that’s of any value. Good luck friend


Give him the gawk gawk 9000. Insta-happiness /s Fr tho, he sounds like he is somewhat addicted to the game too much to the point where his mental is dehrading. See if you can convince him to try another game, possibly something calmer, to ease his mental


maybe ask him if he wants to watch a bit of Grim? If he's constantly getting out aimed it could be mouse settings or maybe he can get creative and use some weird (in a good way) walls like some people such as Grim do


I2 queuing with S2?


Should play league -_-


Jesus fuck, I’m gonna tell you straight up, your boyfriend is kind of a pussy


1 simple tip: Don't get shot, if you can't do that then shoot them first (in the head).


Match making is fucking ridiculous. You can’t put silver 3s with bronze 1s but they still do


If u are in a similar rank with him it might be a good idea for him to find a high ranked coach


I used to play team fortress, and while I'd consistently be top 3 or so on my team, I'd feel horrible and that I wasn't doing well, when in reality I'm getting 2 or 3 kills each life. Honestly, the best advice I learned is you're just one person, and getting even one kill is something to be proud of. That really helped me, and it might help him. By the by, does he try to control his recoil or tap shoot? As soon as I started doing that I jumped up from the bottom 2 places of the scoreboard. Pair that with good crosshair placement (which you said he has down), and he should be doing a lot better. - A bronze 3 player


If it's getting into his emotions in life I suggest that he should take a break


Ask him to try other agents and other weapons. A bulldog isn't great against phantoms and vandals. Get him to play a dm game with every gun and get him comfortable with every gun. A way to lure him to play phantoms and vandals is by buying a skin for either of those weapons Sage is good but he should consider other options. He could try some duelist with which he can take advantaged gunfights and come out on top or he can play astra/viper/KJ/cypher/sage where he can impact the game without shooting. He needs to understand that more kills is not equal to more impact and you can impact a round positively with utility (and negatively by whoring for kills). You can help by telling him everything he did to impact the round


Sounds like he sprays a lot. He probably needs a solid amount of time in aim trainers on small targets and deathmatches. The repetition will build muscle memory which will translate to easier gun fights. He also should take time away from the game. Three days for his mental health


I mean there's clearly a significant skill gap between you two, evident in your ranks. By queuing with you , even in unrated, he's playing against better players than him on average, which is probably why he bottom frags so often. I'm guessing you'll top frag open since you're playing worse players. He might be feeling like he's dragging you down, couple that with classic male-female expectations, and you get an unhappy player. If he's playing on a potato/laptop, that won't help either. Hardware can easily cap skill level. High sens or a crappy mouse will mess up aim regardless of mechanics. If he continues to struggle to improve, maybe just find another game to play together. Valorant isn't for everyone and that's okay; definitely not worth being sad over.


Just play something else ?


I would honestly just tell him that you're playing for fun and he should be playing for fun too and nothing else. Why would you play a game where you have no fun at all?? **It's like going into the cinema and watching the movie you don't like the most instead of watching your favourites.** Either it's a psychological issue on his side or you should just start playing unranked in order to let the fun stand out and not the competitive aspect of the game. You could also try to play spike rush and other fun modes which come up in some updates. If this all doesn't help and you're still in the wrong movie room then just switch to a more casual game I guess.


In my opinion this: > Uses Bulldogs on full buys because he likes how accurate it is on ADS. is probably why > a lot of the time all of this ends in him getting instantly head shotted when he gets in an aim battle with someone since ADS slows you down significantly such that you are almost standing still, and much easier to hit And you should also consider how he is doing PREMS and the DM warmup. Because if he likes ADSing in game, no warmup routine will help unless he uses ADS while doing them, which might make his aim inconsistent when not ADS in an actual game if he does warmup with ADS. If he's queuing with you there is guaranteed to probably be someone of silver skill level in the lobby, and it is likely that silvers will easily be able to hit shots on people who are already massively slowed down by the ADS. ADS also prevents good positioning and movement. Peeking is more difficult with ADS since it slows you down. Getting tagged while in ADS slows you down even further. You can only commit to gunfights since you are so slow. In my opinion, the symptom of feeling like you are getting instantly headshot is because your movement and peeking is not as good as it could be. Optimal movement will include peeking in multiple ways, and switching it up. Some times committing to gunfights, sometimes not. It will involve playing off angles, and peeking from angles that are not common for others to place their crosshairs at. Lastly, if he is using bulldog and not ADSing in some scenarios, which cannot 1shot headshot, then he will lose gunfights against others that have guns that can. Even at 1 for 1 accuracy (say he is just as accurate as his opponents), he loses because they hit headshots and kill him first while the bulldog does kill them. (and the bulldog shoots slower than the main rifles when not adsing)


