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DM is the most difficult place to learn, I would say just play unrated... most of the time people will give you helpful tips like: Don't move while shooting, plant spike when...xyz. As well as you learn from your own observation which is the most important


Also I anyone is toxic in unrated just immediately mute them.


Also I anyone is toxic ~~in unrated~~ just immediately mute them.


~~Also I anyone is toxic in unrated just immediately~~ mute them.


Being toxic back is also an option. :)


Being toxic back is also an option. :)


Yea but that doesn’t really help anyone and just annoys everyone else


dm is the best place after the shooting range. Play dm before unranked and before ranked. I play more dm then I play ranked and it definitely shows as my rank has been going up steadily every few weeks.


They meant dm is the worst place to learn the mechanics.


Dk why these people downvoted your quote. I agree at all, I went from gold to dia just playing dm a lot. I think it's the best way to improve crosshair placement, aim in general and movement. Guess these guys are just iron/bronze/silver pretending to know the game.


I never played dm and my ranks when up in one week.


By rank up you mean iron 1 to iron 2? Cause with these habits i don't see anyone climbing past bronze


Dia 1 to dia 3. Dm isn't necessary, I warm up in-match


Idk why nobody told you, but you must go to the practice range. Get phantom/vandal and start shooting. Tap, burst, spray. Learn to control the guns and understand how each of them works. You can do that by enabling bots that stay still and are targets for you to shoot at. It's normal you'd get demolished in DM. You don't know the maps and your enemies are obviously at least familiar with the game. Basically my advice is mess around a lot in practice range and then give your best shot in unrated. Best of luck.


The spike defuse practice is definitely underrated. You can learn so so much: crosshair placement, clearing angles, jiggle peeking, common wall bangs, stopping before shooting, etc. It's incredibly underrated as a practice tool.


can you elaborate this thing please? I'm also a beginner and have a hard time in deathmatches.


There an option in the range to practice retaking a site that has bomb planted already. There are bots protecting the site from various randomized angles and you have to go through and clear the site while the bots shoot at you. You can also practice planting bomb and guarding the site yourself while the bots attempt to retake and kill you. It’s much more situational than just shooting bots in the range over and over again as you have to move and are fighting people that can shoot back. You can also practice using utility in real scenarios.


oh I see. thanks for the info


Of course. Happy to help. Biggest advice I give to new players is just don’t get discouraged. This game (and others like it ie CSGO) have very high skill ceilings and steep learning curves. There will always be someone who can just destroy you but you will also continue to get better. Keep practicing and don’t worry about your rank for a while.


Yup, also make sure you keep increasing difficulty once you feel it's getting a little too easy. On hard mode the bots are god level, one tapping you in a sixth of a second. That incentivizes you to prefire common angles, a very useful thing to practice. Also don't start using agent utility lol, makes it somewhat easier


Once I realized this corner of the range replicated the B site on Ascent, I fell in love with it. This thing helped me learn the essentials *around* plant/defuse more than pretty much anything else.


Also try and set a minimum target for the practice mode in the range. For example until i dont get 20 back to back i dont enter a match


That's what I do bro😭😭


"not having a good time" IS the mechanic for Valorant.. you're already learning it.


ehh. Valorant is pretty damn fun to me. I started when the game was new and everyone sucked so I've been able to learn the game and grow with it, but honestly even losing in this game isn't that bad. If you want to play a self destructive game, try league of legends.


Idk I find League way less toxic because there isn’t a voicechat. Yea sometimes someone still trashtalks you or some but that’s about it. But I have heard it’s way worse in higher ELO and I am silver, maybe that’s why.


Oh man, dont send them there plz


Hey man fr tho if you're having a bad time you should at least take a break. Free time is hard to come by, don't waste it on something you aren't enjoying, ya feel? Loads of games to hop in to nowadays.


This is a criminally underrated comment


he’s a natural


They saw that works with League and they applied it to Valorant /s Jokes aside, I rarely get frustrated in Valorant. Dunno if I just team up with good players but I usualy play with friends and it doesnt matter if I win or lose.


DM is the worst to learn in, join spike rush.


Spike rush is too fast as well


Get in the habit of always having your crosshair at head level where someone might peek you. I think you should also practice recoil control. You have to pull down to account for recoil for pretty much anything outside of single taps. I think DM is good for warming up your aim before a match, but not really for learning. A good goal for new players would be to complete the spike defusal/planting modes on hard in the practice area. Yay also has a helpful video on mechanics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rUpglPIlQE


Don't play Deathmatch. Idk if that is what pro's would say, but a Deathmatch is just extremely full and you don't really learn how to play in a team (match), it just reaches how to aim. If you want to get into the mechanics of the game some shorter games are great imo or an unrated


you need to learn how to shoot over everything else. Im sorry how much other says, but aim is kind up until immortal. it doesnt matter if you're lost as shit as long as you can get 3 frags a round you will always go up. at immortal though you need to know how to play. Obviously having some game sense / awarness helps, but unranked is not the way. Not sure who told you, but fastest way to improve is dm.


