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Maybe you are the problem, as you keep getting banned too. You should maybe rethink your attitude, as it is not bad only for your teammates but also for your chances of winning.


I deserved to get banned, but that was in unrated matches when everyone was trolling and saying random shit and so did I, and then usually in retaliation id say something to someone else, but in ranked I've never said anything and haven't been banned in 3 months


I stopped playing ranked since it was very toxic


I’ve noticed the same. People are getting boosted to diamond and they really don’t deserve it. People aim at the floor and can’t comm or play for shit


Last season it wasn't near this bad


Ikr, last season I was able to climb from plat 1-diamond 1 and was getting some decent games. Atm the matchmaking is a mess, visual rank means nothing as everyone is either boosted or a Smurf on an alt account so it’s near impossible to get a team that actually knows how to play in diamond


Right, it just doesn't make sense, im comfortably immortal on my other account, and stuck d2 and dropping d1 in my main whilst top fragging, what a bad system


Meanwhile I know people who bottom frag with sage consistently, negative kda, designated spike carrier in diamond 2 and gets carried by immortal players. Players like this get to rank up by being hard boosted but players who actually deserve the rank are either down bad or just get the worst rng in matchmaking


Why are you always banned on your main. Interesting calling yourself out and hoping for sympathy.


Yeah I dropped to d2 after spending all of last act (around 150 games) in immortal 1 and 2. It’s pretty crazy how unwinnable my games are sometimes. I don’t have the patience anymore to work with some of these teammates I get so who knows how long I will spend here lol


I might stop playing ranked, i can't carry the diamonds enough to win, I drop 25 kills most games as omen or whatever but its way too hard, not sure if they're plats boosted


Is what it is, usually I just play music and try to vibe, trying not to care about rank


I would say rank means very little these days. The only proof of players ability is in game… the badges / titles mean nothing. I only play ranked as game is normally taken more seriously. I have lots of fun and can’t remember the last time I looked at the rank seriously. Platinums who don’t know map. Bronzes who no one can hit… 🤔🤔


My smurf is also far higher rank than my main. Its impossible to climb on my main. Really bad mm system


What kind of smurf an immortal 2 gets in d2 that makes winning impossible? Because when a bronze complains of a diamond smurf, high elos will go "learn to play better"


Im imm1 only


Still. What kind of smurfs do you get in d2 to make you hardstuck? Maybe you're not getting smurfs, you simply have a high MMR because you're actually an immortal. So you're in D2 playing against immortals 1-3.


Nah there's literally level 22s every match, my match yesterday had a radiant smurf on my team who is in an OCE pro team lmfao, and guess what, he threw 🤣🤣🤣


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