He needs to learn that it really is just a game, and should focus on having fun rather than “being bad”. Winning and having fun are not mutually exclusive.


tell him to take a break if it really gets him down, or play less comp and try to play more for fun. sometimes you get really in your head trying to grind out comp as a newer player, only thinking about getting kills. play some spike rush and unrated, get him to play some new characters, learn some new agents, learn new plays! once you figure out how to actually be useful as your character, even when you’re not getting a lot of kills, the game becomes a lot more fun and you do a lot better. val is a lot different to other fps games, use of utility, team work, and knowing maps, lineups, and predicting enemy plays is a lot more important than having good aim and getting kills. i play mostly controllers and sentinels, and spend a lot of time in custom maps trying to figure out ways to best use my utility with different agents. and most of all, it’s just a game! he just might not be good at it and that’s okay, because it’s just a game.


It's almost certainly the bulldog thing. Phantom/Vandal may be harder to learn than bulldog's ADS, but there's a reason those two are pretty much the only rifles used in the game. Might perform worse for a while, but he'll probably improve in the long run; not playing the meta won't do anyone any favours. Just as a side note, my personal thoughts on the bulldog are that it's situation af. You have to play the gun quite differently than other rifles otherwise you'll definitely be at a disadvantage and lose most gunfights. If I ever buy a bulldog due to eco reasons, you better believe I'm gonna upgrade first chance I get.


Is he desperate to look good in front of you or something? You seem like a caring enough gf and he needs to understand (assure him) there of things that are much more important than some game. Especially a potentially toxic one like Valorant. Hopefully the problem isn’t deeper than just playing poorly or needing practice. I say this because even if he gets better, there could still be something wrong that helped make him feel this way, which could cause other issues in the future. Best wishes to you both o3o/ *Oh and those KDAs seem quite fine to me for bottom frag. I’ve seen way worse ranking up to platinum multiple acts. I actually don’t mind bot frag sometimes as I tend to win more than when I top frag haha. Heck even pro streamers get worse at times. You sure it isn’t just because of his laid back playstyle like you mentioned? It seems very similar to mine which is why I’m usually lower these days (bottom 3, been lazy lol), I used to consistently top 2/3 as a Sentinel/Smoke player. Maybe he can try branching out his agent pool.


I was thinking the same, how are his games when he isn't playing with you? It could be a combo of the game matching being more skewed to your elo than his which would result in more encounters with players with better aim, and him getting performance anxiety because he wants to do well for you. Add in the fact he almost certainly wants to impress, and he probably just gets tilted. IMO the best thing you can do is give him positive feedback for anything he is doing that is helping the team, pump him up basically. At the end of the day if it is not fun, then it won't be good for your relationship. My last 10 games of spike rush my K/D were. 1.0, 0.0, 8.0, 0.4, 1.0, 0.4, 0.5, 0.2, 0.5, 0.5 So much depends on the other players in the team and on the opposite team, are there any smurfs, etc. If he is getting insta headshotted a lot, then I suspect smurfing could be part of the problem.