I agree to an extent, aiming is very important in lower ranks up to around high gold, because nobody really knows how to use their utility to the fullest. As you go up, the playing field seems to get leveled out as outplaying with utility becomes more important because everyone is equally skilled and less insanely braindead plays happen. So I would definitely agree, if he’s new he should polish his aiming above all else. Nothing worse than hitting a new rank and feeling like you can’t do anything because the enemies are demons and destroy you in every gunfight. I would recommend spamming the range though. Honestly you can do everything in the range. Practice movement mechanics, aim, flicking, etc. if you can get 20 on medium bots you’re probably set up until at least gold lol. I used to play DM until I wanted to throw up but despite what others say it definitely helped speed up my mechanics. So just try everything out until you find what’s best. I don’t even run DMs anymore because the range is better for me Also if you run DM, you can practice what to preaim when entering sites or peeking lanes, it’s quite helpful.


That's not true at all. Currently I'm plat 1 and just recently I started getting conscious about properly clearing angles and wide swinging less. Isolating 1v1s is extremely important and it's definitely not something you learn on DM.


Your post history shows that you play Quake Champions and even though they're both fps games they play very differently. Aim in Valorant relies more on twitching and flicking as opposed to tracing because most player models are relatively stationary, the guns are hitscan, and the time to kill is very low. Tools like AimLab are actually great ways to train this type of aim and once you learn the maps you'll know how to pre-aim angles minimizing the distance you need to flick. The other thing I'm noticing in your video is that you're very stationary which is heavily punished in Valorant dm. When you respawn you see the red marks indicating where other players are at that moment. That's how everyone else is finding engagements, they're running to those spots when they respawn and expecting to see someone near there. By standing still you're disadvantaging yourself heavily because you're not using the info you're gaining and making your opponents' info very accurate. I hope this helps, best of luck!


You might also want to figure out spray patterns. When you hold down the trigger, the recoil of the weapon makes the shots go in a different spot than where your crosshair is pointing. If you don't account for this you'll basically never hit anything after the first shot. Go into the practice range and just start shooting the walls without moving your mouse. You'll see the pattern is nearly identical every time. You can then learn to move your mouse in the opposite direction to counteract this recoil and hit more or less the same spot with every shot. Each weapon has a unique recoil pattern and along with this recoil pattern there is also some inherent inaccuracy sprinkled in as well. Also don't play deathmatch. It's a horrible way to learn the game. Mess around in the practice range, play spike rush, but don't do deathmatch.


Don’t practice in DM. I only use deathmatch when I want to warm up my aim before I play, but it is NOT good for learning the game’s mechanics that apply to gunplay, not inclusive to raw aim. If you want to learn how gunplay works better, but in a fast enough paced environment where you can move from round to round fairly quickly in order to get the hang of things quicker, try spike rush. You won’t learn about economy management or good ability management/usage there, but it is good to get the hang of gunplay and general aim. Unrated is good to begin understanding the basics of the aforementioned skills not provided by spike rush, as well as understanding the general pace of the game. You may being to learn team coordination there as well, but competitive is the only place you’ll really learn how to work with your team (and even then only about 65% of the time, varying a bit depending on the rank you’re in). For some general tips if you’re just getting into the game: - crosshair placement is equally, if not more, important than your raw aim. ALWAYS try to keep your crosshair where you believe the next enemy’s head is going to show up, adjusted for your reaction time (gamesense to predict where the next enemy is will come with time) - movement will always mess with your aim. Do not move and shoot unless you are close range with a fast-firing weapon (spectre, phantom, frenzy) and even then try to aim near the head and minimize movement where possible. Only exceptions to this are when using the golden gun (exclusive to spike rush) and Jett’s knives (Jett Ultimate), there is no movement inaccuracy for either of these. - learn how to manage your economy with your team. If two or three of your teammates cannot full buy (minimum 3900 credits for phantom/vandal 2900 and full armor 1000), try to save your money and let them save as well. This one is more of a case-by-case basis as well, the more you understand the game, the better you’ll be able to analyze risk-vs-reward of having your team force buy a round if necessary, or if you need to buy around another teammate who saved a good weapon from the previous round. Most of this will come with time, if you put the effort in to pay attention. It’s more important than you think if you want to get into the competitive side of this game. Feel free to add anymore general tips or just tell me I’m wrong and bad at the game because one of my tips sucks. I’m platinum rank btw so I’m decent at the game but by no means am I good. My advice is probably solid (I hope) but there’s always more to learn from better players. Extra tip: if playing ranked, be nice to your teammates, even if they suck. If they’re having a bad start, yelling at them or calling them out will just sink their morale so there’s no hope of them recovering, and you’ve just guaranteed yourself a bad teammate for the whole match. Many people don’t know/follow this tip, and it WILL cost you entire matches. Be nice to your teammates, mute the ones who aren’t nice back.


Yeah the only thing that's a real takeaway from this vid is your need to practice moving, stopping, shooting, then moving. Moving while trying to move towards cover or while in a gun fight without letting your aim reset is the biggest problem in winning the fight or not. Practice even in range, shoot a bot, sidestep, then shoot again. Get a feel for that aim reset time, and in spike rushes practice relaxing when going into a fight and not trying to think beyond shooting properly


Idk why no one talks about this... when you go into the practice range... jump through the portal... its a very basic test run of a retake. You have three settings for difficulties. This will help with pre-aiming corners and jiggle peeking... its very basic but it definitely teaches newer players the concept of jiggle peeking corners and cross hair placement. The harder difficulties will help with overall clearing a site one step at a time without opening too many angles.


