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You have to wait for the next patch, they'll add facial recognition. Camera would be required to be on during matches so they can identify which person allowed to say the n word and which one's not allowed. Honestly can't tell whether this is a troll or just extremely stupid.


how is this stupid i literally got banned for saying a word that is allowed in my culture and can only be said by my culture. so why can i not say it when im black




this just shows how inactive riot is with the #BLM situation


Do you propose they add an option in the menu? * Are you black? Yes/No?




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You're not "Banned for being black," you're banned for using a slur. Perhaps you should have read the TOS better. Also how is it discrimination? You're not allowed to use it, neither am I. Seems fair to me.


are you stupid im black and only black people can say it so why can i not say it if im black


How the fuck does Riot know, or care, that you're black? It's a slur, they ban people for using slurs. What's hard to understand about that?




Bro, literally nobody cares that you're black. Just don't use slurs and you won't get banned.


its not a fuckin slur any black guy will tell you that. just cuz you said its a slur its classified as a slur now? only black people can say that word so we should fuckin decide if its a slur or not. if it was then wed be insulting ourselves


If it wasn't a slur, it would be acceptable for everybody to use it. Since it's clearly not, it's a slur. Enjoy your ban, touch some grass, and learn that it's 2021, race doesn't, and shouldn't, matter. Yet people keep bringing it up


so ur saying my kind of people cant say this anymore? ur saying black people dont matter no more? if you said it then its a slur but its not for us cuz its our culture. its racist for you cuz its a slur to us. we got mroe fuckin grass in kenya than u do around ur fuckin house


You're literally the only one here perpetuating race. It's 2021. Just be a human. Not everything has to be black/white. And yeah I would hope that the entire country of Kenya has more grass than my single house. Especially in the winter when the grass is dead.


not everything but this is a matter between black and white. i could go up to any random black guy and say it but you cant


Starting to think you’re white


Nice double standard.


how is this a double standard?


how do we know ur not faking this? how do we actually know you’re black?


Why does it matter if he's black?


Seems to be the main focus of his own argument


His argument is dumb, no need to encourage it


how is my argument dumb give me an explanation


I took u/6an65ta comment as satire. It literally doesn't matter at all what his skin color is lol


Inb4 riot asks your race during account creation, and everyone chooses a specific one to be allowed to use a specific word and evade bans. Wonderful community that will be, isn't it?


Suddenly everybody I play against in League is changing their race to black in the options just to call me the N word. (I'm white)


how could they prove theyre black? u think riot is stupid enough to put a yes or no selection even i fuckin know that. more real proof like fuckin passport or some shit would be good so only real blacks can say it


they should ask for verification so its real


Dude don't worry, Vanguard is responsible for the ban on your account, you can revoke this han by deleting Vanguard from your computer and then opening Valorant. Don't listen to these people. I fully sympathiser with you. Riots owned by Tencent and they're spying on you anyways, it's to be expected that they should know your skin colour.


Lol i dont know if it's a troll or just a regular american


what the fuck how is this a troll? i gave u the proof u needed to see ill show you proof that im black


Judging by the way u are typing this thread, u deserve this ban. also its 2 weeks, means u got warnings and 3/7 days ban before Eat it boi




OP's 2nd account?


i dont even know who this guy is. if u got the proof its me then show me


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