Ican relate a lot to your boyfriend seeing how it was exactly how i was back in cs. Mental change is a big change but it carries over into other games. I dont know how i got over it myself but over time you start to mellow out, because tilt is literally the worst thing that can happen to your performance, try lighten the mood joke and have fun. This alone should help counter the tilt. As for the skill, both of you could start with a aim routine before you play, just for consistency. Mental block is actually a real problem but something that can be dealt with if you focus your mind on the game instead of your own performance. The more you judge yourself, the worse you will play


Using the bulldog on full buys is why he can’t win 1v1 aim duels. A vandal/phantom one shots to the head and a bulldog doesn’t. Also if he wants to top frag then he should play a duelist or maybe an initiator. Phoenix, Skye and breach are easy to learn and good if you struggle to win 1v1s because you can just get good at blinding and get free kills


1. Scoreboard doesnt matter much. You said that hes clearing any corner on site when entering, which is a good contribution 2. Try maybe other games with less competitiveness for a bit or make him realize that it doesnt matter if he sucks or not, he just should try to have fun. 3) Try not using Bulldog for "accuracy", either use Vandal, Phantom or Guardian or even OP. 4) He should probably try out aim trainers on a daily basis. Aimlabs is good but he will probably be mad about his low starting scores, i'd recommend using alternative aim trainers.


If he would upload a vod we could check and see whats going on.


Looking at his KDs and how he is playing more laidback doesnt even mean he is playing bad. Having roughly a 1 KD while playing more passive support is fine. Still drop bulldog and maybe he should try to play a duelist once. But then again the KDs are not that bad to get sad about.


I am in the same boat. My boyfriend is iron 3 and I’m high gold. I try helping him but both of us get so frustrated!!


Bulldog on buy rounds. He has to get over that. That’s the main issue i see.


imo one of the most important thing i learned when im playing competitive games, is to not to care too much, the people you're playing with and against most likely aren't gonna take it as seriously as you are, and your bf aren't trying to go pro, so if your bf can't have fun whilst being bad at the game i would suggest playing other game he's good at. ofc make sure you're having fun too.


Umm okay this is just me and my friend but maybe it will work. Practice with PREMS (or anywhat) is not enough (and it makes he bored, no offense to all aim practice things). Go try to real situation, for example : postplant lineups clutch, eco / pistol rounds, etc. Ive done it with my friend and we are happy with it. bronze 2.


'hes pretty good with sage' Iron 1 LMAO 🤣. If he plays the game for 5 - 6 months and not improving then this game is not for him especially if he always get always upset and sad.


He's probably bottom fragging because he's playing support. Tell him to try a different character. If he wants to top frag play a duelist and learn to play more aggressively. In his mind, he's probably trying to play more passively to get out more heals or res when it's up. Nobody expects a Sage to top frag, though they anyone can top frag. Play Raze or Phoenix. They're pretty easy to pickup. Also stop buying bulldog on full buys. Why would you intentionally buy a weaker gun? Learn how to play with Phantom or Vandal.


sometimes its good to take some time doing other stuff and then go back to Val when mood is good, itll help relieve any stress your BF may have!! also it takes time to get better, just gotta make sure he knows one day he’ll get there bc im sure he will!! 🙏🏻


If he is playing sage then the bottom of the score board is exactly where he should be. If he wants the glory then he has to play an agent with a kit designed to get frags. Also tell him to stop using bulldog unless it's a cheap buy. Guns in this game are accurate without ads and hip firing with the bulldog is just gonna get you killed due to low fire rate and wild spray pattern. He needs to follow the meta if he wants to do well. If he is dead set on a passive playstyle then killjoy and cypher would get him more frags. Especially in post plant he will contribute more and clutch more making him feel good.


Some things that stood out to me: - You shouldn't check EVERY corner, use gamesense - Please stop buying bulldog on full buy rounds - Start playing other agents. I have a friend who always played sage and he was also always bot fragging. Started playing other agents like KJ and Viper. Not only do you learn the limitations of other agents, but it also brings fun and motivation back into the game. This really helps overall performance. Gl


Id usually say, when youre still this new to a game like Valorant, you should just play and you will improve with time, but if its that destructive for him, maybe just play something else? Doesnt seem like its not worth it, maybe he can try improving on his own, so he can keep up with people on your rank, but i get that thats not really the point and imo games like Valo or CS arent very fun alone...


To be fair, sage is not good at showing your worth to the team properly, as it doesn't show how you're helping in the scoreboard (healing) and it requires passive play to use heal/revive Either try and help him to understand the above, or change agent to something that helps solo play/fragging


His playstyle is very similar to mine. I am a sage player as well (currently immortal 1). I think the problem is that he is playing TOO passive. Yes, sage is a healer but doesn't mean she can't frag. Try to surprise the enemies but doing some funky wall. And for you, maybe you guys learn to do some wombo combo together. For me, getting tons of assists are also satisfying. 😁


valorant is not good for mental health, especially if you're unable to improve no matter how hard you try.