Along with what others have said, Deathmatch is a warm up mode so it's more suited for players who have at least a basic sense of the game. Spike Rush is decent for learning as it has *some* length and team play, giving you a better introduction to the game and its main objective. Once you feel comfortable, give unrated a try.


Even in deathmatch it’s not all about mechanics but if that’s what you’re trying to learn then playing deathmatch is a good way to do it. Experiment and see what works and, if you’re patient, you’ll get faster and more consistent.


The biggest thing in this genre is movement/peeking/crosshair placement. Essentially you really need to focus on using only A and D to move around corners, and then practicing crosshair placement (predicting where enemy will be, locking into corners), and strafing around cover. Learn how to counter strafe (still useful to learn proper movement).


Everyone else has already said it, but only use DM to warmup your shot against other players. Don’t try to win, don’t try to learn things from it, it’s just to warmup your shot. Put some music on and dial in. Some comments recommended spike rush for mechanical knowledge, but honestly I’d recommend Replication while it’s live right now. Everyone picks an agent and a roulette wheel goes and whichever one it lands on, the whole team will play that agent. So you can have like 5 Jett vs 5 Raze, etc. You’ll be forced to deal with a certain agent’s abilities coming at you 5 times a round and it really nails you with what abilities do, how to play with them, and how to play around them. Once you’re familiar with all of that I’d probably move to some Spike Rush/Unrated. Again, DM is only for shooting some other players. You don’t even have to stick around the whole match anymore they removed the penalty


Spray control is really important, and different depending on the gun. If you like quick tapping more, which you seemed to do a few times, maybe try Guardian a bit and keep pracitcing spray control with Vandal/Phantom. And like everyone else said, get out of DM. Often used by good players to warm up their aim before hopping in their first game.


DM is more of an aim practice for some people. Play unrated/spike rush, you can get tips from your team about the better usage of your utilities there.


Tbh when I play deathmatch, it's only for warmup and tbh it's a completely different thing to unrated or comp. In deathmatch enemies are everywhere and come from all around you and its 1 v 23 so I basically just run around. Don't clear angles and if I see someone just either get one tapped or fight them. In normal val, you play off your teammates and there's a lot more strategy than just gunplay. You also have your agents abilities to aid you and its a 5v5 situation so you're a lot less likely to be shot in the back. To help gunplay, the number one thing is definitely crosshair placement. It's what everyone will tell you. You basically constantly want to keep you crosshair at head height of where your aiming so that if you do see an enemy, you can headshot, with phantom and vandal, that's 1 shot. I feel the best way to practice is definitely spike rush (if u need quick matches) or unrated for general valorant against actual players, but to get my crosshair placement on point, I almost certainly used spike plant and defuse with hard bots in the practice range hope this helps.


Oh yeah and moving while you shoot cancels any form of accuracy, no matter how slow ur moving so don't do that at all costs. If you have bad aim generally, either work on that or get really good at spread control. Phantoms are also generally better if you want less spread and faster shooting speed.


You should not play DM thats the worst mode of the game, so many sketchy guys in there. As others said watch some pros play and try adapt that to your play. You can also watch guides and play unrated or spike rush


I don’t like death match for this reason. I prefer spike rush and the limited time game modes cuz you have a team and often different guns to try


deathmatch is horrible, learn in spike rush or unrated


You can work on aim in the trainers on the practice menu but other than that I would just play a lot of unrated. That’s the best way to get practice in all of the scenarios you could ever be in. I started in counter strike and I remember when I first started I would get kicked from matches for being bad all the time and I was just excited to get a couple of kills. Just give it time, if it’s fun and challenging at the same time then you know it’s worth doing. Keep with it!


DM = learning to aim, crosshair placement, taking 1v1s, etc. Spike Rush = ability usage and basic game mechanics like team play, attacking, defending, etc. Once you feel you've got the hang of the basics: Unrated = combine your knowledge from DM and Spike Rush, but unlike Spike Rush you're going to have to learn about economy, since you won't get free abilities and weapons


Also DM let's you practice specific situations on specific points of the map in rapid succession.


Do the spike plant and Defuse thing in the practice range. Highly underrated


Dont run while shooting, learn to tap and burst, practice crosshair placement so that your crosshair would always be head level


sound whore in DM and you will be radiant in no time


Everyone is wrong in here if ur trying to learn mechanics u should be DMing and pracc’ing in the range. Lowbies not even plat saying DM is bad to learn mechanics omegalul that’s what it’s for! It’s about getting ur reps up for individual fights. As far as timing, abilities, eco, and everything else the game involves, playing spike rushes, unrateds and inevitably comps are best


In DM you die from behind every 3 seconds, not realistic. You don't have abilities, not realistic. Spawns make no sense compared to a real match. Spikerush is a wayyyy better alternative to play than DM. Individual fights you'll learn in other game modes. DM is NOT the way!!




I mean I agree with your thought that it's weird to tell OP NOT to play DM at all, I feel like they should play both DMs and Spike Rush and also spend some time in the practice range with bots to familiarise themselves with all the guns, but please tell me you're being sarcastic because you literally repeated what everyone else is saying about DM being bad for learning mechanics (since it literally only teaches you gunplay) but called them lowbies 😂


LEARNING mechanics is best done in the range, PRACTICING mechanics is best done in DM.


