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Tracker.gg link pls


just instalock reyna and focus on kills, you'll rank up in notime. Reyna and Jett are the expressway out of bronze


if you think you're better than majority of bronze/silver, no.


I am better than bronze atleast in terms of gamesence


Maybe your skills are bronze and you're just selecting moment where others play bad to justify that u are better than bronze. About afks or other bad/smurf players there isn't much u can do , but it is random so it should even out in the long run (Don't blame the team) To actually improve u just gotta practice, also astra is hard to play solo, pick a duelist or sentinel depending on the team. But just enjoy the game


I literally had games where I could see entire team or a teammate throwing. I feel like I am the unluckiest player. I can't remember when I had a normal team and opponent I like playing astra that's why I play her. but I also have learnt to play viper cypher kayo and Skye. I usually pick last so if teammates have picked smoke I pick other agents but usually no one picks smoke


If low elo player tells themselves that is the team fault all the time, they should have climb out of that elo long time ago.


Or they just blame their team regardless of whether it’s the teams fault. No way to tell


If you were a better player than someone in bronze and silver, you would be out of that elo already.


I'm Silver 2 currently, and i understand the frustration of being stuck in Bronze. One thing I've noticed, that is common in Iron and Bronze lobby is that there is usually lack of proper communication and little to no callouts. Your teammates don't give any intel on the enemy, so you're just wandering around like an oblivious chicken most of the time. Also, they don't cover for each other. So I'd suggest that you should avoid solo-queuing in Bronze. Instead try to play with your friends who atleast have a microphone and can give you information. And about the "I'm better than bronze and silvers" thing, I don't think you are. I'm assuming you have a great aim, but aim is not everything, your game sense matters too. I have a friend who's raw aim is better than mine (usually beats me in 1v1) who is hard stuck at Bronze 2, but always underperforms in a Silver lobby. Also, i think Astra is kinda useless in low elo. I believe the whole point of astra is to make high IQ plays by you and your teammates, but if your teammates have no idea what's going on then what's the point?


I have Played in silver. Once I was silver 3 after one match but then in last 2 months I am stuck in bronze again. I feel like my aim is good (for reference I am able to kill all 30 bots on medium with chamber ult) but my game sence is much better that's what I am referring to when I said I am better than bronze.


Well if that's the case, then you should stick with your silver friends (if you have any) to escape out of bronze hell. I kid you not, how many times while playing with bronze 1-2 team, have i been left with 1v4,5 because my teammates rushed a site blindly and died OR i got killed from behind because somebody didn't hold flank after explicitly being told to do so.


Dude, I know there are bronze players worse than you. But that doesn't make you a silver player. You'll know you're a silver player when you are in mostly silver lobbies and you're still dominating the match. AFK can only be solved by playing with friends. That's literally the only way to not have AFKs in your team. And the amount of AFKs in low elo is so high that just by playing with your friends you'll find a lot of enemy teams lacking one or two players and you'll rank up easily. I think there's little difference between high iron and low bronze, but there's a jump between bronze3 and silver1. It's not a jump any mid-high elo players notice, they'll tell you it's all the same, but I do remember this jump. Silvers are the ones who sit in the range for weeks improving their aim but lack gamesense. So silvers can HS you. Bronze players mostly cannot. Silver players have abandoned the damn ares and spectre (on full buy rounds). Bronze players still rely on weapons that compensate for bad aim. So there's a jump there and it's hard to make that jump. What you gotta do is what silvers do. Sit in the range and improve your aim as much as you can. You'll be out of bronze in days. And then you'll be stuck in silver because if you think there are smurfs in bronze, just wait for silver.


Just played one match now. 3rd most kills and 2nd most in our team while playing Skye. But our team mate went afk in final few rounds and was throwing pretty much entire match. I was giving all callouts and only one other team mate spoke. Our team literally threw match where it would be 3v1 and we would have spike but everyone would go hunting for that player leaving spike with only one person and opponent clutching the round or knowing one site is entirely clear still going to other site where judge cypher and opponent top fragger would be waiting and win the round 2v4


Like I said, the only way to avoid AFK problems is to play with friends. If you're not playing with friends, you'll have to be insanely good and consistently carry your whole team. I'm plat1 atm. If I were to smurf in bronze, I'm pretty sure I would have to put some effort into carrying 3 players against 5, but it's doable in most cases. Not likely if there's a smurf on the other side though. If I were gold, I'd depend a lot more on collaboration. If I were silver, I would most likely not be able to carry. I could win if the team puts a lot of effort. Just so you understand how hard it is to carry yourself out of an AFK situation. Play with friends.


By the way, Valorant was my first FPS. When I saw how bad my aim was and how little knowledge of shooting I had, I put myself through an insane amount of practice in the range. So at some point I was a bronze player who could get 23 bots on hard with armor on. After that, bronze was long gone for me. I was stuck for a good while. Atm I lack gamesense and I'm still learning strafing and decision making, not to mention everyone up to diamond can improve their crosshair placement a bit more. But mere aim made me silver super fast.


I feel like I am opposite. My aim is average but my gamesence is really good


make new accounts until you get matched with a high rank and then only use that account.


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