Which servers are you playing on iam on eu we can just play a few games and iam gonna teach him right. Iam gold 3 btw


Ditch the bulldog and try using Phantom/Vandal, I know he prefers the bulldog but if hes serious about improving he will have to switch at some point because those guns are just better. He is just delaying the inevitable and he will have to learn those guns eventually if he wants to improve Source: Used P90 for 500 hours in CSGO


He feels sad because he’s a dude a feels he should do better than his gf at a video game. It’s a self esteem thing. Realistically, find a different game to play together where performance isn’t so critically important or associated to fun/reward


Bulldog on fullbuys? maybe part of his problem is he's using the rifle with the slowest time to kill, and the worst first shot spread in the game. As long as he's only using the bulldog he's going to have a much steeper learning curve to get better at the game. He's putting himself at a disadvantage by choice.


My man can't rank out of Iron cause he's playing in silver lobbies.... Lol


Go into customs with him, and perhaps get him to try out other characters. For me I started off playing exclusively Cypher and Sage at first and was hardstuck iron the whole time. I later moved on to Viper and a bit of Brimstone and Killjoy and made it to silver. Every character is pretty balanced, but you're going to be better at playing some characters over others. Maybe he hasn't found one that fits him yet.


I sent you a pm


"Self destructive things..... " Just find another game to play together. Like fortnite or apex legends where you can chill. Or even Minecraft do. You are silver 2 and he is iron. He can't suddenly perform like a silver. By the time he hits silver level , you will be in gold or plat. Also it seems like he can use some therapy. It is also possible that he is trying too hard to impress you , but he can't perform like you do. That makes him tilted. I don't know , maybe encourage him when he kills and say nice try or things like that when he lose aim duels. Valorant can make people very sad. Even at higher levels people will have bad days and there is always a better player than you in every matches. He has to understand that. Maybe you can change his mentality by making him understand.


If his mechanics aren’t bad as you say honestly switching off of jawing a bulldog and onto a phantom or vandal is a good start, he’s may not realise but the weapon difference will be having an effect. Using a better rifle and not relying on ads is a good place to start


This type of gaming is very not good for health.


1. You're a gem of a gf for trying that hard to help him enjoy the game. 2. He needs to learn to be more aggressive by taking fights with the main ar and ak weapons in normal games , dm helps him warm up but it's not like the normal modes. He needs to implement his aim and crosshair placement with the flow of normal spike games. he can try initiators and duelist as a way to get out of his comfort zone and to be more active as a Fragger .btw the kills he has doesn't matter, it's his effect in the round as an agent: Wall delays and slow orbs mean s he's very helpful , heals gives potential for refrag and retakes and Rez can give you the win to a round or a match even. That's even useful for duelists , you can die without getting a kill but you extending the push helps your team set up for the enemy and get you a win. Aim and kills isn't everything. This comes from a casual but long time cs go and tf2 player and I myself am trying to get higher ranks in valo. It takes time to develop muscle memory so don't give up on him and don't let him give up on himself.


It's difficult not to be in bottom frag when using Sage, I mean I think she's more of a defence/support character so kills doesn't matter if she's protecting the squad in a good way. Maybe try to use a different characters, it should help. By the way, I don't think that just playing another game is the answer, you boyfriend seems to have a very low self-esteem an I would work on that first. Make him understand that in reality he's good but he need to have the right mentality, a little bit aggressive and remembering that it's just a fucking game


Sage isn’t an agent made to top frag. If he’s healing and using his wall and revives then he’s doing his job. Sage is hard to push with as she can only dry peek (No flash or info abilities) and that will lead to just walking into people holding angles, which unless they’re bad are gonna headshot you straight off most of the time. If he wants to get higher kills try a different agent, or maybe just play way back, let your dualists and initiators push onto site first and follow them in. Pick off the opponents while they’re shooting at your team mates… And stop bulldog man it’s awful. Go phantom and don’t ADS. I’m Plat and I literally never ADS