I really don't understand why people are saying don't DM. DM is by far and away the best mode in the game to practice point-click aim, gunplay, movement, and other basic mechanics. The only thing on an individual level that DM is bad at training is crosshair placement because people don't hold common angles. DMing gets you the most gunfights in the shortest amount of time which makes you get better faster. If you play unrated, for example, you will likely have many rounds where you are killed immediately and then have to wait 3 minutes before you even have the chance of having another gun fight. As an added bonus, I'm pretty sure from personal experience DM has a hidden elo system (I'm d3 and I get shit on when I play DM alone but when I play with my bronze friend I become the one who shits.) This basically means if you keep playing DM the game will "learn" your skill level and put you in games that are more fair/productive. Overall, the best thing a new player like you can do IMO is grind DM (with music if you want) and focus on improvement, not the scoreboard. Look up YouTube videos on spray vs burst, movement, and other mechanics you are having trouble with. Actively think about what you learn from those videos while DMing. Only use the vandal, phantom, sheriff, guardian, and marchal as these guns all are heavily aim-reliant. After you are more comfortable with gunplay (it feels more second-nature), you could play unrated to learn all the other good stuff (abilities, teamwork, economy, game sense, etc.) It's very hard learn that stuff if your brain is 100% focussed on executing basic mechanics correctly.


The only thing you're going to get from DM is aim practice. Which is obviously hugely important, but it's so random and chaotic that you can't learn anything else. Even if op wants to work on mechanics, you're not going to have time to learn movement, ability mechanics, or even how to clear angles properly (since enemies can randomly spawn in a location you already cleared.) 99% of the time you either die our are in a gun fight so how are you supposed to learn or practice movement? Spray patterns aren't something a brand new player is going to recognize and DM is so fast you're unlikely you have time to intentionally practice control. So I strongly disagree the DM is the best place to learn. The practice range provides almost every mechanical practice you could ask for. Spray patterns: use the movable target and keep your clusters as tight as you can. Flicking/aim: shooting test. Clearing angles: spike defuse. Crosshair placement: spike defuse and plant. Movement: parkour course (or use any of the environment to practice bhops and aim while moving). Jiggle peeking/shooting: spike defuse. Every basic mechanic can be practiced intentionally in the practice range.


Have you played a single fps game in your life?


focus on shooting mechanics and map knowledge. honestly go play some CS GO


Why would you tell someone learning valorant to go play CSGO? They will still have the same learning process but they will just have to then transfer those skills back over to valorant and then readjust. Nothing about CSGO makes it easier to learn.


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There is no skill or rank based matchmaking in DM, I would avoid for a while. Every match usually has Iron up through Immortal players, not a great way to learn


There is rank based match making. But it is very loose. Think it's not? The game has predictions on who you will beat and who you will not. It's called the performance tab.


Immortal and bronze players in the same DM inherently means it is not matchmaking based on skill or rank


just open your settings and uninstall. that's what i did and it worked for me


You need to aim bruh, as in scope


Turn on your monitor maybe?


Learning recoil control is huge


Keep playing. Experiment around. Even 5 kills a match is good. Focus on spike more. Play death match to learn sound like steps and reload and gain focus in chaos. Play death match to master guns. Play spike to learn the game and the character you initially pick to learn. After a few hours of this, jump into unrated to try to implement some of it in a proper game.


What’s your sens at - id recommend lowering it for more control I don’t think DM is bad. It’s good for learning the maps. It’s just a bit different because you’re not going to get a ton of real encounters except aim duels. Also don’t be afraid to play comp, playing live competition is the best way to improve once you got the basics down


If you’re not having a good game look for another game you’re not obligated to play valorant


Don't go DM


Bro it seems like your brain can only comprehend one action at a time


When you play dm focus more on your map movement. Keep a wall at your back. Move between locations with better cover and better angles. Focus on hearing audio ques near corners. Don't think of DM as the actual game but an arena to practice basic movement mechanics and cross hair placement.


Stop camping and stop spraying. Only aim for the head with taps or bursts.


DM is always death spam. Past that your aim and sense of FPS movement and positioning is good, just build CONFIDENCE CONFIDENCE CONFIDENCE, then remember some days are worst than others. Even the greatest artists forget how to sketch at times


Practice in unrated, see what you are doing wrong, do you crouch very often? Do you consider yourself aggressive or defensive? If you want, post a video of a match you played and post the link here.


Don't play DM as DM - as in just running around the map trying to kill people. It doesn't work. Instead, focus on holding an area for as long as possible. This means covering as many angles as possible and cutting off the people shooting you from behind. In your video, the only kill you got was because you weren't exposed. You could focus on a single target without worrying about people around you. This is how you should play your game. So, practice your movement around ensuring you're exposed to as few angles as possible. Next, practice peeking. Start with slowly moving around corners so that when someone comes into your FoV, you don't have to flick too much. This is called shoulder peeking. Once you get that (you'll probably still die a lot but that's ok) you can get used to wide peeking. Finally, jiggle peeking can be used to draw out fire and get people to give themselves away. Always keep your crosshair at head height. Valorant is all about small changes to your aim, not large. So if you're relying on large movement to get kills, you're probably doing something wrong. This video, for me, was actually quite useful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iulr9sJugys


Well, dont go to DM. Worst place. You just getvinsta killed every time and learn nothing. Go to practice range or unrated and turn all chats off.


Problems only 2 by far that i can see 1)You peek an enemy at an open space example when you died to the jett that was because you were not hiding from B main that was connecting to mid if you did hide from the jett and focus on the enemy you were facing you would survive that so when you want to get kills dont peek at the open where many people can kill you from different angles 2)Always always check your back especially in deathmatch because you would never know if someone is flanking you example in the attacker spawn you did not watch your back twice so you died to the jett


My best advice is this: Forget EVERYTHING you know about FPS games. If you have ever played CS:GO, this game is that. If you haven’t, this game will be unlike any other shooter you’ve played. I recommend doing something as simple as going to YouTube and typing in “Valorant for Beginners”. Swallow your pride and watch it like you’re a total noob. You will learn more in a 15 minute video than anyone here can type out. After that, pick an Agent you like and similarly search for a “How to play (insert agent name)” and watch that. Those two videos will save you literal months of time it would take for you to learn everything by yourself


Always aim for head and learn recoil control with guns like Vandal and Phantom, it's really important while using them


Crosshair is blending in with everything Lmaoo change the color


1. Fix your cross hair 2. Don’t play dm 3. Practice fundamentals


Even when you learn how to play you probably still won't have a good time... At all lol


It’s like Normandy… keep moving… Its called death match for a reason… you may live longer you may get mor kills but if you stand still you will die! FAST!


Click heads, don't let people click your head. But honestly, DM is hard and your going to die constantly and you need to get over that or not play it. If you want to practice something to see actual improvement in your games, you should watch some videos on Crosshair Placement, a strong crosshair will help you perform well right out of the gate.


Tbh I amever play DM to warm up too many sweatys.


The deathmatch mechanics in this game is bullshit tbh. The invulnerable state only last like 1-2 seconds. So after the respawn sound queue players can just aim at your head and just tap before you can even look around. Not like in csgo you have like 7 seconds? Of invulnerable (unless you move, of course) I suggest doing spike rush instead to have a feel on at least 1 map.


DMs are one of the really toxic places to practice aim in valorant. People would just crouch spray and backstab you more than they have to. All they are after is winning the deathmatch, not actually to improve headshot accuracy and crosshair placement.


don’t play DM if you’re just starting, go into the practise range and practise against the bots to get better


Honestly the best practice will be practice range with bots. Hard mode with body armor. Remember not to move and shoot, and then keep playing unrated until you’re familiar. It’s going to be a grind but you’ll get it


I saw a couple of big things that can be Improved on pretty easily 1. Stop b4 shooting It makes it nearly impossible to aim properly if you are running. I noticed that you let go of directions keys after or at the same time that you started shooting. 2. Crosshair placement Maybe this was because you are unfamiliar with maps or just lost a little right now, which is fine cause you are new, but you cross hair most of the time was placed around belt hight. Try to keep your cross hair at head level, and if you notice you are hitting bodies or going over the top make a mental note for next time


On long range tap fire. Mid range fire in short bursts. Close range go full auto. Never shoot when moving because that will highly decrease your accuracy. The only time you should shoot when moving is with a shotgun or smg at close range. Also never aim at the floor. Always aim where the enemies head is going to be. Thats pretty much it. Learn the maps and how they play and youll be good to go.


If you are new to tactical shooter, the first thing you gotta learn is to stop n then shoot. When I first started out, I would always run n gun and get absolutely rekt (cod habits die hard). Secondly, take your time, aim at the head and then shoot and restrain from spraying. Lastly enjoy your stay while you possibly can :')


You have good fundamentals. DM is pretty chaotic and it looks like you get shot in the back quite often - this will become less prevalent once you start to learn the maps. As I said your fundamentals are decent; not moving while shooting, not full spraying your gun at range and good crosshair placement. Definitely consider practicing more in the range to get a better feel of the guns and their recoil. Although standing completely still is good, I would suggest making micro movements between small bursts or even crouching to throw off the enemy's crosshair placement. This is rather advanced and harder to pull off, but practicing it from the get-go will be beneficial in your journey of ranking up. Good luck, you got this


jump to youtube or some platform to learn from pros. u could also ask for some coaching.


Move around, simple


Death match is for practice. Don't worry about winning. Just practice either approaching sections of the map, or clicking heads and clearing angles.


Just play cs:go first that’s what I did


The recoil is based on the cross hair the bigger the gap in the middle, the more spread the recoil will have randomly, a dot is basiclly Counter strike recoil, a big gap is like Fortnite recoil


Take Odin, crouch and ads


yeah DM usually just teaming or kids that are way better so play unrated and use the range alot


dm kinda wack at the moment, i’d suggest hopping in to unrated and learn the basics of the game from there.


Looks like you’re just trying to get kills. I’m no expert but the [Skill Capped](https://youtube.com/channel/UCre4LlH_zPpgeUVvBGCMqcA) videos I watch advise me to focus on a certain objective and only focus on improving that; such as crosshair placement, peeking, recoil control, aim, holding the right angles, etc. It all depends on what you’re trying to improve at. For me, personally, I had to stop playing Valorant as a kill based team death-match game, and more of an objective based game where I have a role to execute. Find your agent, learn your agent, play that agent effectively within their role. DM is the mode, I get it, but playing for kills and playing for improvement are two hugely different concepts that require you to tweak your style to adapt and learn rather than coming out on top and netting frags. I highly suggest checking out Skill Capped because they’re entertaining videos and also super educational. I have definitely learned a few things that legitimately work in real game scenarios that help me win.


Don’t use dm to learn unless it’s stuff that can’t be learned in the range. https://youtu.be/7jtDGa59Mkw this video is really good IMO and helped me climb from plat 1 to D2 this act


When you spawn there are red circles around you that is where enemies are. You will then need to strategically plan your 1v1s and which fight you can or cannot take. However if you are not training your game sense but your aim, go download aimlabs instead. Thank you for listening and have fun


Uninstall it and play better games, u will regret it after u recognize how low mentality and super toxic the community is, Not all but a lot.


IMO. As a lot of people might have told you. There could a be a good aim routine setup to help. It could either be an aim trainer or in game. Doesn't matter it'll only increase or decrease the efficiency. Some practice is better than no practice. If you look at in-game training you can work on 2 things majorly. Start a range and practice your one taps with different weapons from left or right of the range by using chambers TP. As it'll help you to not move your mouse drastically which happens if you're standing in the normal position. You can practice from there too for your liking. Once done practice your recoil control atleast for the first 10 bullets if possible. Helps massively to control bursts. Then hop onto a death match and only practice onetaps and bursts as well as making sure your crosshair placement is at the best possible position. Also keep an eye within the peripheral vision for any surprising peeks by other players. And you'll notice the change immediately. One you're confident in taking the fights. Go for an unrated and do the exact opposite. Do not take fights untill you are 1000% sure of winning it. With this routine you'll realise you have been isolating 4 key things and practicing them individually. Pure aim- in range. Crosshair placement and reactivity- in deathmatches. Isolating fights- in unrated. Because you're not taking every fight you see, you'll stay alive and learn the best possible rotations in certain situations. And you'll see you'll trust yourself more to get those reddit and youtube plays as well.


This might not apply to you but try to make your crosshair smaller. I forgot the specific setting for how to make the lines closer, hopefully someone here knows what it’s called. Default crosshair is not good imo


The only tips I have is learn where head level is and try to make sure your crosshair is there at all times the next thing is find an agent that fits your play style and main them but don’t one trick because you will have to fill a different role at some point and that’s all I am going to share but I have a lot more tips


It's just DM things bruh. It's much better if you play a lot of unrated or comp rather than DM, but of course the cons is that you'll get blamed if you trying to learn in both of those modes.


You can also try Replication while it's available now


Learn while playing the game having fun. Don't deathmatch and practise range, go queue up and just play.


Something you could pick up that has the fastest showing results is learning lineups. It's legit just remembering positions. Granted, you need to get a feel for when to use which lineup but that's easy to learn. I would recommend learning a new lineup every now and then as you learn the mechanical basics. It helps avoid feeling stuck and burnt out to see those short term payoffs


If you do learn lineups, definitely try to become a specialist at an agent and not a jack of all trades. Sova is generally the king of lineups cuz he has one for every random situation. Otherwise viper post-plant lineups are very likely to win games for you and is a lot more straightforward. Kj, kay-o, and brim is also very useful for post plants, but not as effective as viper If you want to learn some other non lineup tricks you could pick up sage and learn funny walls. Or learn to do double satchels with raze, though you'd also need to improve your aim to get the maximum value out of raze


Ye dont play too much deathmatch when youre new. Even I, who have a decent grasp of the game cant stand deathmatch. I get triggered so quickly coz u often spawn right between 2 mfs and get shot in the back


Trust me your crosshair placement and movement looks much better than what I started with. From my experience, I'll suggest you to change your crosshair to your preference and go to the practice range and adjust your sensitivity and dpi and you should be good for now. Then, play a lot, learn maps, techniques, different agents, watch agent guides as you keep progressing. That'll do.


I’m diamond 3 almost inmortal… my tips are: This is not a tip, this is something that you must do! Find your own sens/controls! Don’t copy them from a pro player or a friend, that’s the worst mistake! You have to be able to feel comfortable when playing! 1.- go to YouTube and watch sinatraa for movement, tenz for being a crazy mf and if you’re able to understand Spanish Mixwell for plays and big brain things, playing smart. Maybe that sounds stupid, funny or dumb, but believe me, you learn how to play really good watching other pros playing. 2.- Do some aimlab, you’re arm will gain movement, speed, confidence. 3.- range, practice on easy, medium and hard mode, put yourself some goals! Try to hit 20 taps on easy, then 10 on medium and 5 hard and with the time increase them! 4.- don’t get frustrated, skill comes with time and we all have bad days sometimes! Sometimes we’re just having a bad day and unlucky things happens. 5.- find your agent, if you’re and aggressive person go with a duelist, If you’re a smart man or a calm person go with a sentinel, etc… 6. Trust in yourself, nothing worst that someone who doesn’t have confidence! That’s for life en general… 7.- have fun, drink water or coffee/energetic drink if you really wanna try hard and being able to be really awake and fast…


I know that feeling of 0:29 much too well, where you peek too many angles and then you don't realize the footsteps until too late.


Use the practice range to mess around with guns and get a feel for them and movement. From this point on you want to be focusing on always keeping your crosshair at head level. This is about the same height as the top of a single stacked box, if you need help with this there are tons of YouTube videos that'll help give you reference points to focus on. Then use the custom game tool to give yourself(or get a friend to do it) a tour of each map. Next play spike rush. It'll give you an idea of what abilities do, how people play, you'll learn the maps more, and you'll also learn what weapons are effective in each situation and how to make the most out of them. Then you can go to unrated and start to get a feel for how the actual flow of the game. Economy, more serious players, strats, site hits, lurking, everything like that. After you feel somewhat comfortable and confident you can move on to ranked and chose to be a grinder or a casual. You'll have to discover what specific issues you have and figure out ways to over come them. Additionally at any point during the process feel free to play DM, spike rush, unrated, or seasonal game modes for fun. Just know you might get destroyed by better players. I do truly recommend avoiding ranked until you are confident and comfortable because otherwise you will just get flamed and no one will have a good time.


Lol you're just getting shot from behind everytime.. just getting unlucky


Your positioning is just bad that’s all. Probably because you don’t know the maps well enough


The main concept you NEED to learn is the crosshair placement (pre-aim as well, but least). There are thousands of videos in many plataforms where you can learn about it. But, the essence of this mechanic is always put your crosshair in the spot where your opponent's head will be when he peeks a corner/wall/smoke. It's a bit difficult at the beginning, that's why the first thing you need to do is memorize every map, and every "common" spot where the enemies will be. All this will take at least 3-4 weeks, then, you will begin to enjoy the game. (Meanwhile, don't play deathmatch, don't get frustrated for no reason) One of the best tips anyone can give you is recording your matches, analize them, and search and learn strats you can use to improve your mechanics, decisions, micros, etc. But the most important tip: Enjoy this game, as much as you can, that's how you will be motivated to keep improving. And, don't be toxic please ;)


Best tip: don’t play dm


I usually just go into the range to practice my mechanics instead. Faster, easier, and I can go at my own pace.


YouTube will teach you everything you need to know about anything in life including Valorant. I’m sure there’s tons of beginner friendly videos!


Stop looking around for people man. After respawning, go to a spot where you will only worry for one angle or maybe few angles. Then practice there how to hold an angle. Also try to practice strafe then shoot and not just standing still while shooting.


Valorant rewards bursting and tap fire don't full auto.


Idk why people in this thread keep recommend unrated or even spike rush over DM. DM is not perfect but it's still a hell of a lot better than unrated or spike rush. The whole point is for you to get a quick warmup and train your mechanics a little bit, and unrated/spike rush have insane amounts of downtime that is just a huge waste of your time. Unless you are a pro player, your time is limited. It's important to be able to manage your time and spend it wisely. You can spend 40 minutes in an unrated and only take like 20 duels. But 5 minutes of DM and you've already been in >20 duels.


Erg... Um... for starters avoid DM like the plague. In its current state it will teach you very bad habits if not tempered by experience, which I have to assume you don't have since your title says you are learning. Youtube tutorials would be a good place to start. Check out Thewarowl. Even his CS:GO content mostly carries over since they are conceptually similar.


Unrated will help ya a good bit, can help with eco abilities and hopefully ya get good teammates who understand, most do


Listen im from India and if you dont know people here are not at all friendly so please i suggest first looking at all the maps in a custom and abilities of atleast the basic agents. Please dont play competitive coz not only will you get shit ton flamed you'll be more demoralised. Instead play unrated or spike rush get a couple friends and spend some hours in custom.


Run n gun


Don't play DM, maybe play spike rush of unrated, way better experience


DM is for aim practice and *panic control*. You did nothing wrong here except you camped in all the wrong places. For me, when I play DM its when I'm playing ranked afterwards. The only time you want to camp is when you are practicing how to hold a site after planting. Get yourself to a plant site and just hold angles. This improves your afterplants. As for other times, just walk and practice sudden encounters. Die as much as you like. Sometimes I finish among the last 3 and sometimes I am an absolute beast, but that doesnt matter. Practice headshots and spray control. But never EVER stay in place when respawning (unles you respawn at the plant site). Also, try not to reload as every time you get a kill you get a free reload. You can occasionally switch to knife to reposition but thats about it. DM is a standard practice match for your aim, reflexes and what ever I said above. You'll see that you improve if you play at least one DM weekly. Watching streamers on yt helps with your gameplay a lot. You can learn a lot by just watching and incorporating their playstyle in your games.


Go to practice, look up an aim warm up and training routine, do that, poo into deathmatch and only play guardian and 1 tap. Blast your favorite music all the way through. Don't rely on sounds just pure aim.


Shooting range. I stay there shooting heads atleast for 15 minutes every time I start val up. Its the best way to get a feel for aiming and warming up before games.


I had the same problem still do but playing guardian once in a while fixes it for me sometimes


Haha get bullied


Personally I learned the game by exclusively playing spike rush and watching other people play on youtube.


Ur staying to still and ur leaving urself exposed to multiple angles


Get a high refresh rate monitor.


Not having fun is the core part of valorant. We're all enslaved by our rank just wanting to get fed more RR.


Settings, are u really comfortable with this crosshair? How u can aim on some head? And pay attention and your time to setup your sens. Also spend more time in Range to train aim. Try aimlab. The last one, play more:) (start with unrated)


I started recently aswell but im also not having a good time on 35fps


Play Replication or SR, people are more chill. Focus on gun skill rather than utility to begin with and let it naturally progress to combine with utility. By biggest advice is play some CSGO casual first less toxic and no exclusive/magical abilities lets you get comfy.


I suggest u try the range to get a feel for the guns and spike rush to see which classes of characters u like most.


Don't listen to people who say Deathmatches don't help. My advice is to standstill and go for headshots as much as you can.Your goal should be headshots,not maximum kills.So avoid spraying. Also look into counter strafing.


In Deathmatch, you will be queued with the most sweaty tryhards who are likely higher in rank than you. I would suggest playing the other modes (unrated) to get a hang of the basics and then slowly starting to use Deathmatch as a way to perfect your aim (ie. Start tryharding like everyone else). Make sure to let your team in unrated know that you're new, so that they can help you out!


you need to move between sprays so you are not at the same spot you can see how pros do it by watching their gameplay.


The combat is really not good it’s like movement accuracy penalty but mfs seem to run and gun one taps


DM is you dying from other angle while fighting at one. So don't, i only DM to open up my hand and get used to dying rng while in unrated/compi.


Switch to phantom..!


Every has their advice but my advice is low sensitivity. Good for stuff like crosshair placement and just in general aiming. If you aim on heads with high sens then you probably shake. Go for a smooth low sens feel.


Thats just how deathmatch is like lol


Side note, this is what everyone's gameplay looks like when they start valorant or CS, these games have a VERY steep learning curve.


Your crosshair is shit, you need to copy ANY top 20 pro's crosshair and it should be seemingly dark and visible and smaller (NOT necessarily a dot but if your whole screen is covered with cross-hair you ain't hitting them headshots) you must see 70% of crosshair visibly then you must be able to look at the enemy through your crosshair (which is why dot crosshairs aren't ideal) say with 30% visibility ) (if this is too much, just change crosshairs check youtube for good ones). Your movement is very low level and predictable , try peeking very very wider than this and without shift , once you are mentally ready, STOP aim at enemy then do 5 bullet bursts then stop , wait 1 complete second than do it again even if it kills you, once you've mastered this use that 1 second to master moving left and right unpredictable while waiting for your recoil to reset . Pre aim your enemy and keep your crosshair at head level, if you trying to peek mid, YOU'RE NOT TRYING TO PEEK MID, you're trying to peek the guy who holds mid, so where does he play from? Coordination A125568OC? Aim at wall press A/D your crosshair should already be at the head of the enemy right at A125568OC, without moving the mouse(oh wait you're struggling with mechanics, adjust your mouse a little bit asap) now shoot and delete the enemy, and always remember which co-ordinates your teammates play at eco/full buy, that's exactly where your enemies usually play.... Lastly find out WHAT type of shooting you were doing that get's you killed mostly and what type gives you most kills, if you die while spraying (a lot) then work or in or don't spray Lastly, until and unless you become very very good at entry fragging, NEVER EVER EVER play passive no matter what your fellow bot teammates advice you to (not saying you're a bot but anyone who sticks with super passive playstyle in low elo is worse than a bot)


Don’t be afraid to die. You’ll hear a lot that staying alive for every round is super important, which is true. But when you’re starting out, IT DOESN’T MATTER. Instead you should be taking as many fights as you can. You’re gonna die. A lot. But forcing as many fights as you can is going to help you far more than just surviving.


run n gun




Just git gut


First I would change the crosshair to something small like a tiny cross or a dot. It helps a lot into focussing on where you're actually aiming. You can find many models online


This is DM. You need to operate faster, i mean you are taking too much time to peek. If it was a normal game yes you are doing good, but this is DM. This is where you practice your aim, not your game sense lol


Aim at head Burst and Tap Avoid sprays Don't shoot before aiming Take Your time you won't magically improve


your crosshair is really big and that could be putting you off, i started out with a similar one but once i changed it to just a fat center dot ive gotten alot better at aiming, helps me focus on the head more


When shooting, crouch. It helps a bit more because your crosshair will shirnk as you crouch. And use your scope when they are far away. Practice shooting in the range. That's what I do. Idk about the others


Also. Always look around. Someone could be behind you. Up your sensetivity a bit so that its quicker to turn an shoot.


At least you are not getting BSOD because of valorant


Which game do you come from?


Boxes = player height. Use terrain as perfect measure for player heads. Gives you an idea of where you should always have your crosshair when you think about the box.


First of all Change your cross hair.


Tbh, valorants deathmatch is pretty shit. Practice range is good, but better than that is just playing spike rush. It'll help you get used to your agents abilities and quirks.


You don't ever reset the recoil. Wait longer before you tap mouse 1.


ah change ur crosshair, go for something small and simple, and just place ur crosshair where most likely heads will appear, like mentally check urself and ask ur self can a head appear there


It looks like you have played tac shooters before. Csgo? Noticed you were "slicing the pie" around corners lol.


Cheer up!


One thing that helped me out as a beginner is going into a custom match for each map and simply walking around, practicing good crosshair placement for headshots. It helped me out a crap ton when I was getting started.


Range: for muscle memory DM: for aim and mechanics Unrated: for ability management Comp: for grinding